BatRep: WHFest Alpha Legion v Custodes
Mission Dominion, Diagonal Deployment
Blade Champion
3x terminators
4x 5 man custodian squads
Achillus Dread - Spear
3x Caladius - 2x anti infantry, 1x anti tank
5 objectives were put in no mans land, and we hadprogressive scoring so 1VP at the start of your turn per objective, giving me the immediate advantage with my infiltrators.
I lost the roll off for deployment so deployed first, moving my stuff as close to the objectives as possible, bit dangerous wit the custodes. The lascannons deployed on a ruin at the back, the grav behind a building closer in, the fulmentarus under the lascannons and out of sight to act as counterpunch, and my short ranged dreads in the middle to get stuck in asap. Recons went on a far left back corner objective to hold that for me.
My opponent was afraid of the lascannons and castled everything in the ruins to the back, putting everything out of LOS of the lascannons, bunching together. 2x guard squads, the terminators and valdor went into reserve, again like 1k points that would be off the table. I think if my opponent had deployed everything on the table, and agressively, he might have won due to my aggressive deployment, but this wasn't to be.
Deployment - distraction headhunters are between the ruins in the top left to go caladius hunting, as their meltas are useless v custodian guard. Photo is after scout moves.
Recons score me 1VP. Movement - the effrit get within 12" of the custodes, the headhunters advanceon the left hand caladius, however he had boxed himself in so couldn't fall back, and just rotated it to face my front armour, incidentally getting closer to my melta guns, which fired into it, wrecking it.
The fear of the lascannons was their undoing, as the grav rapiers rounded the corner, to my opponent's surprise (he thought they couldn't move and fire, not something I thought I'd have to go over), and they dropped 3 pie plates onto the clustered 2 caladius and dread, doing 3 hp to one caladius, 2 to the other, and 3hp to the dread, as well as putting them all in dangerous terrain.
The Effrit killed one or 2 custodes, the seekers took down another probably, and the leviathan shot into the achillus, doing some damage. 1-0 to the Alphas.
After AL movement
Custodes T1
After taking a severe mauling, the anti tank caladius went to the left, and the anti infantry one on 1HP skimmed forwards to land on the central objective. the achillus moved forwards to content the central objective. I don't react to get 2x shooting reactions. The left hand custodians went after, charged and killed the heahunters (but theyd done their job, twice by killing a tank then distracting a unit). Not much happens in the shooting phase, maybe some wounds off the MM dread. The achillus charges the mm dread, now next to the 1hp caladius. I overwatch with melta and grav, and knock it down to 1W, and put it in terrain. It still makes the charge, and handily splatters my contemptor...which then explodes for a 1" wounds the achillus....and my opponent fails the save, killing it! The Achillus explodes 3" catching the caladius in the side...I roll a 4 and it's glanced, stripping the last HP killing it also! Almost on Titanicus levels of destruction.
That was insane. I now have 3 units on objectives for 3VP. My dreads, seekers and everything movel up and wipe out the rest of his custodes and the last caladius, now in lascannon LOS. 4-0 to the Alphas.
After ALT2 movement
Custodes T2
Valdor and co finally arrive. They land just behind the central building out of LOS of most of my lascannons and contemptor, and next to my rapiers. With my 2 movement reactions from my WLT, I intercept with the rapiers to put the terminators and custodians into dangerous terrain X3, not killing anything. The lascannons augury the terminator that 5 of them can see and they kill one. The reaction point is used on the fulmentarus who punk some custodians. The seekers react and kill one, and the recons do stuff from across the board. The terminators and valdor fail their charge, the custodians make it into the rapiers on like a 10, and wipe them. The rapiers probably overwatched again to have 6 dangerous templates down, which I think killed another custodian on the way in.
Start of CGT2 Assault
After that is was pretty much clean up. Between the effrit, fulmetarus, lascannons and 2 dreads, I killed off everything, the leviathan and contemtor then double teamed Valdor to finish him off in combat
Playing out the rest of the game, my opponent scored 0 VP while I had 1 objective in T1, and 3 objectives from turns 2-6, for 16pts, then 1 for slay the warlord, 2 from leviathal, then 2 for attrition for 21VP total. A fair drubbing to the custodes, 21-0.
Edited by Xenith
- Cactus, Spazmolytic and Gorgoff
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