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Crusade - Introduction & Game 1




Mêlée à Two-V-Two


Aaaah, it's been too long! Truly, Crusade is the only way to play modern 40K. 10th may not be perfect - far from it - but for largely casual, theme-focused Crusade games? It's a lot of fun. After ending my last Crusade early - you can find how that all ended over on my WIP Thread Post Here - we all took a break to paint something other than Space Marines and Tyranids (and, in one case, to have a child!) before finally getting our act together in January this year to start something fresh. 


The line up this time is a little more diverse, which is always a good thing. Man cannot live on Marine-Nid matches alone, after all. Here's what everyone is bringing to the party - which may change, we have a few armies that are being tried out, and may be swapped for other options as the Crusade rolls on.


- @Agnostic Doggo - The Treachery of Twilight, a Death Guard warband, currently infantry with some vehicle support.

- Andrew - Balhaut 23rd Armoured Recon, Imperial Guard with plenty of vehicles.

- Heath - The Blood Masons, World Eaters Warband, who may transform into Emperor's Children once those kits get downunder.

- James - Craftworld Ulthwé, Infantry with bikes and more to come.

- Kieran - WAAAAAAGH Grot-Snicker, a veritable horde of Grot Tanks.

- Your Humble Blogsmith - The Ky'Vash Recon Cadre - Disorganised T'au stuff in camo.


We're running Pariah Nexus, though I don't believe any of us are that interested in Blackstone, just after a different set of missions to flail at! We're also starting with more evenly painted forces, too! That extra time between Crusades has paid dividends, and we have a minimum of bare plastic, which I just LOVE to see.




The Engines of Balhaut.



The Guns of Ky'Vash.


Game one was lightly derailed by a positive COVID test, so we did a mix of 1v1 and 2v1 games, 500+500 against 1,000. Andrew's Guard was most ready to play at that size, so we started with James and I having a team-up. We won, too, with some casualties. My Hammerhead put in some real work, the first casualty of the game - if not for the Crusade as a whole, because by the time we started playing the 1v1 was in full swing - was the unfortunate Chimera it obliterated. It then proceeded to put holes in tanks, and be weirdly hard to hit until finally exploding on turn 4, having sat on top of a building soaked up the attention of both of Andrew's tanks. Poor bugger wasn't lucky with those hit rolls. 


It was other wise pretty standard. Rough Bikers taking down my Ghostkeel, James' Windriders taking out the other wing, and all our infantry scuffling over the middle objective. My Firewarriors didn't move all game, they just sat on the home objective and blasted away. Love that Fireblade, though he put in WAY more work in game 2. 


What really matters is that I got to shoot my railgun. Felt good. 



Balhaut 23rd Armoured Recon - 1,000 points.



Craftworld Ulthwé - 500 points.


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