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3 Screenshots

About This File

Here is a zipped collection of three .png images of Kill Team (2021) printable game aids. I made a Match Roster Sheet, Narrative Dataslate, and a page with 3 Narrative Data Cards that can be cut out.


I must credit u/evileyeball on reddit for making original Narrative Data Card and the symbols for the Ranks and "Specialisms".

Their Narrative Data Card can be found on this reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/killteam/comments/pf43cy/narrative_datacard_template_i_whipped_up/

I re-drew the info boxes, added flavorful fonts and a faded Kill Team Logo in the background and arranged the cards on a printer-friendly .png.


The Match Roster Sheet & Narrative Dataslate were entirely created by me, based of course on the Official GW Kill Team sheets you can photocopy from the rulebooks.


Enjoy and feel free to leave feedback!

What's New in Version 1.0   See changelog


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