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About Arganias

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  • Location
    San Diego, CA
  • Faction
    Black Templars

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  1. For my group, We have a couple of Space Wolf and Black Templar players (me being one and the most avid). We also have Dark Angels (mostly Deathwing), Deathwatch, Ravenguard and Ultramarines. All of these armies were built before the supplements. Unfortunately, especially with the PA, one player has also become a bit of a chaser, buying Mephiston for BA, then switching the Fists, if I kept in touch the newer releases might have had him changeup again.
  2. Thanks @toaae! Did they elaborate if they could still target things in the terrain features? Or was it limited to being on the otherside of one? It sounds like they are taking a page out of 5th edition with not being able to draw LOS through certain pieces of Area Terrain. I just hope it isn't applied too broadly, or too limiting. I can see the value in line of sight blocking terrain so long as it isn't just what terrain does and automatically block out bottom row windows on all ruins.
  3. @Fulkes I think I missed that article. What does it mean?
  4. I like everything revealed so far, even some of the ITC stuff that is being implemented along narrative mechanics. The one thing I don't want is the ITC bottom level windows being blocking. I want GW to address the basic issue with terrain in 8th that made that ruling necessary. Hopefully something more like pre-8th with certain features having fixed cover saves, but probably not quite as good as they were in pre-8th. I wouldn't want a Basilisk sitting in rubble to get a flat 3+ cover with how many wounds it has. I know they teased some of the terrain rules in the top 9 things about 9th video. I just hope it keeps me hyped like most everything else.
  5. I'm kind of hoping with GW hiring the guy who runs Nova to be their global events guy, they will introduce an alternative tournament system. One that theme and hobbying might be a bigger factor in. ITC can still exist, but I would think that being able to have a format that is more appealing to a decent portion of 40k players that aren't being served by ITC. Heck even if it's just more global campaigns. I do think it is in GW's best interest to encourage some level of competitive play that sticks closer to their own rules.
  6. Thank you for all of your input! It would make sense that they would maintain two entire companies of nothing but scouts, while the 10th is the Vanguard marines with some scouts (that don't count against the 100 Marine limit). I was wanting to make a Vanguard force of Excorcists as part of an Inquisitorial Task Force. I wanted the Vanguard to be a solid core with the option to have Elysians in support for larger games, all vehicles in the army will have fly or be the Warsuit. I just like the idea of shadow wars and trying to stop cults and Chaos elements from even beginning to get a foothold. Or destroying other key objectives before a larger assault.
  7. Hello everyone! I have been tinkering around with the idea of making an Excorcist Vanguard force for an Inquisition Army. I was wondering, since before Primaris were introduced they had three scout companies. Does this mean they have three vanguard companies? I know they are a codex compliant chapter, but since they have accepted Primaris and it seems a little off with the new organizational treatises, it would be odd to have strictly scout companies now. I would also imagine that the Order Malleus might like the ability for expanded clandestine operations. What do you guys think?
  8. This is my interpretation of them based off of my thoughts on their fluff. Warded: I figured this made sense due to their Possession Therapy, makes them a little more reselient to the various MW causing abilities and spells that Daemon armies can throw out. Knowledge is Power: While they don't necessarily use Psychers more or less than other chapters, I figured the Excorcists would bring skilled psychers to bare against Daemonic enemies. These are just my thoughts on them if you want to break away from the parent chapters.
  9. My last game was against Nurgle Daemons and my Champion was on a Tear. He killed about 8 Pox Walkers, A Slopity Bilepiper, a Poxbringer and he almost solo'd a Daemon Prince (my opponent made some really good resilience saves).
  10. So far, off the top of my head... A rhino An Exalted Sorcerer 2/3 of a Thousand Sons Contemptor Dread by himself (got charged by it after it finished off another squad, made all the saves and killed it, this was right after the exalted Sorcerer) I can't think of many at the moment, but I will keep track!
  11. Sorry for the late reply, I appreciate the clarification. That group mostly played Imperium and basically only ever tell me things from the Imperial perspective, they are mostly young and 90% loyalist. I expressed my interest in maybe starting Iron Warriors but then all I got was screeching about how Perturabo is an autistic scrub that no one liked, then they brought up Phall as an example, also Tallaran. The Imperial Fist player in particular was just non-stop, it got really obnoxious so I just continued to play 40k and Sigmar with my main group. I might have to dive back into this again. I still like the idea of a forgotten age, but that will slowly fade in 40k with the other Primarchs returning at some point. I will admit that Gman being legitimately angry with the state of affairs of the modern Imperium has been effective as a plot device for me knowing the goals of the Emperor. It must be crushing to be woken up from 10,000 years of slumber into what can only be described as a literal nightmare.
  12. I used to think I was being an old fart when a bunch of kids keep telling me about lore from the HH game. The more they tell me the more I believe that Horus was only ever somewhat competent up until he officially revealed his treachery. Once it was out in the open, and somehow after practically destroying 3 loyalist legions, proceeded to lose every major engagement. I was told Alexis Pollux was ambushed by a vastly superior fleet of IW and he basically proceeded to outmaneuver and embarrass Perturabo. I understand that this is a bit of hear-say, but I'm not a fan of a lot of what I have seen of the setting or the game. I read the first three books of the series, but after the third and Flight of the Eisenstein I couldn't get into it. I like the idea of the Heresy being a barely remembered time of mythology and allegory. I'm not going to tell people to not enjoy it, but I empathize with Priestly here.
  13. Those Reivers look great! If I had just finished painting mine I would totally steal this idea. Keep up the great work!
  14. You know you're a Black Templar when you make excuses to go to the gym and decide to watch Helsreach again and the prologue speech kicks in then you turn off YouTube and put your shorts on... https://youtu.be/1D4jr-0_COg?t=1m16s
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