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Everything posted by Ray_K

  1. Hey, all. I'm a BT player and looking to run some sisters with my army for fluff reasons.. although I think they actually dislike each other in real fluff? Something about hellsreach? Anyway, I'm looking to include a patrol detachment of sisters. My question is.. if you all could only take a very small add-on of sisters.. what would you recommend? So far I'm thinking canoness (loadout unknown) and two squads of battle sisters loaded with stormbolters. I feel it would compliment the foot slogging nature of BT pretty well and they might even be good for objective capping. Anything I'm overlooking or should be considering? Cool stratagems or rules synergies I should know about?
  2. That thought hadn't crossed my mind... but I like it! I have to make a Legio B&C Marine if that's the route I'm going to go. I've been wanting to make one for years. Thanks! I want to add some retro elements to them, but I don't want to go overboard. I'm also not good enough of a painter to add the REALLY oldschool stuff like checks and flames yet haha, but they're coming eventually. A six month break haha. I wish I was joking, but my summer job will prevent me from doing any hobby stuff until October or November. The short list is a rhino, another squad (bolters), and some more sisters of battle though. Thanks! I'm hoping to finish the first small squad of sisters next.
  3. Finally finished and based! My first ten crusaders. The holy purity varnish has been applied, so it's time to set these guys aside and figure out what's next on the table. http://i.imgur.com/a5wK3aUl.jpg http://i.imgur.com/hLQtK9Kl.jpg
  4. Consider the blue tint for the black sword stolen when I paint mine up
  5. I suppose it depends. I'd say our EC model is the most knightly unmodified sculpt. I'd also say our crusader squads are the most knightly in terms of rules and fluff. The opposite..? Good question. Maybe our tech priests.
  6. An update on squad two. Still no sword brother in sight, but whatever. They're still a bit chalky and WIP, but they're mostly done. I need to touch a few things up and add basing. Also the maul.. no idea what colors to paint that. It's going to be a power weapon of some type. Squad Two WIP http://i.imgur.com/nzI4fcal.jpg Family Photo http://i.imgur.com/QQdJlLCl.jpg
  7. Well that escalated quickly :lol: Looking good! I'd love to see some closeups of the rest of your force. Also what's up with that mace? Did your crusader beat up Sauron and take a war trophy?
  8. That's a shame. I'm lucky that a buddy of mine plays greenskins! (done thread jacking now)
  9. Just my amateur two cents. I use thinned vallejo varnishes in an airbrush. Seems to work fine for me so far.
  10. I often have the same problem with bases. I want them to look interesting without being too crowded. It's a really fine line to skirt. I've found one strategically placed piece of junk/rubble and an optional tuft of grass per base make it interesting to look at without turning it into a complete junkyard. Unrelated pic, sorry, but you can see what I mean on my bases here. http://i.imgur.com/7tDmiVem.jpg
  11. Hell yea, man. Love the old-school models!
  12. Interesting thread. I've always wanted to include Sisters in my Templar force and only recently started painting a few up. Would it be too far fetched to say there is an order of sisters loosely "attached" to my rampaging Templar crusade? Maybe a fleet of preachers and support personnel that follow the crusade around for various reasons. The sisters provide security and occasionally help the Templars lay the smackdown on heretics, witches, xenos, etc.
  13. These are gorgeous, dude. Can't wait to see more. I'm cruising the forum looking for inspiration for some Sisters to accompany my Templars.. and this thread has me fired up!
  14. I've always thought grey or tan.
  15. Bolter Babes have joined the chat. I know they're not Templars, but they're angry, they're zealous, and they'll be rolling deep with the black knights as they continue the eternal crusade. I'm playing with possible color scheme ideas. I'm thinking grey armor and brown robes... but I have no idea what I'm doing, so I'll probably be trying a few different things until I figure it out. This is super early base color only WIP. Looks like garbage right now, but I'm hoping it turns into something after some highlights and washes. http://i.imgur.com/1F9e6T0l.jpg
  16. No, you're right. It's definitely flat. I botched it up and put the paint on WAY too thick. It obscured the detail and any attempt to shade it turned out disastrous. I might have to take a Q-tip and some alcohol to it as I'm not really happy with the result either. Thanks for the feedback, man. I probably would have been lazy and just left it, but since you pointed it out now I know it has to be fixed somehow :lol: And yea I'm anxious to paint that model up. I also have a few other older models en route from eBay. I want people to look at my force and see that these guys have been crusading for quite a while haha. I'll have to base them slightly differently to give them a bit of height so they don't look too out of place. I might hold off on painting them until I get warmed up on the rank and file marines though.
  17. I'd insist that you field them. I actually thought about ordering some Angry Marine bitz to scatter into my force
  18. Squad Two is getting a little bit of love tonight. I have absolutely no idea what color to paint that maul. http://i.imgur.com/5qhar7bl.jpg I also received some old-school cool in the mail today! This guy and several other older models will find places of honor in the eternal crusade http://i.imgur.com/oCIEkSSm.jpg
  19. Playing around with basing options now. Going for a "blasted wasteland / ruined city" type of base that's generic enough to fit onto most tabletops. GS sculpted the cobblestone and did a sand/PVA mix for the dirt. I need to get a little more "pop" on the cobblestones though, they're too muted for my taste. I'm also going to paint one or two of the rims brown just to see how it looks. Other than some small tweaks that need to be made I'm pretty happy with the bases. Any suggestions or ideas for bases are obviously welcome! http://i.imgur.com/8s4KXitl.jpg Thanks, man! I don't want to go overboard with it, but I'm definitely going to sprinkle some retro style painting elements into the crusade. Starting with a few weapon casings is a good way to dip my toes into the water. My fear is going too far and too varied. I don't want the Templars to look like a band of harlequins or traveling gypsies... I have to skirt a fine line Five more crusaders are primed and ready for a bit of paint. Anxious to make some progress on them!
  20. Hey, all! Starting a thread to serve as a project log for my black knights. They're the first Templars that I've painted in almost a decade, so they're going to be a bit ugly and clunky while I knock the rust off. I have no real army list or goal to reach. I'm kind of just painting whatever inspires me, maybe it will eventually form an army. Thoughts and ideas welcome! Below is the first squad of crusaders. They still need to be based, but I'm still trying to figure out how I want to design their bases. Also I realized too late that I forgot to paint one of them as a sword brother. Guess I'll have to fix that with the next batch! Group Shot http://i.imgur.com/p9YZMu7l.jpg https://imgur.com/p9YZMu7 A little closer on the attempt at a retro colored powerfist. http://i.imgur.com/rDDOK0El.jpg https://imgur.com/rDDOK0E
  21. Sorry to hear about your bad beats. Love the crusade though! Nice use of colors. I've always been a fan of red weapon casings just to break up the color scheme a bit. Everything about your Marines is super zealous.
  22. Finally caught up on this thread. I love your paint Scheme, very nice use of accent colors. I saved a few pictures to shamelessly rip off as inspiration while I'm painting my crusaders up. I look forward to seeing more of your stuff!
  23. He looks like Anthony Bourdain.
  24. Outstanding work, these Templars look great. Do you have any advice or links on how to achieve that "battle weathered black" look that you have on your models?
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