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About bloodhound23

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  1. Excellent! Thank you. That's the plan, that they're slightly less "officially" equipped due to being on a Frontier World and maintained by a pretty lean operation headed by a Magos who would prefer less oversight.
  2. Anybody know what Legion he’s supposed to be? /s
  3. It doesn't look weird enough to be intentionally uncanny to me, either. That would be fine. This seems just...incoherent.
  4. Head is too small. Very weird looking design, looks like Handsome Squidward. Yeah, I really don’t get their priorities. I like the Lotarra model, but yeah.
  5. Can't claim credit for it! But I agree. I've been removing the back park of the collar on the mining suit and using a bit of green stuff to raise up the neck level. I've also been using a bit of green stuff in the shoulder joints to fill in the recesses and allow some movement to make the left arms connect with the hand attached to the galvanic rifles. If I need to angle them a bit, I can—thanks to the green stuff. I think they could fit if I were to shave down the sides of the torsos, but angling them a bit works fine, too. And now: a third dude has entered the chat.
  6. Yep, took my way too long to realize this. You have to be at least a foot away in a lot of cases. Also, a very easy way to add contrast would be to wash the whole model with Agrax Earthshade and then just carefully and lightly drybrush back up each surface with the original color. The base colors are neatly painted, and it is a little scary at first to start taking on extra stages at first, but a simple wash/drybrush will both blend and provide contrast to the base layers.
  7. New one to add to what might be a Skitarii Kill Team. This could be a count-as surveyor/omnispex. Side view. Both together. I hope to fill out a whole squad for game use, or even just a few for narrative use. I'm still trying to develop my world Dalarna—a little sandbox in the Segmentum Pacificus where they can interact with my DIY faction. I imagine these to be the bodyguard/mining enforcers to a Mechanicus research station directed by a rogue adept who's interested in mining some sort of substance with otherworldly properties, of course. P.S. further prognosis awaits but our dog had a successful surgery and is feeling much better. She'll still need chemo but the primary tumor and a few lymph nodes were removed, and she is in good spirits. Thanks everyone for the well wishes.
  8. Nice work with the contrast paints and I’m a huge fan of the Tzeentchian infantry kitbashes.
  9. Nice fixes to the Coteaz model. I think you've done well by distracting the eye from the thunder thighs. Still mad about this downgrade of a redesign, lol.
  10. Whatever helps. I remain partial to the modularity and a lot of the design choices of the old scale. Units, too. We gotta square off one day. Our guys would hate each other!
  11. Big fan of the addition to the (Van Saar?) rifle to the Navigator's back. I do think it's tricky to show something that seems sort of obvious when you think about it, which is that there are some Navigators that would both have weapons AND know how to use them. Your approach is simple and direct! Of course they do! You can see it strapped to the Navigator's back!
  12. Ok, did some photography research and got a few glamour shots of the dudes. Having the older iPhone isn't doing me any favors, but adding the paper towel to help with reflections definitely did help. Thanks again, everyone, both for the well wishes as well as taking a look and leaving comments.
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