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Everything posted by SlickJSax

  1. This stuff is great. I love the custom color scheme, and the application of the hazard stripes. My only gripe is that you've got decals from everywhere. There are ultramarines, blood angels, mechanicum, iron hands. . . I feel like that'll undermine some of the unity in your scheme. My advice would be to standardize a bit and give your force an organized feeling. Unless you are going for something a bit more haphazard in their iconography, if that's the case then proceed on to greatness.
  2. I think this is my favorite tutorial for painting yellow and reducing headaches. http://www.mengelminiatures.com/2017/07/tutorial-classic-imperial-fists.html
  3. I managed to do a Howling Griffon as a one off for my store's painting contest. Pretty enjoyable for one mini, but I wouldn't want to do a whole army. Fisheyedbunny, you're a crazy person! http://i1352.photobucket.com/albums/q655/SlickJsax/IMG_0602_zps6ys6xggt.jpg
  4. I've used the Grey Knight Interceptor backpacks. Just cut off the little rods, flatten the ends and drill it out. This picture isn't the best angle, but you get the idea. http://i1352.photobucket.com/albums/q655/SlickJsax/DSC_0161_zpssgkv3dg4.jpg
  5. I like the black shoulder pads on Skorr. Black with alpha legion just adds that hint of evil.
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