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  1. The term 'Blackshield' came into being to describe the phenomenon that came into being in the early to middle years of the Insurrection. The term, however, was not new and had it roots in the most ancient of martial codes. According to such codes, a warrior might choose to forgo his identity and allegiance, and cover the symbol of his identity on his knightly shield. As such, this action hid both the warrior's identity and his true intentions. Although this practice was not uncommon during the earlier ages of man, were factions warred and tousled, it had no place in the blossoming Imperium of Man where there was unity and the Emperor's Imperial Truth. War and chaos took root, however, in the dying days of the Great Crusade as Icarion Anasem turned on his Emperor - and on his father - and the Icarian Insurrection began. It is not known when the first Blackshields appeared on the battlefields of the Insurrection, although black-clad warriors without any emblem or design on their armour were recorded to be mounting hit-and-run operations on traitorous Harbinger fleets. It was widely noted by traitor fleets that it is likely that a high proportion of the loyalist Blackshields were Iron Bears, enraged at the loss of their genesire. Likewise, it is to be noted that many recorded Blackshields identified appeared to be supporting Icarion, outcasts from various loyalist-pledged legions. Although the Blackshield warbands scattered across the galaxy are completely individual and have little relation with one another, it is noted that most have crudely painted their armour and wargear black to hide their allegiance and identity. In this regard, Blackshield warbands are completely different to the bands of Shattered Legion marines who still loyally retain the sense of identity and belonging to their legion. In the Eastern side of the galaxy, it is recorded that various Traitor battleships have been boarded, and crew executed. Although Insurrectionist generals have sent small search-and-destroy parties to hunt down the Blackshield group, none have returned. It has been proposed by some more audacious scholars that the Blackshield war band is far larger than previously thought, and has been infiltrating weapon cartels and other underground organisations. Others suggest that there is not one, single war band, but multiple groups working is a similar Segmentum of the galaxy. This notion has been dismissed, however, as blurred pict-captures from pillaged ships show marines in chalky black armour covered in warpaints and tattoos, with no signs of Crusade heraldry recognisable. The marines have been identified to be a singular organisation because all recorded marines bore icons and painted designs of angels and cherubim. As such, Traitor and Loyalist personnel alike have taken to calling the war band the Lost Angels. +++MORE FLUFF TO COME+++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ First Character http://image.bolterandchainsword.com//public/style_emoticons/default/HQ.gif HQ Eros and Damocles(??? Points) WSBSSTWIALdSvEros and Damocles4666434102+ Eros was a Terran aspirant to the XII legion - the Wardens of Light, and having passed all tests and trials, he was implanted with additional bodily systems and organs (as well as the gene seed of Gwalchavad, the XII legion's primarch). However, the implantation and transformation process to become a fully-fledged space marine is notoriously fickle, and while his brothers and kin emerged from their hab-pods as demigods, Eros emerged stunted and misshapen. Eros' stature did not change, and his left arm was now a withered stump, ending above the elbow. Worst of all, Eros' face was malformed, and he would never naturally see again. The marines responsible for their legion's recruitment agreed that although Eros could not possibly serve in the field of battle, he could become a chapter serf. So, Eros toiled in the legion's armoury in the service of astartes techmarines after being outfitted with a pair of augmented eyes. Because of the nature of his work, Eros was not present during the devastating Day of Revelation. However, vox casts and rescue flares alerted him of the treason, and so he snuck aboard a tiny vessel and immediately jettisoned from the larger Wardens cruiser. The tiny ship Eros used to flee had very little supplies, and therefore would only last a week, at best, so eventually Eros sent out a flare, fully aware of the potential for a traitor vessel to be alerted to his presence instead. However, a ship identifying itself as the Parable of Hope located Eros' ship and welcomed him aboard. He took refuge in the ship while he spent months designing, building and tinkering on a project he kept hidden from the ship's crew. Months later, crew were astounded to see a wraith-like shadow following Eros, as big (or so some said) as a dreadnought. One day, the ship was assaulted by a small frigate of void corsairs. Despaired, the Hope's crew offered their cargo to the invaders. Ignoring their muted plea, the corsairs boarded the ship and began a systematic slaughter of the ship's crew. When asked if anything could be done to make the corsairs abort their attack, the pirates' leader laughed and claimed that if anyone could beat him in one-to-one combat, his crew would abandon there raid. Shocked, the pirates' leader watched in horror as a metal goliath strode forward to accept his mocking challenge. The metal being picked up the corsair and smashed him against the ship's wall, before tossing him back to the terrified corsairs. Predictably, the corsairs fled, and in gratitude the Hope was pledged to Eros' service. Eros, forgoing his legion, painted his armour black and began his crusade to unite refugees of the Insurrection, assembling a crew of marines who had left their chapter (and were hence labelled Blackshields). UNIT TYPE Eros and Damocles: Infantry (Character).WARGEAR Deliverance Leviathan-Pattern Talons The Steel Hide SPECIAL RULES Independent Character Legiones Astartes Very Bulky Fear Cyclic Tactical Protocols An age-old relic recovered by Eros from a xenos merch-frigate. Identified by Mechanicum techs-seers as a fully-automatic gun restored from a bygone era. Eros has heavily modified the gun to fire rounds laced with tiny, razor-sharp pieces of shrapnel that shred and tear through flesh and armour alike. In the middle of battle, Eros has been know to climb upon Damocles' gigantic shoulders, and use him as a stable firing platform; Deliverance spewing razor-filament bullets while Damocles hacks and smash foes with his huge, custom-built lightening claws. Deliverance WeaponRangeStrengthAPTypeDeliverance36"73Assault 4, Rending, Shred. Wargear - Deliverance Eros fitted Damocles' fingers with huge talons, each one pulsing with electrical energy. Each talon's edge is atom-thick, and thus able to cleave clean through the hardest, most armoured, objects with horrifying ease. Leviathan-Pattern Talons WeaponRangeStrengthAPTypeLeviathan-Pattern Talons-+21Melee, Master-crafted. Wargear - Leviathan-Pattern Talons When Eros toiled under the guidance of XII legion Techmarines, he learnt of technologies and systems that further enhanced the object that they were implanted on. As such, when Eros fled from the Day of Revelation, and began to build Damocles to guard him and compensate for his grievously stunted physical form, he was quick to work technology into the machine that further enhanced his martial performance. The Steel Hide confers to Eros and Damocles a 2+ armour save and a 3++ invulnerable save. Additionally, it contains a teleport homer, nuncio vox, cognise signum and gives Eros and Damocles the Nightvision USR. Wargear - The Steel Hide Although Damocles can claim to have a from of sentience, he is still ultimately a machine, and as thus had to be programmed with various tactical protocols to bolster his tactical flexibility in combat situations. In the beginning of his/her turn, the owning player must choose one Tactical Protocol. The effects of the Protocol last until the owning player's next turn: Anti-armour: All assault attacks made by Eros and Damocles gain Armourbane. Weaponmaster: Eros and Damocles gain +1 WS. Umbra-pattern cloaking protocol: All enemy models firing at Eros and Damocles must do so at -1 BS. Special Rule - Cyclic Tactical Protocols Any feedback, C&C and advice would be appreciated! http://image.bolterandchainsword.com//public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png
  2. The Plan Book Outlines: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/325621-book-outlines/ The Wiki Botl wiki: http://botl.wikia.com/wiki/The_Brotherhood_of_the_Lost_Wiki The Rulebooks REF: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/325621-ref-book-outlines/ The Rules Calculator: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/324327-point-calculator/ Pariah: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/315482-unified-pariahs/ General Rules: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/312431-primarch-and-legion-rules/ Special Units: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323952-rules-special-units/ The Armoury: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/312522-rules-the-armoury/ Mortal Armies: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/326568-rules-re-vamped-mortal-armies/ Daemon Primarchs: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/313649-rules-daemon-primarch/ The Lore Stories: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/320524-brotherhood-of-the-lost-the-stories/ The Primarchs: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/312239-the-reunited-family/ The Anthology: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323543-the-anthology/ Dramatis Personae: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/318252-brotherhood-of-the-lost-dramatis-personae/ The Art Symbols/Icons: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/314796-brotherhood-of-the-lost-symbolsicons/ Modelling: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/325302-modelling-the-brotherhood-of-the-lost/ General Art: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/329775-the-art-of-the-lost/ Monthly Challenge: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/318814-botl-monthly-modelling-challenge-april-pg-3/ The Past REF: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/324621-ref-event-timeline/ The Present Loyalists' Strategium: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/312262-loyalists-strategium/ Insurrectionists' Strategium: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/312261-brotherhood-of-the-lost-insurrectionists-strategium/ The Place Map: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/315460-map-of-the-galaxy/ The Allies Grand Council: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/forum/103-brotherhood-of-the-lost/page-4?prune_day=100&sort_by=Z-A&sort_key=last_post&topicfilter=all Knights Errant/Inquisition: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/320266-the-broverse-inquisition/ Imperialis Militia & Auxilia Regiments: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/316356-botl-imperialis-militia-and-auxilia-regiments/ Armies of the Machine God: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/314659-brotherhood-of-the-lost-armies-of-the-machine-god/ The Legiones Astartes Fleets: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321697-the-brotherhood-of-the-lost-fleet-organisation/ Blackshields: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323711-blackshields-legion-traitors-and-similar/ Hands of Terra: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/324698-hands-of-terra/ Nightguard: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/320938-brotherhood-of-the-lost-the-nightguard/ Shepherds of Eden: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/324697-shepherds-of-eden-legio-auixilia/ LEGIONES ASTARTES LOYALIST INSURRECTIONISTS SUZERAINTY III - CRIMSON LIONS I - HARBINGERS IX - WARBRINGERS IV - VOID EAGLES VII - BERSERKERS OF URAN XVII - WARRIORS OF PEACE V - HALCYON WARDENS VIII - GODSLAYERS XVIII - STEEL LEGION VI - IRON BEARS XIII - EAGLE WARRIORS [/td] X - FIRE KEEPERS XV - GRAVE STALKERS XII - WARDENS OF LIGHT XVI - DROWNED XIV - DUNE SERPENTS XIX - SCIONS HOSPITALIER XX - PREDATORS
  3. Here we go again. Unless you're new here. If you are new here, welcome to the Brotherhood of the Lost, an alt-heresy project in which the 18 Legions of the Great Crusade have been drawn from the ranks of Lost Legion projects on the B&C. You'll find more info here and here. And we have a Wiki! http://i.imgur.com/MT2ezUw.jpg Loyalist: Alexandros Darshan VonSalim, Warmaster (Psyker, Shield-master, Diplomat, Friendly, Pro-xeno) Niklaas (Muggle, Siege/Stealth Ops, Craftsman, Snarky, Anti-Xeno, anti-psyker) Hectarion Mycenor (Muggle, Berserker, All-Rounder, Calculating, Anti-Xeno) Azus (Muggle, Ninja, Saboteur, Bipolar-sanity, Anti-Xeno) Daer'dd Niimkiika (Muggle, Heavy Assaults, Master Smith, Boisterous, Anti-Xeno) Yuchau (Muggle, Fleetmaster, Air Superiority, Fanatic, Anti-Xeno) Pionus Santor (Muggle, Apothecaries, Support Ops, Chaotic Good, Anti-Xeno) Insurrectionist For Life: Alexos Travier (Psyker, Raider, Scientist, Unstable, Anti-Xeno) Icarion Stormborn (Psyker, Divination-Master, Martial Artist, Mystical, Anti-Xeno) Raktra (Muggle, Raider, Opportunist, aggressive, Anti-Xeno) Koschei (Pariah, Anti-psyker, Resilient, Idealist, Pro-Xeno) K'awil Pakal (Pariah, Raider, Psy-warfare, Cranky, Anti-Xeno)[/size][/font] Sorrowsworn Morro (Muggle, Oceanic Warfare, Geneticist, Focused, Anti-Xeno) The Suzerains: Jade General (Pariah, Medical Experts, Martial Artists, Aloof, Anti-Xeno) Kozja Darzalas (Muggle, Heavy Infantry, Aspiring Royalty, Haughty, Anti-Xeno) Nomus (Muggle, cybernetic but fancier than Iron Hands) Nominally Neutral/Renegade: Gwalchavad (Pariah, Ranged Warfare, Martial Artist, Peacekeeper, Pro-Xeno) Andezo Samedi (initially loyal, later traitor - blind psyker, voodoo king) Primarch Discovery List: 1 - Icarion [805] 2 - Alexandros [829] 3 - Russ [837] 4 - Daer’dd [839] 5 - Kozja [843] 6 - Pionus [844] 7 - Niklaas [849] 8 - Koschei [850] 9 - Hectarion [853] 10 - Magnus [860] 11 - Socraes [871] 12 - Raktra [873] 13 - Nomus [877] 14 - Azus [880] 15 - Morro [889] 16 - Yucahu [894] 17 - Gwalchavad [897] 18 - Andezo Samedi [914] 19 - K'awil [947.M30] 20 - Jade General [974] The Vizenko Prosecution Pro-Genetics Kozja (Wants to create the One True Legion) Jade General (Wants to create Pariahs) Alexos Travier (Cloning Marines) Sorrowsworn Morro (Improve Astartes) Raktra (Better Astartes) Neutral/Undecided Koschei Pro-Purity THE EMPEROR! Alexandros VonSalim Pionus Santor Daer'dd Niimkiika Hectarion Mycenor Azus Legion Sizes Lightning Bearers: 250,000 (?) [Traitor] Halycon Wardens: 240,000 [Loyalist] Eagle Warriors: 187,000 [Traitor] Crimson Lions: 180,000 - 200,000 [Loyalist] Scions Hospitiliar: 150-170,000. [Loyalist] Godslayers: 163,000 [Traitor] Warbringers: 160,000 [Revolutionary] Iron Bears: 160,000 [Loyalist] Wardens of Light: 157,000 [Neutral] Fire Keepers: 150,000 [Loyalist] The Drowned: 140,000 [secessionist] Predators: 130,000 [Renegade] Dune Serpents: 97,000 [Loyalist] Void Eagles: 92,000 [Loyalist] Jade Legion: 30,000 [secessionist] Grave Stalkers: 10,000 [Traitor] Berserkers of Uran: 140,000 Steel Legion: ??? [secessionist] Emperor returns to Terra: 000.M31 Date of the Day of Revelation: 031.M31 Icarion's Defeat: 058.M31
  4. Hello Brotherhood of the Lost forum! I've been a lurker for a while now but I've taken my first foray into making some BotL models. Seeing Mikhal's Wardens and Primarchs really pushed me into reading up on this fantastic narrative you've all created. And the uniqueness of all the different legions provides some great opportunities for model building! So first off I've finished this Lightning Bearer (pre-Harbringer). I've been a fan of the Lightning Bearers since Athrawes started his army. I'm not sure if my model is completely accurate to the existing lore as I've built mine from looking at the available art and models. Hopefully I've gotten the right feel of the legion though. I'll probably be slowly going through the different legions and making some models as I read through the pages and pages of lore. Anyways thanks for looking! More Views:
  5. Within this thread, you'll find the winning entries to our monthly fluff challenge! I hope you enjoy reading these as we did and perhaps that you'll consider your own entries! Each month we try to have three categories: Forge world, Black Library, and Newcomer. Last month, we only had entries for one category, Black Library, while the faction being highlighted was the Imperial Army. Meanwhile, next month will be devoted to the Drowned, the XVIth Legion. Here is our winning entry. Cusp of the Storm by bluntblade Watching the landers set down and the troops disembarking, Licinius Vastelus could never shake a frisson of fear. He knew the arithmetic well enough, and besides, there was little to match a regiment of the Excertus Imperialis for sheer scale. Six million soldiers were making planetfall by his command, garbed in the deep green and silver of the Kadisian Hounds. More than two thousand troop carriers, each capable of holding three thousand people. Tanks rolled out and Titans strode free of their own landers. To the untrained eye, trying to process it would be like attempting to ascribe a size to a storm cloud. It was too vast, stretching too far, to take it all in. Unless you were the one trusted to steer this colossal engine, wielding it against the foes of the Emperor. Unless you held such power that men and women became coin to spend; provided you did not waste the Emperor’s coin, that is. Vastelus had been dealing with that power and responsibility for twenty-one years, long enough to become well aware of the limits to his power. Dizzying as the heights were, he shared them with thousands of others - men and women of his rank, fleetmasters, Mechanicum archmagi - and others stood above him. Ultimately, he was another cog in this mechanism, and it was a mere fragment of that machine arrayed before him. So much power, with which to do only that which was required of him. Not that he resented it, still less that he wished to forego his duty. His oaths were to the Emperor and the Imperium, and he had commanded armies on a dozen worlds against the traitors. Now he stood here on Revan, preparing to do his duty again, wondering if he could succeed. “An impressive regiment, Lord Commander.” He turned at that, but not out of alarm. His guards would not have permitted anyone to reach him up here unless their authority matched his. Certainly not without stepping out as well, and in any case, he recognised the face. Saerla Kantor was a surprisingly short woman, the same age as him if he was any judge. Her hair was a match for the regimental colours she wore, flint streaked with white. She wore armour - functional stuff, the only sort Medusans believed in. Vastelus bowed, the sort appropriate for a comrade of about equal rank. “Lady Kantor. I’m surprised by the praise, if you’ll permit me.” That got him a taut but not unpleasant smile. “Our Medusan pride, eh? We’re practical enough to know where that turns into antagonising your allies.” “Then I’ll return the compliment. My shuttle brought me over the Steelshod lines this morning.” Tracked by your gunners every second of the way, like as not. So many betrayals already, our trust has worn thin. “As fearsome a sight as I’d heard.” “I only hope the enemy feel the same.” She joined him at the rail, gazing out at the forest on the horizon. Those trees would likely be in flames before the month was out. Then she looked again at the Kadisians, and then to the west, where the 3rd Medusan Steelshod had entrenched themselves both in the hive and in hastily built redoubts and trenches beyond the walls. “Look at us. In another age, we might have been the masters of our own empires.” “In another age, we’d be serving the sort of men who command the Legions.” “Speak for yourself.” Vastelus gave a small smile. “But you still feel some envy for them, no?” “Only up to a point. I’m still all human, despite what my moniker might suggest.” Vastelus quirked an eyebrow. “The one thing begins with ‘steel’ and ends in a broken nose?” This time it was a broad smile that broke out on her face. “Sacred Unity, I’m that notorious?” “At least the rank are learning the consequences.” “True enough. Anyway, have you seen the Scions?” “At a distance, at the Qarith Triumph. If I recall, you…” “Yes.” She didn’t hide her satisfaction when Vastelus whistled. “Only as a captain back then, but yes, I was there for the Reckoning.” Her hands tightened on the rail, and she seemed to be looking past the assembled armies. “We were first in behind the Scions, and we fought with them until they left the land war. They were unlike anything else I’ve seen. Such precision, such power. We have legends on my world about how the Age of Strife tore us down. Those are about all I could compare to what I saw on Qarith Prime. And the Scions met the onslaught and overcame it. It never seemed to faze them.” “That sounds about right for a Legion,” Vastelus replied. “You’ve fought with one?” Her hand rested on the pommel of her sword. Medusan steel, famously sharp. Rumour held that the Warmaster’s sword was forged from it. “Two. The Steel Legion in the Carinae System and the Eagle Warriors on Hynaka. We felt so honoured about that one,” he added, unable to suppress what was a certain wistfulness on a good day, and bitterness the rest of the time. If Kantor noticed, she didn’t deem it worthy of comment. “Did you notice that control? That absolute focus of purpose? We cleansed entire hives of infected people, and that kind of work wears at the toughest mortals. The Scions? If they felt any of the horror that had my men retching -” Vastelus could just about believe that detail “- it never showed.” “Sounds like the Steel Legion. I can’t say the same of the Thirteenth.” “Yes, but my point is, that was then. The Day of Revelation did something to the Scions. Now they thirst for a chance to bring their cousins low.” Unease looked out of place on her features, and all the more unsettling for it. “Icarion’s treason has poison running through all the Legions, on our side and his.” Vastelus grimaced. “That brings me back to what I was thinking about before you joined me. We’re ammunition, here to be expended if necessary.” He shot her an uneasy glance. “Though I’m hoping I’ll feel rather differently after I meet Lord Santor. In the meantime, however…” She was, after all, really quite attractive in her way. “Would you consider dining with me this evening? I’m sure your troops could survive your absence for just one night.” Kantor laughed. “Well, that I did not expect. Not when you seemed so intimidated earlier.” “My lady - Saerla - the Warbringers are coming to this world. In light of that, there’s not much you could do to frighten me. As you’ve said, we’re still human. I’d rather like to remember that for one night.” “Well, Licinius, I can hardly argue with that. Just be aware,” she came close. “If you turn out to be a bore, I have some very good artillerists.” Vastelus grinned. “I’d expect nothing else for disappointing you.”
  6. I know this was discussed previously, but behind the scenes those of us who are running Pariah-heavy Legions have decided to try to unify our differing rules under a single, modular, banner. This thread is to discuss the development of this subset. Ok. To start us off I'll try to explain my idea in more detail. Using the rules that we have already come up with I hope for us to create a selection of categories in which models with the Pariah rule may purchase upgrades to their capabilities. In this way we can have a single rule that allows each of the 4(?) legions to express their nature in different ways. Each category would have differing levels of power, of which you may purchase one for an appropriate points cost. For example the initial list of categories that I have been considering is: Dark Presence: This would have fear effects in it. Initially working only vs psykers, but having upgrades to work against all enemies. Indomitable Will: This would be bonuses to Deny the Witch rolls. Counting as mastery level 1-3 when defending against psychic powers culminating in being completely immune to all psychic effects used on you. Psychic Void: This is generic psychic defence. Giving bonus dice to the warp charge pool in your opponents turn. Aetheric Tempest: Disrupts enemy psyker concentration. -1 to manifest powers against the unit, improving to within X" etc. Soulless: Disrupts enemy morale. -X to Leadership within X". Initially only vs psykers, but against everyone for an upgrade. So using the above list a Pariah would be able to buy up to 5 powers that show his ability in different areas. Obviously the more powerful effects would cost more to add on and a Pariah wouldn't need to take options from all of the categories. I would also envision that perhaps the different legions might have different focuses within this list, so one might focus on Dark Presence, another on Psychic Void. These could then be listed in the legions' individual appendices. I'm probably going to be updating through the day as I come up with a list of specific powers to include and initial point values for them. But even so, what do people think?
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