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So, as I have mentioned in my posts in the past, my Raven Guard army is very dated. I returned to the game in late 7th Ed (just before the Angels of Death book dropped), and the game has felt ever shifting in terms of meta/rules/balance ever since. My Raven Guard army as it stands now is very dated, from an edition where Assault Marines were actually good. I have been just playing the army with stand-ins, proxies, and count-as ever since, testing new units and trying to "settle in" on a baseline of units that I like - performance, visual appeal, and are a narrative fit (to me). The reason for this thread is to establish a tentative "completed army" list that I can set a goal and work towards, which will involve almost entirely on new units. Once I complete this list, the things that are in my current (old) army I will begin to strip and re-work up to a new standard of painting/converting/basing/etc Onwards to some lists- What I currently own that is 100% finished (aka “the old stuff”) 1 Chaplain with Jump Pack – Plasma Pistol 1 Chaplain – Plasma Pistol 1 Captain with Jump Pack – Dual LC (Based off the old Marshal model - 1 Shadow Captain Shrike – 25 MM base, No Jump Pack (lost) – Pewter ~~All Pewter~~ 13 Scouts with Sniper Rifles & Camo Cloaks (2 of which are actually Cadian snipers) 2 Scouts with Missle Launchers 2 Scouts with Heavy Bolters 5 Scouts with Bolters 5 Scouts with Shotguns 5 Scouts with BP+CCW 2 Scout Sergeants – 1 BP+PS, 1 BP+PF (Using the Sly Marbo model as a base) 5 Space Marine Bikers – 2 Plasma Guns (Pewter/Plastic Hybrids) 1 Space Marine Attack Bike – Multi Melta (Pewter/Plastic Hybrid) ~30 Space Marine Assault Marines (Various kits, some pewter, some plastic, some old pewter Death Company Torso/Legs with plastic bits – All with either BP+CCW or dual BP) 6 Space Marine Assault Marines (Plasma Pistol + CCW or Plasma Pistol + BP) 2 Space Marine Assault Marines (Flamers) 4 Assault Marine Sergeants (3x PF + PP, 1x PS + PP) 1 Whirlwind 2 Dreadnoughts – (1 Twin LC + DCCW, 1 Twin LC + ML) Lastly, I have 1 Completed/finished Land Speeder Storm that I have recently assembled/painted for the Talon’s Reach event – to a higher standard than my “old” stuff from 10 years ago. Now, on to the shame – Below is what I currently own, that is in various states, mostly NIB/NOS: 2x 5 Vanguard Veterans 3x 5 Sternguard Veterans 3x 10 Man Tactical Squad 2x 5 Man Devastator Squad (the older kit without Grav Cannons) 1x 5 Man Devastator Squad (new kit – w/ Cherub) 2x 5 Man Assault Squad (old kit – no eviscerators) 2x 5 Man Assault Squad (new kit) 1x 3 Man Centurion warsuit kit 1x 5 Man Scout Squad (Sniper Rifles, Missle Launcher, Camo Cloaks 1x 5 Man Scout Squad (Bolters, Heavy Bolter) 3x Razorback 4x Drop Prod (2 NIB, 2 Assembled, Primed, with a couple base layers applied) 1x Land Speeder 1x Land Speeder Storm 1x Primaris Aggressors (3 Models) 1x Primaris Intercessors (Standalone kit – Not Dark Imperium 1x 5 Man Terminator Squad (Ranged, not Assault) 1x Dark Imperium (Captain, 2x Lieutenant, Ancient, 10 Intercessors, 3 Inceptors, 5 Hellblasters) 1x Betrayal at Calth 1x Burning of Prospero Now, the above inventory list isn’t meant to be all Raven Guard, as I was purchasing models, some kits were earmarked for my Raven Guard, and others were intended to be used for a different loyalist DIY chapter project (based on my first army when I started playing the game in 2nd Ed, and I have a bit of backstory and a paint scheme already in mind for). That being said, none of its painted assembled, so I can do whatever I want with it, it’s just a reserve to draw on at this point. Where do you guys come in? Well my last list is going to be the “completed army” list that I want to have at my disposal to actually play in tournaments and “get serious” about playing on a regular basis. This is the goal to work towards. What I want from you guys is to look at what I own, look at where I want to go, and give feedback. After the list ill post a few questions that I would like you to ask yourself, in the context of my lists, and then post an answer (if you would be so kind). I am going to divide the list into 3 categories – Need, Want, and Wish. Need – Mission critical units that in my opinion I either need because they help modernize the army and bring it “up to snuff” or they are very strong units that will be repeated staples in most lists I field Want – My first potential expansion units. These are units that will get used fairly regularly, but won’t be used in every list, and will be first candidates for swapping when changing up lists Wish – More exotic/expensive units that I would love to have from an aesthetic/showcase perspective, but would only see intermittent play. These are mostly Forgeworld or Odd/Rare units in terms of how I would fit them in a list. “The Goal” List: The Need: 6 New Character Models – 2 Captains and 2 Lieutenants, (one each on foot & jump pack), 1 Banner Bearer, 1 "Counts-As" Lias Issodon 20 Tactical Marines – Bolters 4 Tactical Sergeants – Magnetized with an array of Combi-Weapons to customize 6 Tactical Marines – Special Weapons – (2x ea Plasma Gun, Flamer, Meltagun) 2-3 Rhino/Razorbacks – Convertible with at least 2 Weapon Configurations (Twin LC, Twin AC) 10-15 Vanguard Veterans (Jump Packs, a mix of Lightning Claws, Thunder Hammers, and SS) - These may get bumped down in prio 15 Devastator Marines (3 Sergeants, 4 Plasma Cannons, 4 Lascannons, 4 Heavy Bolters) 1 Storm Raven 2 Storm Talons (Converted to a “Shadow Hawk/Talon” Kiavahr pattern) - These may get bumped down in prio The Want: 6 Boltstorm Aggressors Another Ven Dread (I am going to attempt to acquire the OOP Venerable Raven Guard dread from Forgeworld from our eastern friends) - Magnetized to use as Ironclad or Ranged Ven Dread. 10 Reivers (Bolt Carbines) 10 Intercessors (Going to model these with Stalker Bolt Rifles and use them as Stalkers or regular Bolt Rifles) 10 Sternguard (Special Issue Bolters) 10 Scouts (5 more Bolters, 5 more Snipers) The Wish: 1 Fire Raptor Gunship 1 Land Raider Excelsior 5 Tartaros Terminators 1 Librarian w/ Jump Pack 1 Raven Guard Contemptor (Forge World) - 2x Kheres Assault Cannon 1 Redemptor I will edit this post later with my Want/Wish sections. But for now, I would love to hear folks' input. My questions (as it pertains to your current army/opinions): 1) What units do you play with that are staples in every one of your lists? Can't leave home without it? etc 2) What units do you feel are strongest OR most aesthetically pleasing in the current range? 3) What one unit (or more) do you feel is sub-optimal or less-than, but you still love and regularly field in your lists? (Come on, we all have a few)
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Preview of Christmas 2018 Battleforce for Death Guard-
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Tagged with:
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From the album: Crimson Slaughter
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From the album: Christmas Models
Christmas Grey Knight.-
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From the album: Christmas Models
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