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From the album: Aeldari
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From the album: Aeldari
- Aeldari
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From the album: Aeldari
- Aeldari
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From the album: Aeldari
- Aeldari
- Sunblitz brotherhood
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These models count as Witches in my Grimdark death cult army. In 40k lore this is part of an Ynnari army with an emphasis on pirates and banshees. It has a craft world, a wych cult, and a few kabalite bands joining in for kicks. I'm generally pleased with the results here. Colors used are: turbo dork shifting sands GW auric gold GW terrain turquoise GW hexametric green GW carroburg crimson Vallejo flat yellow army painter matte black These models look like the Philadelphia Eagles. Thanks for looking.
- aeldari pirates
- Aeldari Corsairs
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These models count as Nightmares in my Grimdark death cult army. Alternatively, I can run them as storm squads in High Elf Fleets. In 40k lore this is an Ynnari army with an emphasis on pirates and banshees. It has a craft world, a wych cult, and a few kabalite bands joining in for kicks. I finished these models (for now) today. I might go back and add more color to the weapons. Not thrilled with the arkhelion green results. These look like the Denver Broncos. However, they are ready for games and that is the most important thing. Thanks for looking.
- Aeldari
- Aeldari Corsairs
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LIBER XENOS =][=][=][=][=][= The Fra’al are an ancient race of void dwelling pirates, smugglers, black-market traders, and occasional conquerors, which have plagued the Galactic Northwest of the Milky Way for eons. Though their origin worlds are lost to all, including the Fra’al themselves who have forgotten much of their pre-void nomadic wandering, they may fact never had such terrestrial beginnings. What is known is that they are remembered by most other races of antiquity including records kept by the ancient ancestors of the Eldar from before the Fall and the birth of Slaanesh, as well as Human empires rising to prominence before their annihilation during the Age of Strife. Today the Fra’al Conclaves still reap a bitter harvest from the various void-ways and warp-translation lanes, taking what can be acquired by force or otherwise through guile and negotiation. When conflict is preferred or forced upon them, the Fra’al use their innate monstrous Psykana and Aetherically-saturated technology to destroy their enemies. =][=][=][=][=][= The Version 1.1 Fandex contains the following homebrew lore and rules to play as the Fra'al in 9th Edition WH40K: Lore on the Fra'al based on Black Library & Forgeworld resources, as well as originally created lore and content. Detachment Rules and <Conclave> Customisation abilities. Fra'al Weapons and Wargear rules. Fra'al Stratagems, Warlord Traits, Aetheric Artefacts, and the new Malevolency Psychic Discipline. 12 Unique Datasheets for Fra'al HQ, Troops, Elites, Fast Attack, Heavy Support, Flyers, and Lords of War. Initial Concept Artwork for the Fra'al Troops and Aether-Golems. =][=][=][=][=][= Version 1 [WIP] Available for Download Link 1 Bolter&Chainsword (coming soon) Link 2 MEGA Download =][=][=][=][=][= Feel free to make comments and send me a message. I'm hoping to reproduce the whole text below in comments like I have for other Fandexes. Many thanks ! MechFace
Hello guys! Welcome to my Eldar blog. Here I will upload pics of this army as I collect and paint them. A long time ago, in the bygone era of 4th edition, I knew of this wonderful hobby and I had to make a really hard choice: Which army do I want to play? First I looked at the Imperial Guard, then the Dark Eldar (because Cruellagh The Vile rules), and all of the other armies. In the end I went with Chaos Marines but I always had a soft spot for Eldars. I really liked the War Walkers and the Dire Avengers but for many reasons I didn't collect said army. But recently I made a trade and got many of the models I like and decided it was time for Eldars. My army's background started with an idea of a place in which all of the eldar race could reunite and party. They were merchants of the refined pleasure of music and dreams. Sure, some of these eldars without self control went deeper into the pleasures but they were kicked out of the craftworld because the seers knew that way led to a dark place, so they remained restrained in their tastes even before Slaanesh happened. Since I always envisioned the Eldars as a mixture of The Sandman, Elric of Melniboné and Glam Rock music, I will try to model or at least paint my minis with said qualities. I haven´t got so far on my minis since I've had them for like a day but here are some pics of them alongside some bit of fluff for each of them. (Please excuse the WIP pics. I have only managed to basecoat them and shade the turquoise) Autarch Caliostro He is the Leader of the Defenders of Noctian. He has walked the paths of sound and dreams for millenia as well as the path of the Autarch after the birth of She who thirsts. He prefers to don his ancient weapons in battle; The Shards of Acustes (Fusion Gun), The Spear of Grieff (power weapon) and the Helmet of The Scorpions (Mandiblasters) Farseer Onirös He is the High Seer of the Craftworld and the guide in the path of dreams, jobs he has done since before the fall. He dons the Helm of Noctis in battle and his Singing Spear Amapollie The Trinity (War Walker Squad) Composed by the Walkers Assaï, Brëit and Dëciso. They are the seninels of the College of Onirös and some of the most ardent defenders of the Craftworld. Squad Dolorosso (Dire Avengers) This squad is tasked with the protection of the repositories of oniric paints of Autarch Calliostro, which depict the feelings and motivations of many Eldars. They were more, but after an incursion by slaaneshi reavers in the repositories they have been at half strenght. Squad Fucuosso (Dire Avengers) They defend the inner quaters of the Autarch Calliostro and are among his inner circle. They are veterans of the Brutish Wars against a nomadic Mob of orkish raiders. The Brotherhood of the Lyre, Squad Gioioso (Corsair reavers) The Brotherhood of the Lyre, Squad Omaggio (Corsair Reavers) The members of the Brotherhood of the Lyre mercenaries are Eldar exiles that originate from this Craftworld, and so they always keep comunicating with the leaders and are willing to lend their hands whenever needed. The Corsair prince saw fit to leave two squads of his troops as permanent garrison on the Craftworld as a way to honour Farseer Onirös and pay him tribute for his lifetime work. Well that is what I have so far. Since the Corsairs were my old blood bowl team I decided to leave them as they were and just glue some rifles on them, so they are armed with a mixture of Shardcarabines and Shard cannons (even if some of them have shuriken carabines I wont use them as such.) The Felarch were modeled with swords but that will be just to mark them as the leaders until FW renews their corsair rules. As for the future, I have planned to get a box of 5 dire avengers to complete squad Dollorosso and get a couple of Wave Serpents. On a modelling sidenote, since I am going to paint them with Glam Rock themes like Zebra pattern clothes and bright colored hair to go with the turquoise, I was considering the idea of sculpting feather or fur on some collars of the minis. Would you like to see that? What are your thoughts on the Glam idea? Thank you for reading!