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Found 3 results

  1. I finally played a game with WS in 9th edition. My list was... Korsarro Primaris Chaplain, master of sanctity, Catechism of Fire, Canticle of Hate, Warlord: Wise Orator Primiars Librarian, ride the winds, storm wreather, Relic: Plume of the plainsrunner 5 intecessors with ABRs+ thunderhammer 5 intecessors with ABRs+ thunderhammer 5 insursors 3 Bladeguard 3 Bladeguard 1 Judiciar, relic: The Armour Indomitus, Hero of the Chapter: Chiggorin Storm 5 Tartaros Terminators with chainfists 8 Bikers, 2 meltas, 1 thunderhammer 3 Primaris Outriders 3 Primaris Outriders Impulsor with shield dome Impulsor with shield dome Impulsor with shield dome My opponent was Imperial Fists with an all Old Marines list with captain, libby, chaplain... 3 bolter centurions, a Dorrito, 2 lascannon razorbacks, 1 rhino, devs with lascannons, tacticals with a mix of special and heavy, 5 tartaros terminators with chainfists. The mission was four pillars. I chose domination, tank hunter, and raise the banners. My opponent choose tanker hunter, engage on all fronts, Kill more stuff (i forget the name). Quick Recap... we both deployed conservatively. I was able to deploy my incursors out of LOS and right next to one of the objectives on my opponents table edge(objective 2). I won the roll off and elected to take first turn. I quickly busted out advancing my biker blob towards my opponents end of the table and using Skilled Riders on them for a 3++ invuln. One of my impulsors followed and the intercessors within it used the assault transport option to disembark and advance towards objective 2 giving me two full units of obsec bodies on it. I was able to secure both objectives on my side of the table. I used an empty impulsor and my judiciar to hold onto the objective in my deployment zone. I figured my opponent would not want to shoot it since it wasnt threatening and I could easily get lucky with invuln saves. My outriders moved up cautiously to setup turn 2 charges but also to stay out of the main firing lanes. I was hoping to not lose too many and have them be in good position for counter charging, reinforcing objectives and all that shooty/punchy stuff we all love. So by the end of my first turn I was holding 3 of 4 objectives with banners on all 3. My opponent elected to focus most of his firepower on my biker blob since it was approaching quickly and looked fairly threatening. He managed to kill 5 of 8 and murdered 3 of my outriders with lascannon fire. -4 ap is painful So by the start of turn 2 I scored 15 points for hold 1, hold 2, hold more but also 3 points for raise the banners and 3 points for domination. The rest of the game was basically moot since the board state did not change at all with me holding more on turn 2, 3 and 5. I almost maxed primary and scored about 20ish on secondaries. I was able to keep flooding all 3 objectives with bodies and be maximally annoying with impulsors. Falling back+charging, advancing and charging, move blocking, not dying, and of course exploding for a total of 15 mortal wounds dealt. The end score was something like 70ish to 35ish. My opponent won on kill count by quite a bit but did not secure objectives very well. If this was an 8th edition I would have been tabled on turn 6 or 7 or just conceded sooner. Some highlights... Tartaros terminators being good and easily making their 3d6+2 charge out of deepstrike and rerolling all misses with ap -5 chainfist with 3 dmg. Bikers using Strike for the Heart to consolidate 9" into a razorback and dorrito. Incursors being able to scout deploy near an critical objective on turn 1 forcing my opponent to waste firepower on a fairly nonthreatening unit. My opponent giving a centurion sargeant a mastercrafted hurricane bolter. That thing really hurts vs primaris marines and bikers. Very efficient shooting. An impulsor exploding right next to my opponents captain, libby and dorrito doing a total of 15 mortal wounds. Although only the libby died Korsarro Khan carving a Rhino at full wounds in half on turn 5. That felt good and scored 2 points for Bring it Down. Some conclusions... The smaller board size is a really huge deal. I was able to use WS speed to cover/threaten multiple objectives simultaneously. I think close combat will be better off in 9th simply because there are so many more points available from objective grabbing relative to 8th edition. Raise the banners is particularly good for close combat because you can score without committing big expensive units. Just raise them banners and starting racking up the points. If your opponent just sits still shooting you still score because burning the banners requires being close to them. White Scars in particular are very good at domination since it is scored at the end of your turn . Given the speed available this is not difficult and also scores primary. Overall I would say that list design should be made with primary and secondary missions in mind not firepower or close combat. TLDR: Just move fast and grab everything or if someone bad is holding an objective, punch them in the dick and take it.
  2. My List was as follows: Imperial Fists (1840pts) Space Marines: Codex (2013) v60 (Primary Detachment) (No Category) Chapter Tactics Imperial Fists Command Squad 3x Bolt Pistol, Company Standard, Frag and Krak Grenades, Meltagun, Plasma Gun, Power Armour, Power Fist, 3x Veteran Apothecary Bolt Pistol, Chainsword Company Champion Combat Shield, Power Sword HQ Captain Artificer Armor, Power Fist, Storm Bolter Librarian Mastery Level 2 Terminator Armour Force Maul Elites Terminator Assault Squad Swap Lightning Claws for TH/SS, 4x Terminators Land Raider Redeemer Multi-Melta Terminator Sergeant Swap Lightning Claws for TH/SS Troops Tactical Squad Meltagun, Multi-Melta, 9x Space Marine Space Marine Sergeant Grav Pistol, Power Weapon Tactical Squad Grav-gun, Plasma Cannon, 9x Space Marine Space Marine Sergeant Plasma Pistol, Power Weapon Heavy Support Devastator Squad 2x Heavy Bolter, 2x Lascannon, 9x Space Marine Space Marine Sergeant Bolter, Chainsword Devastator Squad 2x Lascannon, 2x Missile Launcher w/ flakk, 9x Space Marine Space Marine Sergeant Bolt pistol, Combi-weapon Predator Autocannon, Heavy Bolters, Storm Bolter Created with BattleScribe My son was using his below Tyranid List: Tyranid Total force (1843pts) Tyranids: Codex (2014) v11 (Primary Detachment) HQ Hive Tyrant Acid Blood, Lash Whip & Bonesword, Powers of the Hive Mind, Prehensile Pincer Tail, Psyker (Mastery Level 2), Regeneration, The Reaper of Obliterax, Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms Elites Haruspex Acid Blood, Crushing Claws, Grasping Tongue, Regeneration Troops Genestealer Brood Broodlord Acid Blood, Psyker (Mastery Level 1), Regeneration, Rending Claws, Scything Talons 11x Genestealer 11x Rending Claws Hormagaunt Brood 10x Hormagaunt 10x Scything Talons Tyranid Warrior Brood Venom Cannon Tyranid Warrior Lashwhip & Boneswords, Scything Talons Tyranid Warrior Rending Claws, Scything Talons Tyranid Warrior Deathspitter, Scything Talons Tyranid Warrior Brood Barbed Strangler Tyranid Warrior Scything Talons, Scything Talons Tyranid Warrior Lashwhip & Boneswords, Scything Talons Tyranid Warrior Boneswords, Scything Talons Fast Attack Harpy Acid Blood, Regeneration, Twin-linked Stranglethorn Cannon Heavy Support Carnifex Brood Carnifex Acid Blood, Regeneration, Scything Talons, Scything Talons, Spine Banks, Thresher Scythe Carnifex Brood Carnifex Acid Blood, Bio-plasma, Regeneration, Scything Talons, Scything Talons, Thresher Scythe Tyrannofex Acid Blood, Acid Spray, Regeneration, Stinger Salvo Things started off with me deploying and going first. He had started his Harpy on the board in turn 1, so it was gliding. (Despite our conversation on our way to GW about starting it in reserves as it would be more dangerous). The harpy took everything I could throw at it for the first turn, surviving with a single wound left. As I went through my psychic phase, targeting every power I had on his genestealers, hid broodlord denied everything, even when I tried to use Force, he managed to deny that too. (My terminators and librarian disembarked after the landraider moved forwards so I could use my powers lol) The only casualty of the turn was, in fact, an assault terminator who failed his save vs the exploding wrecked lander. (Terrain piece) His first turn saw a cautious advance, the harpy glide forwards towards my terminators, and a couple of minor position changes. His shooting phase was effective, no casualties at all. A few large creatures ran to get to a better position, but no assaults. My turn 2 saw an awful lot of carnage. The predator sat still and unleashed on the Tyrannofex, the harpy died, a carnifex went down, last wound taken by a boltgun! I assaulted the haruspex and killed it, to deny its HoW attack. Tyranids turn 2 saw more moving, some shooting (ineffective) and the warriors join against the terminators with the Tyrannofex. We ended it after that really, as my son had lost interest, and got grumpy cos a couple of his biggest monsters were dead. Some pics from the end of my first turn. http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b369/Damosmy/IMG_0150.jpg http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b369/Damosmy/IMG_0149.jpg http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b369/Damosmy/IMG_0151.jpg http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b369/Damosmy/2015%20Models/IMG_0148-1.jpg
  3. Hello all, it certainly has been awhile since I have been around these boards. I thought I might share with you a battle that I participated in recently with my Imperial Fists. If this is in the wrong area I do apologize. I recently got a call from a friend to take part in a mini campaign set during the Heresy Era for 30k. The twist on this is that this takes place in an alternative timeline that he has been playing with his gaming group and as such the legions have different alliances. Full details of that wide scoping conflict can indeed be found here. So my friend was playing Imperial Fists, and wanted some games against my Imperial Fists. My Heresy Era Fists have always been Sigismund centric, whereas his would be based around the leadership and philosophies of Alexis Polux. Essentially for this alternative campaign, my forces have been stubbornly Loyalist, whereas Polux wants to join the Secessionists. Sigismund being the exemplar of rational thought, will suffer no contest or shism in the ranks and plans to hunt down Alexis Polux and the Imperial Fists that have joined his cause. A rather interesting take, and a sort of civil war to essentially purge the ranks and reinstate the mission and philosophies of the legion. Should be interesting! So here is game 1 of the mini campaign. I take Sigismund's forces and my friend will take Polux's forces for the duration of this campaign. Here are the forces I took for this game. It was a 1000pt game. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-4PzcEXIxtz4/VKc1e7j1cmI/AAAAAAAABtw/AfMtoPXJtAg/s1600/IMG_1203.JPG Loyalist Astartes of VII Legion - Sigismund's Command (1000pts) Sigismund Legion Tactical Squad (I) Powerfist --> Rhino --> Extra Armour Legion Tactical Squad (II) Powersword --> Rhino --> Extra Armour Legion Heavy Support Squad 4 Missile Launchers Land Raider Proteus Secessionist Imperial Fist forces (1000pts) Legion Praetor Digilasers Solarite Power Gauntlet Contemptor Dreadnought Multimelta, Dreadnought Close combat weapon Contemptor Dreadnought 2 Chainfists, 2 melta guns, Chassis Havoc Launcher Legion Veteran Squad (I) (sniper special rule) Legion Veteran Squad (II) Heavy Bolter, Meltagun Game Sigismund, enraged at the thought of a schism in the ranks, sought out the ring leaders of Alexis Polux. Having tracked one such leader down he vowed to provide the Emperor's Justice to him personally. This game was a Witch Hunt in the 7th Edition 40k rulebook. Sigismund was also gunning for blood and as per his special rules, would gain additional Victory points if he personally removed the enemy Warlord in a challenge. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Y0PQRYLxpRI/VKc1j7hGEdI/AAAAAAAABt4/8Yj10kxRP4U/s1600/IMG_1204.JPG Deployment of the Secessionist Imperial Fist's. Contemptors anchoring the line, while the Veteran Tacticals rank up to engage the foe. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ltE4JqI4WVI/VKc1ndeJwXI/AAAAAAAABuA/equYe1CMfQs/s1600/IMG_1205.JPG The Rhino's hold the Tactical Squads, Sigismund is in the Land Raider Proteus "Dauntless" and the Devastators are in the ruins to the left. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ImPBogIEBXo/VKc1wV2yDOI/AAAAAAAABuI/Dy0EJB9NeDQ/s1600/IMG_1206.JPG The battle is set! Secessionist Turn 1 http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-5PGLaDdOxKs/VKc1xkH5_PI/AAAAAAAABuQ/-Mof6PWqXo8/s1600/IMG_1207.JPG The Scions of Polux moved forward ready to teach Sigismund and the loyalists their folly. Shooting at this stage was ineffective. Loyalist Turn 1 http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Jt8iJZEmcnA/VKc1zdqLBWI/AAAAAAAABuY/QhBawc5WjcM/s1600/IMG_1208.JPG http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-MWhPsV4zh5M/VKc14hzy2FI/AAAAAAAABug/qW80cDkKIhs/s1600/IMG_1209.JPG The Land Raider Proteus "Dauntless" lines up the left contemptor in its sights and lets rip removing 2 hull points and Immobilising it. The Devastators, with the still target in their sights glanced the injured contemptor and it falls down in a heap of burning wreckage. The Rhino's with the Tactical squads drive to the left of the field with their cargo intact. Secessionist Turn 2 http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-YipmHCZKYhM/VKc2EDJv0XI/AAAAAAAABuw/F0KWQoagSuM/s1600/IMG_1210.JPG http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-kzQNxbMY3hs/VKc18v-cS4I/AAAAAAAABuo/wzG6Wvdf1Jg/s1600/IMG_1211.JPG The scions of Polux move up, unfazed by the destruction wrought on them. They take some pot shots at the Devastators but are still out of range for the most part. Loyalist Turn 2 http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-L8mGMeI4v8g/VKc2FiuZPWI/AAAAAAAABu4/YmUo-ZQQ3Dw/s1600/IMG_1212.JPG The Land Raider "Dauntless" lines up the other contemptor with intentions of doing the same, but the ruins obstruct its view and does no damage to the contemptor. The Devastators seeing this, decide to rain Krak missiles on the Veteran Squad II and manage to slay 3 marines. The Rhino's continue their out flanking manoeuvrings down the left flank. Secessionist Turn 3 http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-n_J1yvDFUWk/VKc2K7NvYEI/AAAAAAAABvA/zEf6s5bcv48/s1600/IMG_1213.JPG http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-_4pej0tW-ZU/VKc2N9tN2zI/AAAAAAAABvI/ibERCaNQFFw/s1600/IMG_1214.JPG Having moved up in range, the Veteran Marines open up on the Devastators and cause 3 casualties. The rest of the forces continue to move closer, with the contemptor continuing its flanking down the right of the field. Loyalist Turn 3 http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-M5pL3zcqadE/VKc7_JuIypI/AAAAAAAABvY/jJVDVuRRtfQ/s1600/IMG_1215.JPG The Rhino's move closer to the veteran marines completing their circuit. The Land Raider "Dauntless" and Devastators continue to fire on Veteran Tactical Squad II, leaving only 4 marines left to protect their Warlord. Secessionist Turn 4 http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-whppxtsHIsc/VKiEZ9jVvWI/AAAAAAAABvs/vNSiY7zYf7o/s1600/IMG_1216.JPG Having seeing a tasty target in the form of a Rhino with a Tactical squad inside, veteran squad II with the Praetor in tow shamble towards it and promptly fail the charge distance. Veteran squad I follow behind to lend some cover fire. Loyalist Turn 4 http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ekx0PvkwbFY/VKiEeZ9K-_I/AAAAAAAABv0/yewXawqkQrQ/s1600/IMG_1217.JPG Sigismund orders boots to the ground and all the Tactical marines from squads I and II disembark and unleash hell on the closest enemy squad with the Warlord in it. At the end of that withering of fire, still the Vet Sgt and Warlord survive. Sigismund finally decides that now he is needed to sway the odds, and leaves the mighty protection of the Land Raider "Dauntless" and falls into Tactical squad I. The Land Raider "Dauntless" takes some shot at the blue veteran tactical squad but to no effect. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-JsCOf0gcajU/VKiEoELsxmI/AAAAAAAABwE/wTKpvObfhL4/s1600/IMG_1218.JPG The results at the end of that salvo. Could have been better, and certainly could have been worse. Secessionist Turn 5 http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-006q9LIreRQ/VKiEmA2ImLI/AAAAAAAABv8/eVGIk7NHIPQ/s1600/IMG_1219.JPG This is where the blood gets shed. Veteran tactical squad II with the Warlord decide to advance and properly engage my tactical squad II in front of them. The second squad move up to unleash a lot of sniping rapid fire bolters into my Tactical squad I. The resulting fire results in 70% casualties. Fortunately however, they do not break and Sigismund is filled with faith and vengeance. In the resulting assault phase, the Warlord, perhaps due to his conscience, only succeeds in filling 2 loyalist marines out of his 7 attacks with the Solarite Power Glove. The sgts face off against each other, however the Tactical Sgt with the power sword delivers the telling blow before the enemy Vet Sgt can strike. No clear winner meant that the combat was sure to continue next turn. Loyalist Turn 5 http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-vcDXCOuVS3w/VKiEtDKfg2I/AAAAAAAABwM/wu3JKHCOdEs/s1600/IMG_1220.JPG The tactical marines pile in around the Warlord with combat knives at the ready, which unfortunately blocked Sigismund's view of his target. Knowing he must have blood he ordered his tactical squad up to assault the veteran sniper squad. The Rhino's move into the enemies deployment area ready to break their lines. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-tcJPlplftic/VKiEw5GlUuI/AAAAAAAABwU/wXCuz1jPmJ4/s1600/IMG_1221.JPG This is the result of the overwatch fire into Sigismund's assault. Due to Warlord traits he gets to reroll 1's, and after rolling six 1's for overwatch, rerolls them again to get the exact same number of 1's. Yeah, it was that impressive. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-6H67zZhqmSE/VKiFBcDbsnI/AAAAAAAABwk/E4eRj3bTkJk/s1600/IMG_1222.JPG Sigismund crashes into the unit, issuing a challenge to any that would be brave enough to accept. The vet sgt got shoved forward and then hacked apart along with 4 others by the Black Sword. The veterans kill the remaining tactical marines but decide to leg it in the face of Sigismund. Sigismund cuts them down where they stand and consolidates towards his target. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Eaglz0DEMiU/VKiE-EuiO5I/AAAAAAAABwc/EOZYltSBD60/s1600/IMG_1223.JPG The second assault doesn't go too well for the Loyalists, they manage to do another wound to the Warlord, bringing him down to 1 wound, but he does significant damage back to the unit and they leg it away and manage to outpace the Warlord. Secessionist Turn 6 http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ColDnxh5BXU/VKiFR9KI8vI/AAAAAAAABw0/9OQ3JE_lDGo/s1600/IMG_1224.JPG Being face to face with Sigismund on 1 wound is not the bets of places to be. Trying to put as much distance and obstacles between him and a vengeful Sigismund, the enemy Warlord crashes through the building assaulting through the other side and striking the Loyalist Rhino on the other side. He immoblizes it but it survives. The contemptor fires at the fleeing Tactical Squad II and kills 2, leaving only the Vet Sgt left. Loyalist Turn 6 http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-cOOt3h0yres/VKiFOppb9JI/AAAAAAAABws/PwwPbRSJ5Hw/s1600/IMG_1225.JPG Sigismund stalks his pray and launches after him. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-tlOxERRwn8Q/VKiFVk0GSbI/AAAAAAAABw8/SV8K1NJBx2Y/s1600/IMG_1226.JPG Tactical Sgt fails to rally and falls back to Loyalist lines. Sigismund gets ready to assault his target, and everything lines up to help take out the enemy Warlord. Ultimately Sigismund is cheated from his prize by the combi-bolter on Rhino I, who delivers the telling blow to the Warlord. Although Sigismund wasn't able to kill the enemy Warlord in honourable close combat, the end result was; Loyalist: 9 vp's Secessionist: 3 vp's A very fun game to be had, and nice to crack out my Imperial Fists for a game set in this era. Our next game is going to up the ante with 1500pts a side. It was great fun to step away from Fantasy and paint up some Fists. I've currently got some more on the table to do, and would certainly appreciate any advice for going forward. Thanks for looking! Cheers!
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