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Once more, there was a rumbling in the fortress. What was rumbling, few could identify. It was not anything tangible to be felt, and produced no noise to be heard, even to the genehanced ear of an Astartes, or one of the many xenos species that maintained something akin to an embassy. No, it was not a rumbling that any scientist would call such, nothing seismic or mechanical. It was a call, however, and those that needed to hear it, did. A psychic summons, from the Deepest, Darkest Depths of the Liber. And it would be terrible to behold. =][= Hail brothers and sisters of the Liber! Once again the Liberalia has come around and we have ourselves the honour of being the centre of attention. Regardless, I would like to ask both Liberites and other members of B&C to dust off any old DIYs they have and give them another shot. Now's the time to crank out the old creativity. The IRON GAUNTLET returns! After four years gone, it returns once more- with thanks to @Olis for running it back in 2017, and @Dosjetkafor the 2020 running of the Gauntlet, - and a welcome sight it is. Now, of course, just entering is not enough! There is an expectation that we will have members who will accomplish all five challenges. If the old Iron Gauntlets are anything to go by, they will number few indeed! But, certainly, those who push themselves and achieve all that is asked of them, then they shall be rewarded with a specific and unique badge. But do not be daunted. This is supposed to be fun... in a roundabout way. If you think you can only complete specific challenges, then only enter those ones. There is nothing here saying that you must complete them all or automatically fail. Do what you can. Just remember the idea is to push yourself. To register for this Challenge or any others make the following statement: I, <your name>, of the <Chapter/Warband/Regiment/Klan/Craftworld/Sept/Legio/Gang/other organization name> take up your Challenges. I vow, before my brothers and sisters of the B&C to complete Challenge <challenge number> and submit it to the Liber before the deadline. I vow to support my fellow challengers to the best of my ability. May the Emperor/the Dark Gods/Gork and Mork/Hive Mind/other 40k deity/Brother Argos curse me if I fail. [Please leave a link to your article so I can update the first post.] The Challenges: Challenge the First * Bronze: Complete a 1,000+ word article describing the origins and history of your organization and post constructive criticism in other DIY threads; * Silver: Complete a 2,000+ word article describing the origins and history of your organization and post constructive criticism in other DIY threads; * Gold: Complete a 3,000+ word article describing the origins and history of your organization and post constructive criticism in other DIY threads. -> Duration: 17th March – 17th May (2 months) Note: The format of your article is not strictly relevant, though it is encouraged to follow the usual DIY guidelines. (If you're not familiar with the article types, check out @Brother Tyler's article template thread linked here. I also encourage you to check out the rest of Liber Resources if you're stuck for ideas and/or looking for some solid advice from renowned Liberites of old.) Challenge the Second * Bronze: Fully assemble, paint and base a Kill Team (at minimum: three models) representing your organization; * Silver: Fully assemble, paint, and base a Combat Patrol (at minimum: one CHARACTER, one BATTLELINE, and one additional unit) representing your organization; * Gold: Fully assemble, paint, and base a Strike Force (at minimum: one HQ, one BATTLELINE, and five additional units) representing your organization. -> Duration: with 17th May – 17th July (two months) Note: If your organization represents an Aeronautica Imperialis, Adeptus Titanicus, Blackstone Fortress (BSF), Legiones Imperialis, or Necromunda organization, use the following tiers: * Bronze: Fully assemble, paint and base a Flight (at minimum two Aeronautica aircraft), a single Titanicus Titan, a Banner (at minimum three Titanicus Knights), [LI I’m not familiar with, if you’re doing them, let me know and I’ll figure something out], half an Exploration Team (at minimum two BSF Adventurers), half a Hostile Swarm (at minimum four BSF Hostiles), OR a demi-Gang (at minimum four Necromunda Gangers); * Silver: Fully assemble, paint and base a Squadron (at minimum four Aeronautica aircraft), a demi-Maniple (at minimum two Titanicus Titans), a Lance (at minimum six Titanicus Knights), [LI I’m not familiar with, if you’re doing them, let me know and I’ll figure something out], an Exploration Team (at minimum four BSF Adventurers), a Hostile Swarm (at minimum eight BSF Hostiles), OR a Gang (at minimum eight Necromunda Gangers); * Gold: Fully assemble, paint and base a Group (at minimum six Aeronautica aircraft), a Maniple (at minimum four Titanicus Titans), a Household (at minimum nine Titanicus Knights), [LI I’m not familiar with, if you’re doing them, let me know and I’ll figure something out], a reinforced Exploration Team (at minimum six BSF Adventurers), a reinforced Hostile Swarm (at minimum twelve BSF Hostiles), OR a reinforced Gang (at minimum twelve Necromunda Gangers); Challenge the Third * Bronze: Post a battle report of a game you played with your organization force created in Challenge #2; * Silver: Post a battle report, with EITHER pre- and post-battle fluff (500 words each) OR turn-by-turn photos/maps, of a game you played with your organization force; * Gold: Post a battle report, with pre- and post-battle fluff (500 words each) AND turn-by-turn photos/maps, of a game you played with your organization force. -> 17th July to 17th August (1 month) The Penultimate Challenge * Bronze: Create a dataslate (converted and painted model, fluff, custom rules and stats) representing a notable character from your organization; * Silver: Create two dataslates representing two notable characters from your organization; * Gold: Create three dataslates representing three notable characters from your organization. -> Duration: 17th August to 17th September (1 month) The Final Challenge * Bronze: Write a story about your organization that is between 1000 and 1999 words in length; * Silver: Write a story that is between 2000 and 2999 words in length; * Gold: Write a story that is 3000+ words in length. -> Duration: 17th September to 17th December (3 months) And finally, I'd like to wish you all the best of luck for the upcoming challenges! Remember to push back the boundaries of what you thought you could achieve and, most importantly, have fun! P.S. If you have an issue or question and you haven't gotten a reply in a couple of days from one of the Mods, feel free to send a PM to the Moderators on the list below (make sure to include them all in the PM so whoever sees it first can answer): @Brother Cambrius @Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch @Kelborn @Lysimachus A note on organization: Fraters’ vow posts will be linked in the main post Fraters’ vow posts are asked to have links to each of their threads elsefora, through the entire challenge This is to help the organizer keep track of who’s doing what challenge, etc Threads for the other challenges will be linked in the main post Frater are also asked to tag their threads with 'Iron Gauntlet 2024' for sorting/ease of searchbar use Best of luck to any and all who choose to participate! I look forward to seeing your DIYs! Participants: @ThePenitentOne : The Sisters of Saint Katherine's Aegis @NovemberIX : Knight House Garaipeña @twopounder : The Obsidian Angels @Lord Abaia : The Sulphurborn @sitnam : The Bluebeak Kindred @Trokair : 7th Rhûnish Dragoons @Rusted Boltgun : The Fists of Light @Brother Argent : Interdictors
- 106 replies
- Liberalia Martiale
- Liberalia Martiale 2024
- (and 2 more)
This thread is to function as a repository for those completing the penultimate challenge of the Iron Gauntlet, as well as a place for challengers to post models and rules for feedback and either 'ooh, pretty' or 'come on, that's OP!' comments. This challenge is open to all who have participated in any of the previous challenges, as well as those who wish to join this challenge with DIY characters. First Round of Participants (8-17-2020 to 10-17-2020): LySiMachus Trokair Focslain Llagos_Tyrant Second Round of Participants (10-17-2020 to 12-17-2020): TechCaptain Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Third Round of Participants (12-17-2020 to 2-17-2021) h
Greetings Sons of the Praetorian! Rejoice, for it is Liberalia Martiale! Or Liber Day to put it in laymans terms. A time toexercise your creativity. A time to delve into the 40k universe and see what you can drag up from its depths. Following our theme this year of "Clash of the Titans", metaphorically at least, we will shine a light on Dorn and hisarch-rival Perturabo. Now, it could be a vignette on a meeting between the two, or maybe not the Primarchs themselves but their sons. How civil would such a meeting be? How about a Fist musing on the perfidy of his IVth Legion cousins? What would he feel? What would he think? What experiences has he had that might colour his thoughts? He could be a recent inductee to the Legion, fresh from after the atrocities in the Isstvan system. Or he may be a member of the Chapter from after the Legion split a century, a millennia, even ten millennia down the line. Of course, this is just a little thought exercise, to stretch your grey matter - any contribution is preferred. From two paragraphs to a full blown short story, the point is to engage and create. As per usual, I will be providing an example: Brother Gereon laboured to draw breath as his smashed breast-plate ground against his exposed rib-plates. They did this. Those Fourth Legion curs. Perturabo's dogs. Mongrels. Traitors. Heathe- He shuddered again as air whistled passed his broken teeth and bloodied nose. The spike of pain from his ruined chest tinted his thoughts with anger. They had the temerity to board the Hearthbreaker, flagship of the Marines Revenant, and take it for themselves. They were ill-disciplined and disorderly. Still, they had brought Gereon low, along with three of his brothers. And yet they had not killed him. They had just moved on. Gereon simmered at the indignity of failing to die in combat, ignored by foes as chaff. His wounds were likely to heal but he was in no fighting condition as of right now. The trail of blood down his chin was still wet... a punctured lung for sure. Probably a persistent wound, too. But he was one of the Revenant. Never to falter. He would stand even if it killed him. A low groan sharpened his senses - guttural and pained. It came from one of the 'dead' boarders, an arm flopping to the ground from his half-seated, half-prone position. Gereon knew it was merely air escaping but still he raised his efforts an iota to confront the body should it not prove 'dead'. Pain ground out from his ribs again and he cursed the whoresons for even existing at all. Briefly, he considered why his ancestors had allowed any of the sons of Perturabo to live. Far removed from a time when such matters could have been settled, Gereon mentally shrugged. His was the glory to strike them down, even if his forebearers did not. He would not question the way of things. His boot struck the noisome body in the helm. Gereon was none too gentle, as much as his injuries allowed. The corpse remained a corpse. Dead. He spat on the body, uttering a native's curse. He picked up a discarded bolter, racked the slide and mag-clamped it to his thigh. The marine had a long way to go to catch up with the fighting. Several hundred metres, if the echoes were to be trusted.
Liberalia Martiale 2017 - Collaboration - Discussion
Damo1701 posted a topic in + ADEPTUS ASTARTES +
Hope this one is ok. Kind of felt discussing minor things here was better than cluttering up the threat with non-story parts. I've pulled everything together so far and added a little extra ;) lol. Is this something you would like me to do, periodically? Just to keep everything updated in a quote bubble? -
Welcome, Sons and Daughters of Corax! It is that time of year agian, the 17th of March. If you've been watching the scrolling banner for longer than most do, then you might have noticed that today, yes today, is Liber Day. Liberalia Martiale. A time to celebrate creativity in the written form. But Olis, I hear you say, what the devil does the Raven Guard have to do with Titans? Um... Not terribly much. But we can be inventive! That's the beauty of this writing malarky. We are going to attempt a collaborative story. I tried something like this last year with the Chaos subforum with some success, and I hope the Raven Guard will step up to the plate and make Corax proud. So, here's the deal. The first poster will determine the character involved and where the story goes at the start. Each person will write one paragraph to advance the story. And... that's it. All you have to do is try not to double post (although posting every other reply in the thread is permitted). Should a full story play out, with a decent number of replies (let's say at least two pages), then the people who join in will be given a badge to display in their signature space, to prove their participation. Setting the scene: So, let us assume that you were part of the mission to Kastorel-Novem. Gargants, meks, stompas... the lot. It has not gone well. In fact, you are the last survivor of your squad. For the rest of the survivors of the task force to get off-world, you must intercept, disable and/or destroy a gargant. If you succeed, you must then attempt an extraction yourself.
Alright folks, time for me to throw my hat in the ring in full. Here is the Sisterhood I've been holding onto now for about . . . four years, apparently. Wow, I've been at this for a while. As always with my DIYs, I have a tendency to do some very bare-bones creations, names, colors, and a very short snippet, create a whole host of them (at some point last year I counted just over a couple hundred, with about 2/3s B&C appropriate), and then with aching slowness go about developing them to the point of being worthy of being posted. Often, a huge amount of their character and history are completely unknown to me until I take the time and just try to increase the word count. I always like to think about how the ideas first originated, as it goes to show just how far I've come in this whole business. The Order of the Perpetual Sorrows originated as a Sisterhood based off of an old Facebook group I was a part of, the Green Randoms. I would jokingly create an in-universe clan around it (this was a D&D group), called the Verdant Variables. For some reason that I no longer recall, I took that as the base for a Sisterhood, which was originally called the Viridian Valkyries, had a convent on Fenris itself, and yes, it was that bad, shut up. Their color scheme has been unchanged since then, but as you'll be able to see from here on out, they really don't have anything else left from that time. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. I'll continue working on it, but C&C on what I have so far would be appreciated. “Defilement comes through the sons of Man Born Divine, through Cain refleshed. She will lift the silver veil from her face, and from her eyes shall flow the tears of the silenced into perpetuity, to wash the corrupt in a flood of condemnation.” Order Name The Order of the Perpetual Sorrows Home Planet Bathkol, a temperate shrineworld of Sector Aexynder, Subsector Raphestus Founder Viridiana Serif, Our Weeping Lady. Born 248.M38, Martyred 412.M38 Notable Sisters Yohanna Candidus, Palatine-Commander of the Serifi, Purifier of the Sunderers It is no surprise that the Order of the Perpetual Sorrows would endear themselves to their founder and her ways. As the first Canoness named herself of the Seraphim, and favored their use alongside armour contingents, so too did those who followed her. There is a strong leaning in the Sisterhood towards the Seraphim squads, leading towards an imbalanced organization. It became necessary to subdivide the Seraphim, to single out the exceptional and the experienced. These veteran Seraphim congregate in the Chapel of the Serifi, for which they view Viridiana Serif as its patron saint and from whom they are named. These women can often be seen at the forefront of every major battle of the Sisterhood, their skills and fervor lending them an unrivaled edge. Though the Serifi are considered a Commandery according to the Order's organizational structure, they exist far higher in their hierarchy. The Palatine-Commander often holds a position of honor in the Sisterhood, her voice as heeded and respected as any preceptory mistress. Only when the entire Order is mobilized for war do the Serifi stand united outside of their Chapel, as their Commandery are most often spread across the Order and its various conflicts. History Communion with the God-Emperor, a most sacred practice, has guided the devoted for millennia. Though often difficult to interpret, the lives of millions are turned to the task of extrapolation. One such interpretation called for the founding of one of the Lesser Orders Militant. Viridiana Serif, a Canoness Preceptor of the Order of the Argent Shroud, was granted the honor of separating her convent from the Order. Taking with her the relic tome Luctus Aeternia, and naming the Order after the prophetic glimpse that saw to its creation, Lady Serif, now Canoness Superior of the Order of the Perpetual Sorrows, retained the convent upon the shrineworld Bathkol where the Preceptory was based, expanding it to accommodate the increased potential of a full Order. Within a century, the Sisterhood had gained incredible renown in the local Sector as a fast-acting militant order, striking with overwhelming force at the earliest signs of heresy. The zeal with which they met the secretive cults of Sector Aexynder caught the attention of Inquisitors of the Ordo Hereticus, and quickly they would take advantage of the fiery Sisters in their own investigations. In time, they were seen by the Inquisition as a powerful tool in this Sector and its surrounding regions, with many Inquisitors even petitioning the Sisterhood for permanent detachments to follow them across the Imperium's greater expanse. With their harsh intolerance for even minor deviations of the Imperial Creed, the Sisters of the Order of the Perpetual Sorrows can be seen participating in wars of faith in every corner of the Imperium. Beliefs The Sisters of Perpetual Sorrow record with careful precision the heretical crimes committed against Him on Earth within the tactical log Luctus Aeternia. To the Sisters, these crimes should never be forgotten, lest they be repeated, and are often invoked during sermons. It is, however, of note that what this Sisterhood condemns as heretical is, perhaps, more conservative than the greater Ecclesiarchy's general approach to the differing faiths in the God-Emperor. To the Sisters of Bathkol, the God-Emperor is the All, born whole from the holiness of Terra's children. To these Sisters, worship of the God-Emperor in any other aspect is condemnable. They see totemic representations of the God-Emperor as debasement before false idols. While they are willing to curb their indignation and bile for otherwise loyal Imperial domains, these beliefs made them willing participants in retributive campaigns based upon ideological conflicts, particularly when involving the contrary beliefs of a Space Marine Chapter. These beliefs have spread beyond the Sisterhood, in no small part because of their charismatic prominence on Bathkol and beyond. On a few worlds, their particular outlook on Space Marines have taken rather well. On Hathmose it is most understandable, the planet's denizens having long memories into their past, when renegade Space Marines would raid their stores with clockwork precision and brutality before being run off by a detachment of Loyalist Space Marines of the Flesh Tearers Chapter. For the embittered Hathmosians, they could not distinguish between savior and ravager. The Sisterhood, however, has not taken kindly to a particular sentiment among those they have so influenced. With the focus the Order has on the Seraphim squads, especially the often more ornate Serifi, there are those among the masses who look up to these women that see them as the God-Emperor's true angels. Indeed, the Order has become increasingly frustrated with what they see as false idolatry, loudly and at times even violently denouncing it. Significant Battle Dragon's Fall – M39: Like many Space Marine Chapters based out of feral death worlds, the Sunderers had a unique, contradictory view of the Emperor. While ostensibly holding to the improper belief system of the Adeptus Astartes, that of the God-Emperor as “just a man,” the further uncivilized beliefs of their own recruitment stock pervaded and corrupted the Chapter. This has occurred among those who would call Him on Earth their grandsire since time immemorial, when the God-Emperor, in an unfathomable act of wisdom and compassion, allowed for the continued existence of the Space Wolves Chapter. The Sunderers, inheritors of the White Scars Chapter, another barbaric lineage not unlike those of the Wolves or the Salamanders, had for several thousand years looked to the feathered, saurian mega-fauna of their home world as symbolically representative of the God-Emperor's power and ferocity. Even before their corruption by the powers beyond, the Sisters of Perpetual Sorrow would have proclaimed them damned in moments. With the Imperium fully seeking to unleash judgment upon the Sunderers, the Order gladly lent the taskforce its entire strength. This proved fortuitous to the forces of the God-Emperor, as it was one of the Order's Commanderies that successfully disrupted a ritual centered upon the Chapter's former High Reclusiarch, a ritual that surely would have turned the tide of battle and necessitated the call for other, more terrible allies.
- 10 replies
- Index Sororitas
- Liber Challenge
- (and 8 more)
Liberum Cogitatio Experimenta Hello, and welcome to the Liber Astartes' Thought Experiments! In this thread, we will explore our DIYs in ways designed to challenge and invigorate us. We will explore the concept of a DIY, including its inception, its conclusion, and everything in-between or outside, using periodic exercises that will ask you to think of things you otherwise might not have. You will travel along the infinite lines of 'what if?' and perhaps uncover something new, something hidden, something wonderful. How far you go with these experiments is up to you. Anyone and everyone is invited to participate, whether you already have a DIY, of any kind acceptable under the B&C's rules, if you are interested in creating one, or even if you just feel inspired to let your creative juices flow! I will present various, weekly experiments that we will all tackle. Each of us will select one of our own DIYs with which to answer these experiments. You will post your responses, your thoughts and findings, in this thread, receiving support and C&C from others and collaborating in kind. What you create in this thread does not need to be anything you keep or hold onto. The purpose of these exercises is simply to get you to think along lines you might not otherwise have done so. To visualize your DIY differently than you already have, and perhaps to find something new of worth or value in it. Hopefully, what we do here will provide you with inspiration, either in what you create or because of what you have created. As such, you are encouraged to explore ideas and concepts deliberately contrary to the very basics of what you will have already decided for your DIY. I hope you will have as much fun exploring these concepts as I know I will. If you do update your own articles or other creations with something that arose from within this thread, whether by being inspired by a particular exercise or by enjoying a particular creation of yours, anything at all that originated from this thread really, let us know! We would love to hear a success story, and it lets those in charge see what kind of an impact our threads are having. Now that you've been introduced to what this thread is all about, let's get down to it! ExperimentA Narrative Shift A Hero's Fall A Progenitor's Judgement The Final Days A Breaking Point A Red Alliance A Bond Of Blood A Derivative Original An Unshaken Faith A House Divided A World Burns Of Different Blood A Different Time An Unexpected Battlefield A Sudden Change Where Were You Re-Evaluating Interests A Galaxy of Possibilities New Blood Up to Chance Sharing the Limelight
- 95 replies
- Liber
- Liber Astartes
- (and 6 more)
Greetings, fellow Liberites! Again we celebrate Liberalia Martiale, for today is the 17th of March. Today we may take some time out to revisit our old IA projects and see what can be done, today we make sure that others who have provided their material - grown from their own imagination - do not go unanswered. I would like to encourage all of the Liberites, old and new, to renew their creativity. If any of you so wish, then I would recommend going to Grand Master Belial's Brotherhood of the Angels competition thread here in the Liber and make a pledge to fulfil. I'd also like to stand, and make a toast - which is optional to you, on the other side of that screen - to Kurgan, the Admins and the Liberites of old who have made the subforum what it is today. Mods who've served their time helping others and have long since hung up their melta have also contributed much to what we have now. You, yourselves, also deserve praise. The veterans and the newcomers alike, for sharing your minds and also helping others do the same. I have seen some truly great and characterful chapters during my stay on B&C. Long may it remain this way. Long live the Liber and long live B&C. :wink: