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  1. Hi there! Over the past year Ive been trying to build a casual and thematic IF list with the templar assault ROW. Unfortunately, it doesnt seem like many people use this one or build a list around it, so Ive been kind of piecing it together without much advise. Id Like to hear your thoughts on the current list, and the more ideal competitive version of it. Ive only every played other peoples tryhard lists before, so Im not really sure how this fairs against an average army. Any advice would be appreciated, and if I have some rules wrong please let me know. Here are my personal restrictions: -no recon marines/scouts -no phalanx warders - set late siege of Terra around warhawk. This is the current list, and comprises of the models I have so far: The Idea for this list is to have dorn and huscarls in spartan, Sigi and some templar in proteus, and the other templar with the preator in deepstrike. Tacs grab objectives while dreads cover supporting fire for dorn and sigi to move up the board and take on elite units, once positioning is ok the other deepstrike squad will come in and flank some power armour like a heavy support squad or something. Templars also have line for objectives. Dorn and his pals take on the biggest threat, while sigi challenges the second highest threat. Tanks do damage to other vehicles/dreads or teminators. Templars should also have melta bombs to deal with any in the backlines LA - VII: Imperial Fists - Imperial Fists 3.5k - [3500Pts] ## Crusade Force Organisation Chart [3500Pts] ### Expanded Army Lists Expanded Army List Profiles:: Legacy Units On, Exemplary Units On ### Allegiance: Allegiance: Loyalist VII: Imperial Fists ### Rite of War: Rite of War: Templar Assault (IF) ### HQ: [385Pts] Praetor, Tartaros [155Pts]: Krak Grenades, Artificer Armour, Frag Grenades • Legion Tartaros Praetor [155Pts]: Vigil Storm Shield, Minor Combi-Weapon - Flamer, Magna Combi-Weapon - Disintegrator, Power Sword, Paragon Blade, Teleport Strike, Master of the Legion, Tartaros Terminator Armour Sigismund [230Pts]: Krak Grenades, Artificer Armour, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Iron Halo, Frag Grenades, Artificer Armour, Master of the Legion, The Black Sword, Master-crafted bolt pistol • Sigismund ### Elites: [230Pts] Contemptor Dreadnought Talon [230Pts] • Contemptor Dreadnought [230Pts]: Havoc Launcher, Iliastus Assault Cannon, Gravis Power Fist with in-built ranged weapon, Gravis Lascannon, Atomantic Deflector ### Troops: [890Pts] Tactical Squad [220Pts]: Krak Grenades, Frag Grenades, Power Armour • 19x Legionaries (collective) [190Pts]: Bolter, Bolt Pistol • Legion Tactical Sergeant [20Pts]: Artificer Armour, Meltabombs, Bolter, Bolt Pistol Templar Brethren [335Pts]: Meltabombs, 9x Combat Shield, Krak Grenades, Frag Grenades, Artificer Armour, Power Sword, Bolt Pistol • 9x Brethren [225Pts] • Champion [17Pts]: Combat Shield, Solarite Power Gauntlet, Archaeotech Pistol Templar Brethren [335Pts]: Meltabombs, 9x Combat Shield, Krak Grenades, Frag Grenades, Artificer Armour, Power Sword, Bolt Pistol • 9x Brethren [225Pts] • Champion [17Pts]: Combat Shield, Solarite Power Gauntlet, Archaeotech Pistol ### Heavy Support: [995Pts] Land Raider Proteus Carrier Squadron [240Pts]: Land Raider Proteus Carrier, Searchlights, Twin-linked Lascannon, Legiones Astartes (X), 2x Sponson Mounted Gravis Lascannon, Smoke Launchers Land Raider Spartan [425Pts]: Land Raider Spartan, Multi-Melta, Searchlights, Flare Shield, Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-linked Heavy Bolter, 2x Lascannon Array, Legiones Astartes (X), Smoke Launchers Leviathan Dreadnought Talon [330Pts] • Leviathan [330Pts]: 2x Iliastus Assault Cannons, 2x Iliastus Assault Cannon, Leviathan Siege Claw, Leviathan Siege Claw, Phosphex Discharger, Atomantic Deflector ### Primarch: [1000Pts] Rogal Dorn [1000Pts]: Krak Grenades, Artificer Armour, Frag Grenades, Huscarl Squad, Master of the Legion, Frag Grenades, Warlord, The Voice of Terra, The Auric Armour, Storm's Teeth • Rogal Dorn I havent gotten to fully test this list, but I have the feeling that an army of thunderhamer termies with a chaplain and other elite termies would wipe these guys out, so I made some revisions. What do you think (its slightly overcosted but its a wip)? LA - VII: Imperial Fists - Imperial Fists new - [3080Pts] ## Crusade Force Organisation Chart [3080Pts] ### Expanded Army Lists Expanded Army List Profiles:: Legacy Units On, Exemplary Units On ### Allegiance: Allegiance: Loyalist VII: Imperial Fists ### Rite of War: Rite of War: Templar Assault (IF) ### HQ: [1005Pts] Praetor, Tartaros [150Pts] • Legion Tartaros Praetor [150Pts]: Combi-Bolter, Power Weapon, Power Sword, Teleport Strike, Vigil Storm Shield, Master of the Legion, Tartaros Terminator Armour Sigismund [855Pts]: Huscarl Squad, Krak Grenades, Iron Halo, Frag Grenades, Artificer Armour, Master of the Legion, Warlord, The Black Sword, Master-crafted bolt pistol • Sigismund ### Elites: [750Pts] Contemptor Dreadnought Talon [175Pts] • Contemptor Dreadnought [175Pts]: Combi-Bolter, Gravis Bolt Cannon, Gravis Power Fist with in-built ranged weapon, Atomantic Deflector Terminator Cataphractii Squad [575Pts]: Cataphractii Terminator Armour • Cataphractii Sergeant [25Pts]: Vigil Storm Shield, Solarite Power Gauntlet • 9x Cataphractii [55Pts]: Solarite Power Gauntlet, Vigil Storm Shield ### Troops: [1100Pts] Templar Brethren [550Pts]: Land Raider Proteus Carrier, Twin-linked Lascannon, Legiones Astartes (X), 2x Sponson Mounted Gravis Lascannon, Smoke Launchers, Legion Vexilla, 9x Combat Shield, Krak Grenades, Frag Grenades, Artificer Armour, Power Sword, Bolt Pistol • 9x Brethren [225Pts] • Champion [12Pts]: Combat Shield, Solarite Power Gauntlet, Bolt Pistol Templar Brethren [550Pts]: Land Raider Proteus Carrier, Twin-linked Lascannon, Legiones Astartes (X), 2x Sponson Mounted Gravis Lascannon, Smoke Launchers, Legion Vexilla, 9x Combat Shield, Krak Grenades, Frag Grenades, Artificer Armour, Power Sword, Bolt Pistol • 9x Brethren [225Pts] • Champion [12Pts]: Combat Shield, Solarite Power Gauntlet, Bolt Pistol ### Heavy Support: [225Pts] Deredeo Dreadnought Talon [225Pts] • Legion Deredeo Dreadnought [225Pts]: Four Boreas Air Defence Missiles, Twin-linked Heavy Bolter, Arachnus Heavy Lascannon Battery, Atomantic Deflector, Helical Targeting Array In this list, there are more terminators to deal with more units, but there are still templars as troops with line. They ride in proteus tanks to get them from a to b safely, and cap objectives/kill infantry. preator and regular terminators deepstrike wherever is needed to cause pressure and do big damage, while contemptor helps where it can. Deredo adds long range support and anti air. Sigi and his huscarls move up slowly in cover to challenge the hq. Is this list a better idea?
  2. Hi, newbie here. Been playing 40k for a while and starting HH, honestly with the mindset of the good old guard infantry horde platoons from 6th. Not planning to go to any tournaments, just for playing with friend semi-competitive. My vision for the army thanks to how Ultramar pattern works is a Napoleonic line force (rifle sections) supported by cannons (rapier batteries) with mechanised command and thunderbolts mainly for variety, but i've always been a fan of just fielding bodies en mass. I don't have any real 'plan' for the army, sprint in the first turn and then slow implacable march is my current theory but I have two main questions about the list I guess, first does it cover enough of the bases, i've no idea what an average amount of enemy tanks looks like or how most HH lists are built? Second I do want it to be enjoyable, so is there anything i'm using that strikes you as excessive or unfair? Thanks. Solar Auxilia - Ultramar Pattern Cohorts - 2995 pts --HQ-- Legate Marshal w/cyber familiar - 100 pts Tactical Command Tercio - 645 pts - 5 x Tactical Command Section w/ command vox & Aurox Transport (145 pts) - 10x Companion Section w/ 10x Plasma Gun & Aurox Transport (250 pts) - 10x Companion Section w/ 10x Plasma Gun & Aurox Transport (250 pts) --TROOPS-- Ultramar Pattern Auxilia Rifle Tercio - 480 pts - 20x Rifle Section w/ Vox Interlock & Auxilia Vexilla (120 pts) - 20x Rifle Section w/ Vox Interlock & Auxilia Vexilla (120 pts) - 20x Rifle Section w/ Vox Interlock & Auxilia Vexilla (120 pts) - 20x Rifle Section w/ Vox Interlock & Auxilia Vexilla (120 pts) Ultramar Pattern Auxilia Rifle Tercio - 480 pts - 20x Rifle Section w/ Vox Interlock & Auxilia Vexilla (120 pts) - 20x Rifle Section w/ Vox Interlock & Auxilia Vexilla (120 pts) - 20x Rifle Section w/ Vox Interlock & Auxilia Vexilla (120 pts) - 20x Rifle Section w/ Vox Interlock & Auxilia Vexilla (120 pts) Ultramar Pattern Auxilia Rifle Tercio - 480 pts - 20x Rifle Section w/ Vox Interlock & Auxilia Vexilla (120 pts) - 20x Rifle Section w/ Vox Interlock & Auxilia Vexilla (120 pts) - 20x Rifle Section w/ Vox Interlock & Auxilia Vexilla (120 pts) - 20x Rifle Section w/ Vox Interlock & Auxilia Vexilla (120 pts) --FAST ATTACK-- Thunderbolt Fighter w/ Hellstrike Missiles- 135 pts Thunderbolt Fighter w/ Hellstrike Missiles- 135 pts --Heavy Support-- Artillery Tercio - 180 pts - Rapier Battery w/ Laser Destroyer (60 pts) - Rapier Battery w/ Laser Destroyer (60 pts) - Rapier Battery w/ Laser Destroyer (60 pts) Artillery Tercio - 180 pts - Rapier Battery w/ Laser Destroyer (60 pts) - Rapier Battery w/ Laser Destroyer (60 pts) - Rapier Battery w/ Laser Destroyer (60 pts) Artillery Tercio - 180 pts - Rapier Battery w/ Laser Destroyer (60 pts) - Rapier Battery w/ Laser Destroyer (60 pts) - Rapier Battery w/ Laser Destroyer (60 pts)
  3. Hello! New to the forum new to HH, so I've come the questions and a list offering. Me and my mates are fairly competitive, but we don't want to run skew or make lists that are inadvertently busted because we haven't noticed how some rules work in practice. I'm trying to make a melee focused army work for me with DA and the Unbroken Vow RoW. The plan is: Inner Circle Knights are my Dreadnought hunters, Praetor and and his companions are infantry killers, and my Interemptors are terminator hunters. The core are my Tartaros Terminators supported by an Apothecary and Centurion Herald, my glorious and "immovable" objective takers. Dreadnoughts are fire support/anti-air and Sabres are my anti-tank. So what do we think? My lack of line worries me, especially taking a HQ slot per squad to make a unit line. Update to the plan of action: Deep strike a ball of independent Characters (IC's) and their retinue where they can do the most damage. Tactical Marines drive up to objectives with Apocatheries in tow. Dread's are my ranged anti-tank. Inner Circle Knights are my anti-Dred/melee anti-tank. Tactical Support Squad are my terminator killers. Dreadwing Interemptors are there to drive up to scary stuff and make it go away with their plasma Burners. I feel confident in this list, it should be a good time for myself and my opponents. Thanks for your continued suggestions :) 1st Edits: - Apocatheries are gone - Centurion Heralds are now in Tartaros armour - Inner Circle Knights have a Spartan - Sabres are also gone 2nd Edits: - Tartaros squads have 2x power axes (Sgt and a squaddie) - 2x Inner Circle Knights (one with hammers one with swords) w/ a Proteus Carrier each - Centurion Heralds in artificer return -Dreadwing Interemptors condensed into one large squad w/ Rhino - Praetor given archeotech pistol 3rd Edits: - Tartaros squads replaced with 10 man veteran squads w/ rhino transport and power swords & axes - Removed sword Inner Circle Knights and made reaming Inner Circle Knights Hunter of Beasts Order Ironwing - Sabres with Neutron Blasters return - 2x Sicarans added - Dreadnoughts removed - Dreadwing Interemptors split into two squads again - Apothecaries for veteran line units return plus Warhawk jumppack Apothecary for Deathwing detachment - Minor-Combi Weapons no longer volkite, now grenade launcher - Veteran Sgt & squaddie have power axes Note: Unsure getting rid of the Dreadnoughts for tanks, thoughts on this in particular most welcome 4th Edits: - Veterans are gone, 3 tactical squads replace them (It's sad I know but the DA RoW not giving at least 2 units line is too costly an obstacle. Tactical Marines it is. - Centurions Heralds replaced with a warmonger (to assault immediately after deep striking) and the Chaplin. RoW really benefits IC's with Deathwing so making a small blob of doom is good. - Sabres are gone AGAIN! Replaced by a 10 man tactical support squad with Plasma Repeaters - Learned that Apothecary can't join the Deathwing Companion detachment, he has been downgraded and given a tactical squad to baby sit - Deathwing Companion reduced to minimum size - Dreadnoughts return 2x with Gravis Lascannons, Gravis Power Fists and Plasma Blasters Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for helping me puzzle this out. Who knows if this will be the last iteration before I'm satisfied that enough possibilities are covered. Always glad to recieve your messages and suggestions for improvements. Especially with regards to rules clarifications. ++ Crusade Force Organisation Chart (LA - I: Dark Angels) [3,000Pts] ++ + Expanded Army Lists + Expanded Army List Profiles:: Exemplary Units Off, Legacy Units Off + Allegiance: + I: Dark Angels Allegiance: Loyalist + Rite of War: + Rite of War: The Unbroken Vow (DA) + HQ: + Centurion [140Pts]: (Chaplain) Master craft one weapon to represent a Crozius Arcanum, Chaplain, Deathwing . Chaplain: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Refractor Field, Terranic Greatsword, Warhawk Jump Pack Centurion [130Pts]: Deathwing, Warmonger . Warmonger: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Refractor Field, Terranic Greatsword Praetor [415Pts]: Deathwing, Marshal of the Crown, Warlord . Deathwing Companion Detachment: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Warhawk Jump Pack . . Deathwing Oathbearer: Cytheron Pattern Aegis, Refractor Field, Terranic Greatsword . . Deathwing Companion: Cytheron Pattern Aegis, Terranic Greatsword . . Deathwing Companion: Bolter, Terranic Greatsword . . Deathwing Companion: Bolter, Terranic Greatsword . . Deathwing Companion: Bolter, Terranic Greatsword . Legion Praetor: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenades, Iron Halo, Krak Grenades, Master of the Legion, Terranic Greatsword, Warhawk Jump Pack + Elites: + Apothecarion Detachment [135Pts]: Legiones Astartes (X) . Apothecary: Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Narthecium, Power Armour, Stormwing . . Chainsword: Chainsword . Apothecary: Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Narthecium, Power Armour, Stormwing . . Chainsword: Chainsword . Apothecary: Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Narthecium, Power Armour, Stormwing . . Chainsword: Chainsword Contemptor Dreadnought Talon [410Pts]: Dreadwing . Contemptor Dreadnought: Atomantic Deflector, Gravis Lascannon, Gravis Power Fist with in-built ranged weapon, Plasma Blaster . Contemptor Dreadnought: Atomantic Deflector, Gravis Lascannon, Gravis Power Fist with in-built ranged weapon, Plasma Blaster Dreadwing Interemptor Squad [160Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenades, Interemptor Praefectus, 4x Interemptors, Krak Grenades, Plasma Burner, Power Armour, Rad Grenades . Rhino Transport: Smoke Launchers, Twin-linked Bolter Inner Circle Knights Cenobium [495Pts]: Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Hunter of Beasts, Ironwing, Plasma-Caster . Order Preceptor: Thunder Hammer . Land Raider Proteus Carrier: 2x Sponson Mounted Gravis Lascannon, Legiones Astartes (X), Smoke Launchers, Twin-linked Heavy Bolter . Order Cenobites: Thunder Hammer . Order Cenobites: Thunder Hammer . Order Cenobites: Thunder Hammer . Order Cenobites: Thunder Hammer + Troops: + Tactical Squad [140Pts]: Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Power Armour, Stormwing . Legion Tactical Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Armour . 9x Legionaries (collective): 9x Bolt Pistol, 9x Bolter . Rhino Transport: Searchlights, Smoke Launchers, Twin-linked Bolter Tactical Squad [140Pts]: Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Power Armour, Stormwing . Legion Tactical Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Armour . 9x Legionaries (collective): 9x Bolt Pistol, 9x Bolter . Rhino Transport: Searchlights, Smoke Launchers, Twin-linked Bolter Tactical Squad [140Pts]: Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Power Armour, Stormwing . Legion Tactical Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Armour . 9x Legionaries (collective): 9x Bolt Pistol, 9x Bolter . Rhino Transport: Searchlights, Smoke Launchers, Twin-linked Bolter Tactical Support Squad [335Pts]: Dreadwing, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Plasma Repeater, Power Armour . Legion Tactical Support Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Power Armour . 9x Legionaries (collective): 9x Bolt Pistol . Rhino Transport: Searchlights, Smoke Launchers, Twin-linked Bolter + Heavy Support: + Sicaran Squadron [365Pts]: Ironwing . Sicaran : 2x Heavy Bolters, Accelerator Autocannon, Heavy Bolter, Smoke Launchers . Sicaran : 2x Heavy Bolters, Accelerator Autocannon, Heavy Bolter, Smoke Launchers ++ Total: [3,000Pts] ++
  4. Hi all, this is my first post and I am looking for some advice/critiques of some lists. I'm creating two VIII Legion lists for the Horus Heresy Narrative Event at the Las Vegas Open in 2024. Before I jump into the lists I will explain some of the specific rules for the event to better help with some of the oddities from normal list building. 1. Praetor Consul: When purchasing a Praetor for a Legion you may, in lieu of a paragon blade, pay the Consul upgrade cost from the Consul Options available to Legion Centurions. The cost is the same as the Consul upgrade and will provide your Praetor with all of the benefits/limitations that Consul upgrade is associated with - excluding any Consul rules that prevent the Consul from being the Warlord. 2. List Size and Construction: Day 1 = 2,500 pts., Day 2 = 2,000 pts.. Day 2's list must use unit entries from Day 1. You do not have to take every unit entry and they can be modified (size, wargear etc.), but you cannot take more or different unit entries than was included in your Day 1 list. 3. Forbidden: Primarchs, Unique Characters, Titans, and/or Drop Pods. The Idea I wanted to create a force based on a proto-Raptor Cult that used the Age of Darkness box (primarily the 40 infantry), and maximised on the VIII Legion's traits (fear mechanics, pinning and out-numbering). The Lore in General Inductii are brought into the unit and those that survive/thrive in close combat are elevated to Assualt Legionaries, those less predisposed are relegated to Reconnaisance. The Assault Legionaries that excel are selected to become Chosen which is the begining of a Raptor Cult. Note: I've used Inductii over regular Despoilers because I think their rules are really thematic and the breaching 6+ is nice. I also wanted to include Night Raptors instead of Assault Squads, but they cost too many points and didn't really make for a well-rounded force. The Lists Day 1 List (2,500 pts): Night Lords - Allegience: Traitors Rite of War: Terror Assault HQ Praetor (190 pts.) - Warlord: Flaymaster - Pair of Lightning Claws - Warhawk Jump Pack - Chaplain Consul Upgrade Praetor's Retinue: Command Squad with Warhawk Jump Packs (294 pts.) - 7x Chosen (2x Power Fist, 1 with Combat Shield + 3x Paired Lightning Claws, 1 with Legion Standard + 1x Charnabal Sabre + 1x Chainsword) Centurion: Librarian (125 pts.) - Force Axe - Warhawk Jump Pack - Psychic Discipline: Telepathy Centurion: Master of Signals (95 pts.) - No upgrades ELITES 2x Contemptor Dreadnought (180 pts. ea.) - Gravis Melta Cannon and Gravis Power Fist with Combi-Bolter on ea. TROOPS 2x Assault Squad (165 pts. ea.) - 10x Legionaries (Sergeant with Artificer Armour and Chainsword, 2x Power Lance) in both squads 2x Despoiler Squad - Inductii (200 pts. ea.) - 19x Despoilers (Legion Vexilla) in both squads 1x Reconnaissance Squad - A (140 pts.) - 5x Legionaries (4x Nemesis Bolters + Preysight) 1x Reconnaissance Squad - B (135 pts.) - 5x Legionaries (5x Nemesis Bolters) FAST ATTACK 2x Proteus Land Speeder (70 pts. ea.) - 1x Graviton Gun on ea. HEAVY SUPPORT 2x Vindicators in a Squadron (290 pts. total) - Magna Laser Destroyer and Dozer Blade on ea. + Preysight Day 2 List (2,000 pts.): Night Lords - Allegience: Traitors Rite of War: Terror Assault HQ Praetor (190 pts.) - Warlord: Flaymaster - Pair of Lightning Claws - Warhawk Jump Pack - Chaplain Consul Upgrade Praetor's Retinue: Command Squad with Warhawk Jump Packs (294 pts.) - 5x Chosen (1x Power Fist with Combat Shield + 3x Paired Lightning Claws, 1 with Legion Standard + 1x Chainsword with Combat Shield) Centurion: Librarian (125 pts.) - Force Axe - Warhawk Jump Pack - Psychic Discipline: Telepathy Centurion: Master of Signals (95 pts.) - No upgrades ELITES 1x Contemptor Dreadnought (180 pts.) - Gravis Melta Cannon and Gravis Power Fist with Combi-Bolter TROOPS 1x Assault Squad - A (165 pts.) - 10x Legionaries (Sergeant with Artificer Armour and Chainsword, 2x Power Lance) 1x Assualt Squad - B (160 pts.) - 10x Legionaries (Sergeant with Artificer Armour and Chainsword, 1x Power Lance) 2x Despoiler Squad - Inductii (150 pts. ea.) - 14x Despoilers (Legion Vexilla) in both squads 1x Reconnaissance Squad - A (140 pts.) - 5x Legionaries (4x Nemesis Bolters + Preysight) 1x Reconnaissance Squad - B (135 pts.) - 5x Legionaries (5x Nemesis Bolters) HEAVY SUPPORT 2x Vindicators in a Squadron (290 pts. total) - Magna Laser Destroyer and Dozer Blade on ea. + Preysight The Plan - Flexible deployment options with potential to deepstrike and pin, supported by the Master of Signals. Deepstrike all or nothinig (Praetor+Retinue, Assault Squads+Librarian, and Proteus Land Speeders). - Recon Squads hold deployment zone objectives and target enemy leaders to cause pinning. Master of Signals is attached to Recon Squad - B to give the shooting boost. Master of Signals is also able to assist a morale roll each turn (will probably be the LD 7 Despoilers). - Despoiler Squads and Contemptors move up the board together. Despoilers go for objectives with secondary task to tarpit 2+ units. Contemptors target vehicles > WS4 2+ > dreads. - Vindicators remain outside of 24" and target vehicles > dreads > WS5 2+. - Assault Squads target critical WS4 3+ units (Heavy Support Squads), assisted by Librarian to shut down overwatch and Land Speeders to reduce WS. After this they will grab objectives or finish off damaged units. - Land Speeders reduce WS (concussive) > vehicles > absorb overwatch. - Praetor and retinue initially target weaker units to build Fear 2/3 bubble then use movement to pile into other combat (WS5 3+ > WS4 3+ > 2+). Primary focus of 3+ due to the Lightning Claws, but also included Power Fists for Artificer Sergeants or clean up smaller 2+ units. Conclusion I havn't had much of a chance to play HH 2.0, so does anything leap out at those with more experience? My questions are: 1. Is there enough pinning? If not, what would you substitute? 2. Between picking my fights with Jump Packs and mass amounts of breaching/rending will this be enough to deal with Legion Specific Terminators (WS5 2+)? 3. Should my Praetor have a Thunder Hammer? This seems to be the optimal build, but is really expensive and the Lightning Claws seem in-line with the Raptor aesthetic. 4. Are the Land Speeders with Grav. Guns a dumb idea? 5. Does the Chaplain upgrade on the Praetor seem worth it (Noting his retinue and him are only 8/6 models), or should the 35 points be used elsewhere? 6. Is there too many moving pieces, should I instead invest more heavily in a smaller number of units? Thanks in advance for any feedback.
  5. so im trying to build a list and wondering what i should take out to fit the 2k points as im currently over and any other advice on how my army is build and changes i should make would be great too. ++ Arks of Omen Detachment (Chaos - Chaos Space Marines) [108 PL, 3CP, 2,105pts] ++ + Configuration + Arks of Omen Compulsory Type: Troops Battle Size [6CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points) Detachment Command Cost Game Type: 5. Chapter Approved: Arks of Omen Legion: Black Legion + HQ + Abaddon the Despoiler [15 PL, -1CP, 350pts]: 3. Merciless Overseer, 5. Eternal Vendetta, 6. Paragon of Hatred, Stratagem: Warlord Trait Dark Apostle [5 PL, -1CP, 95pts]: Chaos Undivided, Cloak of Conquest, Stratagem: Relic . 2x Dark Disciple: 2x Close combat weapon Lord Discordant on Helstalker [9 PL, 175pts]: Chaos Undivided, Helstalker autocannon, Techno-virus injector Master of Possession [7 PL, 125pts]: Mark of Slaanesh + Troops + Cultists Mob [2 PL, 50pts] . 9x Chaos Cultist w/ cultist firearm: 9x Cultist firearm, 9x Frag & Krak grenades . Cultist Champion . . Autopistol and brutal assault weapon Legionaries [6 PL, 90pts]: Chaos Icon, Chaos Undivided . Aspiring Champion: Bolt pistol, Boltgun . 4x Legionary w/ astartes chainsword: 4x Astartes chainsword, 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades Legionaries [6 PL, 90pts]: Chaos Icon, Chaos Undivided . Aspiring Champion: Bolt pistol, Boltgun . 4x Legionary w/ astartes chainsword: 4x Astartes chainsword, 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades + Elites + Chaos Terminator Squad [19 PL, -1CP, 410pts]: Mark of Slaanesh . Chaos Terminator: Accursed weapon, Combi-bolter . Chaos Terminator: Accursed weapon, Combi-bolter . Chaos Terminator: Accursed weapon, Combi-bolter . Chaos Terminator: Accursed weapon, Combi-bolter . Chaos Terminator: Accursed weapon, Combi-bolter . Chaos Terminator: Accursed weapon, Combi-bolter . Chaos Terminator: Accursed weapon, Combi-bolter . Chaos Terminator: Combi-melta, Power fist . Chaos Terminator: Chainfist, Combi-melta . Terminator Champion: Black Rune of Damnation, Chainfist, Combi-melta, Trophies of the Long War Helbrute [7 PL, 120pts]: Helbrute fist, Mark of Tzeentch, Multi-melta Possessed [14 PL, 280pts]: Possessed Champion . 9x Possessed: 9x Hideous mutations + Fast Attack + Chaos Bikers [6 PL, 110pts]: Chaos Icon, Mark of Tzeentch . Biker Champion: Astartes chainsword . 2x Chaos Biker w/ astartes chainsword: 2x Astartes chainsword, 2x Combi-bolter, 2x Frag & Krak grenades Raptors [6 PL, 105pts]: Chaos Undivided . 4x Raptor: 4x Astartes chainsword, 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades . Raptor Champion: Astartes chainsword, Bolt pistol Venomcrawler [6 PL, 105pts] ++ Total: [108 PL, 3CP, 2,105pts] ++
  6. IF HH 3500pts Legiones Astartes Sigismund: Rite of War (Templar Assault) 230 4 Huscarls: Huscarl-master; 3 Huscarls 225 Castellan: master-crafted autocannon; power weapon (sword); bolter 102 10 Tactical Space Marines: Tactical Sergeant (artificer armour; lightning claw; plasma pistol); 9 Tactical Space Marines; legion vexilla 140 10 Tactical Space Marines: Tactical Sergeant (artificer armour; power sword; plasma pistol); 9 Tactical Space Marines; augury scanner 140 6 Cataphractii Terminators: Cataphractii Sergeant (chainfist; grenade harness); 5 Cataphractii Terminators; 4 × combi-bolter; 5 × chainfist; augury scanner 310 Contemptor Dreadnought Talon • Contemptor Dreadnought: gravis autocannon; gravis power fist; carapace-mounted havoc launcher 195 10 Phalanx Warders: Warder Sergeant (artificer armour; thunder hammer; plasma pistol); 9 Phalanx Warders; 2 × thunder hammer; legion vexilla 305 10 Templar Brethren: Champion (combat shield); 9 Templar Brethren; 9 × combat shield; legion vexilla 305 Apothecarion Detachment • Apothecary: artificer armour 55 5 Heavy Support Marines: Heavy Support Sergeant; 4 Heavy Support Marines; plasma cannons; augury scanner 160 Land Raider Spartan: pintle-mounted multi-melta; hunter-killer missile; flare shield 440 5 Heavy Support Marines: Heavy Support Sergeant (artificer armour); 4 Heavy Support Marines 110 Leviathan Pattern Siege Dreadnought Talon • Leviathan Pattern Siege Dreadnought: Leviathan storm cannon; two hull-pointed Illiastus assault cannon; phosphex discharger 340 Rogal Dorn, The Praetorian: Rite of War 435 3,492 points meant to be more casual and thematic and less competitive
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