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Found 6 results

  1. Of course, the ETLs weren't the only time I got things painted - after 2018, I did manage to keep some momentum going. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, I meant to get these pics of my Librarian up sooner, but better late than never! I've also finished this Tactical Squad earlier today: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just a quick little update today, but I finally found the time to wrap up my third rhino and second razorback: I likely would have had an update sooner, but I've been agonizing over free-handing a suitable company standard. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today... today I bring pictures. I've finished a Devastator Squad equipped with Lascannons, and a Techmarine in full servo-harness. The Great Repaintening continues! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, I'm supposed to be working on my servitors to go with my techmarine, but I got distracted and ended up painting a new captain instead. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Got my quartet of servitors done tonight: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey all, I've finally completed a classic Dreadnought. He's got a couple of weapons - a lascannon and an assault cannon. I've also added a little icon to the left shoulder, much like my power-armoured marines. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've finally completed the Company Ancient. I need more practice with the decal paper I purchased (I should invest in some micro-sol and micro-set), but I mostly like how it has turned out. This is the "fighting" standard of the Fourth Company - the Company Number, Chapter Icon, and Company Motto are all present. The motto for the company is "Nostris Teneamus" - which I've done in a sort of Carolingian Minuscule script to evoke a more medieval feel. The Company Ancient is escorted by the Company Champion (who's been done for a while, I needed a few attempts to lay out the standard to a level I was pleased with).
  2. In the before times, Captain Semper ran a yearly painting challenge "E Tenebrae Lux" where all Frater were encouraged to paint units for bragging rights between the various sub-forums. I participated in a couple with my Blood Ravens. Here are the "after" shots of the completed units ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (2018) Here's the whole army, as it stands: Here's the Captain, Lieutenants, Apothecary, Veterans, and Razorback: Here's the first Tactical Squad and their Rhino: Here's the second Tactical Squad and their Rhino: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (2019) Okay, I've finished my ETL vow, here are some pics! Chaplain: Assault Squad: Some poses that I think turned out well.
  3. Ahhh, the backlog, the pile of shame, the collection of potential... This is what I wanted to add to my army, all nicely sorted and laid out. And then GW launched a whole new Space Marine line. The pile grows... the backlog hungers... I don't know that I'll add all of these to my Marines now, some might get left aside for other projects, but we'll see. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of course, the army pics aren't quite the full picture, either. I've accumulated a large backlog as well (everyone does, right?). These are in various stages of assembly and painting. And my brother decided to downsize his collection, so I got his drop pods, dreadnoughts, and Imperial Knights... *sigh*
  4. A number of years ago (in 2018) I decided to listen to the whispers of madness - I had noticeably better painting skills, and felt I could repaint my Space Marines. I haven't really worked on my Blood Ravens since about the start of the pandemic, as I could not get a handle on 9th edition, but with the call of a new edition, I'm starting to get the itch to revisit my marines. Below is the inaugural post in my original thread. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +++Vox transmission begins+++ +++Transcript follows+++ +++General Broadcast to all elements of Task Force Cognitione: closing a successful campaign in the Havennesse Spiral, we are preparing for the final jump to the Chapter Fleet. There, we will rearm and resupply, and pick up some new recruits for the 4th Company. We also expect to gain some supporting elements from the Reserve Companies ***vox distortion*** Battle Brothers - take your positions for Warp Translation. None shall find us wanting!+++ +++Vox transmission ends+++ Hello, and welcome to my army painting blog/thread/thingy! Veterans of the boards probably know that I have a collection of Blood Ravens; there's a few pics of them floating about. Anyway, I've been "away" painting up my Orks, and they're finally done, so I've returned to my primary army with fresh eyes. ... Boy, do they look old now... and I can totally do better. So I've made the decision to strip, rebuild, rebase, and repaint the entire army. Madness, I know. One of the reasons for the repaint is due to the fact that GW went and changed their paint line on me... yes, these marines are *that* old. I found a scheme with the new paints that better fits my original vision, too. To illustrate: Here are the first marines I ever painted: They're kind of basic, and I've got better brush control (and better brushes!) but the color is pretty close to correct. Later marines: My skills have gotten a little better, and I'm working from a primer coat now. The color is wrong, but close enough for tabletop distances. That's around 8-9 years ago. Fast forward to just a couple years ago: These have the new scheme in the new paints, and it's much more in-line with what I originally wanted. My skills are much higher than before (though I still see some mistakes to touch up). I'm enough of a perfectionist that I want to have my marines in a consistent color scheme, and the brighter marines are "wrong" to my eyes. Where does the madness start, you may be wondering? Well, here's the army as it stands: I have a Battle Company, half the First Company, a couple Scout Squads, selected units from the various Headquarters Organizations, and an extensive vehicle pool! Quite daunting, when looked at as a whole. That said, I have a plan. I'm going to work on it squad-by-squad: a squad, their transport, a character, and something else (like a predator or a dreadnought). Since I really only get a few hours of hobby time per week, I'm well aware that this will take a long time, but no worries. Anyway, hope you enjoy the long, slow ride it's going to be!
  5. Hello friends, It is with some excitement that after weeks of assembling and painting I have my first game with my buddies in the Horus Heresy this week. We were amazed at how quickly our points went up and how easily we can play 2000 points. As big fans of the books and the story, we're happy and excited to finally be able to jump into the Horus Heresy, as it's a refreshing contrast to the increasingly combo-heavy and soullessly competitive current 40k. (At least in our gaming environment). My opponents are Sons of Horus, Thousand Sons (both armies reinforced with parts of their respective 40k armies) and loyal White Scars. Unfortunately, most of my order hasn't arrived yet: Originally, my idea was to play a massive Stone Gauntlet army, with multiple squads of Breachers and Phalanx Warders. Since these are still lost in the warp, the defenders of the second sphere on the ironclad "Defender of Oaths" under the command of Lord Marshall Demetrius have to fend off the waves of traitors alone. :) C&C are very, very welcome :) ______ The Defender of the Second Sphere Rite of War: ? Warlord: Marshall Demetrius, The Defender of Oaths Lord Marshall Demetrius, the Defender of Oaths: 170 Praetor, Solarite Power Gauntlet, Vigilus Storm Shield Exalted Templar Bedivere: 95 Centurion, Champion Consularis Castellan Palamedes: 130 Cataphractii Centurion, Consularis Castellan, Illiastus Assault Cannon, Chainfist Venerable Brother Vermund, the Fierce: 195 Contemptor Dreadnought: 2 Kheres Assault Cannons Venerable Brother Cleon, the Wise: 205 Contemptor Dreadnought: 2 Gravis Lascannons Cataphractii Squad Erlind: 235 5 Cataphractii, 5 Energyfists, 1 Illiastus Assault Cannon Cataphractii Squad Xosvan: 225 5 Cataphractii, 5x Pair of Energy Claws Tactical Squad Arceo: 205 15 Legionaries, Vexila, Bajonets Sergeant Archeo: Solarite Power Gauntlet, Artificier Armor Tactical Squad Lorchos: 130 10 Legionaries, Vexila Sergeant Lorchos: Energy Sword, Artificier Armor Heavy Weapon Squad Amnytas: 275 10 Marines with Iliastus Assault Cannons Heavy Weapon Squad Sagramor: 175 10 Marines with Heavy Bolters 2000 Points
  6. Hi gang, Long time, no post! I have a game arranged with a fellow Frater at our local club on the last Friday night before Christmas, pitting my Deathwatch against his Dark Angels. I've written a narrative play scenario for the game and I thought I'd share it with you. Consider it an early Xmas present! Don't focus too hard on the wording of the special rules, victory conditions, etc; it's meant to be a bit of fun. Also squint a bit if you are offended by semi-awful fluff. I hope you enjoy it and thanks for taking the time to read it. Retrieve the Fallen Brother Brother Talus of the Dark Angels had been seconded to the Death Watch, but his true loyalties had always been to the 1st Legion. A Veteran of long standing, Talus had been a member of the Inner Circle for many years and was well aware of the Dark Angel's secrets and shame. On receiving the call to join the Death Watch, Talus joined and served with Kill Team Hekati for a number of missions. One of his fellow Kill Team members was a secretive Black Shield named Jaro; the Black Shield tradition meant that the Death Watch Veteran did not acknowledge a parent Chapter, the Death Watch being his Brotherhood now. As Talus observed, and spent time with Jaro he felt the Black Shield was certainly a former Dark Angel, and perhaps, worse, potentially a Fallen. Talus communicated his suspicions to the Inner Circle and they plotted a means to capture Jaro so he could be questioned. Their opportunity came during a mission undertaken by Kill Team Hekati in the deserts of the Hive planet Keonides IV. Imperial Surveyors had uncovered an ancient Xeno structure housing an artifact of great power. The Surveyors inadvertently activated it and in doing so unleashed an energy pulse which destroyed them! The artifact continues to transmit a pulse on a regular basis; each more powerful than the last. If the artifact is not disabled in time it will annihilate the nearby Hive City, killing millions. Fearing that attempting to destroy the artifact from orbit would set off one of the destructive pulses, Kill Team Hekati were dispatched to the site to disable the device on the ground. The Kill Team managed to remove most of the devices safeguards, but were seriously injured in the attempt. All the Space Marines were killed bar Jaro (who was seriously injured) and Talus. Taking the opportunity Talus signalled his Dark Angel brothers to come retrieve Jaro and himself. The drop in bio-signs from Kill Team Hekati was received by the Death Watch Command, who in turn sent reinforcements to Keonides IV to save their comrades and finish the job they started. The race is on; who will reach the alien artifact and the fallen brother first? The Armies Each player selects a Battle-forged army to an agreed Power Level. One player represents the forces of the Dark Angels; all his units must have the Dark Angels keyword. The other player represents the Deathwatch; all his units must have the Deathwatch keyword. Neither player may utilize Fortifications in their armies. The Battlefield The battle takes place in a desert environment; the alien artifact has destroyed most structures in the vicinity with it's energy pulses, so there should be ruins rather than intact buildings on the battle field. A large ruin in the middle of the board houses the artifact which should be represented by a significant piece of terrain or objective (placed directly in the centre of the board). In addition a second objective is placed in the centre representing Brother Jaro. The scenario uses the Search and Destroy (Table Quarters) deployment map (p216 of the Rule Book) on a 6' by 4' table. The players roll off - who ever rolls highest chooses a table quarter as his deployment zone, whilst his opponent uses the opposite quarter. Each player then places a marker 18" along the long table edge and 12" along the short table edge, from the table corner of his deployment zone; this represents his Extraction Point (see Victory Conditions). The players then start alternate deploying their units, one at a time, starting with the player who did not choose their deployment zone. A players models must be set up within their own deployment zone. Continue setting up until both sides have set up their army. First Turn The players roll off - who ever rolls highest may choose whether to go first or second. The player who finished deployment first adds one to his roll. If the winner decides to go first his opponent can roll a die and on a 6 seize the initiative, taking the first turn instead! Battle Length The game lasts for 7 battle rounds. If both Place the Charges, and Retrieve the Fallen Brother have both been achieved before the end of the 7th battle round, then the game finishes automatically at the end of the player turn that the second of the two Victory Conditions has been achieved. Special Rules Disruption field: The vestiges of the last energy pulse remain in the air near the artifact, disrupting comms and technology; no unit may deploy or scout move within 9" of the centre of the board (e.g. scout infiltration, deep strike, etc.) Energy Leak (1CP): This unique Stratagem is available to both players in this scenario. The Alien Artefact is beginning to build up it's energy in advance of it's next devastating pulse, and some of this energy may discharge before the pulse is released. A player may use the Energy Leak Stratagem during his Shooting Phase. Choose one enemy unit within (battle round number x 12") of the centre of the board. That unit is struck by an energy surge causing D6 automatic hits (Str = battle round number, AP-). Victory Conditions At the end of the game, the player who has scored the most Victory Points is the winner. If both players have scored the same number of Victory Points then the game is a draw. Place the Charges: Both factions wish to disable the alien device to save the nearby Hive City. If a unit ends it's movement phase in base to base contact with the device, it may begin placing Demo Charges; however this is a complicated activity, and the unit must not be distracted. If unit remains in base to base contact with the artifact for a whole battle round (i.e. remains in base to base until the end of it's next movement phase), then it has placed the Demo Charges, scoring 2 VP. Retrieve the Fallen Brother: Both Factions wish to save Brother Jaro, although for very different reasons! Brother Jaro is seriously injured and can only be moved with great care. Treat the Objective representing Brother Jaro as a Relic (see the rule book p223). If Brother Jaro can be moved to within 6" of an Extraction Point he will be teleported to safety (or captivity depending on your point of view), scoring the extracting player 3 VP. If Brother Jaro is on the table at the end of game, and controlled by a player, then the controlling player scores 2VP. Slay the Warlord, First Blood, Linebreaker: As per the rule book
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