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Greetings all. I had my first 3k game using my Deathwatch marines in an old 3rd ed Battle Mission. It was a ton of fun. Here is a link to the game. The video is an hour and two minutes long, and is largely decided in the second turn, but it gives some incite towards how we operate in large point games. Personally, I found the game satisfying, and the banter amusing. I think you will as well.
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- Sheesh Mode
- Tyranids
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My List was as follows: Imperial Fists (1840pts) Space Marines: Codex (2013) v60 (Primary Detachment) (No Category) Chapter Tactics Imperial Fists Command Squad 3x Bolt Pistol, Company Standard, Frag and Krak Grenades, Meltagun, Plasma Gun, Power Armour, Power Fist, 3x Veteran Apothecary Bolt Pistol, Chainsword Company Champion Combat Shield, Power Sword HQ Captain Artificer Armor, Power Fist, Storm Bolter Librarian Mastery Level 2 Terminator Armour Force Maul Elites Terminator Assault Squad Swap Lightning Claws for TH/SS, 4x Terminators Land Raider Redeemer Multi-Melta Terminator Sergeant Swap Lightning Claws for TH/SS Troops Tactical Squad Meltagun, Multi-Melta, 9x Space Marine Space Marine Sergeant Grav Pistol, Power Weapon Tactical Squad Grav-gun, Plasma Cannon, 9x Space Marine Space Marine Sergeant Plasma Pistol, Power Weapon Heavy Support Devastator Squad 2x Heavy Bolter, 2x Lascannon, 9x Space Marine Space Marine Sergeant Bolter, Chainsword Devastator Squad 2x Lascannon, 2x Missile Launcher w/ flakk, 9x Space Marine Space Marine Sergeant Bolt pistol, Combi-weapon Predator Autocannon, Heavy Bolters, Storm Bolter Created with BattleScribe My son was using his below Tyranid List: Tyranid Total force (1843pts) Tyranids: Codex (2014) v11 (Primary Detachment) HQ Hive Tyrant Acid Blood, Lash Whip & Bonesword, Powers of the Hive Mind, Prehensile Pincer Tail, Psyker (Mastery Level 2), Regeneration, The Reaper of Obliterax, Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms Elites Haruspex Acid Blood, Crushing Claws, Grasping Tongue, Regeneration Troops Genestealer Brood Broodlord Acid Blood, Psyker (Mastery Level 1), Regeneration, Rending Claws, Scything Talons 11x Genestealer 11x Rending Claws Hormagaunt Brood 10x Hormagaunt 10x Scything Talons Tyranid Warrior Brood Venom Cannon Tyranid Warrior Lashwhip & Boneswords, Scything Talons Tyranid Warrior Rending Claws, Scything Talons Tyranid Warrior Deathspitter, Scything Talons Tyranid Warrior Brood Barbed Strangler Tyranid Warrior Scything Talons, Scything Talons Tyranid Warrior Lashwhip & Boneswords, Scything Talons Tyranid Warrior Boneswords, Scything Talons Fast Attack Harpy Acid Blood, Regeneration, Twin-linked Stranglethorn Cannon Heavy Support Carnifex Brood Carnifex Acid Blood, Regeneration, Scything Talons, Scything Talons, Spine Banks, Thresher Scythe Carnifex Brood Carnifex Acid Blood, Bio-plasma, Regeneration, Scything Talons, Scything Talons, Thresher Scythe Tyrannofex Acid Blood, Acid Spray, Regeneration, Stinger Salvo Things started off with me deploying and going first. He had started his Harpy on the board in turn 1, so it was gliding. (Despite our conversation on our way to GW about starting it in reserves as it would be more dangerous). The harpy took everything I could throw at it for the first turn, surviving with a single wound left. As I went through my psychic phase, targeting every power I had on his genestealers, hid broodlord denied everything, even when I tried to use Force, he managed to deny that too. (My terminators and librarian disembarked after the landraider moved forwards so I could use my powers lol) The only casualty of the turn was, in fact, an assault terminator who failed his save vs the exploding wrecked lander. (Terrain piece) His first turn saw a cautious advance, the harpy glide forwards towards my terminators, and a couple of minor position changes. His shooting phase was effective, no casualties at all. A few large creatures ran to get to a better position, but no assaults. My turn 2 saw an awful lot of carnage. The predator sat still and unleashed on the Tyrannofex, the harpy died, a carnifex went down, last wound taken by a boltgun! I assaulted the haruspex and killed it, to deny its HoW attack. Tyranids turn 2 saw more moving, some shooting (ineffective) and the warriors join against the terminators with the Tyrannofex. We ended it after that really, as my son had lost interest, and got grumpy cos a couple of his biggest monsters were dead. Some pics from the end of my first turn.
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- Imperial Fists Chapter
- Imperial Fists battle report
- (and 3 more)
Played a game with my Raven Guard tonight. 1,500 points vs Tyranids at a new shop. My new multi-meltas didn't do a thing, since we played on an 8'x4' table, everything was a stretch for range. The Raven Guard Kayvaan Shrike 8 Assault Marines with Flamer Tactical Squad (One Plasma & Combi Plasma, Multi-melta) Librarian with Avenger & Gate of Infinity Tactical (One Flamer and Combi-Flamer, Multi-melta) ..both in Drop Pods 5 Scouts with Missile Launcher and Sergeant Telion 5 Scouts with Boltguns and Power Fist 3 Scout Bikers with Locator Beacon and Power Fist 2 Land Speeder Typhoons with Heavy Bolters The Nids 12 Termagaunts 7 Warriors with Bone Swords and the Tyranid Prime 10 Genestealers Outflanking Tyrranofex with Scything Talons and 2+ Armour Carnofex w/ Crushing Claws in Mycetic Spore 3 Lictors I really didn't understand if my opponent had a strategy here. He set up his objective on his far left and deployed his Termagaunts on the far right. Put his Tyrranofex right in the middle and put his Warriors right next to it. I won turn one and brought a Tactical Squad in 18" away from his Tyrranofex, and Shrike assaulted the Gaunts and killed them all, casually consolidating away from the Warriors. The Tyrranofex saved vs all wounds. He moves his Warriors toward Shrike and runs them 5", and moves his Tyrranofex forward and shoots at my Speeders, which make their cover saves. That's it. Shrike moves away, and I continue to harass the Tyrranofex with snipers and scout bikers and boltgun scouts, but it keeps saving and has moved out of range of my Tacticals. I take down 3 Warriors with shooting from the Speeders and easilly avoid the footslogging behemoths with Shrike and the Scouts. His Genestealers come in and he gets a 6 for the Outflank, choosing the side where they could charge Shrike with a decent fleet. They don't get it though, and it's a failed charge. The Tyrranofex blunders forward and shoots down one speeder. The warriors keep running and can't catch anything. The Lictors show up and take down 2 snipers in Telion's squad, which flees 7" and regroups right away in fresh cover. My other speeder was shaken, so it turbo boosts away as my Second Tactical shows up with the Librarian in the drop pod. They proceed to burninate the heck out of the Lictors with two Flamers and Avenger, but one Lictor survives. My Scouts see their chance and pounce on the Tyrranofex just out of the Warrior's range, since they've been chasing Shrike unsuccessfully. Shrike's squad Flamers the Genestealers and fire pistols, killing all but one. Lightning claws dispatch the last. The Tyrannofex gets punched to death, killing only one Scout biker, and the scouts consolidate 5" away (putting them about 14" from the Warriors with no guns). The Carnifex lands dead center of the table and the 4 remaining Warriors run toward my unguarded objective. They don't quite make it to cover, and the one remaining Lictor charges my Librarian, inflicting one wound, taking one wound and using hit & run successfully. The nids are in bad shape and can't do much else. The Scout Bikers and Scouts with Powerfist come around the hill in the middle to give the Carnifex a Knuckle sandwich, and Shrike moves to a safe spot waiting to take on the Warriors. My second Tactical Squad rapid fires on and flames the last Lictor, while my first Tactical Squad is just sitting 33" away on the enemy objective, totally uncontested. My speeder takes out two more warriors, leaving just one and the Tyranid Prime and Shrike fleets ready to charge the last two. Tyranids concede, I have mixed feelings. I don't think my opponent had a terrible list or was really bad, but I don't think he's ever faced 4 Infiltrators, 2 Deep Strikes and a first turn assault before. Things just went from bad to worse for the Tyranids, and the only full unit I lost were the three scout bikers. Raven Guard won with 1 objective contesting the second with the enemy conceding. Very solid victory, but I kinda felt bad for making the bugs chase me all game.
- Raven Guard Chapter
- Raven Guard battle report
- (and 2 more)