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  1. Thought it appropriate to start something re: experiences and ideas for 10th for us. Played indexhammer vs Nids using 9th Ed points on Friday and it went very well (Opponent conceded turn 3). List: Captain (FnP Enhancement) w/ 10 Assault Intercessors Chaplain w/ 10 Assault Intercessors Lt (Bolter Discipine) w/ 5 Hellblasters Judiciar w/ 5 Bladeguard 6 Intercessors 2x3 Inceptors (1 each kind) 2x3 Outriders 1x5 Reivers 1x3 Eradicators 2x1 Thunderstrike speeders Everything worked pretty dang well! Individual T10+ melee Monsters are just not that frightening to thunderstrikes/eradicators, turns out. Turn 2 I put Oath on 2 Carnies to kill them in melee w/ Bladeguard, and smoked a Trygon with the thunderstrikes + Eradicator combo. Bladeguard + Judiciar are world-enders for sure; just gonna be walking them on to centre with Assault Intercessors both sides for most of the edition, I figure. Maybe just slightly behind a wall of Infernus bois. Outriders are tuned way down. Bit frustrating, but I do like the option to go beyond 3 in a squad... I'll be satisfied with them as trading/blocking units while Intercessor mobs do the real heavy lifting though. Devastating shooting from mounted chaplain is a bold choice, but I really never did like the ATV for looks, and it's about a third more expensive than it needs to be to tempt me, unfortunately. Prolly never not take the 2x3, but that's enough alongside the Inceptors and speeders to equate to Scars (Successor) for me. Inceptors are pretty decent; was a bit disappoint on dropping so many shots, but they seem nifty as long as they stay somewhat cheap. Sustained 2 is cool, and Dmg 3 plasma on anything Oathed is gonna do something. Lt + hellblasters would probably work well on a 10-man, but I rolled 2x1s out of 4 the first time they fired so... yea. Next army (assuming points are relatively stable?) I'm gonna bail on hellblasters for Infernus as soon as those are painted, but keeping the Lt for the Captain's unit. Free armour of contempt is clutch for Captain's unit, but adding the Lt should turn up their DPS pretty good. Other thoughts: Combat Doctrines all kinda scream White Scars to me just as much as Ultramarines. Movement shenanigans has always been a Scars staple, so I'm plenty happy to just play with the Gladius rules and abundant nifty characters. Honestly never thought I'd be this intrigued by a Primaris Lt. lol. Old bikes look pretty interesting tbh; glad they kept their captain option even though this army is Primaris only for me (my OGmarine army is Salamanders). Anyhow - interested to hear how first games with Scars go - For the Khan! Cheers, The Good Doctor.
  2. Just to give myself a break from my Heresy Blood Angels I thought I'd try out a White Scars theme for this guy. I might do a few more. I don't usually do battle damage but thought it broke up the white a little.
  3. Ive been holding on to my bikes for like forever because I’ve always felt that painting white is such a misery. I begun working on Ravenwing instead but was never really feeling them. Tonight I dove right into this with an intention of painting my khan, bikes and assault squad + other units in -white scars- With that said. How do you guys think my first bike came out? Not finished at all but I’m gonna settle for this white, is the white ok? http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e44/johanhgg/3EA9068B-B990-4BB7-A021-7D585AABA9A6_zpsbqudmxck.jpeg
  4. An acrylic artwork I made, and a dice tray I made for the Great Khan/White Scars. I really like how these came out what do you all think?
  5. I decided to start a little project and eventually tackle painting him. Might be the start to a future new army, or my entrance into the Crusade rules system? I'm gonna use a little Vallejo putty in that gun arm elbow.
  6. Hey everyone! We ran the Horde of Jaghatai against the dusty boys in this weeks battle report. Feel free to check it out. Cheers https://youtu.be/Sl8XEXWJkuI
  7. Dear Fraters I am in the process of waging a crusader campain, and I have som trouble deciding what to go with when the PL is increasing. Initially we stared on 25 PL and will eventually go up to 50 PL. What I am currious about is my army combusition and what I should include for the 50 PL army. I have the following in the 25 PL army: ++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - White Scars) [25 PL, 3CP, 555pts] ++ + Configuration + **Chapter Selector**: White Scars Battle Size [3CP]: 1. Combat Patrol (0-50 Total PL / 0-500 Points) Detachment Command Cost Unit Filter: Hide Imperial Agents, Hide Legends Units + HQ + Primaris Captain [5 PL, 95pts]: Bellicos Bolt Rifle, Hunter's Instincts, Master-crafted power sword, Warlord . Master-crafted auto bolt rifle + Troops + Infiltrator Squad [6 PL, 130pts]: Helix gauntlet . 4x Infiltrator: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Marksman bolt carbine . Infiltrator Sergeant Tactical Squad [5 PL, 135pts] . 3x Space Marine: 3x Bolt pistol, 3x Boltgun, 3x Frag & Krak grenades . Space Marine Sergeant: Combi-melta, Thunder hammer . Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Multi-melta + Elites + Terminator Assault Squad [9 PL, 195pts] . Assault Terminator Sergeant . . Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield: Thunder hammer . 2x Assault Terminator w/THSS: 2x Storm shield, 2x Thunder hammer . 2x Assault Terminator w/x2LC: 2x Lightning Claw (Pair) ++ Total: [25 PL, 3CP, 555pts] ++ Created with BattleScribe I have considered replacing the Terminator Assult Squad with a "regular" Terminator squad and add the following units, to the 50 PL roster: Stratagem: Khan's Champion [-1CP] Stratagem: Relics of the Chapter [-1CP]: Number of Extra Relics + Elites + Terminator Squad [9 PL, 220pts]: Teleport Homer . Terminator Sergeant . 3x Terminator w/ Chainfist: 3x Chainfist, 3x Storm bolter . Terminator w/ Heavy Weapon: Chainfist . . Cyclone Missile Launcher and Storm Bolter: Cyclone missile launcher Vanguard Veteran Squad [7 PL, 164pts]: Jump Pack . Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield . Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield . Vanguard Veteran: 2x Lightning Claw . Vanguard Veteran: Storm shield, Thunder hammer . Vanguard Veteran Sergeant: Master-Crafted Weapon, Relic blade, Storm shield + Fast Attack + Outrider Squad [6 PL, 150pts]: Outrider Sgt . 2x Outrider: 2x Astartes Chainsword, 2x Frag & Krak grenades, 2x Heavy Bolt Pistol, 2x Twin Bolt rifle + Heavy Support + Eliminator Squad [4 PL, 75pts]: Bolt sniper rifle . Eliminator Sergeant: Instigator Bolt Carbine . 2x Eliminators: 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Camo cloak, 2x Frag & Krak grenades This leave me with 8 PL which I would like to use on a Chapter Master... The question is which one and what should he be armed with? My thoughts lies on the following: Chapter Master in Terminator Armour [8 PL, -1CP, 150pts]: Angel Artifice, Chainfist, Chapter Command: Chapter Master, Chogorian Storm, Combi-melta, Stratagem: Tempered by Wisdom, The Imperium's Sword, Warlord Captain on Bike [8 PL, -1CP, 170pts]: Angel Artifice, Chapter Command: Chapter Master, Chogorian Storm, Combi-melta, Stratagem: Tempered by Wisdom, The Imperium's Sword, Thunder hammer, Warlord Captain on Bike [8 PL, -1CP, 170pts]: Chapter Command: Chapter Master, Chogorian Storm, Storm shield, Stratagem: Tempered by Wisdom, The Imperium's Sword, Thunder hammer, Warlord, Wrath of the Heavens Chapter Master [8 PL, -1CP, 165pts]: Angel Artifice, Chapter Command: Chapter Master, Chogorian Storm, Combi-melta, Jump Pack, Relic blade, Stratagem: Tempered by Wisdom, The Imperium's Sword, Warlord I have also considered a Primaris Gravis Captain, but he is not very fast/do not have Deep Strike... What are your thoughts?
  8. In the latest Warcom article, https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/01/27/field-an-all-bike-army-with-new-rules-and-stratagems-for-the-ravenwing/ , they teased how they could “...practically hear the White Scars howling from here.” Is this a suggestion that when the White Scars Supplement roles out that White Scars will get something similar to the Ravenwing?
  9. So I decided like some others have that I like the FW white scars transfers better than the GW ones. the thing I also noticed is the GW squad markings for the right shoulder pad is almost pink compared to the deep red FW transfers. So I considered using the cool glyphs for marking the squads out but I don’t know which is which...or if these squad markings glyphs have any actual meaning or are random. Does anyone know? I tried researching this but can’t seem to find something that deciphers the transfer markings.
  10. Hey guys, This area is super quiet lately. I'd like to talk about the green elephant in the room; Death Guard. I've still been working on my White Scars, however since the DG codex came out I've been trying to adapt my White Scars lists to deal with the idea that I'm facing an army that literally shuts off the super doctrine inherently. Also DG are extremely good up close, and have a ton of negatives presented to you once you're in engagement range. I am facing Death Guard sometime this week. So I haven't had a chance to play DG before this, and thought I'd ask if anyone has any experience against them and what they would recommend?
  11. Brother Astartes, the ETL is upon us once again. And once again we are united as a codex. Yet now our foes have multiplied ten fold with the inclusion of the foul xenos. But we shall not waver, for there can be no meeting of minds with such beings that exist in the dark places of the galaxy. There is simply a choice, defeat them... or be defeated by them. And defeat them we will. FOR ARE WE NOT SPACE MARINES? ARE WE NOT THE CHOSEN OF THE EMPEROR, HIS LOYAL SERVANTS UNTIL DEATH? TO THE DARKNESS WE BRING FIRE, TO THE IGNORANT WE BRING FAITH. THE EMPEROR'S WILL IS YOUR TORCH, WITH IT, DESTROY THE SHADOWS! THE TEMPLARS CALL YOU TO WAR, WILL YOU ANSWER?
  12. I’ve noticed that there’s not so much activity on this sub-forum at the moment, so here are some WIP of my White Scars. I’ve loved this chapter since I got back into the hobby around 2011 (after a good 15-year hiatus) but until recently I hadn’t tried to paint any. C&C welcome as ever.
  13. I've decided that I would like to start a small Scar force around 750pts. To start. Where should I begin?
  14. So I was building a list that revolved around 6 max size Aggressors, I really like the bolter profile, and noticed that they suffer no penalty when advancing. This made me think of White Scars. As you guys can add 2" to all advance rolls. This is pretty sweet imho and can help the Aggressors get into firing positions very quickly. I was wondering if any of you white scars players had any experience using Aggressors. Thanks in advance!
  15. Way back in the day my first army was White Scars when the list rules were published in the Index Astartes. It was a bike and land speeder list back then. I sold it to pay for school life roughly 7 years ago. I slowly started to buy bikes back but in this edition of 40K I don't think a bike list is going to work. I still want to use them, but now in a different way. I have tons of bitz from years of building/painting armies, for myself and others. I came across 20 jump packs from an old Blood Angle army. So I'm thinking of using the new Primaris Reivers as Jump Pack Vanguard Veterans to assault with, using 6 Inceptors as floating heavy bolters, 2 or 3 Land Speers, and HQs with Jump Packs or on Bikes. What are you thoughts of using bikes squads with 3 bikes with 3 melta guns? They come out to 134 points a squad. In my mind they are used to hunt vehicles, monsters and tough armored units. They can function to help with hordes if needed, but assaulting Vets are better at that imo. I'll post a list and pics when I have them. Critique alway welcome.
  16. With the precedent being established that mortally wounded Astartes can become Primar-ized, my thoughts turned towards the sons of Chogoris and their aversion to interment within Dreadnoughts. This could be a neat little fluff justification for a larger than average contingent of upgraded Oldmarines, or a faster rate of conversion for their heroes and veterans. Just some food for thought!
  17. Hi All. Here is my take on the White Scars most improved units in the new Codex, and just some random thoughts and musings on them in general. <<Bikes>> Well, obviously. Bikers with chainswords are damn good now, considering Shock Assault grants an additional attack on the charge and they can now Advance and Charge. (that's a 20" move before charging, 22" for Scout Bikes) They have also gained a metric f*** ton of complementary abilities that make them incredibly flexible and hard to shift. Skilled Riders is exactly what this unit needed IMO, but things like Encirclement, Fierce Rivalries, Strike to the Heart, Feinting Withdrawal, Ride Hard Ride Fast, Storm-Wreathed, Ride the Winds, Plume of the Plainsrunner, Hunter's Eye are all going to be options worth considering. For 200 points, you can have a unit of 8 with chainswords and a Thunder Hammer sergeant. (which you can make Master Crafted...) As I mentioned elsewhere, that unit is not too expensive to either throw it away in a Turn 1 suicide charge, or to keep it in reserves (using Encirclement) an extra turn so it can show up at full strength when the Assault Doctrine is active. Or anything in between. Other solid looking load-outs include Triple Melta, which benefit nicely from the Chapter Trait. Play-testing is necessary. Overall though, I would argue that the best "change" to Bikes is not a change to the unit at all, but changes to the rest of the army's playstyle and abilities that allow Bikes to be more properly supported. Things like Drop Pods coming in on Turn 1. Things like Lightning Debarkation and the Impulsor's "Assault Vehicle" rule, or Wind Swift to move buffing characters into position. Even things such as Temporal Corridor on Reivers (max move 24" and can still charge) for a 2 pronged alpha strike alongside the bikes. I'm enjoying thinking about all the potential combinations and possibilities. An Impulsor moves 14", plus the Assault Vehicle rule means that Kor'Sarro Khan can jump up the field 24-29" to bring his formidable buff to a charging Biker unit Turn 1. Maybe he can bring his Veteran Intercessor buddies with Thunder Hammer along. <<Aggressors>> Now with 4 attacks (5 for Sergeant) on the charge thanks to Shock Assault, effectively doubling their attacks from the previous codex, being able to Advance, Shoot, and Charge is even better. There are also several synergies with White Scars stratagems, psychic powers, and relics. Things like Feinting Withdrawal, Ride the Winds, and Hunter's Eye are solid choices. Also a decent candidate for the Encirclement stratagem since Aggressors seem to be targeted early and often. Not to mention, T5 and 3W each is a significant buff. <<Intercessors w Auto Bolt Rifles>> As with Aggressors, here we have a unit that has the ability to Advance, Shoot, and Charge, allowing it to take full advantage of all it's strengths and eek out value from it's stat line and equipment. In the instance where this unit can shoot and charge, it's making a full 6 Str4 attacks for each model in the unit. It's speed makes being in range for things like Bolt Storm and Catechism of Fire easier to work with since they require particular positioning. Good candidate for being put in a Repulsor vs some of the other options like Hellblasters or Aggressors that make it too big of a target and point sink. Also combines well with the White Scars Banner of the Eagle and/or Kor'sorro Khan to make them even better Blood Angels in combat. All in all, a nice rapid response type unit that is generally flexible and benefits from a variety of buffs. Also: Veteran Sergeants with Master Crafted Thunder Hammers doing 5 attacks on the Charge, 6 with Might of Heroes. One final thing to mention is that regular Bolt Rifle Intercessors are also must include, even though they can't Advance and shoot. We still want something to be able to pop Rapid Fire - but that's only 1 unit per turn, so Auto Bolt Rifles work well in conjunction with their more traditionally-armed brothers. <<Repulsor>> There are definitely more tricks to keep your Repulsors alive now. Given that it has FLY, hiding it behind terrain only to pop out and shoot it's impressive amount of guns has always been a tactic, and it's typically been a good target for Might of Heroes. But now it's even better with the introduction of things like Hunter's Fusillade, Ride Hard Ride Fast, and even Wind-Swift. For the cost of a 1 CP and the presence of a Librarian, you can have a T9 beast rocking -2 to be hit in the Shooting Phase. With another Psychic Power and/or a Stratagem or a Litany, it can even shrug mortal wounds. This certainly helps it's potential as a transport, particular when skipping all the upgrades. <<Relic Contemptor Dreadnought>> Seems a bit specific...but I do think this unit is quite good for White Scars. It's got a few things going for it: 1) it's Move of 9" never is reduced, so it's very fast when you account for the ability to Advance and Charge (and Shoot with Hunter's Fusillade...works great with the 2 Heavy Flamer load-out! PS you can even Fall Back and shoot your double Heavy Flamer if you want for 1CP) 2) It's even more durable now that Duty Eternal exists, and 3) Forgeworld has come out with a gorgeous model for it! All in all, I think this is a solid choice as it's a tough as nails unit that can keep up with the rest of your army. <<Inceptors (Assault Bolter)>> Being able to Advance or Fall Back and still Shoot AND Charge is strong, particularly now that Inceptors (like Aggressors) have essentially doubled their attacks on the charge. Each Inceptor is capable of dealing up to 10 attacks in that scenario, plus a chance at a mortal wound. The new Hammer of Wrath stratagem is also applicable here, as is the Tactical Doctrine that make their shooting on Turn 2 (when they likely arrive) go to a nasty -2 AP. Note that Inceptors do have Move 10, which means they are eligible to consolidate d6+6" with Strike to the Heart. This can be a big deal when trying to 3 point trap something. (and yeah, you can Fall Back, Shoot, and Charge for free next turn while your opponent flips the table...) *The Plasma version is also very good and shares many of the same advantages, but I'm liking the Bolter version much more due to it's interaction with Tactical Doctrine and it's reduced cost per model. <<Librarians>> The Stormspeaking discipline is very strong and actually rather cheap to cast. With the relic that adds +1, this makes psychic powers arguably reliable enough to base a strategy around. The obvious strategy here is clearly Storm-Wreathed, but there are several others that apply nicely as well. Spirits of Chogoris and Blasting Gale are nice ways to debuff a powerful unit while you remove the chaff. Ride the Wind is turning your Bikers into Red Grief Reavers. Lightning Call and Eye of the Storm are actually quite good as far as damage dealing spells go. Something I noticed in the new Codex is the the Tome of Malcador allows the bearer to know a power from any discipline they "have access to" which I read as being able to mix. One thing I'm looking forward to trying out is if I can make a "sniper" Conclave work. Perhaps a Phobos Librarian + Librarian with Jump Pack, who are rocking some combination of Mind Raid, Psychic Scourge, Tenebrous Curse, and Eye of the Storm, which all allow you to target particular units for mortal wounds. Also, Librarians in a drop pod sounds intriguing as well, since they aren't wasting a turn in reserve and benefit from CHARACTER rules behind the Drop Pod. Ok that's all I got for now! Congrats if you made it through this...let me know if you have any other ideas I missed!
  18. Hey mates. Naturally being the White Scars, we will be taking Bike Units in our army and with the release of the new Codex, I have basically run down a few things I have noticed other White Scars players will be doing for their Biker units when it comes to their Sergeant, Special Weapon Options, and the Attack Bike option. Way I see it: *Sgt: With the new changes in CC, along with the White Scars Devastating Charge, many have expressed desire to field their Sgts w/a TH or a PF for the extra damage potential in CC. Personally, I like the Power Axe as it is a cheap weapon that can dish out a ton of damage still, even more so with the Devestating Charge. *Special Weapons: Plasma remains a popular option for obvious reasons. However, I have heard many people expressing a desire to run a Tri-Melta Bike Squad considering all the Anti-Infantry Dakka we put out already with the Bikes themselves. Grav Guns I'm not sure about atm, but I can see the potential with all the Space Marine armies that will be popping up atm. * Bikers: Chainswords are the obvious choice for obvious reasons lol. BPs are solid but with our CC potential a Chainsword is the far better option and far more Mongolian. * Attack Bike: Multi-Melta is a popular choice atm with the point decrease and the fact we can hide one in our Bike Squads without being targetted. Add it with 2x Melta Guns for the Tri-Melta build and you have a nasty unit that can dish out a ton of Dakka on top of providing much needed Anti-Tank. Hvy. Bolters are a decent option still but only for their added Dakka and being cheaper. Those are my thoughts but feel free to add your thoughts on the Bike Squad and how you plan on fielding yours going forward.
  19. Scout Bikers were one of the better units already in 7th and 8th edition and I think the new Codex just made them even more effective at multiple roles, on top of their "traditional" jobs as fast Objective Grabbers and mobile screening units for the rest of your army: --- 1) Tying up Gun Lines -- With the ability to move 16" and automatically advance another 6" natively, and then use a nearby JP Librarian/Stormseer to grant them an additional 2" to their Advance and Charge distances via "Ride the Winds" power, that means that White Scar Scout Bikers can move/advance 24" and then still charge per the Chapter Tactics. Adding the extra +2" from "Ride the Winds" and the ability roll 3D6 for the charge, thanks to the new White Scars exclusive stratagem, that means on average rolling you are making the maximum 12" charge distance, for a total threat range of 36" on turn 1. If there is a big danger of Overwatch with the unit they are charging/trying to tie up (like a Helbaster squad or a big Mob of Lootaz or a squad of AdMech Plasma Destroyers), then you can use a squad of Suppressors to inflict a single casualty and shut the Overwatch down entirely. So, basically, that means you should be able to cross the board entirely and get stuck in with the enemy frontline units turn 1 in almost any deployment scenario! On top of this, with the new "Skilled Rider" Space Marine Stratagem, the WS Scout Bikers get a 3++ against shooting if the advance, meaning that, combined with their native T5 and 2W, they can survive quite handily even out of combat and potentially tie up enemy shooty units for multiple turns (or just duck out of combat and charge again, if required). I think this tactic is particularly noteworthy when dealing with heavy firepower focused armies, as it allows your Scout Bikers to "tag" critical shooting units right away and keep them from shooting, in turn protecting the rest of your army while it maneuvers, seizes objectives, shoots, sets up assaults, etc. etc. --- 2) Killing Horde Screens -- With the ability to have up to nine models, all with TLed Bolters on their Bikes and Astartes Shotguns (plus the Sergeant can take an additional Storm Bolter), if a squad of 9 White Scar Scout Bikers gets within 12" (which is easy to do with their native 22" move/advance and the use of the Stratagem "Born in the Saddle") of an enemy screening unit (i.e. massed Gaunts, Chaos Cultists, AM Conscripts, Tau Fire Warriors, Genestealer Cult Neophyte blobs, 30 man Ork Boy Mobz, etc.), then they can hit them with 58 x S4 AP0 shots in a single shooting phase! Even without any supporting from buffing characters, against a T3 enemy that averages 25-26 wounds which, depending on the opponent's armor save, can wipe out most squads quite handily, especially after they have to take a Morale test following massed casualties. If you add in a nearby Kahn on Bike and a JP Chaplain to cast Litanies on them for +1 to Wound, then the WS Scout Bikes put out 37-38 wounds against T3 hordes. If you have the Tactical Doctrine active (i.e. Turn 2+), then their shooting goes up to AP-1, making them even more deadly against all kinds of infantry. Finally, with all the buffs of AP-1 from tactical Doctrine and +1 to Wound from a nearby Chaplain, WS Scout Bikers can threaten even light vehicles, with a 9 man squad doing an average of 11-12 wounds against a standard T7 3+ save rhino equivalent vehicle. --- 3) Shock Assault Cavalry -- I have already mentioned their ability to efficiently cross the entire board and charge into combat as early as turn 1, but if you keep a WS Scout Bike squad alive until turn 3 ("Skilled Rider" helps with this again), activate the Assault Doctrine, and support them with buffing characters, then they become not just a threat for tying up enemy fire bases, but a legitimately dangerous close combat unit to enemy infantry of all types. Without any support from nearby characters, a 9 man squad of WS Scout Bikers with Assault Doctrine active does 28 x S4 AP-1 D2 attacks on the charge. If you add in a nearby Banner of the Eagle relic for +1S on the charge, along with a Khan on Bike and JP Lieutenant for re-roll auras, then against a squad of enemy Primaris they average 21-22 hits, 16-17 wounds, 8-9 failed armor saves, and 8-9 dead Primaris Space Marines. Alternately, if you charged a squad of Tau Broadsides, you would cause about 12-13 unsaved wounds, killing an average of 4 battle suits. Finally, if these WS Scout Bikers charged a squad of massed Orks (pretty common in competitive scenes these days), they would an average of 16-17 casualties, not counting anything they had already done with all their shooting. --- As you can see, I think that White Scar Scout Bikers are exceptionally versatile with the recent Codex and Supplement releases and I am looking to find a role for them in most of my competitive armies.
  20. With the new Codex's and all the changes to Space Marines in general, I feel this is a good opportunity to revisit an old classic discussion/debate when it comes to our Fast Attack options and the old question: "How do you plan to equip you Bike Squads and Land Speeders? As for me, I am currently planning the following: * Bike Squad: -w/Sgt with PW/TH/PF, Bike w/Bolters - 2x Plasma Guns, Bikes w/Bolters - 5x Chainswords, Bikes w/Bolters - Attack Bike w/Hvy. Bolter Basically I want my Bikes to be able to capitalize on their CC potential while being able to dish out as many shots in the Shooting Phase before getting stuck in. * Land Speeder Squadron: -w/ 3x Multi-Melta, Hvy. Flamer -or 3x Hvy. Bolter, Assault Cannon -or 3x Hvy. Bolter, Typhoon Missile Launcher Am torn on what loadout would be effective for the Land Speeders in 8th Edition and the new Codex, however these are the 3x variants that where the most popular/common in past editions and I could see each playing a role in your army. * Attack Bike Squadron: -w/3x Multi-Meltas, Bikes w/Bolters This is really the only way I can see Attack Bike Squads being taken at this point. With the addition of the Devestator Doctrine and the Attack Bike in the standard Bike Squads having the Hvy. Bolters, these guys would make perfect Anti-Tank units that could utilize their potential Turn 1 and adding some much needed hitting power Turn 1 to best utilize the Devestator Doctrine. That's how I see it but feel free to share your thoughts and opinions when it comes to these units. As well as how you plan to run yours mates
  21. What do you think about the new discipline? All in all, I really like it. I think it combos well with the other disciplines and allows for some interesting combos if you're going psyker heavy. Random thoughts: Spirits of Chogoris + Hallucination are a match made in heaven Ride the Winds is obviously great in many situations, particularly for an army that can advance and charge like White Scars. I think this is clearly the go-to power of the discipline, personally. Storm Wreathed is a solid support power. I like how it's aimed at the friendly unit, so it shuts down Tau and the new Ultramarine Stratagem "Defensive Focus". The Mortal Wounds are kinda eh, but it could be good against like Riptides and Storm Shields, etc. I need to think about Blasting Gale a little more, but it's clearly nasty against certain things like Da Jump, and anything that can advance and charge. I think the power will be useful combined with your speed and Bolter Discipline to keep units you don't want in combat out of range from being charged. All in all, I really like it. What do you think?
  22. Hey mates. With the release of the new White Scars and so far loving everything about them, is this an opportunity for the Land Speeder to make a comeback with the new Codex? And if that's the case, which loadout do you like the best going forward
  23. Hello fellow scar players! I'm wondering about White scars and they view on the new primaris marines? Because I got a bunch of primaris marines and would love to paint them up as White scars but I'm mostly intersting to keep the army as a pure primaris army. Would that work and is White scars a good chapter for primaris units?
  24. Courtesy of Tv Tropes "During Scars, Yesugei suffers nightmares of Jaghatai battling "a spectre of the underworld on a world of ruins". After the novel's climax, the Khan is convinced Yesugei merely saw him duelling Mortarion, but Yesugei is not convinced, as in his dream, he claims he saw the Khan slain and fears he is dreaming of something still yet to come" YOU may not realize it but Uriel has met this spectre on the same underworld! If my prediction is true then Khan... Because... The White Scars are going to be ANGRY at the Necrons once they have found out the truth! Perhaps a continuance of Uriel's storyline?
  25. Can you imagine WS Reivers (who should be retrofitted with the "Phobos" key word) getting Temporal Corridor cast on them by a friendly Phobos Librarian? That means 6" move + D6" advance, another 6" move + D6" advance, then a 2D6" charge with 4A per model on the charge... a squad of ten Reivers with Combat Blades can move/charge an average of 26" a turn and put out 40 x S4 attacks, then fall back from combat and do it all over again on your next turn.
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