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From the album: Achinadav's March of the Legions
- Word Bearer
- Moritat
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From the album: LameBeard's XII Legion
Augustus's Arena 2017-
- Word Bearer
- Calth
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From the album: LameBeard's XII Legion
- Word Bearer
- Chaplain
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From the album: LameBeard's XII Legion
Will be a Legion Chaplain Consul for the Word Bearers. Yes he does have horns; let's just say he prefers Lorgar's later work ...-
- Word Bearer
- Chaplain
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From the album: Aldurukh archive
Lorgar Aurelain, the Bearer of the Word, the Urizen, the Golden One, the Grand Cleric, and Devout Prince. Primarch of the XVII legion, Word Bearers.-
- Lorgar
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This is my first proper thread since joining this forum. I am finally committed to playing 40k tabletop. So I spent the coin to buy models in preparation for 10th ED. I'll run down my two prospective armies: | Black Templars | Ever since I first heard about 40k, the Black Templars have been one of my favorite chapters. I may have liked others more at one time or another. For example, before I settled on BT I intended on building a Raven Guard, Crimson Fists, or Iron Hands army. But I always felt myself drawn back to the Templars, so I decided on them (also my brother is building a Blood Angels army, who I was also considering building and I wanted something different). Their aesthetic, their lore, the way they fight, everything about them screams a 40k that I adore. It represents something that other chapters don't provide me. Something distinctly older, something gothic, something unique. It helps my favorite Primarch is Rogal Dorn as well, the IF and their successors just appeal to me. I've bought most of these boxes fairly recently, and it's the army I intend to be my first to play a game of 10th ED when it releases. I also have a Predator kit on the way. I debated on getting that or a Rhino, but opted for the tank because I love it so much. Next | Word Bearers | This prospective army is much, much smaller right now. Just 5 CSM from a box of 10 I split with my brother and a box of Raptors. And this is probably where it will stay for now. I originally intended to build a Iron Warriors army, but settled on the WB after much thought. I am a loyalist first and foremost. But the Word Bearers have always been an interesting warband to me, and Lorgar an interesting character. Additionally, I really like their color scheme. This army will be painted, but priority is the BT. /// I will update this thread as I make progress, but it will probably be very infrequent. All tips and criticism welcome, I am extremely novice tabletop player, builder, and painter. I want to get better.
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- Black Templar
- Word Bearer
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From the album: Models
© Games Workshop
Hi all To introduce myself, my name is Ben. I have been a lurker on B&C for a couple of years, keeping up with all the latest goings on in the hobby. However I have probably not painted a model in about 18 years (last time when I was about 17). My first models were Saurus Warriors (8 for £5) I reckon in about 1999. I then had a couple of small WHFB armies and also a couple for 40k (Space Marines, Dark Eldar, Tyranid), but all small - around 1000 pts in the day. I then paused the hobby as many do when I was about 16, but still kept an eye on what was going on as well as reading lots of BL (mainly Horus Heresy). I have now decided to try and pick up where I left off 18 years ago, and start a Word Bearer army. The main reasons being 1) I love most of the new generic CSM models, 2) WB are a cool legion, I am a big fan of ADB's First Heretic and Betrayer, and I think there is more to them than the generic bad guys they are sometimes portrayed as, and 3) I thought painting red would be relatively easy (we shall see!). My vision for the army is several squads of Legionnaires, backed up by Traitor Guard and a Knight. This is how I see the WBs fighting, as opposed to a warband of just Marines. I also think this will look really cool. Hopefully GW will make some more Traitor Guard soon, as I think the only that are available are those from Blackstone Fortress, that come with the Ogryn and Commissar. I see my WBs are still being quite regimented and disciplined, especially compared to say World Eaters or Emperors Children. I think this is because their devotion will have kept them this way, and will be influenced by the will of the Dark Apostle leading them. So rather than just rampaging aimlessly, it will be in the interest of the Dark Apostle to keep them as a coherent fighting force in order to better achieve whatever his objectives are (or the ultimate objectives of the Dark Council). I have no idea if the above combination of different armies is available in the rules as I had not really intended to play after hearing about the bloat in 9th. However literally the day after my Combat Patrol arrived, the news of 10th was broken, with a simplified ruleset and rules for just playing with a Combat Patrol, so that has piqued my interest in playing. In terms of painting, I have managed to put together 5 Legionnaires and paint 2 in a week. I have 2 young kids so I don't have a huge amount of time, so it is largely getting in 15 mins here and there where I can, and a bit of time in the evening after my wife goes to bed! This is my first guy (with the bolter) I followed an online tutorial as had no idea where to start after all these years. I was relatively happy but lots of room for improvement! I tried to highlight the red armour panels but with my brush skills not being great it just looks a bit messy so I don't think I will do that going forward. It is also quite hard when you are new to understand where you should and shouldn't highlight, if you go by the box art it is every single panel, which probably isn't particularly practical for people who aren't painting as a job! I also messed up immediately when I spray undercoated, I overdid it a bit and obscured some of the finer detail on the model! There are also numerous other bits to improve but I won't go through them all now. But overall as I said I was relatively happy, especially for my first model in a long time. I was more happy with fella number 2 (with the chainsword), I think he is much neater and the highlighting is better (maybe a case of less is more). I have to say the models are great, they looks so imposing and I can't help but make the sound of a bolter or chainsword when I look at them! Again he defo needs work, and I will go back and tidy some bits up, but think he is a big improvement on the first. I have some questions if anyone has time to answer: 1. Would appreciate some general constructive criticism and advice. 2. Need some advice on the base, I have used Armageddon Dunes but not massively happy with texture or the colour (washed with Nuln oil then drybrushed with screaming skull). Also I would like to put on some small rocks I see lots of people using, but not sure how to do it? 3. Advice on the blank shoulder pad. I know there are transfers but when I see them I always think they stand out too much and look too clean. 4. Anyone know of any good modern Word Bearers stories. As I said I have read lots of the Heresy so know them from there, and also Anthony Reynolds' WB trilogy, but not much else. 5. Recommendations of good hobby podcasts or youtubes to paint to. I have been watching the Painting Phase which I really like as enjoy the general hobby chat and banter, and also I think the type of painting Peachy shows is more in line with where I am at the moment (i.e. more aimed at beginners or people looking to paint an army quickly). Anyway thanks for reading, I am hoping to add more models as I paint them. I have set myself a target of painting the Combat patrol by the end of June. TLDR: Death to Guilliman, Death to the Lion, Death to the Emperor! (also probably death to Abaddon and anyone else who doesn't exactly agree with us!) Thanks Ben
First off I have not played in 3-5 years give or take a random "Hey lets try this game out". I have made a bunch of list from the 1.0 Heresy game and use to have fun crafting list...If you see something that could be better let me know or your own train of thought on how to you would build a list. Now like everyone else I picked up a box...or two for the new Starter set for Horus Heresy 2.0. I also got one of the Kratos Heavy Assault Tanks and let me tell you...super easy to magnetize compared to the years of old... *Insert back in my day joke here* I took a poll for my local gaming group where we are going to be playing and put all the Legions up made some jokes etc etc etc, of those voted for only Thousand Sons and Word Bearers were not picked by anyone. Also it seems I am being "forced" into a leadership roll for the growing of the community in general. What better then to take the Legion that started the entire Heresy and plunged the entire Imperium into Chaos, Darkness, Suspicion and unlawfulness. The funny part is if the Emperor had an actual sit down conversation with his weapon...Son and was able to convince him he was not a god, all powerful yes but not a God. Big G or little g either way this may have turned out differently but he had his other weapo...SON...destroy that one city that shall not be named and the rest is of course...History First List: 2500 points of pure traitors using most of the new box and a few bits from other...sources... HQ: Total - 385 Legion Praetor - Going to use the Praetor in the box with the Axe and turn it into a hammer using the Warpsmith model and give this guy a Thunder Hammer and a Disintegrator Pistol (which just sounds neato) Legion Centurion - Upgraded to a Chaplain: Using one of the Praetors from the starter set and using a Reiver head for the Chaplain-ness, Crozius Arcanum of course master crafted for free. Legion Centurion - Upgraded to a Librarian: Using the Chaos Sorcerer model I think would be a good use for that model, giving him a Force Stave and pay that upgrade for the Psychic hood incase I run across any other practitioners of forbidden arts. Elite: Total - 865 Legion Veteran Squad - 8 Man Mark VI armor (so I can upgrade with an Apothecary and HQ choice and put in a rhino)... wait what do you mean they can hold 12 now...what... Legion Veteran Squad - 10 Man Squad in Mark VI armor painted in the quick paint scheme I have learned via the YouTubes...Give them a few power sword, some Lightning Claws on one or two (using the chaos arms for that) and then a few combi-weapons...Magna...did you notice the difference threw me off too...guess a rhino here too Legion Terminator Cataphractii Squad - 5 Man squad for now (I have 15 more after this squad) give them a Reaper Autocannon, two more Magna Combi-Weapons, a set of Lightning Claws on the sarge (what is that 5 attacks with shred) Legion Apothecarion Detachment - YOU CAN TAKE 8 OF THESE GUYS TO MAKE A SQUAD NOW...HOLY SMOKES...I guess it makes sense if it is a 0-1 option...uhhh three of these please for now Legion Techmarine Covenant - HOLY :cuss THE SAMETHING HERE...I was going to use that Warpsmith model from the HQ choices and put him in the back with the Kratos Tank. It is kind of sad that the Servo-Harness was not a 30k choice...with a boarding shield, thunder hammer and cyber-familiar I might throw him in a front line squad Troops: Total - 840 Legion Tactical Squad - Basic 10 Man Squad give the ol' sarge a plasma pistol and a TAINTED BLADE...I guess it really is just a 20 point upgrade (10 for the power weapon then 10 to upgrade that), give him Artificer armor give the squad all chainswords for that classic one-two combo and put them in a Rhino with a multi-melta...throw on a dozer blade...I feel like terrain is a bigger thing now then 10 years ago... Legion Tactical Squad - Copy and paste Legion Tactical Squad - Copy and paste Heavy Support: Total - 410 Legion Kratos Squadron - I mean its only one for right now but I like that we can take up to two for a squadron of these things...will be cool to see at the bigger games...Volkite all around for all the guns....except the pintle mounted Multi-Melta...throw on some other upgrades like a FLARE SHIELD ...AWESOME....