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Apocalypse Lords


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So, I've been working on a Deathwing army for my DIY chapter and now that I have all the figures save one built and based, ready to prime, I thought I would share. Below are some random shots of everybody, priming kicks off after Christmas.


The sand will probably be applied and painted after I am finished painting everything else. The square sections that you might see on the armor are honor badges that represent fragments of the Emperor's palace, inscribed by the Ecclesiarchy.


C&C welcome.



The Entire Shebang
























My first GS lettering attempt, the Greek letter Omega is my Chapter symbol:










My Metal Death Flowers (drop pods)


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I wanted to do something besides just drill two holes in the end of the gun. So I added a single barrel and now it looks a bit like the old WW I Mauser machine pistol.


I will go back and look at those edges as you suggested...been looking at a lot of edges lately. ;)

Correct. In my case, the tops come from the Chai tea I drink. Anyway, it looked like an interesting shape to add to the bottom of the drop pods and it sort of simulates what comes on the FW versions. I need to add some doors as the "petals" are supposed to be more like air brakes.



Couldn't help but notice the Hammer/Sword model in the pics; that fig will be rather hard to use in a 'pure' Deathwing list. Just a heads up.


Also, I've had problems myself in using plastic drinking straws for urban rubble. Their flexibility leads to a frustrating cycle of paint chips and touch-ups.


I do like the Pods. One of the better homebrews I've seen.


Now, to paint them!

Couldn't help but notice the Hammer/Sword model in the pics; that fig will be rather hard to use in a 'pure' Deathwing list. Just a heads up
Agreed. For now, I'm just using them to delineate that they are Vet. Sgts with some sort of power weapon and a storm bolter.


Dude thats a lot of tea.....


Uh, yeah, you could say I like it a fair bit. You can take some comfort in knowing that I didn't drink all of it last week. ^_^

Dude thats a lot of tea.....


Uh, yeah, you could say I like it a fair bit. You can take some comfort in knowing that I didn't drink all of it last week. <_<


Are you sure about that? :blink: It looks like I have to drink alot of chocolade milk soon.. One question though, did you use the entire plastic cap or just the top part of it?

One question though, did you use the entire plastic cap or just the top part of it?


I clipped the tab off of the container and hot glued it to the CD, if that is what you are asking. Do you need a closer pict of a pod?



A quick update.


Plastic straws: I ended up clipping them shorter so that they don't stick out as much and cause the paint to flake off, though we'll have to see how well they hold up.


Everybody was primed yesterday and I applied the "touch up" black base coat to everyone. The next step is to paint up a test figure (Battle for Macragge standard trooper) to ensure that I am comfortable with the technique I want to use in applying a soft black and white scheme I intend to put on these guys.


What I mean by "soft" black and white is that there is an obvious contrasts that comes with those two colors, but I don't want the the contrast be so...harsh, for lack of a better term.


So the application of color will go something like this:



1. Spray Black base

2. Black + Scorched Earth, in a very dark, very thin application. This produces a blackish brown color over all.


Status: Done


White side (figures' left side)

1. Build up over multiple layers a light desert stone color I got from VMC

2. Build up over multiple layers using VMC white, for a warm, soft white

3. Final highlights probably using Skull White


Black side (figures' right side)


1. Successive highlights mixing Codex Grey and Black


This should produce a solid contrast between the two colors, but it shouldn't be so severe. The first time I attempted to paint this scheme, I built the white up from Space Wolves Grey and although the color was decent, the cool white against the black looked too...toy-ish, if that makes any sense.


So what I am striving for (or should I say aspiring to) is a realistic, gritty look, similar to how the Europeans paint their figures.


The predomint metal color will be bronze, I am expecting the eyes to be green, though I haven't decided yet whether to do the "glowing" eyes thing or paint them the other way. The other decision I have to make is on the power weapon effects. My initial thoughts were to do them in green, though the application of purple per the recent Black Templars thread also caught my eye, so I'll have to think about that a little.


If you've been reading the "Kensai, Blademaster" thread, you'll know that this figure represents my Librarian and will be wearing gold armor.


So, I'm really looking forward to kicking off the real painting, but I just need to see it come together on a figure first.


I will post a picture of the mock up as soon as it is done.


Also, I need to finish up detailing the drop pods. As an aside, these drop pods were intended for the standard power armor troops that were originally targeted for the army kick off as they are only 2.5" PVC. When you put a standard terminator next to them, they look small. So I acquired some 3" PVC, but haven't been able to get the caps at Home Depot yet, so the termies will have to squeeze into these for the short term.


Still, by the time this project is all said and done, I'll have 6 larger drop pods for the terminator squads and 8 smaller drop pods for the tacticals and devastator squads in what will really be two complete drop pod armies.


Nothing says "The Emperor loves you" like the sudden appearance of a drop pod army. :D

Wow! A new look :wink:


Ok, here's an update on my terminators...or "what I did over Christmas"...


First progress has been made on the entirety, I've started highlighting the black side of entire group (11 done), did some foundation colors on the bases, and in general, geared up mentally for the long haul ("the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step"). For some reason I was thinking that the highlighting on the black side would go fairly quickly. Not necessarily so. However, it should be blindingly quick compared to the multiple layers on the white side to get the effect I am looking for.


The whole crew




Also, to keep somewhat sane in the face of what could be an insane task, I put a base coat on the "Librarian" and started on his face. I have been pretty happy with my golds when I start with Bestial Brown layers, then move to Shining Gold, ink several layers to deepen the color, then do the final highlights, ending up with a Mithril Silver/Shining Gold mix. Final-Final highlights will be with VMC Silver.


A couple shots of Kensai, Blademaster








Some from the "Kensai" thread might notice that he still only has his big blade. I fiddled around with a couple of things and never really came up with something (given my available bits) that I liked. So he continues to field his Avatar cleaver.


As always, C&C is most welcome, you guys have been a tremendous help so far...

They have been started for a while now, but I was fortunate to get some time in a few days ago to get some more work on them (nothing too major though). I'll have to try and get some WIP shots of them again in the next few days.



I was going to say that I didn't get a close up of the highlights yet as I am working my way through all thirty with the first level of highlights (although with the RTT limits now at 1750, that changes some things :P ). Then I'll do a thin black ink over that, then a final highlight with straight Codex Grey.


Then the fun part...the white side.


Anyway, definitely post your termies when you get a chance...if for no other reason than I know someone else is feeling my pain. ;)

I like your idea with the highlights. Since you do a black wash step after the initial highlight, you could try using a lighter grey (instead of reusing codex grey) since you'll have some muted codex grey. Then again you could also do: Codex Grey, Black Wash, Light Codex Grey Rehighlight and a final LIGHT Fortress Grey Highlight.


Since you still have the white side to do, you could easily combine all your grey work into one and use the codex grey to work up to a white (since i think its common knowledge white right over black requires MANY coats).


Ive posted my termies a few time in the past (been a while now though). Although after doing the organising for the '07 pledges, painting up X many terminators isnt so bad :P

So today was the last day before I go back to work...sigh...still it was a good day.


Progress Report:


My goal was to get all the foundation highlights done for all thirty, but I ran out of time (and went brain dead) and came up seven short. Still not so bad. This go through it took 15-20 minutes per trooper.


The Librarian's progress is documented below:


2nd coat of Bestial Brown






1st coat of Shining Gold








Next steps for this guy will be another coat of Shining Gold. Then several coats of chestnut ink, then I'll start the highlighting.




With all the metallic stuff on this guy, I now have an issue with some of the detailing. Some of the items will be done in stone, but in particular, the banner on the chest...what color should that be? My intuition tells me that painting them up in "silver" regardless of how dark and highlighted it might be won't contrast enough with the gold to stand out. Should I make it more of the stone?


Anyway, I'd appreciate some C&C and suggestions on those things. In particular, the one on the chest and the one on the right shoulder pad.


Thanx in advance!


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