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Ok so howdy.


I am liking the conversion on the venerable, but I have to say something seems off to me. It may be because the shin guards are not on him yet. I will hold my final verdict until it is all said and done. I like the arrangement of the feet and great job on the foot conversion. Looks good!


The other dreads are looking pretty good as well.


One question though, what are all the little extra pads of plastic for? Are they for extra armor? Honor plaques for good service? Solor panels! Just curious :blush:



i am looking forward to seeing the dreads finished. they look great. I particulalry like the 'heroic dread' and his base. great job on the legs there.


on a more serious note - so far your comics have been chuckle worthy, but the latest one made me laugh....and hard ^_^


edit: spelling

I am liking the conversion on the venerable, but I have to say something seems off to me. It may be because the shin guards are not on him yet. I will hold my final verdict until it is all said and done. I like the arrangement of the feet and great job on the foot conversion. Looks good!


Oh, I feel much the same way. The heroic guy is pretty much an exercise of letting my imagination go and seeing where it ends up. Worst case scenario is that he turns out lame, I recover by doing an amazing job on the base and everyone forgets him.


One question though, what are all the little extra pads of plastic for? Are they for extra armor? Honor plaques for good service? Solor panels! Just curious


The stuff on the top and upper side is to cover gaps in the box. I added the lower piece on the side for symmetry purposes. Currently, I field them without any add ons except the heavy flamer (which has been performing magnificently, I might add). However if at some later date I wanted to add extra armor for some reason, I could point to that and say, "See that? It's extra". <_<


i am looking forward to seeing the dreads finished. they look great. I particulalry like the 'heroic dread' and his base. great job on the legs there.


I too am looking forward to seeing how they come out. I'm not entirely sure I've pulled off the "heroic" bit as the dreads are more broad than tall and he may just end up looking like he has gas pains. We'll just have to see.


on a more serious note - so far your comics have been chuckle worthy, but the latest one made me laugh....and hard


Well, I don't really know how long this comic thing is going to run. It's just that every now and then I get these goofy images in my head, which sometimes makes me chuckle, and so I cobble them together.


Given how deadly serious the 40K universe is all the time, I figured it would be an interesting counter point. Also, the idea of Bill and Ted as dreads just cracked me up.


Anyway, I'm glad you're enjoying the ride. It has been bumpy more than a few times, but never boring.

Gut check time....


I've been fighting a fever and muscle cramps, so it's been a little challenging to stay on task. That being said, I was able to get the second coat of VMC 987 on and the first coat of the white + 987 (7:2). The white is still pretty streaky, which was a concern, so I applied a second coat to the shin guards and it smoothed out fairly well. That being said, I am preparing for the fact that it may take three coats to get things smoothed out.


Also I obviously did the metal bits, but they have not had their black inking done yet.


So, here they are in all their current glory. Please note that the arms are just stuck on as I am waiting for the painting to finish before I assemble everything.






"Light" is an interesting animal. In Real Life , the white side is the same for all three dreads. Obviously a case where the photographer doesn't have a clue.


The Saturday Comic



...and in case you are wondering, I did not shrink my dreads, these are from my Epic Apocalypse Lords and I guess I'll do a thread on them in HoH before too long. They were an awful lot of fun to put together and Epic is an excellent game.


As an aside, I took my army out for a spin this week as part of a 3000 point game. I fielded my scouts, my termies, and borrowed my friends three dreads for a 1500 pt list. We pitted my AL + a mechanized IG list vs. a mech Eldar list + Sisters (yeah, I know, it's an odd combo, we went with it).


In a surprising turn of events, my arch-nemesis (and good friend) had his Eldar smeared all over the table top by us good guys in white and black, in a nice reversal of some of our previous games. His Eldar are extremely tough and have owned me in smaller 40K games as well as Epic. Anyway, things came together nicely and we were able to walk off the battlefield standing proud.


I guess that's about it for now, so, until next week!



Well I've just sat down and read the whole of this thread. Just like to say excellent work - nice to see those termies go from plastic to painted to played in battle. That colour scheme is a killer but it has come off really well.


And looking forward to more on the Dreads.




Two words: Viral pneumonia


I failed my Inv save and have been suffering rather greatly the past several days. I've heard other people say that pneumonia is something that makes you wish you were dead until you're better. They are right. If you are so inclined, your prayers would be greatly appreciated. This is a fully miserable gig.


On to happier things:




That colour scheme is a killer but it has come off really well.


Yes it is difficult. However, I had a feeling that if I could hang tough long enough to get a good number of them painted, then their presence on the table would be worth all the effort. The "Whoa" factor has been rewarding, but most just look at them and think I'm nuts.




You've widened some parts, haven't you?


The hips of the "heroic" guy have been widened, but the others are more a factor of me not finalizing the construction process. So the arms are literally just stuck on.


By all means show us your Epic force as well.


It will probably be a few days until I get better, but will do.




how many more random rolls did you make before the game was through?


I can assure you sir, on my honor as a space marine that all my rolls were random. :rolleyes:




Always willing to share. 1500 pts (or so) from an antibiotic and codeine effected memory:


1 x Epistolary, termie armor, Fear of Darkness, Fury of the Ancients, 1 termie with AC, 1 termie with chainfist, 2 standard termies

1 x Vet Sgt PW/SB, 2 x termies with AC, 1 termie with chainfist, 1 standard termie

1 x Vet Sgt w twin lightning claws, 1 x termie with AC, 1 termie with chainfist, 2 standard termies

3 x Dreads with AC/DCCW/H.flamer

6 x Scouts, 1 ML, 4 sniper rifles, 1 bolter

7 x Scouts, 1 ML, 4 sniper rifles, 2 bolters


Everybody but the scouts comes in on drop pods. Given a choice, I like to go second. The scouts infiltrate, stay within fire support range of each other and look for a good unit to pick on. Concentration is the key. If you put your arms in a circle about the size of your chest, that is how tight my drop pod deployment zone is. I want to own that real estate. So I either wipe him out or he runs away. Then I push out from there. Because the Eldar vehicles are so difficult to bring down, I tend to focus on stripping the meat from the bones.


I hope that helps.


Anyway, here's to better days.



Ok so first off, prayers and positive vibes your way Honda. I can say I have been there done that got the t-shirt. But the good news is it only takes a month or so to fully recover.


The dreads are looking good. I am curious though why you did'nt split the sarcophogus on the 2 regular dreads like you did on the ven. dread?


I like the assault cannons, the metals on those is looking really nice. Actually, I rather like the way the metallics are turning out across the board.


Get better and be aware when my girly men in tights are all done, I'll have ta learn ya some respect for da panzies. That is unless I decide to do my Thousand Sons instead. :P

Is it just me or is it 5 elite choices in that list??


It is just you. <_<


Good question. Actually, I neglected to mention that I'm taking the Trait "Wisdom of the Ancients" and that allows me to take dreads as heavy support. So, 1 HQ, 2 x Elite, 2 x Tactical, 3 x Heavy Support.




I am curious though why you did'nt split the sarcophogus on the 2 regular dreads like you did on the ven. dread?


I wanted to try something a little different. Since there is a lot of intricate engraving on the two front plates that I chose, I thought I'd do them in the brass that I have done for the bling on the termies. It should give an interesting look, but not destroy the scheme. At least that is what I think...and let's remember, I am on some serious drugs <completely legal and with a prescription if anyone is monitoring who wants to know>. We'll see.




I thought about it, but decided in the long run to distribute any anti-tank functionality across the team. Don't know how sound the logic is, but if the AC gets whacked, I still have one maniac who can carve his name into the side of any vehicle on the board.



Is it just me or is it 5 elite choices in that list??


It is just you. :)


Good question. Actually, I neglected to mention that I'm taking the Trait "Wisdom of the Ancients" and that allows me to take dreads as heavy support. So, 1 HQ, 2 x Elite, 2 x Tactical, 3 x Heavy Support.





I see, it all makes sense now. By the way, do you take any other trait?? What are your drawback??

I see, it all makes sense now. By the way, do you take any other trait?? What are your drawback??


Trait: "Wisdom of the Ancient", Drawback: "We stand alone"


At some point, I will start introducing the power armor brothers in which case I will probably stop fielding the termies for awhile and run with,


Trait: "Cleanse and Purify" and "We stand alone"


but that will be in Phase II of the project and I haven't made up my mind whether to insert a side project for the chapter before then or not.



Apologies up front brothers,


Although pneumonia does start with a "p", it is not in any way a productivity enhancer. Nor does it cause much to look very funny beyond my personal inabilities.


However, my faith is strong even though my body is weak. The Emperor still protects and an update is in the works.


Amen, brothers, amen!

So, almost back to normal, whatever that is. Still dealing with some aftershocks from the pneumonia (hacking cough, shaky hand), that make painting a little more of a sport than it was :pinch: , but progress did occur nonetheless.


So here we go. The dreads are finished. I have not added their names to the name plates as I am waiting for the aforementioned shakes to go away...makes a real mess of lettering unless you're just trying to put down some litanies...in which case, it's quite beneficial. :D


Anyway, here is Titus. Just like some other aspects of this project, I don't expect that he will have the full support of everyone, but he was after all an experiment and as such, didn't turn out too bad. If I was going to do it all over again, I would also dig out one of the old "turtleback" plastic Epic titan heads and use that. I think in retrospect, that would be closer to what I was striving for.


C'est le guerre!


And so I present to you, Titus...










Bilius Rex





Maximus Tedae





So, this concludes a very interesting phase of the project. I look forward to getting them on the table next week with the rest of the terminators and scouts. This will bring my list up to 1500 pts. I will post the group shots in HoH.



The Last Action Heroes:





So this is the last terminator squad and will get me to 1850. Careful observers will notice that there appears to be two Vet. Sgts.


There are.


I will be swapping out the sword/T-hammer into the Libby's retinue. Also, upcoming will be a chaplain. The fluff for my army doesn't support any librarians, only chaplains, so I will be adding one in termie armor following the completion of this squad. I suppose at some point will also have to bow to the ineveitable and drop one a.cannon out of each squad and also increase the drop pods to 50 pts if the recent spate of codexes are to be taken into account. However, for the time being, I shall play them as is and look back fondly at this time when things do change.


Also, I haven't quite made up my mind as to what to do next. Possible projects are:


1. Paint up my Elysians (which won't be posted here)

2. Start the Power Armor phase, which is basically creating 40-50 PA troopers for drop podding

3. Build a 40K scale Space Marine Landing craft modeled after my Epic version


The Leviathan





It is capable of carrying 4 Landraiders or 6 Razorback/Rhinos along with about 50 troopers.


So that is about it for this week, thanx for hanging in there with me while I felt like I was on my deathbed. Boy am I glad that is over with.



that thing is HUGE how did you build it?


See...size does matter :D


It is constructed from sheet plastic, some epic landraider turrets and some squared sprue. Once I got the body together, it actually went pretty fast. I learned that interior bracing isn't a nice to have kind of thing, it's a requirement. When I build the 40K version, the interior frame will be constructed from Legos, brass rod, and sprue.


Since it will be a "gaming" piece vs. static display model, I'll not be including an interior or fully operational doors. Which will help expedite getting it done. It'll still be a beast though. I'm estimating that it will be in the neighborhood of 2.5 - 3 feet long.



OK so I really am digging the Ven. Dread. I think he turned out pretty darn good. He has a certain something that just feels right.


Also, I am really liking the gold on the sarcophagus of the other 2 dreads. That is a nice touch and will fit in well with the army as a whole.


Very nice Honda!


Looking forward to seeing them in person. Hopefully I will have some Pointyearred panzies ready to go soon.


This is inspirational work. Makes want to do my own chapter that much more.




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