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+++ Unforgiven but not Unknown +++


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Why'd I not pay more attention and notice this thread before now?


Name: Jono

Age: Autumn of '82

Country/State: Sunny QLD, Australia

Occupation: McManager, 15 yrs service

Time spent in hobby: '94, Codex: Angels of Death

Armies collected: Dark Angels, always Dark Angels, in its prime there was a fully supported Battle Company, but alas 8 house moves and its mostly AWOL. But besides that, EVERYTHING 40K. I've at least one squad or hero from each race/faction, typically much more than that.

Make your mark: I'm sure I'm not the only one, I'm seriously waiting for GW to update they're IG line with plastics for some of they're other regiments. Primarily, Mordian Iron Guard. I couldn't afford an army of them in metal then, and I can't afford one now. But in plastic? I'd go bat :ph34r: crazy for them, I'd be all over them like a kid in a candy store.




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Name: Marine5

Age: Older than most here, I started in the 80's.

Country/State: USA

Occupation: USMC

Time spent in hobby: On and off for years. Mainly do to deployments.

Armies collected: DA and DIY chapter. I never seem to finish and now my son is into it and is the same way. Getting expensive, HaHa.

Make your mark: I just want to have fun with this and it's good to have something in common with my son.

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Name: Mitchell

Age: 20

Country/State: New Zealand

Occupation: Assistant Manager KFC

Time spent in hobby: 3 Months

Armies collected: Starting with Dark Angels, looking at Grey Knights, Iron Warriors and possibly Space Wolves later on.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Name: Joe

Age: 25

Country/State: UK/Scotland

Occupation: Submariner in the Royal Navy

Time spent in hobby: 18 years

Armies collected: Dark Angels, Necromunda Gangs (Orlock and Ash Waste Gang) Dark angel Fleet for Battle Fleet Gothic and Blood Bowl (Human and High Elf Teams)

Make your mark: Il add to this when i can come up with something clever ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Name: furioso-prime

Age: 37

Country/State: U.S.A, Alaska

Occupation: U.S Army Ranger(retired)

Time spent in hobby: since the rogue trader rules

Armies collected: Dark Angels, Imperial Apocalypse (all human)

Make your mark: FACTA NON VERBA. I have been collecting longer than I care to admit. I rememberwhen space marines could take shuriken catapults, lead miniatures, and thirty plastic Beakies for $19.99. now, you can get five crap resin miniatures for $45.00. :) so yeah, I guess I'm kinda what you call "Veteran"

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Name: Brother Anders

Country/State: USA, Pennsylvania,

Occupation: Life guarding, sometimes it's boring, but the view can be great :lol:

Time spent in hobby: About 2 Months I believe, My cousin and a friend got me into it.

Armies collected: A 1845 point Dark Angels army, with only one troop............. Need to get another Tac squad..... Also plannig to make a small Fallen force with the new starter set

Make your mark: I originality was gonna go Ultrasmurfs, but they didn't have enough flare for me, so when I saw a Dark Green Chapter based on Knights who were obsessed with swords and Plasma, I couldn't resist. And El'Johnson reminds me of myself in some ways, I could relate to him. I'm pumped for 6'th edition and can't wait for a new 'dex (ours does sorta suck, but I don't mind) I'm usually not very active on forums, but I plan on contributing a lot here. Until the sword is Reforged,


Brother Anders, 5th Company

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  • 1 month later...

name: Apahllo

state: california

time in hobby: about 10 years, didnt really dive in and play regularly until the last year of 4th.

armies: my DA (as a fallen army though ^_^ , so pre heresy painting is in the works), nids. ive played about everything cept both eldar, deamons, wolves and BA.

my mark:... FOR LUTHER! i like the unforgiven/fallen because their chapter has hella secrets and the most character.

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Name: Eeps, or Dan in meatspace

Age: 29

Country/State: Australia, NSW (Sydney to be precise)

Occupation: Remuneration Consultant - Essentially deciding what people get paid to do their jobs is my job

Time spent in hobby: 3 or 4 years in the mid 90s, a couple of years again in the 21st century

Armies collected: Only 40k so far - Orks, then Flesh Tearers and most recently Dark Angels

Make your mark: I have horrible impulse purchasing control, so always buy more than I can paint despite my best intentions. Im currently on self imposed purchasing exile until I have at least 2k points of my DA army painted up

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Name:Aron (aka Nikolai IRL)


Country: England (Taunton, Somerset)

Occupation: Student

Time in the hobby: 3 years

Armies: Dark Angels, Space marines, Imperial Guard

My mark: I love the Dark Angels because of the Knightly orders of Caliban. Also Luther is a pretty awesome character (pre heresy for the win)

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Name: MindTrick

Age: 27

Country/State: NoVA, USA

Occupation: Net Sys Tech

Time spent in hobby: On and off for the past 3 years

Armies collected: Dark Angels - Mostly Ravenwing, some Deathwing and Greenwing; would like to get a Tyranid army going

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Name: Sunde

Age: 23

Country/State: Arizona, USA

Occupation: Fighter Avionic Systems Technician

Time spent in hobby: 1.5yrs

Armies collected: Tau , GK, Guard, Daemons, Vampire Counts, very very small sisters force (I want plastics!!), 1 squad of DW termies.

Make your mark: Got into the hobby while I was in England, most of my stuff I ended up getting for dirt dirt cheap on ebay or second hand from people quitting. I started DA on a whim because I'm a lore junkie at times and the DA lore is something I greatly enjoy, and they are an army I've never seen anyone play so it's something new for me to learn and enjoy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Name: Lone Scout / Nikko

Age: 40ish

Country/State: Australia, King Island Tasmania....home of the worlds best beef and cheese

Occupation: Kelp harvester

Time spent in hobby: Almost 20 years

Armies collected: Angels of Absolution, Celestial Lions, Black Templars, Space Wolves 13th company, dark eldar, IG, orks....high elves,dark elves, empire, Brets

Make your mark: I have had a love hate relationship with the hobby forever. I hate the whole southern hemisphere embargo. I hate not being able to buy any paints or brushes on the island, but I love the models, the warhammer worlds and the fantastic people drawn to the hobby. Happy Gaming.

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Name: Lord Mizu

Age: 25 solar years

Country/State: The great state of OHIO!

Occupation: Currently a student

Time spent in hobby: Hard to say...Ive been into the hobby for around 10 years now, but the time spent on it comes in spatterings here and there due to other life issues.

Armies collected: The Dark Arrows, a (currently small) Dark Angels Successor chapter.

Make your mark: While I lack the finances to build massive armies, my strategy and fluff skills are without equal!

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Name: Faithwing

Age: 27

Country/State: Washington, USA

Occupation: Student/Janitor

Time spent in hobby: 1 year

Armies collected: Sisters of Battle, Dark Angels

Make your mark: My primary army will always be my Sisters, but I have a wicked soft spot for the Dark Angels. They remind me of Batman, haha. I started collecting Dark Angels around April of this year, and got pretty stoked when I saw the White Dwarf spines starting to match up to an Azrael picture. My Sisters are complete, (until the plastics get released), so now I'm focusing 100% on completing my Dark Angels. Thanks for having me, brothers.

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No that I am the owner of some DA models and having lurked :lol: here for a while (during ETL mainly...), I thought I'd introduce myself to those who haven't...encountered me elsewhere ^_^


Name: Aquilanus

Age: 37

Country/State: UK - Coventry, West Midlands

Occupation: I work for a certain Swedish Flat-pack furniture company.....

Time spent in hobby: Originally from 1987 to early 1990's, had a big sabbatical and rejoined in 2008 when DOW came out and got me back into it.

Armies collected: Before: Space Wolves, Black Legion, Biel Tan Eldar, Evil Sunz, the original version of the Steel Wings (DIY), and Khornate Genestealer Cult. Now: Steel Wings (version 4 :lol: Iron Hands Successor), Bahltimyr Reavers (Raven Guard Traitor Successor), Amber Dragons (Salamanders successor), Rainbow Warriors (My version are White Scar Successors), Biel Tan Eldar, DIY Sisters of Battle Order and now....DIY Dark Angels Successor.

Make your mark: I was once in a picture featured in a White Dwarf talking to Jes Goodwin about his Howling Banshee concept art at a Golden Daemon many, many years ago...


And you also might say that I love making DIY Chapters :lol: Finishing them is another matter :cuss

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Name: Green Lotus.

Age: 27.

Country/State: Spain. Sorry about my English.

Occupation: Student and worker.

Time spent in hobby: About ten years.

Armies collected: Dark Angels, 3rd Company.

Make your mark: I not play actually and I am disconected of the rules and the codex, but I love the minis and the background.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Leandred in most online games (Dawid IRL)

Age: 38

Country/State: Sweden

Occupation: Engineer at ERICSSON ///

Time spent in hobby: 26y

Armies collected: High Elf, Dwarf and Chaos BB teams, High Elves and Dark Angels.

Make your mark: This time i will try to finish my DAs from 1992... before starting on the new ones!

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USA/New York


Tin-knocker (sheet metal worker)

Time spent in hobby:

beginning to mid point of 3rd ed, so... 12-15 years or so?

Armies collected:

Dark Eldar (3rd Ed)

Dark Angels (3rd Ed and now 5th/6th Ed)

Make your mark:

Ebay was my friend in rebuilding much of what i lost when I stopped playing, And this time around i shan't be stopped! slowly looking to have a full setup of Deathwing, Ravenwing, and standard Greenies.

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Name: Fallen Avenger.

Age: 25.

Country/State: UK - England.

Occupation: British Army - Mechanic.

Time spent in hobby: started this month (again) began several years ago.

Armies collected: Dark Angels (contemplating second army)

Make your mark: was introduced to GW WH40K when i was about 12 was shown a rhino and a dreadnought of the Ultramarines, didnt really take to it but when i was 14 and 17 the hobby started to creep up again until i finally started collecting at 19 had a decent size SM army and a 2500 IG army but joining the army left no time so i had to leave the hobby behind (no models were hurt at this time, all models were donated to a good home - a lucky cousin i might add). With the release of Dark Vengence i jumped back in as i am a fan of the Dark Angels, in the past month alone i have gained a considerable sized army of my own (as soon as i have painted pics will be up) oh and started converting my own Belial he will be the nuts btw!

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Name: Bluepillredpill (my online ID where ever I may appear)

Age: 34

Country/State: Scotland, UK

Occupation: Business Analyst

Time spent in hobby: just returning via Dark Vengeance after a 18 year absence

Armies collected: Working on a Dark Angel army at present did play space wolves(40k) and Undead (fantasy)

Make your mark: Started playing Hero Quest and Space Crusade as a kid moved onto warhammer fantasy roleplay, had to give up when I married the wrong women, realised the error of my ways and the wife encouraged me to get back into so here I am :)

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Name: Asmodai's Joy

Age: 31

Country/State: The State of Confusion a.k.a. Ohio

Occupation: Student

Time spent in hobby: First started trying to break in around the end of fourth ed., but for numerous reasons (not the least of which being the arrival of 5th ed. amoung them) largely gave up on the idea. I have returned, however, with a vengeance.

Armies collected: Armies Attempted back When: Dark Angels, Dark Eldar. Armies under construction now: Deathwing Company, 1850 pts.

Make your mark: I have been a wargamer all my life. At the age of three and a half my father had me playing book games that simulated world war one dogfighting, by the arrival of the NES I had roughly a dozen strategy games under my belt, and the tradition continues still, nearly three decades later. I love the fluff attached to the Dark Angels, and that was why they were my first army. I was greatly saddened when the current codex dropped and they took away Asmodai, who, as my name implies, is my favorite character of our great Chapter. My original character (an interrogator chaplain, of course) has the bulk of his fluff attached to him, culminating in him becoming Asmodai's Protoge' and Confidante, hence the name "Asmodai's Joy". I greatly look forward to his return in the forthcoming codex. Anything else about me, feel free to ask.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Avon Rekaes

Age: 29

Country/State: Florida

Occupation: Investment Banking

Time spent in hobby: 13 Years

Armies collected: Currently; Dark Angels. Previously; vanilla marines. Possible future; Necrons

Make your mark: Started with 3rd edition back in high school, but I just didn't have the setup to continue playing. I made up my own chapter of marines called the Gemini Blades, who were all supposed to be identical twins. When I decided I actually had the disposable income to get back into the hobby, I decided to go with Dark Angels because they had such a rich history and detailed heraldry. Plus is nice to take a break from one paint scheme and move onto another without having to divide your attention between multiple armies.

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Name: Furius aka Karsten Eggers

Age: 32

Country/State: Rendsburg, Northern Germany

Occupation: local government (zoning, urban design)

Time spent in hobby: about eight years

Armies collected: vast amounts of Dark Angels, smaller Eldar- and Chaos-troups

Make your mark: For the LION! :)

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Name: godswearhats

Age: Old enough to have bought and played Rogue Trader.

Country/State: Currently Seattle, WA/US, previously Northern Ireland, London, Boston/MA, San Francisco/CA, Sydney/NSW, Melbourne/VIC and Saskatoon/SK.

Occupation: Computer nerd. I did work for GW for a couple of years about 15 years ago, visited the studio a couple of times and met all the designers etc.

Time spent in hobby: Just getting back in after a long hiatus

Armies collected: Dark Angels (and Wood Elves for WHFB). DA was the first army I ever played.

Make your mark: I want to make my own successor chapter which uses Dark Angel rules but my own name, background, color scheme etc. So far, I only have the models from the Dark Vengeance box. Mostly hoping to get ideas and feedback from the folks on here.

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Name: Izzuan

Age: 29

Country/State: United States, Texas

Occupation: NOC Tech

Time spent in hobby: 4.5-5 years.

Armies collected: SM/DA, Tomb Kings, Looking into BFG.

Make your mark: New to the B&C, and 40k in general. Love the general feel of the DA, and I <3 plasma weapons so theres that. Hopefully it won't be too large of a heresy to spawn my own DA successor!

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