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+++ Unforgiven but not Unknown +++


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Name: Captain_Quirk

Age: 27

Country/State: Terra Australis Incognita

Occupation: Sales

Time spent in hobby: No where near enough. Just starting again after a 10 year break, thanks to Dark Vengeance

Armies collected: Orks (some models), Tyranids (roughly 500pt) and now Dark Angels (Dark Vengeance).

Make your mark: For many years I walked in the darkness. My bolter and chainsword my only companions on that long road of perdition. Cast away by the tides of the Warp and unable to find my way, I dealt death to the Enemies of Man wherever I went. A terrible sin in my past there must have been, to face such an exile from my Battle Brothers, but what it was I cannot fathom. So I rode the currents of the Empyrean and took the Light, and Justice, and Cleansing Fire of the Emperor to the darkest voids of the Warp. Always I searched for forgiveness for my failure.


But at last, the curtain of the Warp parted before my ship, glittering, swirling, absences of sanity, coalesced about the prow. There stood the Rock. My home. My salvation. A great Inquisitor once wrote, "“Chaos claims the unwary or the incomplete. A true man may flinch away its embrace, if he is stalwart, and he girds his soul with the armour of contempt.” and that is how I survived my trials. I wept with joy as my Brothers welcomed me home.


I now am ready to tread a new path. Gone are my old sins, washed away by fire and honour in the Emperor's name. Replaced they are, with a heavier burden. The burden of the Unforgiven. I am ready to tread my new path, a greater path, for the good of my soul and my Chapter. The Path to Redemption.

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Hi all,


Name: Darth_Bona

Age: 32

Country/State: Wales, Denbighshire

Occupation: Social Services

Time spent in hobby: 21yrs

Armies collected: Dark Angels 5000pts, Angels of Absolution (Vanillia Marines) 3500pts, Orks (8000 pts) Eldar 2000pts

Make your mark: I have been around a long time! Almost as long as the Golden Throne! I love Dark Angels and have dedicated a blog to them, I enjoy painting and tournament play!


My Blog

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Name: YounGunner

Age: Old. I think I've played second edition. I've also played Battle Masters.

Country/State: USA

Occupation: Military

Time spent in hobby: Probably 20 years off and on.

Armies collected: I've collected some space marines, orks, orcs, imperial guard.

Make your mark: I took a break from warhammer for a while. Dark Angels were always my favorite chapter though so I'm collecting again.

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Name: Sanguineus (Ryan)

Age: 28

Country/State: USA/Illinois

Occupation: Sales

Time spent in hobby:5 years

Armies collected: 40K: Dark Angels, Tyranids Fantasy: High Elves, Daemons of Chaos, Dwarves

Make your mark: I just started 40k a month or so ago with the Dark Vengeance release and new edition and have been really enjoying it. I am currently painting up my successor chapter "The Shadowed Angels". I have been playing Fantasy for 5 years and regularly attend grand tournaments on the Fantasy side. Looking forward to getting more involved in 40k and have been burning through the Black Library books to catch up on the fluff and background.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all.

Name: Abdaziel Magron

Age: 28

Country/State: Ireland

Occupation: Film student

Time spent in hobby: 15 years. Although I've kinda slipped a bit in the last year. Damn you college!

Armies collected: Warhammer Fantasy: Orcs and Goblins, Warriors of Chaos. I still have a unit of the hunched warriors! 40K: Chaos.

Make your mark: After a year of being out of the hobby I slowly started getting back into 40k with the release of the new Blood Angels. A favorite chapter of mine. And with the release of Dark Vengeance I find myself now starting a Dark Angel Army, another favourite chapter of mine! And also a chaos army.

Now to save up and get all the paints I need.

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I feel bad cos I never filled out a form when I got to the Rock. I'll quickly type one out then report to cell 42 for re-education ;)


Name: facmanpob, or Paul irl :)

Age: 40

Country/State: London, Ing-er-land

Occupation: Facilities Manager, and part-time overlord of all I survey

Time spent in hobby: 2 years this time round

Armies collected: DA Successor (GOTC), some Orks and a bit of Chaos

Make your mark: Lured into the clutches of the 1st Legion by the grimdark canon, I had already painted too many marines to want to start all over again, so I went for a successor chapter instead! Currently working on trying to round out my army with options for Greenwing, Ravenwing and Deathwing.


Fun fact: I can navigate using astro-navigation. So if you are ever stuck in a rowing boat in the middle of the ocean with only a sextant and a star chart, I'm yer man! ;)

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Ben - Dark_Master


Durham, UK

Quality and Process Improvement Manager

20ish Years

Past - Space Hulk - Blood Angels/ Dark Angels, Battle Fleet Gothic - Imperial Fleet, 40k Dark Angels past and present

Nearly won a Battle Fleet Gothic Tournament at Warhammer World, but crashed and burned with some bad dice rolls





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  • 4 weeks later...

Name: Discopirate

Age: 26

Country/State: London, United Kingdom

Occupation: British Army Officer

Time spent in hobby: 13 years (on and off)

Armies collected: Space Marines and Dark Eldar

Make your mark: Having left the hobby when I started University I have recently got back into it and am looking to start up a new DA DIY Successor Chapter.

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Name: Arkley (Internet cookie for guessing where I got it from)

Age: 37

Country/State: Bradford, UK.

Occupation: Telecoms Admin

Time spent in hobby: 25 years

Armies collected: Over the years, Ultramarines, Black Legion, World Eaters there is a pattern :P

Make your mark: Boo Hiss :huh:


I dunno I am not good at writing a spiel...



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Finally Arkley! oh, wait, did I do one of these?


Name: furioso-prime

Age: 37

Country/State: Anchorage, Alaska

Occupation: retired Army, currently Union Pipefitter

Time spent in hobby: I bought the first copy of Rogue Trader in Anchorage!

Armies collected: Dark angels, Iron Snakes, Carcharadons Astra, Lamenters, and a budding Minotaurs army with my 8yo son.

Make your mark: I remember when I saw the Rogue Trader book. Thinking it was an RPG, I scooped up the only copy the FLGS had and took it home........and was confused. not about to be duped, I stormed into said game store and demanded my money back. I was not about to be tricked into playing a board game! the clerk, who still works there, took me over to the shelves where the Pieces were. My jaw dropped. I was indeed getting tricked into playing a board game.......And I have never looked back!


Yeah, it's been a long journey for me. I started playing the unforgiven since BEFORE they were unforgiven. back when they where black, had yellow eyes, and it was not uncommon to see the words "kil, kil, kil" on there Armour. I remember when the termies where black too, and had red and yellow checks on them. Oh, anyone else remember the space marine miniature with a shuriken catapult? yeah, I'm old school.

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Yeah, it's been a long journey for me. I started playing the unforgiven since BEFORE they were unforgiven. back when they where black, had yellow eyes, and it was not uncommon to see the words "kil, kil, kil" on there Armour. I remember when the termies where black too, and had red and yellow checks on them. Oh, anyone else remember the space marine miniature with a shuriken catapult? yeah, I'm old school.


I remember all the above, as well as Marines having las guns too, and there being Lieutenants, Lieutenant-Commanders and Military Police in their ranks!

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Name: Anaziel.

Age: 18

Country/State: Danish, but currently living in Spain.

Occupation: Bachiller (bachelor?) student.

Time spent in hobby: Well... Since 2000 give or take.

Armies collected: VC, WofC, SW and now Dark Angels.

Make your mark: I started when I was 8 playing the TLOTR GW board game with my brother and soon fell into the world of warhammer fantasy and then warhammer 40.000. And I must admit that I love the grim darkness of the far future. Yes Im young, but I know the deal and the lore.

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Name: Garath (Kruno)

Age: 31

Country/State: Croatia

Occupation: Musician, double bass player

Time spent in hobby: Since 2001

Armies collected: Dark Eldar,Chaos,Space Wolfs,IG,Tyranids ,Orks and Dark Angels (painted all of them).

Make your mark: After all that time, I'm happy to get the time for 2 games a month

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Name: Eulfein

Age: 32

Country/State: The Philippines

Occupation: Operations Supervisor

Time spent in hobby: Just started

Armies collected: Dark Angels

Make your mark: I started reading the fluff since 2008, decided to start collecting and painting an army just recently upon the release of 6th edition and the way cool new Dark Angels figures.

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Name: Menchalior

Age: 29

Occupation: Budiness Administration in Logistics and computers (currently fixing computers while trying to find steady job)

Time Spent in hobby: 2 years in 40K

Armies collected: Dark Angels, Blood Angels, Eldars, Dark Eldars, Imperial guard, Imperial Fists (very small detachment) and Chaos Marines (heavy under progress)

Make your mark: I love many aspects of 40K which is shown number of armies I have in progress.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Name: Sady

Location: Brisbane, Australian, originally Jo-burg South Africa.

I'm finally joining the site at my fiance's request (Grotsmasha) as I've decided to paint up one of his DV Ravenwing bikers and he's convinced me lend a hand by joining the LPC.

Hobby-wise I paint random minis I like the look of, so far that includes two LotR trolls and the four hobbits.

Nice to meet you all.

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Name: Djulius

Age: Older than most of you!

Country/State: UK

Occupation: Professional

Time spent in hobby: GW - 6 years, other wargaming ...!!!

Armies collected: Blood Angels (~6000pts); Eldar (~3500pts); Dark Angels (~1500 points and growing)

Make your mark: From buying two Dark Vengeance boxes, getting 1500 points DA and my son taking the CSM I'm off the mark with DA and excited by the new codex. Feel it might suit my style better than BA or Eldar.

Developing fluff for a new successor, either from Disc of Caliban (similar colour scheme) or Angels of Absolution (similar attitude to repentance).

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Name: Midnight Angel

Age: 34 and aging

Country/State: USA, Georgia

Occupation: Father, Part time sandwich artist, and Full Time Illustration Student

Time spent in hobby: I really have to count..um...16 years

Armies collected: I have collected all of them but nids at one point or another. Currently just sold off an unused wych cult and blood angels army to invest in my dark angels

Make your mark: I wish I didn't live in a gaming dry zone, nearest store is now an hour and half away, and thats is both east and west of me, Guess its time to force my boys into the hobby, whether they like it or not !!!!

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Name: Brother Hans-Heinrich

Age: 42

Country/State: FRG, down in the south and far from the Hobby.


Occupation: collecting money to invest in plastic effigies of the Emperors Angels of Death


Time spent in hobby: jumped in at 3rd edition, so 17..years...


Armies collected: Imperial and loyal,Space marines codex 3rd ed, IA Raven Guard, IA Iron Hands, CA Salamanders, Black Templars,

space marines 4th ed traits based, Space marines 5th ed bikes ( white scar ), Blood Angels, Grey Knights, Legion of the Damned,

IA Death watch, Dark Angels, =I=/ IG cadians, Catachans, Sororitas ( SoB ), IG armored and tread heavy, plus some Necrons.


Make your mark: A return to an Army from 4th edition. More green than anything wing and mechanized.

Have to admit they never got a name..:sweat:


Got the secrecy thingy a bit wrong it seems. But this time and with a proper name they will serve well.

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Name: brother cero. On other sites I respond to cerohero and MillionsLikeUs

Age: young(17) When I started I was probably one of "those" kids. Sorry

Country/State: Ancient Merica

Occupation: Student, odd jobs

Time spent in hobby: 8 years (right around the intro of 4th edition)

Armies collected: Dark Angels (my first and favorite), imperial guard, and most recently Necrons.


Make your mark: I love painting, but am not very good. I really enjoy competing a model, and the practice I have gotten recently thanks to a friend pushing me by starting the hobby has helped me improve a lot, and I feel like my models are actually presentable.

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Name: Thurmiel
Age: 49
Country/State: Germany
Occupation: crane operator
Time spent in hobby10 years (with breaks)
Armies collected: Dark Angels, Sisters of Battle ( in 2nd and 3rd edition)
Make your mark: returned to w40k after being caught by the new DA codex and and cool looking minis.

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Name: Arthrynn/NateAge: 24Country/State: USA, Ohio, DaytonOccupation: Computer SecurityTime spent in hobby: 9 YearsArmies collected: I started with Tau.  Changed to Dark Angels and never looked back.Make your mark: I am kind of a DA fanatic.  I am halfway through making foam Space Marine Armor,and I have a Winged Sword tattooed on my left shoulder.  I have to repent from my days of playingas dirty, dirty xenos.



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Name: David 
Age: 30
Country/State: USA, Ohio, Cleveland
Occupation: Tutor/Student
Time spent in hobby: 6 years off and on
Armies collected: Started with Blood Angels, moved on to Black Templars and Currently Dark Eldar and Dark Angels, and a minor Ork warband for my 5 year old son.
Make your mark: I have not played any 6th ed games. I am just starting to collect my Dark Angels army, so I will be bugging you with all sorts of newb questions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Canuck
Age: in my 40s
Country/State: originally Canada, but currently in UK
Occupation: Healthcare
Time spent in Hobby: many many years ( over 15)
Armies collected: DA - 7,000+ pts, IG 7,000+ pts, Vampire Counts (just started), Might do Dwarfs
Make your Mark: nothing to say yet, will let ya know

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Name: Chaplain Tiberius / Ty

Age: 25

Country/State: USA/Georgia

Occupation: Guardsman

Time spent in hobby: About 4 years

Armies collected: Dark Angels; formerly: Space Marines, Lizardmen, High Elves, Dwarfs

Make your mark: Currently working on a school paper writing about the insider language, behaviours, artifacts and characteristics of tabletop wargaming.

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