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Desert Eagles wip

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Hi guys and gals, i'm still alive. October 13th was a big day for me as i became a father for my little boy Alve ( an old norse name). Since then the progress on this army has been slow (yes, even slower than the snail pace i was moving forward in already ;) :) )


But i am still painting on my desert eagles and here are basicly what i've done since last time. The metallic isn't finished on either the rhino or the speeder. Sadly the lighting is a bit crappy (as is my damn camera) so the colours don't really show, especially the glowy bits doesn't look so good in the pictures. But as i felt for updating this tonight it will have to do.



















As for the studs on my captains legs. They are cut from a thin plastic rod (i'm sure you'll find some at your local hobby store) and then carefully glued in place. Nothing more fancy than that and not very hard to do...given it's a bit fiddly and time consuming.


The termi head i think you're refering to is from the forge world model commander culln.


And i'm also very thankfull and flattered by all of you that has been watching and commenting this thread and pushed it over a 100K views. Thanks mates, you're all awsome! :)


Any C&C is as always appriciated,



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Congrats on the little one! I will join the ranks of parentage in July :eek ... my Raptors weep ;)


Anyway ... that Speeder is packed full of voluptuous sexy ...


I know the flamer is FW ... *sigh* Ok, what did you do to make the flamer?

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Hey Desert Eagle,


VERY impressed with your work so far. Really love the colours and conversions you're using, leaves me in awe and in a serious need to crack back into work. Also Very inspiring to make my work even better! Can't wait to see more of your work!



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Thanks guys.


Bannon: Congratulations mate, it will be a thrill and an amazing feeling, i promise! Now, the flamer bit is indeed from forge world. It's from the dreadnaught flamer arm. (I had bought it a couple of years ago, before realizing that it wouldn't be legal in all games since it's fw-rules...so i didn't mind cutting it off and making use of it now) The mid-section is from an assultcannon found in the ravenwing sprues and the fuel tanks and cabling is from a flamestorm cannon.


Wulfen: For the gold i gave this reply to a guy that pm´d me a while back about the golden armour. I hope this will help some.


So, for the gold i have used shining gold as my main colour. I like that it is sort of greenish in the gold. I'm sorry there won't be any step by step pictures. That's because i don't plan on painting another golden guy anytime soon, unless i feel the urge to field yet another captain of some sort. I paint them gold as i find it looks cool and singles them out easily on the tabletop.


Anyway, this is sort of from memory... i kind of wing it a little when i paint and never really follow an exact recepie. I do however always use plenty of water (otherwise it will just be lots of lumps in the paint, specially with metallic paints) except maybe the very sharpest highlights where i find a slightly thicker paint gives me more control.


I started out with basecoating a dark colour on the armour. I belive it was black, orange and gold mixed together into a dark brown yet slightly metallic colour. Thereafter i pick out the shiny parts, those areas that i want to reflect a lot of light using more or less shining gold. I then work alot with the shadow parts, mixing gold with orange, black and sometimes green instead of orange (i think) but putting less and less of the other colours into the gold as i go brighter. Some areas i simply dont want to be shiny at all, so there i use no metallic paint into the mixtures so that it gets really dull. For the highlights i have mixed mithrill silver with shining gold, but just so much silver that it still stays golden.


What i belive gives the worn look is the way i apply the highlights. If you look at the collar or the chest eagle, you can see damage and chipps in the gold. It's simple, i never highlighted it i just left it "blank" and painted the shiny parts in sort of blotches. Not finishing the entire line there gives the apperance of chipped armour. One could ocourse paint the chipes, but i found this to look more realistic since metallic paint is all about creating reflecting and dull areas, using the natural lightsources ( or artificial in the form of lightbulbs of course). I also have a sort of zenital approach (the idea of light comming from a source above...like the sun, if you are unfamilliar with the term) in what is painted dull and what is painted reflecting. So there is alot more pure gold at the top of his armour than at the bottom. If you look at the legs there is very little that is shiny, just the very edges if his legs and so forth while the top is amlost the opposite. However, i haven't painted the non-gold stuff in this mindset as they don't need to create reflections in the same way to look good.


I don't know if this was of any help, but you can always ask again if it was to unclear. There may be more colours involved, i don't remember, but i sort of often paint with a limited palette. In my mind, it's the other stuff, like the red and bone of the purity seals, that really brings out the gold and makes it interesting.


Cheers! /Martin



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I love the landspeeder. The stripped back look, along with the top fin being added, makes it very reminiscent of the last metal speeder GW did. Using assualt marine chestguards so it looks like they have acceleration harnesses is inspired :) The MK VI helmets make them lool like beaked raptors, which given what they are flying really fits.


However, using two FW meltaguns for the topside multi-melta is just brilliant. Made me look at my Codex again, where I finally noticed tornadoes can have two multi-meltas (!?) I'm not sure if all available weapons are actually in the new plastic kits, they certainly aren't in my old ones. Myself not even checking the "new" entries was clearly another case of PEP (Previous Edition Predjudice), something I have been meaning to write a blog entry on for some time.


Anyway, the side by side FW melta-gun arrangement can be used on the underside as well. You inspired me to save an old and battered land speeder and upgun it into a twin multi-melta tornado tank hunter :P Which alongside using assault marine chests is looking quite good. Just finishing off the gunner/pilot (as in building not painting) but it wouldn't have even occurred to me to do it if I hadn't seen your landspeeder first. So thanks again :P

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No comments, just jealousy.

And I'll second some comment i was in this thread, I hate you.


On a serious note. The Army looks fantastic so far, so find the time and finish it as your pace allows it.

I know how hard it can be to motivate yourself, especially when you put so much time in each miniature, but this is GD material, so don't you dare to stop, and who cares if it will take you 5 years to finish it?


Please give me an advice on how to do those gorgeous bases and how you did the tanks, was it an air brush? or paintbrush? how did you solve the problem of grainy build up from the paint?


If you have time, take a look at my army, and give me some advice.



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You know, I'm curious to see the Storm Bolter on "the man", are there any shots available from the other side? I don't want you work any more than you have though so no big deal really ^_^
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Thanks guys.


Marius Pedro: Oh, i'm so glad you mentioned the second edition speeder, as it actually was one of my goals with the speeder to make it a sort of cross between the current one and the old one. That's why i removed the crash bar in the middle for instance, as was it to have the multimelta replaced and made more slim and less bulky. Truth be told i was inspired by, if memory serves me, mad scussys awsome scratchbuilt 2 ed speeders on this forum. I knew that stuff was beyond my skills, so i settled for working a bit with the current set. Nothing specially difficult or major changes to the model, but i'm quite happy with the end result.


Brother Melice: It's all brush. I have no problem with grainy build ups. Thin your paint and ther should be no major issues. Sure, there is that occasional lump here and there, but oh well... The bases are very simple. Just flatten some putty over the base and draw the cracked pattern into the putty with a knife or your sculpting tool. Add rocks or whatever you fancy and it's all done.


Dark Sensei: Oh, thanks man, that really is too kind since there are so many awsome armys out there. I always enjoy your great constructive crit and ideas. Not just to me, but in other peoples threads as well. So that makes me damn proud. Cheers!


Race Bannon: I'll try to remember to take pics of it next time. It is two bolt pistols on top of a slightly shaved down p-fist. Some putty to cover any joints and a ammoclip stuck to it...but i can't remember where i got that clip since it's slightly bigger...maybe another storm bolter. i don't know.


Olisredan: Thanks mate!

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Desert Eagle< already completed 5 bases for my termies, but thanks for the advice...

I do thin my paints considerably but I still get that grainy effect. What kind and size brush do you use for the tanks? the reason I am asking is I'm about to choke myself with them, and I even did not yet start on the Raider!!


Congrats again on the family addition, and a fantastic army so far!

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That twin-linked melta/MM is brilliant, as is the glowing engine effect. The stripped down areas of the speeder are also very well done, the sensor pods and lights are nice.


The extra details on the Rhino are also excellent, I've just been adding some FW bitz to one of my RG Rhinos, I may have to borrow that studded extra armour idea :)

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Race Bannon: I'll try to remember to take pics of it next time. It is two bolt pistols on top of a slightly shaved down p-fist. Some putty to cover any joints and a ammoclip stuck to it...but i can't remember where i got that clip since it's slightly bigger...maybe another storm bolter. i don't know.


This is actually enough. I could tell they were bolt pistols so the real question (and I should have just said it) was "where's the ammo?" I wanted to rule out a SB ammo box thinking it would be too big for the little pistols but I may be wrong. Heck the metal Grey Knight "storm bolters" are about as big as a pistol ... then Kantor's wee bullet-spitter ... look at me, I'm ramblin'.


No need for the pics - unless you really want to B)

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so I read up on the link that you posted (missing-lynx) on the weathering. my question is do you paint the weathering only? or do you use a blade to etch marks in the armor? Desert Eagle I really wish you'd post a video or picture tutorial on your painting skills when you complete your army. you have amazing skills and i'd love to try and learn from you.
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  • 2 months later...

Hi guys and gals!


Something diffrent than white for a change, been painting a libby for my force. This guy is about 80-90% done. Needs some tweeking here and there, the base is just about unpainted, and the sword and bolterholster isn't done. Irl this guy is slightly greener than in the pics where he turned out very...blue. The highlights have some hawk turqoise in it, and that didn't show up in the pics. There is also quite alot of orange in the shadows/recesses.


I had thought about painting him black SCC-style (look for shadow force dragomir if you don't know what i'm talking about), but since i also put together a chappy i felt it perhaps would look odd with two black armoured characters with quite diffrent rules...so i went with blue. I'm not sure about the green bolt pistol. I want him to tie in with the rest of the force, but i'm not sure if it is really spot on with his colour scheme. Thinking about going black or metallic instead. Thoughts?












This mini is really a salvage-job of bits from previous convertions. Chaplin torso, legs from a tyrannic war vet, some parts from forge world and voila, here he is.








As always, C&C is appriciated.



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It sure is. Usually, forge world isn't the most economical choice, but this set is actually a pretty decent buy. You get some cool minis like this librarian and torsos and bits for a few more + full command squad sprues.
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Oooh, nice Servrin Loth, never even occurred to me to just give 'im a BP and one of the swords from the rest of the pack :D


Green and blue don't always sit well together but it's not such a bad choice here, it does tie the Librarian to the rest of the army a little more closely I guess. Black might sit nicely with the shoulder pad insert if you aren't happy with the green though.


Did you do the scrollwork with a brush? I switched to a Micron pen years ago but I'm never happy with the results, hence on my Loth I left 'em bare and now I'm jealous because yours look so nice :P

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