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Desert Eagles wip

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  • 3 weeks later...

Taken a short break from the LR, i need to build up some motivation before i get back to it (as its takes a lot of energy to paint the damned thing). So i went about and painted up a terminator sergeant for the command squad. And jay, its almost finished.


Only the base is untouched as you can tell (need to buy some paint that i've run out of before i can finish it. Besides that it should only be the gems on the crux and the green on the hammer grip. I reused some bits like the hammer first intended for my count as belial and the body is actually the heavy weapons guy with the ac a few pages back. I had planned for a banner, but i fumbled and it didn't look so hot, therefore i removed it and went ahead without one instead.


I washed some turqoise into the shield and the hammer to represent some sort of energy field. It looks cooler irl than in the pics...you can't almost tell on the hammer in some of these pics, but it's there. I don't know how much the idea of energy goes to mind when looking at them since i don't want to paint a glowing effect to the rest of the mini, i just want something very subtle, but at the very least it separeted the shield colourwise from the rest of the armour (whom has no tones of blue in it).












C&C appriciated


Edit/ Looking at the pics i think maybe i should paint the blue gems in a diffrent colour...i think it maybe makes the blue to pronminent and that toneing it down some might be a good idea. What do you guys think?

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Looking very cool indeed, I like how you have carried the stripe on his helmet onto the suit itself. I think the blue does stand out a bit, especially on the shield. Perhaps changing them to green to tie in with the other bits of green might attract less focus to them, and green should still hopefully go well with the turquoise hints to the shield.


Good idea on taking a break, its really easy to loose steam when painting something big like a tank and its nice just to get something finished to give yourself some more motivation.

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Thanks mates!


Yeah, i think i'll try painting those gems green and see how that looks.


The hawk turqoise was watered down quite a bit. It's difficult to give any ratios or so, but for the recesses, directly into them, it was still visible turqoise. However, when i wash the areas around the recesses the paint is like almost pure water with just a hint of colour. But one or two coats really makes a diffrence on the white armour.


I mainly just use water for thinning down my paints. Only really ever use mediums for metallic paints, where i find a matte/dull medium can be great to mix in the paint where you want the metallic paint to shine less in order to control to the reflections somewhat. Also, i use some brush on gloss varnish for gems, lenses etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some miniatures exceed a certain degree of painting, to the point where they become artwork - masterpieces. You've just surpassed even that level. I'm... well, I...


*There's so much awesomeness around this thread, it even stole my voice*



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Your stuff always looks great. I go with a lot less subtle effect usually for power weapons. I think I got an old GW Turquois glaze sitting on my painting table that I acquired... I don't paint much white or light, lots of black black black power armor lately. I did buy some grey primer as I want to try using that for some stuff.


So many ideas, so little energy and time. Must slave away on Astro rank and file, plus do the laundery. ;-)

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This is one of the most outstanding threads I have seen in my tenure on the Bolter and Chainsword.


From the modeling to the sculpting to the realistic paint work, this thread should be bookmarked by every aspiring army builder as one great example of 'how it's done'.


Desert Eagle- keep up the great work, and looking forward to seeing more of your stuff soon.

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Wow. I'm just overwhelmed by all the support. Thanks a lot guys, posting at this forum is really giving me the energy to keep painting my marines.




Decided the Sergeant needed a banner after all, so i looked deep into my bits box trying to find something suitable. I wanted to keep it simple, so i just added a crux and let that be it really. This guy is pretty much done now, it just needs another coat or two of desert yellow on the base and it's good to go for sealing with some matt varnish. (Oh...how i fear those spraycans. Even when given a good shake and testsprayed on something, there's still a chance something will go terribly wrong :ermm: )


I'm not entirely happy with the pictures, the colours are better in the previous ones, but anyway...






I do kind of like how the snake turned out. Remember that this is a pretty big magnification.




I've turned back to painting my apotechary as well. Kind of lost interest in him for a while, but now i'm back on track again. Long way to go yet. I'm of the opinion that there is just enough colour to balance out all the white, but i'd much appriciate some second opinions on that.





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not quite sure how i missed this update!


the techmarine looks fine. Its another unique look to the army as well. I really like the take you had on the red storm shield. looks great imo.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alrighty mates, very much overdue, but here is another white armour tutorial.


Much that was said in the previous one is still valid, but I won’t bother to go through that again. Instead, if you haven’t read it before just click here.


I’m still using just about the same colours as then. Also, I have no ratios or recipes (damn, I can’t stand that word….sounds like someone is baking cookies or something :P ), like 3 drops of that and 2 drops of that. I just don’t paint that way. Rather I mix the paint on the palette so that it is close enough to what I want.


For this one, I skipped the whole wash mixture (of green and brown) and just used a mix from earth and codex grey. Mind you, I still use that mix of green and brown, I just didn’t now as I decided to save some time. When I do however, I’ll go straight over it, once dry of course, with something brighter like desert yellow, just so it doesn’t get so dark. That’s maybe one of the biggest differences between how I painted these guys a year ago and how I do them today. The other differences is in execution (yeah, I do think I improve from each mini I paint) and also how I do my battle damage.




Well, well, it’s kind of sloppy and I don’t mind any tidemarks from the paint as I’ll paint over those later. In fact, I often save some of the tidemarks that I like the look of. It can be useful for the worn and weathered look.


Anyway, next step is just to give the mini a basecoat of elf grey mixed with various amounts of desert yellow and codex grey. As you can see, I have saved some of the tidemarks. Some of those might still be painted over in the end if I think they’re too much. Also, I paint sides facing downwards or to the sides in a darker colour. But, I’m very inconsistent with this, I don’t paint after a light source or anything, I just put them on where I want to break up some of the white parts from each other. They aren’t competition pieces after all, then I’d probably be more vary of such things.


You can also see I’ve sketch out a checker pattern and a crux this early on. It helps me visualize wheter it will fit on the completed mini or not. If not, it’s very easy to remove them.






I’d also like to say, that eggshell-like texture you can se on the surface isn’t thick paint (in fact there is very little paint on there). Resin parts can sometimes have that texture to them and I haven’t bothered sanding it down. It won’t show on the finished mini unless you blow it up many times the true size in photos like this.


Next I start to apply battle damage. I concentrate on the edges with the odd scratch here and there. On those edges I find just putting some dots on there gives a nice chipped look. The damage is done by using just some light grey here and for the deeper damage using some black mixed with red gore. This is to give some variety in the damage itself, implying different depth. I’ve washed the studs with some very watered down dessert yellow a couple of times as well to make it look like some dirt and rust is building up there. This will probably leave some unwanted tide marks easily fixed by painting over the edges of said tide marks with some elf grey to smooth it out somewhat.








Then I start to highlight with pure elf grey on the darker areas and pure skull white on the “white” areas. I find putting said highlights on in a similar fashion like the grey dots for the damage improve the worn look. Of course I paint some white edges on the damage where needed as well.






All that is left now is to tidy up the white and paint in the final details, like checkers, crux, lens and the metallic. And there you go; a finished hatch for my land raider.






This is just to show how simple some basic freehand can be. Just think a little in simple geometric shapes and everybody can do some freehand painting. This is the crux, but by thinking like this, any squad marking (like a tactical arrow for instance) can be a lot simpler than you’d first imagine. Just break up what you are supposed to paint into simpler shapes, and if desired that can be blinged out later on.


Paint a square...Paint a circle in each corner...Connect the circles to the background by painting a simple line to each corner of the square and you’re good to go:




That’s it then. Hope that it was useful to someone, it is difficult to show every brush stroke, but I gladly answer any further questions anybody might have.



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Awesome work on all the models, very very inspiring! :P


Care to share your technique of Weathering/Battle Damage done to those beauties?

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Got back to my raider (as you might have understood from that tutorial :P ). Almost finished the main hull, only the metallic areas need further work (they are just basecoated and given a wash of earthy colours). Also, the white armourplates on the exhausts is very early...overall i might need to work some more on the rear section, smoothing out some of the white and ochre, but it's getting there. Well, after that, i have one side that haven't seen any paint yet.







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Got back to my raider (as you might have understood from that tutorial :cuss ). Almost finished the main hull, only the metallic areas need further work (they are just basecoated and given a wash of earthy colours). Also, the white armourplates on the exhausts is very early...overall i might need to work some more on the rear section, smoothing out some of the white and ochre, but it's getting there. Well, after that, i have one side that haven't seen any paint yet.








Loving the name of the Land Raider, any specific reason for the swedish name?


I won't even mention the painting lest you grow bored of the praise. -_-

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Got back to my raider (as you might have understood from that tutorial :cuss ). Almost finished the main hull, only the metallic areas need further work (they are just basecoated and given a wash of earthy colours). Also, the white armourplates on the exhausts is very early...overall i might need to work some more on the rear section, smoothing out some of the white and ochre, but it's getting there. Well, after that, i have one side that haven't seen any paint yet.








Loving the name of the Land Raider, any specific reason for the swedish name?


I won't even mention the painting lest you grow bored of the praise. -_-

because hes from sweden. lol

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