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pre-heresy truescale worldeaters


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It just seems to me that these guys are beyond 'truescale', and verging on pointlessly-large-scale. Not to discredit the work put into them, but they do seem God-awfully huge compared to normal GW models. (that termie is over 2x the size of that guard!)


i have mentioned this various other times, though ill say it again :lol: : after making the first model (which was not intended as a gaming model but a display piece, i liked the result so much i decided to make an army of them. it was only after the first 5 were finioshed that i realised they were a bit too big, but by that point i though what the heck, and carried on.


regarding the terminator - he is standing on a pretty high rock, and youre proably counting all the armour above his head with the height of the model, which is, of course, armour, not his body. YES he is too big, though he is not twice the size of a guardsman


also, i have added spacers to the legs and hips of the guardsmen in this army to get them a looking a bit more proportioned - the GW cadians, while lovely models are just too sqiat for my liking

ok quick painting update:


here's the guard:




and the marines:





not bad for 3 days work. i shouldnt have any problems getting the army done in time for the tournament, though i hope ill be able to do the banners properly

not really given to hyperbole, but these really are my favourite of the truescale conversion i've seen on this site. you've created something really nice for yourself here. :sweat:


thanks! :)


really hope to win best army at the national tournament on saturday 18th. the prize is a golden daemon statue so im really pushing myself to 1) get the army done! and 2) paint them as well as i can, though truth be told ill be relying on the pwnage factor of the covnersions themselves rather than my lesser painting skills


fingers crossed



so ive been playing around with the bases and have come up with this:



which i prefer to the original colour which would ahve been the same shade as the imperial army dude fatigues which just would not do!

and whats this?:





current WIP on the dread. still a way off but getting there. though of course these models are only 75% done until i get the weathering and blood effect on them. suffice to say the dread's chain fist will be mostly red, as will a lot of its torso and legs (this is also partially to cover up the bad parts of the GS, to make the torso look smoother than it actually is! im a sneaky git!



oh yeah another scale shot:


Holy crap I knew these were big but I had no idea just how huge they are! What rules will you use to represent them being so unbelievably awesome?


um.. the marines will be using grey knight terminator rules (possibly honour guard; which means ill be able to use the kick ass marneus calgar rules for the chaplain terminator leader)


the dread is more difficult. the best i can think of is an ironclad dreadnought (as its armour 13/13/10 and has a chainfist option)


ive started blocking in some colours on the banner - that shape on it is the start of a planet. above will be a big red maw with writing and honours on it; below it will be (hopefully) flames and pile of skulls, all freehand



That banner will be very cool and I can't wait for it to be done.


I use the same base that you put your HQ on and I love them a lot, it also gives a nice spot to put a name. :cuss


That dread is just frekkin' HUGE, it's really unique and there's no doubt in my mind you'll get 10's accross the board on that guy.


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