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Mantis Warriors


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I'll probably give it a go at some point but for now...


An update!


It seems like ages since I actually got to sit down and paint stuff but here is my WIP Sergeant Tarven. I'm still building up the flesh tones and have only just really started work on him but it's a start.

With the new BfBR box set coming out soon I hope to get a lot more done on these guys. I just wish my flipping camera wasn't playing up at the moment. :)



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I like it mate, as i said before your faces i think are the best i have ever seen painted, they look so good!


The yellow is a nice tone, not to bright and not to dark, just right i'd say. How many you planning on making? 5 or 10?

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I don't usually post on these...


But your army, and idea, is absolutely brilliant. I'm looking forward to seeing how your furioso class dread turns out.


I'm half tempted to stop my Imperial Fists because I hate painting over white, and everytime I see one of these I really want to do it...


Keep up the good work!

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Thanks guys! :D


Arcite: Thanks for taking the time to post mate, it's appreciated. Stick at it with the Fists, they're a great chapter! :)


BrianBlessed: The dread is on hold for now but I will be returning to it sometime soon. At the moment Ill be focusing on adding the BfBR stuff to the army.

All going to plan I'll have a full company of these guys when they're finished including the BfM marines that I already have.


Pulse: Thanks mate! I'll be making ten Sternguard and probably ninety Tactical marines.

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  • 6 months later...

Old topic now as I can see...


Very splendid project.


I love the Badab Uprising and it's some guys who want to make an army to recreat this terrible and not old events.


I hav tried to make a Mantis Warriors army but my green is not really good (I used Snot Green).


But now I want to try again with your topic !


Thanks !!


What the next now ?

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worrywort: Sorry mate, this army is way at the bottom of my list of things to do mainly because the marines I had done were damaged in an accident and I lost the will to continue. ;)

I'm glad it's of some inspiration to you though and if you ever have any questions regarding the army please feel free to PM me mate. :)

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I didn't reply to this sooner, because frankly, I lost the link to it.


I honestly don't care for the veterans; I thought you were doing something different with their armour. What I think would have looked awesome would have been had you done them green, but then used either yellow or light gray to do a camouflage effect. The best comparison I can think of would be the Night Lords lightning, but more horizontal, less vertical.

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  • 2 years later...

Loooong over due update. :P


With the release of the new FW colour scheme I've quite fancied revisting this thread for a long long time but never really got around to it. I recently picked up a box of sternguard on a whim because I've always liked the models and after seeing a mate of mine starting up a Minotaurs force decided to have a play around and see what I can come up with using all the marine bits that I have gathered over the years.


So just to get the ball rolling this is the first guy will probably be the third company captain purely because I really like the model and I don't have to do any converting.

The green is a little bright right now but that's because I'm going to play around with washes to get something more like the FW interpretation of the colour scheme.

The helmet is intentionally yellow for a reason that will become apparent in time.


I'm toying with the Blood Angels codex for these guys at the moment but will see how it goes. Mantis Warriors are a little hot headed and make use of bucket loads of thunder hawks so it might be an excuse for me to try out an airbourne marine army using the Storm Ravens and my stretched SR I have gathering dust.


Using the BA codex also means that I could throw in a few Lamenter marines as well if need be.



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And here I was ready to invoke threadomancy, when I see it's the author himself breathing life into this aged blog. :o


Loving the BA codex idea (with a possibility of lemon-marines, no less), Doghouse. :tu:

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Really glad to see this thread updated, otherwise I'd never have discovered this lovely army! I do have a couple of questions:


1. Will you be sticking to the starter set model theme? I'd love to see what you make of the black reach tactical marines and terminators. I've never liked the static look of starter set models but you got such a good effect just by turning the heads.


2. What happened to the original models? Are any of them salvagable enough to bring into the current force?


Keep up the good work!

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The results of our conversion lol looking great mate. How many points you going for?

Yeah, well you got me started again too... I just am split between DA and DKoK. Where is the other fellow who wants to do White Scars?...



Lol I second midians comment for sticking with this army mate....but always remember, the key to White is to prime then White......GENIUS


I could try and find that guy again in Oxford circus and get his Facebook for you? Lol

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Cheers guys. :)


Dorns_fist: I'm going to aim small to begin with till I'm over this virus and basically take off where I left the project. I'm just going for go for a captain/first sergeant type and ten men to begin with. Been looking at getting some Mk V armour like I was saying the other day but would really want to do them as a different chapter if I did. At the moment I have something like forty marines in a mix of armour types that I can use for this army along with a couple of rhinos and a few predators.


Olisredan: Yeah I did think about a new thread but seeing as I have so many lying around I thought I'd revive this one! :P


Battle-Brother Ludovic: It'll be the one tactical squad to begin with but I may through in a few other chapters from the Badab Renegades to mix things up a little.


Togusa-san: Yeah I prefer the original ones as well, I'll play around and see what sticks. ;)


Midian: It's your Minotaurs that got me thinking about the Mantis warriors for the exact reason that you mention mate. ;)

Badab is an addictive era though, the idea of Minotaurs versus rebels would be seriously cool and I'm hoping the club will be the incentive I need!


Brother dean: Nice one mate, like Rob says white over white... ;)


If I can I'll get an update in tonight. ;)

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