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  • 3 weeks later...

Another update:


I wasn't too happy with the previous Anteas, and Midian's lukewarm response really confirmed what I was feeling inside. Now this time round I'm really happy with how he's going. He looks young, which befits the youngest Captain in the Chapter.





I've been playing around with the Reedemer/Crusader kit and I wanted to make an Ironclad. Using the Black Reach dreadnought I mocked this up:




But after some suggestions from my brother I'm looking at something more akin to this:





I've also been fiddling around with a model for Captain Ramus, Master of the Rites - I suppose there's a little bit of inspiration taken from 300, but the good kind:






Finally, these are for Barret - he wanted pictures of the Redeemer:






(as you can see, the assault cannons work equally well in a Razorback...)


Burny, burny goodness!


I like the new Anteas, and you appear to have taken the plasma pistol off nicely. I had a really hard time with that. Ramus is very cool looking, too. I have two of those models and I've been wondering what to do with them, so I may have to borrow that pose.





And yes, I like the Ironclad, too. I think I like the first version of the Hurricane better, just because it seems to fit on the sarcophagus better. Maybe if you left it like that and added some casing on the outside? Also, I think the sarcophagus itself could benefit with some upgrades to represent AV13. Other than that, looking good, too!

where to begin, where to begin...


1) new anteas looks awesome, love the dynamic pose.

2) that ramus conversion is without a doubt the most yoink worthy conversion i have ever laid eyes upon on this board.

3) thank you for posting the new lrc/lrr kit pics, i was iffy about the purchase after the horror of ssembling the metal kit....but with the beauty of the new plastics.... yeah, im buying one o those bad boys asap.

1) new anteas looks awesome, love the dynamic pose.

2) that ramus conversion is without a doubt the most yoink worthy conversion i have ever laid eyes upon on this board.

3) thank you for posting the new lrc/lrr kit pics, i was iffy about the purchase after the horror of ssembling the metal kit....but with the beauty of the new plastics.... yeah, im buying one o those bad boys asap.


Thanks for the comments. :) I put the Ramus model together idly whilst sorting through my bitz-box. I had that Templar Marshal, but I couldn't find the axe or the combi-melta. The storm shield is from the Masters of the Chapter, by the way (though that's probably obvious). I used the power sword from the Chaos sprue, but there are Imperial versions that would probably work better.


Oh, and plastic hurricane bolters make the world a nicer place. :)


I like the new Anteas, and you appear to have taken the plasma pistol off nicely. I had a really hard time with that.


I made it even easier... I cut the whole arm off! :)






I've been fiddling around with this sword arm (I'd probably cut the wrist and rotate the sword slightly to make the pose a little more natural.); I had considered using the beefy sword out of the AOBR box, but I've gone for this option instead at the moment. I plan for him to be looking slightly to his left, firing off in the opposite direction. It's really amazing how different this model looks with these changes. Especially when you compare it to the original...


In other news, I've been playing around with a(n apparently, I sadly found today, OOP...) Necromunda Bounty Hunter... I looked for a pic today on the GW sites, but they've taken the pictures down, which is a shame. Anyway, he's going to form part of the retinue for the Inquisitor attached to this army. I've replaced his gun with a laspistol from a plastic Catachan:




That left me with this bad boy... rather fitting for the new 'Auxiliary Grenade Launcher'... :)





Not too sure where I'll use it yet. Still, it's useful to have around. :)

I've also been fiddling around with a model for Captain Ramus, Master of the Rites - I suppose there's a little bit of inspiration taken from 300, but the good kind:





Woah this guy is awesome! I may have to steal this idea for my new captain.

Now thats a captain.


Anteas looks awesome, the pose is great, and even though I hate that particular head, it works really well on the figure. Now get some paint on him!


Ramus on the other hand, is screaming Sword Bearer at me. Now I need to go hunt that figure down on ebay as I sold my one ages ago. :)


I will have some Sword Bearer updates in the next day or so, Warhammer Online is trying to take over my life.......



EDIT - Not a single sighting on Ebay. :o


I'd be willing to pay a good price for the body of this figure if anyone wants to sell one.......




Apologies to Com. Molotov for nicking his picture.

I'll go one better, Steve - I'll post mine to you for free - I'm never actually going to use the model, it was just a kit-bash. So if you want him, you can have him.



Thats a very generous offer there Martin, thank you.


Let me know if you need my address again.

Nah, I've still got it from the last time I sent you stuff. I'll hopefully get it out to you in the next few days before I go back to university. :)


I've not done too much with Anteas because I've spent the evening making bikes for my brother's White Scars (I'll start a seperate thread for them soon). I've found a bolt pistol arm in the depths of my bitz-box, though, so I'll hopefully get around to a mock-up soon! :)




Here's Anteas with a bolt pistol:






And this is quite an interesting head on the Land Raider Redeemer/Crusader sprue:



Anteas is looking great, the sword lowered along with the rest of the pose gives a really good heroic look. The bolt pistol looks fine in the hand, but how would a pointing hand look? Either would go well with the shouting head.


And this is quite an interesting head on the Land Raider Redeemer/Crusader sprue:




That head needs to go on a chaos champion. Painted in a palid flesh tone it'd look great.

Nice thread guys ;) its really great seeing two gamers working together like this and you seemed to have gathered alot of interest. Everyone has the same problem, staying motivated with an army. I'm the same(been painting for 3 years and still haven't finished painting an army :) ) I found my problem was I tried painting everything to the same top quaility standard as you would with a captain or special model :P took me weeks just to do a few men lol. If you keep it simple, base coat and then a wash or highlight then you'll be able to push an army out so much faster and it will be a good tabletop army. Then you can go back and do extra highlights :P Keep up the great painting and conversions. Good luck ;)
Hrm, you've really got me going now Mol. Anteas looks freaking aweseome, no joke. Such a simple little conversion has really made this model. I really like the sword you have chosen, I say keep it, as well as the bolt pistol wielding arm. Originally I had thought that choosing a head for Anteas would be the hardest decision for the model but the limited edition Champion figure fits him well, showing his vitality and youth. What backpack will you be planning on using, I'm thinking I may go with the plastic Space Marine Captain 'eagle-exhaust' one for Sirius.
Good to see one of you guys isn't a slacker...




As for me I am in the middle of a change of plans, but hopefully will have something to start showing once I get the new dex and figure out what the heck I want to do...



What the... Cpt Tiberius, that you? :HQ:

What the... Cpt Tiberius, that you? ;)


Amazing, isn't it? ;)


As for me I am in the middle of a change of plans, but hopefully will have something to start showing once I get the new dex and figure out what the heck I want to do...




Personally, you should bring these guys back... ;)

A small update this time:


I've started to GS the neck area on Anteas, repairing the collar where it got damaged by the drill whilst taking out the remnants of the helmet.




I've started looking at basing. I want to raise him up on a 28mm base, and use the height to have him standing on a ruined statue. I've always been really inspired by the basing on this model by Chris Borer. Does anyone know where/what the statue is? My best guess is that it's a daemonette or some fantasy model that's been re-sculpted slightly. I just really like the contrast between the 'high culture' of the statue and the despair and destruction of total war.


All thoughts are welcome!

I think its a plastic daemonette, you can buy just the body and head from bitsandkits me thinks the bald head :P and the imperial eagle might me this one from forgeworld. Hopes this helps


The Imperial eagle's taken from a Black Templar cenobyte servitor (the one with Grimaldus) - I used it on this Chaplain (though I've since reclaimed it and might use it with Anteas, perhaps.)


Thanks for the input, though - I looked at the plastic Daemonettes but none of them seemed similar to the statuette in that Fulgrim model... :)






This showcases my idea (to a degree - what I'd be doing is using half a slotta-base, green-stuff, etc) - but that shows the height Anteas would be at - and also the space the statue would be fitting into.


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