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Would a modified Lucius the Eternal's head work for Mr. Smily/Caetrus?




Hey, Khrangar - thanks for the suggestion, but I'm not sure it would work, mostly for the same reasons stated earlier. The mouth/tongue area would need a lot of work, as would the skin. In that sense, it wouldn't give me enough of a headstart to justify buying a Lucius model just to cut it up for the head. Barret suggested zombie heads to me, but none of them really fit the bill. I think a modified/resculpted Space Marine head might be the best option.



In other news, I haven't got as much done today as I would've liked, because a friend came round, but I've got a few pictures.


I've started working on my six-man Sniper squad. It occured to me that in order to stay wysiwyg (and as a cool project) it'd be neat to give the Heavy Bolter a camo-cloak. I started with a sniper scout body and chopped out the shoulders, putting in the scout heavy bolter. I've then proceeded to start repairing the damage with green-stuff. It looks ugly now, but I'm waiting for the current GS to dry before starting on more.






I also made this scout, for fun:



(Expect a scout biker soon!)


I also put together my Eisenhorn. It's a complete pig to photograph properly - no angle really looks that good, but he makes a lot more sense in real life. Still, he's not exactly the greatest model ever made by GW.





I've got Telion and Chronus: Telion's likely going to stay largely the same, with the removal of his Chapter badges. Chronus, I've got some plans for... but we'll see over the next few days whether those pan out.




More updates soon! I've got four scout-snipers to assemble, along with some shotgun-scouts, a scout bike and possible some other stuff. :P

The heavy bolter scout looks great, the pose with the cape works well. The cape itself is fine, when its dry smooth out the fingerprint with a flat file and rin a round file down the inside of the folds, they'll do wonders.


The shotgun scout is awesome - If I wasn't trying to get a tac squad and Capt. Ranon done i'd be on them like pigs to something unpleasant.


As for Caetrus, the idea I was going to go with would be sculpting over a plastic skull - that way all the detail should be there without making it huge.

As for Caetrus, the idea I was going to go with would be sculpting over a plastic skull - that way all the detail should be there without making it huge.


That's a good option. The new Vampire counts undead have smaller, more human-proportioned skulls, too. Hrm... Ultimately I trust whatever you're doing. :D


I made this whilst watching TV:




I plan on a three-bike squad all equipped with grenade launchers.




Because someone a while back asked for a picture, here's my WIP 'Goliath'-Pattern Rhino:



Yeah, I intend to add a top-hatch so it's more consistant with a rhino and my opponents can't call shenanigans. (Though I've never fired out of a rhino... ever.)


Anyway, news just in! It's Chronus, Jim, but not as we know it!:










With Ultramarine symbols everywhere, and a rather dashing suit of Mk.III armour, I decided to make him into a Deathwatch Ultramarine. I started the conversion this morning, and all I've done thus far is to remove and swap over his two shoulderpads before putting a metal Deathwatch pad on. The helmet in this case is blu-tacked on, and might find its way onto anoter member of the kill-team (which will be represented using Sternguard rules.) I have plans for a number of members, but we'll see if those come to fruition.

Looking good! Is he going to be the squad sgt.? or is he just being a typical Ultra, trying to tell everybody else (who apparently idolize Calgar more than their on Masters/Primarchs. :wub: ) how they "Should" be doing it, rather than just shutting up and following orders like a good boy...






I didn't plan for him being the Squad Sergeant (if you follow traditional DW fluff, kill-teams are led by Captains and Librarians... have to give it some thought.)


But you know, I had to include an Ultramarine. Marneus Calgar is my 'spiritual liege lord', y'know. :wub:

It's the one way I could justify Librarians in a Castigator army - a HQ Librarian and a nine-man squad of Sternguard as one 'squad' of Deathwatch. I'd have to give it some thought. Chapters I'm planning to add thus far include the Blood Angels, Crimson Fists, Iron Hands, Sword Bearers, Space Sharks, possibly Scythes of the Emperor... I've got some plans to try to differentiate between them.

I find Chronus's head (and a lot of the new Space Marine heads - the Masters of the Chapter are another prime example) to be incredibly oddly sculpted. Perhaps they're more proportional, but they look awkward. That said, Oliver Twist did a nice Sternguard veteran with Heavy Flamer using Chronus's head. You can find that in his blog.


I'm not sure what head I'm going to use for this Ultramarine, though. If I can find it in my bitzbox, I might use Commander Culln's head - not too sure.

I suppose, though on one level it irks me because he has a lovely set of MkIII armour and then a MkVII helmet!


that is a bit of a problem....hmmm.


what about using a head bit like this? then using some greenstuffing to make it mk III ?



thats about as close as you can get to the real deal as far as I know.

I honestly don't know. Part of me likes the current head, but it seems so... boring... to use the standard head! I might use a plastic scout head, or if I can find a suitable fantasy head or the like, I'll put that in instead.


I might use the Telion head on my Deathwatch marine, though... that could be interesting. (If I can find it again on my desk!)

The Chronus conversion is nice, must of been a pain to get that shoulder pad right though.


Seeing as i've missed most of the conversation i'll throw in my opinion on the helmet - it doesn't look right. Its a nice helmet, but I think it would be a shame not to fully utilise the rarity that is a full MkIII suit - almost like driving a Mercades with a BMW badge. I'd either go with the helm or a bare head, not really sure which.


It's the one way I could justify Librarians in a Castigator army - a HQ Librarian and a nine-man squad of Sternguard as one 'squad' of Deathwatch. I'd have to give it some thought. Chapters I'm planning to add thus far include the Blood Angels, Crimson Fists, Iron Hands, Sword Bearers, Space Sharks, possibly Scythes of the Emperor... I've got some plans to try to differentiate between them.


An honour sir! Be interesting to see your take on the theme.


What would your fluff-take be on the inclusion of a battle brother whos parent chapter is only around 250 yrs old?

I don't think it's necessarily to do with the pedigree of the Chapter - but fluff-wise, you could say that your Chapter Master has seconded him to the Deathwatch in order to gain experience on killing aliens. Perhaps once he returns to teach the Chapter what he knows he'll be promoted, or somesuch.


Not sure what I'll do with the Sword Bearer - because they're Sterngaurd, there won't be swords aplenty, but I think the Sword Bearers seem very dutiful and direct. Clean-cut and straight to the point (though I might be influenced by your painting style! :D) - and so I'd try to convey some of those ideas.


W/regards to Chronus, I'm agreed with the MkIII helmet. I've got the metal Iron Warriors one, but I might try to re-do the job I did for Melchor in the Black Legion blog - cutting it out of the Master of the Arsenal's power fist. I have one somewhere... -_-

W/regards to Chronus, I'm agreed with the MkIII helmet. I've got the metal Iron Warriors one, but I might try to re-do the job I did for Melchor in the Black Legion blog - cutting it out of the Master of the Arsenal's power fist. I have one somewhere... :D

this is brilliant!

give him the power fist that includes the helmet and give him a bare head

genius idea =)

W/regards to Chronus, I'm agreed with the MkIII helmet. I've got the metal Iron Warriors one, but I might try to re-do the job I did for Melchor in the Black Legion blog - cutting it out of the Master of the Arsenal's power fist. I have one somewhere... ;)

this is brilliant!

give him the power fist that includes the helmet and give him a bare head

genius idea =)


Haha, not quite what I meant (I'm not planning on spending points on a power fist, y'see...)




I took the power fist and cut the helmet out of it... (needs some work.)




But I'm stuck, because I quite like the Telion head...



You could use the Deathwatch bare head from the deathwatch helmet sprue for Chronos(I mean, come on! It's got the "I" in the middle of his forehead...if I remember correctly).


I also seem to recall that the statue on the Fulgrim base was entirely sculpted. If you can find an old squat you could also paint that up as an "ancient statue from a forgotten race" :blush:

You could use the Deathwatch bare head from the deathwatch helmet sprue for Chronos(I mean, come on! It's got the "I" in the middle of his forehead...if I remember correctly).


I always liked that head - he seemed so angry! Unfortunately I'm scrabbling around in my bitz-boxes for most of these pieces. I'm trying desperately to find some actual Deathwatch bolters, but I might just settle for making some Sternguard-esque ones. As long as the illusion is maintained and people can differentiate them from my tactical squads, that's all that matters, right? :devil:


Still, Barret caught me on MSN and made me go for the helmet, so I've GSed that on (but all the pictures came out horrible...)


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