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Thanks for your thoughts guys


This thread or my WIP is NOT dead...


I've been working way to much... This time of year is VERY busy in my industry, way too much enforced overtime.


I did complete my new gametable, still 12' x 6', but now can be set up as three 6' x 4' if required... just got some finishing touches on the edging to do.


Two Realm of Battle sets look fantastic on it... see Scenery thread in my name at LO for WIP on the table.


The end is in sight for work and I can get on with my WIP


See you all soon



  • 3 months later...
  • 6 months later...

Hi all


I do not mean to bring my WIP to the top of the list without really doing anything, however, I have been away for a LONG time and it was about time to keep you informed... again


I'm back with a new WIP (but it's not for this forum, sorry)... the other one is not dead, just very slow at the moment


I am taking advantage of the UK pound verses the Aussie $ exchange rate... just over a year ago they were over A$700 each delivered... now A$500 each


So, today I ordered...


THREE Warhound Lucius Pattern titans from FW


2 x Wolf Class armed with a Vulcan mega bolter and Plasma blastgun each


1x Jackal Class armed with a Turbo laser and Inferno cannon


I intend to magnetise the weapon arms and get two more as spares for choices later


We will see how long it takes to get them here (I know Christmas time is a bad post time)







Before you ask...


I have had a hell of a year...


I am now married to the love of my life (Aug 30 2009) we have known each other for over 25 years, been living together for over 15 years, and engaged for nearly 10 years... we finally did it, in Adelaide with our families present.


My dad has had cancer surgery where his bladder was removed... not out of the woods yet... he has been very sick and we have travelled interstate twice to be there with him... to say goodbye really - but, he's a tough old bird at 78


My friend, whom I let stay with us as a favour to him is still here (it's been almost two years now) and has taken over my game room... he had an overseas internet relationship and has brought her to Australia and they got married last week - so it should be soon... he's been my best friend for over 20 years and I'm a sucker


My job changed and all hell broke loose... I don't have a fraction of the spare time that I used to have


Yes, I'm still working on my 50K points Ultras and IG armies... but very slowly


And finally, the titans were always on my IG list... I just could not refuse the opportunity



That's quite a year! I will be watching for updates on the 50k army in the future, so make sure you keep us updated!


Congratulations on the wedding and the possibility of getting your games room back!


I'm sure I can say this from everybody at B&C - all the best to your father! I've done (well assisted to be honest) with those operations (cystectomies) and they ARE a very big deal! Wish him all the best from us!

Wow that's been quite a hell of a year for you. I wish you the best of luck with regards t your father and a great congrats for tying the knot with your wife. :lol:


Damn exchange rates...I look forward to seeing updates when you can do them.



Vast Disposable income much?

That looks like some serious grey there, are you not going to paint the inside of the landraiders?

You should get some worker gnomes in there to give you a hand like a jolly red fellow I know.

I can't wait to see this when its done it'll be quite a sight

As I said, I wasn't going to loiter with nothing to say... however, THANK YOU guys for your comments, it has been a full on year and my armies have suffered greatly... but the mind is strong


Tax refund time in Australia... I did very well


I wasn't going all out with the insides of vehicles... when I've finished both armies there will be almost 100 vehiclea all up... so, basic touches here and there, also, I didn't intend opening any ramps as a game move


Thanks again for those who have commented, and those who will do so... as you see, I'm still alive and trying to do what I can when I can... as the Titans show



I find it helps to paint at LEAST 5 models per week, as you see the army start to get some colour it will give you drive to do the rest, if you tackle it little by little it stops you being put off by the fact that theres so much grey left to be done, also its nice to get a change of pace during a project to keep it freash and not let it get boring, I also find having music or somthing on when you are working helps. If you painted 5 models per week theres about 52 weeks in a year then that would be 260 models by next year, paint 5 a week and then if you are able and have more time do a little more.

Hi all


Open the box






Titan birth certificate




The date on the camera is still faulty



Edited by Lord Castellan Mik

Holy !*$?!!!! That is an immense number of boxes you have there!! I can honestly say, I do not envy you whatsoever. Painting and modeling those is going to be a crazy effort!


Will you have a whole SM chapter by the end? I wouldn't expect so, I would have thought that would would probably come in nearer to 100K. Are you aiming for anything in particular with your 50k points, or just a big (very, very,very big) force?

This is looking funky mate, keep up the good work. Recently dusted off my collection and took the opportunity to add things up. In an open roster, what you see is what you get force I could field the following forces


Crimson Ultrawings - 11,845 pts

Battlegroup Ragnarok - 19,780

Deamonhunters - 6450


Total - 38,075 (all painted and ready for duty)!


I would estimate over 90% of this is scratchbuilt or bought second hand and re-painted so bear in mind epic forces can be done on the cheap!


I will have to knock up a few more Warlords to even it out and we can get together for a truly Apoc battle sometime! :P

Edited by BulldogUK

Titans all laid out






Titan weapons




All the stuff




Only ONE real complaint

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