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Still none of them are painted. Ignoring the money, the fact you've never painted even a 1500 point army let alone something large like 5K and now you decided to tackle 50K? I can't even get a squad done a week, but I paint to a high standard. I painted one goblin in about 3 or 4 hours the other day, that was reasonably quick for me...


I'm not sure the wisdom of gluing it all together first. I've found I get stuff done better when I don't even take it out of the package until I plan to paint it. The only thing worse than a bunch of unpainted models, is a bunch of primered models...


Good luck


I reckon a 50k army could be painted with a roller and be acceptable. The sheer amount of effort and commitment makes up for any sloppy paint job.


Good luck, i'll certainly check back every now and then to see how your doing.

*meeps and falls over*


i've been collecting for 10 years and i've only just managed to get anything near a playable army (unfortunate habit of enjoying converting far too much). You are going to have a hell of a time painting all this, best of luck...and rather you than me :P

Not really Shortsonfire79, I was thinking of one hellova Armoured Spearhead...


8 Landraiders, 10 Pedators, 1 Razorback, 8 Rhinos... 20 Termies and a full Battle Company


Fire support from the Dreads, Whirlwinds and Vindicators...


And for the "soffen up"... 30 Termies teleport in


What do you think... overkill... or just KILL



Edited by Lord Castellan Mik

If the ISOLATED BT keep was under attack by 'Nids, there would be no way where theyd have have all this..Even with Ultra backup...


2 LREs huh? There goes $200+ more out of your pocket...and I don't think you can production line those things.. (especially when the prototype (dogma) isn't done yet)

I like the idea of a beseiged situation


The Ultras just passing "saw the battle light on and thought we would join in the fray"


But as you say... with a Codex Chapter, it's that easy...


But wiith a Non Codex Chapter... it would have to be their Xenos Nemesis... Nids


So, I also like the Macragge polar defence scenario... all Termies

Edited by Lord Castellan Mik

Yeah, they (BT) have been under attack for 3 weeks, unable to push the 'Nids back far enough. They've sent servitors with messages requiring backup out into space, hoping that someone will find them, and come. The Ultras intercepted one (of 8) and some BT fleet intercepted another.


Both zoom to help defend, arriving miraculously at the same time. They have a mini-dog fight (like the DA and SW in a Black Library book) until the 'Nids come back, then they combine forces and push...but they've already sent ground forces to aid the BT Keep, and replenish resources...


Something something something (can I get the numbers of the force you have? (8 LR, 10 Preds, ...troops..everything?))

Thats all the vehicles...



Full HQ (Calgar, MOTC, Tiguris, etc)

Full Battle Company in Rhinos

Full Battle Company in Drop Pods

Partial Veteran Company TDA teleportable (vicinity of 75)

Partial Reserve Tac Company on Bikes and Landspeeders (vicinity of 10 LS and 30 Bikes)

Partial Reserve Tac Company in Rhinos (vicinity of 50 Tac / 5 Rhino)

Partial Scout Company on LS Storms (vicinity of 30 Scouts / 6 LS Storm)


Hows that for starters



Completed last 3x Vindicators... at last





All Marine vehicles now done



Maybe painting vehicles or making a Battle Company next... what do YOU think

A possible solution to the painting "problem" could be your local gamers club / crowd. If they are somewhat organized you could probably make an event of it (since money doesn't seem to be your problem). Head over to the club and invite them to a speed painting / BBQ weekend, You supply food and beverages, and maybe a little entertainment ( be that your charming wit, or something else your local crowd would like), perhaps mock battles between your IG and SM armies that are not currently getting painted. you'll have a pleasant evening, get help with the tedium of painting 50k points worth of models, and get better acquainted with the nearby players. You may only get 1-2k models painted per person in one day. But everyone will most likely enjoy it, and everyone benefits.


or if people = bad

you could just "nuke them from orbit" with an airbrush after they have been primed. Vallejo sell model paint designed specifically for airbrush painting.

Edited by popper

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