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Today Khârn killed...


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Pretty sad yesterday for Khârn actually. Got the charge out of the land raider into Ork Nob bikers, failed to wound with his plasma pistol and then only inflicted 5 wounds which 3 were saved because of cyborg body invulnerable save. No outright kills just individual wounds on 3 models (all armed differently of course). His berzerker retinue was equally lacklustre through some bad rolling and some lucky saves and they were cut down before Khârn was then smashed by 3 lots of powerclaw attacks. GG Khârn ;)
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Now this was last week and it's my opponents Khârn but:


Killed: 3 Tactical marines, 4 Sternguard, one Dreadnought, one Captain and one Librarian.

Was killed by: My wounded terminator Chappy who had killed a Daemon Prince whilst losing all his terminator buddies, yomped 15 inches and took Khârn on in close combat solo. Cue multiple invulnerable saves and a bloodied and beaten Khârn. I admit I was quite chuffed given all the damage he had been doing. ;)

Edited by Olisredan
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I was not playing Kharne, but against him. A bad massacre left Mephiston hanging in the breeze in front of a chaos land raider. My opponent could have gotten out all 9 zerks, but he didn't. Only Kharne stepped out, he didn't even shoot. He moved forward and assaulted. Both models killed each other in one round. I'm pretty sure cherry blossoms were falling on the battlefield.
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I was not playing Kharne, but against him. A bad massacre left Mephiston hanging in the breeze in front of a chaos land raider. My opponent could have gotten out all 9 zerks, but he didn't. Only Kharne stepped out, he didn't even shoot. He moved forward and assaulted. Both models killed each other in one round. I'm pretty sure cherry blossoms were falling on the battlefield.


^ Epic


Today Khârn killed...


6 Grey Hunters

0 Berzerkers


Him and Ragnar would have killed each other the next round too, but they both got squashed by powerfists.

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Yesterday was a really busy day for me.


I had 3 games, a normal one vs Nids,wich i tabled by turn 4(the guy add half of his army coming via Mycetic spores,they came by turn 3,allready had nibled the guards of the Prince and caussed one wound to him) and Khârn din't even came out of the LR!.


Second game in a 2vs2 format, my teammate and i are making training games for a team tourney who will take place the 31 of july.


Where playing my World Eaters and His Thousand Sons.


So 2x1500pts vs 2x1500 pts of Nids and Dark Eldar.


Same Nid player as the game before,he wanted a revenge.


Long story short,the Nids did very little,and just contested an objectif.


Personnaly Khârn killed 5 Scourges,1 Tervigon Prime and 3 Zerkers.


One of my Zerkers squads destroyed a Chronos engine,and the 3rd one annahilated a Lictor Brood and a Hormagaunt brood.


With Objectifs and Killpoints we where at a perfect draw 1 objectifs for each and 11 killpoints per sides.


Last game of that busy day against a CSM and Ork team.


Those two are well ranked tourney players in Belgium,and they know their stuff,i had a little apprehension for this game, but it was a good preparatory match for the tourney.


We had a lot of fun and laugh during this game,also Khârn exterminated the Bike Boss while his zerker retenue destroyed a trukk,Then Khârn killed 2 Nobbikes before they fleed the combat,and closed in to take an objectif.


Finnaly we did get 2 Objectifs s 1 and by Killpoints we where dominating,but gotta admit that our foes din't had any luck with their shooting phases.


Only Lost a Zerker squad and a Defiler,while my teammate lost 2 Lesser Deamons and a Deamon Prince,plus 3 oBlits and 2 Oblits.


A good game all in all,where we did had a few good cold sweat,but we did best them.


For Khârn's personal tally;one Monstruous Creature and an Big HQ choice,not a day where he did kill by hundreds but a good day still with a few worthy Skulls.

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  • 3 weeks later...

yesterday Khârn killed


game one:


4 command squad veterans

SM captain

land speeder typhoon


game two

Pedro cantor, before being killed by a combo of scout bolt pistol shots and drop pod storm bolter (bad day for armour saves)


game three

nothing, before getting face smashed by pedro cantor

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So report after the team tournament!


Today Khârn killed 35 Necrons Warriors, and 1 Necron Lord.


Sadly the two other games Khârn din't do anything special...


First game,we where a bit to cautious because of a DE and Nid combo with 4 Tervigon...,so the Land Raider remained stationary to shoot everything with the lascans...


Second game against a combo full of nastyness: Death Guard-Necrons...


And 3rd game against DE-Eldars.


We finished 17 on 35 teams wich isn't that bad.


Also won a Shadowsword at the lottery!!!


Well my day wasn't completly wasted ^^.

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does anyone else keep a full tally of kharns kills and games played etc.. or am i an extreme nerd?


my tally

games played: 8



land raider crusader


land speeder typhoon

ironclad dreadnought


4 close combat terminators

8 tactical marines

5 command squad veterans

8 assault marines

10 necron warriors

space marine captain

pedro cantor

commander farsight


own troops killed:

4 berserkers

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Hey guys! Some of the guys at my store said I had to post this Khârn kill here.


@'Ard Boys Khârn Killed,

-with 1 hit

1x Blood Angles Storm Raven

1x Furioso Dread

5x Assault Terminators

2x CSM

1x Berzerkers

2x Noise Marines

it was an awesome explosion!


Then later in the game he went to go on killing


8x Assault Marines.

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Hey guys! Some of the guys at my store said I had to post this Khârn kill here.


@'Ard Boys Khârn Killed,

-with 1 hit

1x Blood Angles Storm Raven

1x Furioso Dread

5x Assault Terminators

2x CSM

1x Berzerkers

2x Noise Marines

it was an awesome explosion!


Then later in the game he went to go on killing


8x Assault Marines.


Khârn is so cool, he doesn't even face the explosion :P


A nice tally :P

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Hey guys! Some of the guys at my store said I had to post this Khârn kill here.


@'Ard Boys Khârn Killed,

-with 1 hit

1x Blood Angles Storm Raven

1x Furioso Dread

5x Assault Terminators

2x CSM

1x Berzerkers

2x Noise Marines

it was an awesome explosion!


Then later in the game he went to go on killing


8x Assault Marines.


Now that is awesome, worthy of Daemon Hood if you ask me

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Khârn's rep took a bit of a battering last week. A Vindicare took a close range shot at Khârn's Land Raider, destroying one of its weapons. Leaving his Berzerker retinue inside the vehicle (to their great relief) Khârn stepped out to deal with the pesky little bugger and decided to shoot first, losing a wound to Gets Hot! He then assaulted, missed with 3 attacks and failed to wound with another 3, with the assassin making his save against the last attack. The Vindicare then proceeded to smack Khârn about a bit with his rifle butt before finishing him off with an embarassing pistol whip coup de grace.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Had two games about a month ago. Khârn was Very miss, then VERY hit.


First game I was testing a Khorne list I had been tinkering with against Dark Eldar. Kharns kill tally was 9 Berzerkers, a raider and 2 Wyches before a normal wych killed him. Needless to say I lost that game violently.


Second game was a complete turn around. Went up against Salamanders and for fun sent Khârn off alone against one flank as a personal Pentinance crusade. While the rest of my army busied itself getting shot and then tying up units, Khârn started on a Devastator squad and proceeded to roll up the battle line. Kill tally was 1 berzerker, 10 Devs (ran down), 15 Marines (ram down a full squad and ate a combat squad), 5 Scouts (tries to support the combat squad, brave lads), a Dread, a Librarian, and 2 Rhinos. The end of the game saw him fighting Vulkan, and though I wish to claim his skull, sadly the game did end. Since this battle Khârn has not seen battle and is currently getting finished being painted.

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