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The Wolves watched as three Sentinels charged headlong into the storm, firing blindly and stomping up and down whenever they thought they saw something. Suddenly one began hopping madly and the reason became clear as it was obvious there was an irritated Space Wolf climbing up the left leg towards the cockpit.

"You're going to stomp on me, you dirty rotten, sheep loving, chaos piece of..." could be heard over the comms, much to the other Wolves delight. "Ride 'em Horse!" "Sic 'em Brother!" could then be heard as well. Unfortunately, just as Warhorse reached the cockpit, the Ultras came in range and opened fire on the nearest targets, the Sentinels. As the traitors blew up in spectacular fashion, they could see Warhorse get launched back towards the oncoming Ultramarine Squadron. "Oh thats' gonna leave a mark." " Look out below!" and even the Gray Mage yelled, "Land on something cheap!"All laughter was quickly forgotten as a Leman Russ Vanquisher came into view and with a single shot destroyed an Ultra Predator. It's next shot hitting the Vindicator and ripping it's siege shield completely free of the marine tank.

"Gray Mage, this is Ultra Scout Sergeant Jacobite. Warhorse said to hit the Vanquisher with your lightning, He said target the rear of the tank." Knowing his bolts would have little effect, but trusting his brother, Irlin did as he was asked and to his amazement the battle tank disintegrated in spectacular fashion, the explosion damaging one of the Chimeras next to it.

Now the traitors were in range of the autocannons and lasers of the loyal guards, who took full advantage of it. The Ultras now sweeping in to catch their vehicles with deadly precision fire as their marines crashed into them on foot. The ground troops of the traitors had only three directions to go, either through the Ultras, through the dug in Wolves and Guard or back the way they came. As they tried to turn and run ice blue Land Raiders and other transports became visible as more Space Wolves arrived to spring a trap. Three platoons tried desperately to run through Ragnarok and his forces and this would be the last mistake they ever made as the Guard troops and civilians poured las fire into them and then the Wolves charged into them.Bayonets fixed, Lt. Torquemada led the Guard into their enemies to exact payment for the people he had sworn to protect. As the bloody hand to hand melee continued, one of the traitors suddenly raised a huge two bladed axe and swung at Torquemada's back. Just before striking home, it froze in mid stroke, locked in the iron grasp of a Gray Hunter. "I'll take that" growled Warhorse, blood splattering across his face as he smashed his gauntlet down on the mutant's skull. "Allright boys, take 'em!" he bellowed to the 5 UM scouts with him. Within moments, the battle was done, Vassakov and Beef looking at Decoy, shaking with rage as he fought once again to bring the rage of the Wulfen under control. Looking down at his trembling claws, then at the bodies piled around him, he slowly nodded and then grimly smiled at his packmates.

Forged by the bonds of battle, the Ultras and Wolves began to sort things out and get order restored to the area. The young Ultramarine Scouts who had been with Horse kept trying not to stare at the fangs most of the Wolves had, but were still quite amazed at the sight. Firenze was busy working repairs on the damaged vehicles and the refugees were trying to get power and heat back into some of the buildings when Ragnarok and Chronus walked back from the improvised command center. "This is worse than we thought" stated Ragnarok, " the traitors and mutants are much more numerous than we thought. It looks like we have three regiments heading our way, and will get here late tomorrow or the next day. Lot's of armor, too." He looked over his forces,"Let's see, we've got sixty Ultramarines, 40 Wolves, a few tanks and transports, a short platoon of Guards and one Fenrisian Wolf." He smiled coldly, "May Russ have mercy on them, because we certainly will not."

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I enjoy these only because it shows how much of a wolf pack brotherhood we all have here in the Fang. It's not just a good read, but it also promotes the Son's of Russ and Bolter and Chainsword in a good way. Keep up the good work! way to show the young whelps here how to have fun with the hobby outside of the tabletop.
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"Well, Torque, you at least look warm." The young Lieutenant grinned at the Wolf Priest and looked down at the leather jacket and shrugged,"Well Sir, it's not uniform, but I wasn't going to freeze to death." "How are the preparations coming Lieutenant?" Ragnarok asked. "Well, the demolitions troopers I had and some of the locals are finishing up Maverik's plan for the ridgeline. Bran Scalphunter's got the two Land Raiders and the Whirlwind where you said to set them up. We've got the Chimeras and the heavy weapons set up and the ammunition will be passed out this afternoon. We found two snowmobiles for the scouts and they are already heading out. Sgt. Chronus has the Ultramarine's tanks all set up on the other side to provide flanking fire you wanted.He said that their Marines would be ready and they were cleaning weapons. Sir, can I ask a question?" "Go ahead." At that time he stood up as Firenze came in with his repaired armor. Still towering over the lieutenant, he grinned at him as he donned his heavily decorated armor. "Why do you have the Ultras and the Wolves on separate sides of the area you think they will come up? Wouldn't it be better to keep our forces together? And what if the traitors come through the other passes? They will be behind us." "The three ways they can come present some traps for us to use. The Northern pass relies on two bridges to cross that river. The miners from this town are wiring those right now to blow them. That protects us from that direction. The Southern Route has the rest of the Wolves coming up it, so we will leave that to our brothers and more Loyal Imperial Guard that are with them. And when we funnel them into this Pass, we have some more surprises for them. As far as why the Wolves and Ultras are split, it is because of our fighting styles. I will use the strengths of each to bleed our enemies before they get here, THEN we gut them...."
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As the Loyalists prepared, their greetings for the enemy's approach, all the troops were enjoying the sight of Lt. Torque" as he was now known, racing around on a eye numbing bright green snowmobile with a red and blue scarf flying behind him. He was everywhere, checking on everything and getting some more stragglers that had shown up ready to fight. Reports had started to filter in as the traitors coming up the Southern Pass were getting shredded in a combined Space Wolf/Ultramarine meat grinder that was bleeding them white. The Northern Pass was being watched by Hidden Wolf, who suddenly called in that the second regiment was crossing the first bridge. "Wait until they load up on both bridges, then blow them." Ragnarok ordered, "Any get across, let us know, so we can deal with them later." Suddenly comm silence was broken by Growler, "Ragnarok, we've got serious trouble here." "Report, what is it?"


"leading the way down our throats is a wedge of Leman Russ tanks, ten strong, but that's not the problem. They've got a Titan."

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"Ragnarok, don't pull out, we've got a plan up here." came a raspy voice over the comms. "'Horse, ti better be a good one." was the answer back. Suddenly the Titan turned and fired at the srea where Warhorse's signal had come from, sending tons of rock, snow and trees flying into the air. "At least they can't shoot worth....." was suddenly drowned out by more fire from the Titan and now the Leman Russ tanks joined in as well firing upward at the ridge where the transmissions were coming from. As they continued to fire at comm transmissions, turning the side of the mountain into a shuddering inferno, a flaw became apparent in their plan. From the top of the ridge, small gaps began to appear in the scree as the snows themselves began to slowly separate and then slowly slide towards the regiment below. What began as a small slide began to pick up speed, now reaching 2-3 meters in height. Then it began to pick up small boulders, and brush, then larger trees, began to fall before the growing cataclysm now reaching almost 10 meters in height. Now even the largest trees and huge boulders were being tossed ahead of the growing avalanche. Traitor troops tried desperately to turn and flee but there was nowhere to go as they watched the oncoming wall of death grow as it raced towards them. Now the tsunami had reached it's full fury, sweeping everything to destruction in it's path as it struck the Chaos forces. Men and mutants just disappeared, tanks and transports were tossed about like a child's toy in a tantrum and finally, even the huge Titan lost it's footing and was swept nearly a kilometer down the slope, crashing and shedding huge parts weighing tens of tons until it was reduced to an unrecognizable mass of crushed metal. All that remained of the monstrous regiment that had entered the valley minutes earlier were the tank wedge and a few hundred troops who had managed to get ahead of the destruction. Stunned and shattered, they were ill prepared for what came next.

"Chronus, this is Ragnarok, kill those tanks!" The Ultramarine tanks suddenly pulled up out of hidden ambush pits BEHIND the other tanks and opened fire at point blank range, savaging the stunned survivors with an incredible display of precision shooting. It seemed as if every round fired, every lser strike, every missile found it's mark as the Chaos tanks were slaughtered before they even realized their opponents were there. "Beef, Maverik Vassakov, NOW!" Suddenly the slope above the remaining troops was alive with Wolves hurtling towards them on the sleds they had used before and everything else the Sons of Fenris could use. Ripping into their enemies at a blinding pace the slaughter began. As the traitors tried to flee, they realized that there was a solid wall of death behind them as well, as the Imperial Guard troops and the Ultramarines emerged from concealment to pour devastating, precision fire into their ranks.


The battle was decided before it had begun. Suddenly, the sound of single casings hitting the ground could be heard as the last pitiful remnants were hunted down. Once again, the sleepy village had seen the battle come to it and be stopped just short of destroying it. Looking up at the sound of an approaching snow crawler, every weapon was pointed at the gap in the trees it was approaching. Then they saw Warhorse and some more of the troopers sitting on top of it, Warhorse's normally grouchy visage smiling broadly. "Boys, I'm glad that worked when it did, we only had one more Vox unit left!"

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  • 3 weeks later...
The four Dark Eldar stood laughing as they rolled a bound prisoner through the low fire, back and forth they kicked him, watching him squirm in torment. As the man stopped rolling they suddenly realized he had not fetched up against the feet of one of their own, but they had been replaced by the icy gray boots of a Space Marine. A flail shaped Thunder hammer crushed the xenos standing nearest him, the Scalphunter said quietly "Goodbye scum" as the other two were silently disposed of by two more Gray Hunters. Beef and Maverik then quickly moved away from the glow of the fire to cover themselves as Bran carried the wounded soldier to shelter. The med pack of the Marines quickly eased the man's suffering and he was able to tell them that the DE had struck so quickly that they had no chance to defend themselves. Outgunned, the local Arbites had slowed them down so the civilians could escape, but they themselves had been captured. "Where did you come from?" he asked. "We came up through the river and then snuck up on them" was the answer. "Do you know where they are taking the others?" "Yessir, and I can show you the way." was the wounded man's reply. There are about 20 of them altogether and they are after the supplies at the drop pad." The three Wolves smiled at each other, it would be a fine night for hunting......
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Im surprised that no-one noticed I actually bothered updating mine...sniff...


Good intro to the next part of the tale. Im looking forward to see where this goes.

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Arbites Chief Morgan slid his burned hand over the eyes of one of his slaughtered men to close them. "He was a good lad, just made Arbites three months ago." He took the shoulder holster and rig from another corpse, quietly saying " Jakob, I remember when we bought these together all those years ago." The three Wolves stood by quietly, understanding his grief and anger. Morgan had led them through the streets and alleys of his home, closer and closer to their goal. As they lived up to their name of Gray Hunters, they kept a grisly tally of the fallen. "Bran, you will have to be quicker, we both have 2 more than you." jibed Beef. "Aye, if you two weren't so greedy, I would be ahead of you. But you know the Exterminatussock will catch me up by the end of this hunt." As the 4 men crept ever closer to the drop pad, they moved ever slower, trusting their enhanced senses to allow them to stalk the Eldar, who were so secure and cocky, that they hadn't ever considered they might be the hunted.

"That put's the count at 12 accounted for, 9 to go." Was Maverik's quiet count as he dropped the lifeless body of his latest foe. Morgan still carrying the splinter rifle he had claimed from the start, claiming the sound of it would not alert their foes to their presence. Beef crept back from his scouting and said " Okay, they are warming up their transport, looks like they have 3 of the male Arbites doing the loading, there are 2 female Arbites tied up for their pleasure later. I counted 6 of them on the ground, I guess the others are on the transport." "The transport is mine," said Bran, "I will make sure it can't get off the ground. You two take out the others. The time for the Wolves to howl is here!"

The Scalphunter slid silently around the debris from the attack to close on the Dark Eldar transport.He could hear their raucous laughter from on board and could smell all three of the xenos invaders along with two human scents. He slid a krak grenade into the landing strut, which would go off when they tried to lift, crippling the vessel for space flight. Readying the 'sock, he nodded over at Maverik, who gave a quick signal t Beef, out of sight. Morgan had worked himself into a cover position with the splinter gun, ready to rescue what remained of his people. Maverik gave the signal to go in three, two and GO!

The Wolves now broke cover, charging their enemies as Morgan shot the first one between the eyes. Bran raced up the ramp and leapt over a fallen Arbites to crash into the first of his enemies. Both lost their footing and fell through a hatchway where the other two Eldar were. As they jumped into the fray to aid their comrade, Bran struck out with all the speed and fury that belonged to a Son of Russ. Six times his battle armor rang from the blows they rained upon him, six times the ancient armor denied their attacks. Then, his turn came, as he grabbed two of them by their throats, the two Arbites struck the one clinging to his back, dragging him off and then with an audible crack, they broke his neck. Needing nothing but his great strength, Bran began smashing their skulls together until there was nothing but death in his hands.

Meanwhile, Beef had sprinted in a headlong rush towards his prey. Bolter spitting shells that tore the first two apart, then the last one fell to his deadly axe, literally chopping his foe in twain.

Maverik, in the center, let out a wolf howl as he raced at his section. Twin bolt pistols ripping, he cut down two of the Eldar tormenting their prisoners and then slammed into the last of the Eldar, knocking him sprawling. The Eldar grabbed for his fallen splinter gun, only to find Morgan standing on it. The Eldar looked up at him and then said in clear Gothic, "Ah, one of the lawmen who opposed us. By your laws, I surrender. Now, by your own laws, you must protect me until can be tried and then probably ransomed back to my own people." He then threw back his head and laughed. Morgan looked at him and said, "Yes that is how our law reads." He then looked at his tortured and brutalized survivors, the wreckage of his town and said quietly "We have an old saying here, sometimes there's justice..." he then brought up the pistol he had taken from his old friend earlier "...and sometimes there's just us."

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