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=I= Coming in 2010?


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It makes economical sense for GW to keep the two codeces separated.


Although I'm a big fan of getting a single =I= codex, that makes a lot of sense. Especially if GW delves a bit more into radical armies, the number of potential unit entries could explode.



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If the GK's get plastics, i'll stick to my old ones too. In fact it may have a very nifty flavor which'll dissapear over time.

As for a single Inquisitor 'dex if it still allows for 'pure' themed builds i'm all for it. Especially since it heightens the odds of frequent updates. 1 'dex is better than 2 in that regard and will allow some of the Xeno races to be more quickly updated.

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If (when!) they make plastic GK, I'll sell mine. First of all, I painted them a few years ago and while they are nice tabletop standard, they are not up to my present standard :-) But mainly, I'm tired of regluing them. Metal is heavy and breaks easily. I wasn't used to pinning then!


I will keep my termies, though. They are nicely painted, based and pinned!



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If (when!) they make plastic GK, I'll sell mine. First of all, I painted them a few years ago and while they are nice tabletop standard, they are not up to my present standard :-) But mainly, I'm tired of regluing them. Metal is heavy and breaks easily. I wasn't used to pinning then!


I will keep my termies, though. They are nicely painted, based and pinned!



I won't sell them, I'll be all "I was playing Daemonhunters before it was cool!" and break out the metals.

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It makes economical sense for GW to keep the two codeces separated.
Although I'm a big fan of getting a single =I= codex, that makes a lot of sense. Especially if GW delves a bit more into radical armies, the number of potential unit entries could explode.
Alternatively, merging the books could compel extant grey knight and battle sister players to acquire the other batch to field a complete competitive army. The following generation would then be the one to re-divide, now that the whole pool has both, with the suggestion that they now collect both forces.


One things for sure, they'll do their damnedest to render your existing figures as obsolete and sub-par as they can. Letting you use your old forces in bulk effectively is not a good sales strategy for selling new figures.

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The point value of the GK will be an important part of GW economical strategy.


After all, less models are fielded on the table when a unit of 5 models cost 150pts (GK with justicar) as opposed to 90pts (current SM).


The higher the point cost per model, the less models are sold.


How they will deal with GK will be interesting: trying to lower the cost per model (at all cost :P ) to have players field more of them, but inevitably making them less special.


I can see that they would probably shoot for something around 19pts a model. That would make a unit of 5 (with a justicar +10pts with a power weapon +15pts...ish as per current SM rules) 120pts...a nice round figure.


Still more expensive than regular SM but less expensive than current GK.


Units of 8 would be 177pts instead of 225pts currently.


This means that, under the current codex, 2 units of 8 cost 550pts. Under the non-existing imaginary new codex that I have just pulled out of my bottom, GK would cost 19pts a piece, 2 units of 8 would cost 354pts...which means that you could essentially add another "free" unit of 8 for a grand total of 531pts....still cheaper than 550pts...(are you following?)


That would mean that we would field lots more models (nice we won't be so outnumbered), and GW will rake the profits as they should.


Cheaper point-wise models mean more models sold. After all, if they sold GK by unit of 5 only, to field as many points as we currently are fielding with 2 units of 8, would take 5 small boxes of 5 ( or 5 x 12British pounds)...


Of course this is all just washy-airy thinking about what-if since we have NO idea what they have in store for us.

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Guillaume if you read your post quite fast and imagine you saying it all you seem like the 40k version of rain man!!!


Uh oh, Uh oh, grey knights at 19pts, grey knights at 19pts, definitely not, definitely not, who was Lord Torquemad Coteaz third accolyte ?, Uh oh, definitely not... :)




P.S: autism is nothing to make fun of. It is a serious psychological problem which affects millions worldwide.

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GK need to stay expensive ( pointwise ). One of their biggest appeals is imo their low bodycount. If GW lowers their cost to 19 points then this

aspect vanishes and i could just play Codex Ultrasmurfs. So, i would say, keep the 25points per PAGK but buff them a litle bit.

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keep the 25points per PAGK but buff them a litle bit.

I think that is what we are wishing for. A 25pt GK in the current game would be quite amazing. I could imagine it would be slightly better. After all, SM are supposed to be the elite. GK would be a whole 9pts more expensive (more than half of a SM).


Therefore, the new GK, if they stay at 25pts, should be a whole half better than current SM.


We should see WS of 6 (although still relatively useless since we can't hit on 2+), St of 6 (as it is), Initiative of 6 (or at least 5) and 2 attacks (as it is). Toughness and wounds can't be changed for obvious reasons.

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Even if every marine came with Psycannon bolts that would be worth it IMO. Getting that AP down to 4 and negating INV saves. Leave shining as is and everything as it is now and add that
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If (when!) they make plastic GK, I'll sell mine. First of all, I painted them a few years ago and while they are nice tabletop standard, they are not up to my present standard :-) But mainly, I'm tired of regluing them. Metal is heavy and breaks easily. I wasn't used to pinning then!


Solution 1 - Simple Green! I bought it at the grocery store threw my SoB metals in there and had all the paint stripped in less than a day ( about 1 hour of total work for 13 models.


Solution 2 - Use a strong Epoxy instead of glue (not green stuff, more like this ) It has a tensile strength of about 2000 psi, it has a bit of flex in it so it does not fail like glue and it really grabs the surface. I have also had success using it in combination with a super glue to get a truly tight fit (I assembled two penitent engines with this and no pins and have not had any pieces break off in 2 years).



Okay on topic! I would not mind a combined codex, provided it kept some individual characteristics. If you remove all the Inquisition specific contents of the WH/DH codex, there are not than many units. Consolidate the inquisition and make it like the Daemons codex for Princes - Inquisitorial Mandate: Daemon Hunter, which opens 4 or 5 upgrade options, pl us offer the same retinue choices.


Regardless, I am looking forward to see how they revise it, I hope they keep the option of allying in IG and SM because I really enjoy having the flexibility to mix up army lists.

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keep the 25points per PAGK but buff them a litle bit.

I think that is what we are wishing for. A 25pt GK in the current game would be quite amazing. I could imagine it would be slightly better. After all, SM are supposed to be the elite. GK would be a whole 9pts more expensive (more than half of a SM).


Therefore, the new GK, if they stay at 25pts, should be a whole half better than current SM.


We should see WS of 6 (although still relatively useless since we can't hit on 2+), St of 6 (as it is), Initiative of 6 (or at least 5) and 2 attacks (as it is). Toughness and wounds can't be changed for obvious reasons.


WS6 and initiative 6 would be way too much, even for 25 points. They already are superior to normal marines. A PAGK squad is uniformly armed with strenght 6 cc weapons, stormbolters, a decent protection against psychic powers and an above average WS. Their problem is that they still die just as fast as a normal Marine. Perhaps a buff to the shrouding ability would be in order. Free frag grenades are also necessary and the true grit ability is imo outdated. 2 base attacks would be better.

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While I would very much like new codex(es) for the =I=, I think it would be easier than some seem to think for GW to reduce them to just a fluff footnote. Look at the last several fluff/rules releases (i.e. Apocolypse Reload and the last rule book): the inquisition just gets a small mention in the "Forces of the Imperium" section. Kinda like, oh yeah, by the way, there are these other guys too... Just drop the codexes and the models, and suddenly the armies fit their current fluff representation in the "big" books.


Again, I truely hope this doesn't happen. But it seems like the groundwork is already there, if GW chooses to go that route. :)

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Ouch.. that put a huge pit in my stomach. I hope he's just trying to use some reverse psychology to try to make you (us) bring down our hopes or something. Daemonhunters is my first army... I only started playing four months ago and I have about 1750 points worth of DH... I would be extremely dissapointed and GW would probably lose my support. I DID start an eldar force... but they are nothing like my DH. I absolutely love playing my DH and I don't know if I would have as much fun with Eldar. I might need to go Space wolves for another army that is so assaulty...


Let's hope he's just playing mind games.

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I should add that in previous years that the Space Wolves Codex was pulled from stores and online and unavailable. The models were in limited availability but still there. This strikes me as a similar situation, with similar lack of information overall.


That being said, lets try to keep this from becomming a wish list... I'd rather have the thread as the sort of 'DH/WH rumor round up' thread so everything is in one place.

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That being said, lets try to keep this from becoming a wish list... I'd rather have the thread as the sort of 'DH/WH rumour round up' thread so everything is in one place.
If this is the plan, I'd be obliged if you'd adopt the warseer practice of summarising on the first page.
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Hmm.. being as technically I didn't start the thread, but rather simply posted additional information in a topic started by someone else, I'll have to investigate what I can do besides simply editing the first post (which I'd prefer not to do). I'll see if I can pull something off though :huh:
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