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Roll out the Ale barrels


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Seeing as the Liber is even more quiet than usual, Aquilanus slips into the Fang whilst all are a kip, replaces all of the steins with tiny sippy cups and waits.....

Or so he intends- until he is tripped by one of the local wolves, and then pinned by two of them sitting on him.

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Seeing as the Liber is even more quiet than usual, Aquilanus slips into the Fang whilst all are a kip, replaces all of the steins with tiny sippy cups and waits.....

Or so he intends- until he is tripped by one of the local wolves, and then pinned by two of them sitting on him.


Backed into a corner, Aquilanus ponders on whether he should use the Ultimate weapon TM against Wolves of any description......


"Back off....or it's BATH TIME!"


Whilst the wolves yelping terror upon hearing the forbidden word, Aquilanus heads back to the bar....

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Seeing as the Liber is even more quiet than usual, Aquilanus slips into the Fang whilst all are a kip, replaces all of the steins with tiny sippy cups and waits.....

Or so he intends- until he is tripped by one of the local wolves, and then pinned by two of them sitting on him.


Backed into a corner, Aquilanus ponders on whether he should use the Ultimate weapon TM against Wolves of any description......


"Back off....or it's BATH TIME!"


Whilst the wolves yelping terror upon hearing the forbidden word, Aquilanus heads back to the bar....

Go Ahead. you really wanna give a bath to a Space wolf/Plague Marine (i love NURGLE now!)


Be My Guest...

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How dare Papa Nurgle puke his gifts of frothing filth into this hallow bar! SOAP FOR THE SOAP GOD!


*holds up bar of soap whilst chanting sacred scrubbing incantations*


By the Big E I shall cleanse the Chaos sh** (get it? Nurgle = poop :)) out of you!


*suddenly calmer*


The wolfy half of you, though in need of a bath, is not my jurisdiction... you may need to talk to a wolf priest about that.

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just before bro cam hits the open tub hendrik grabs him and uses its' momentum to sling bro towards the nearest wall.

have you gone mad dear scherts!? you almost spilled some of this delicious ale! just imagine what would happen when the pups would follow your example! just think of all this precious cold,richly flavoured ale being spilled =(

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*looks at the little sippy cups*


"OKay.,. either a few thigns happened. One, we got Expresso like ale, which although amusing, is not for us wolves. OR it's bring our own stein night and those who don't get the little cups. or it's time that we go out into the wild, and hunt down the elk or other creatures to make your own steins."


*holds up an elk mammoth skull stein*

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LIBER is indeed quiet, so Bro Cam nicks the big Space Wolves banner and replaces it with a Dark Angels one under the cover of darkness.



:Jonas staggers drunkenly from the latrine, peering about him as if in search of something. Noticing the Dark Angels banner, he reaches up a tears a huge chunk of it away:


Oh, good, I was worried we had run out of toilet paper.


:staggers back into the latrine:

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I shrunk the heads. They are tiny. Well, the grunt heads are. The Sangheli heads are still full size ;)


Ah, and here are the other 50 Thunderhawks of trophies...


[Opens up a bottle of Wolfwhiz with the tip of a power blade.]

To the brothers of the Fang!

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  • 6 months later...

Alexander, bored, and horribly angry at the lack of brawling or drinking, clears the room with some bio-chemical warfare from his arse. Then, he continues to drink all the ale, but he does put it back, as fast as it cycles through his body :) .


"There. That aught to get something stirred up. If it doesn't, well, we've been domesticated."


*With that last thought he goes back to sleep in his barrel with a sour look.

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