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Roll out the Ale barrels


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i know..but was hoping to see a fenrisian woman too...:)

madness! why do you think we feast at the fang and not with the tribes? i've heard even the old wolf's affraid from them, especially when they are drunk! :)

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*belches loudly* Why does my mead horn keep running dry?......And why do the kegs keep running out? Someone call a Wolf Priest to help me figure this one out!! Or an Iron Priest to make one that never goes dry *stares off into space thinking of the possibilities*
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*belches loudly* Why does my mead horn keep running dry?......And why do the kegs keep running out? Someone call a Wolf Priest to help me figure this one out!! Or an Iron Priest to make one that never goes dry *stares off into space thinking of the possibilities*

Its because your drinking it too fast laddie....here, have some of this special brew....*pours the special brew mead into Hrolleif's drinking horn....*


Looks at Hrolleif, wondering when he notices I have all the ale

*Smacks Nacho on the back of the head with a rolled-up parchment/scroll* Oh no you don't lad/laddie, I do....:lol:

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@cambrius-i have 2 bolter babes, you can have one mate (keeps the one with the most booty...)


I will not forget this gesture Brother Chaplain. *grins and goes off with my bolter babe* It's those little gestures that make life so much fun. *chuckles*



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