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Roll out the Ale barrels


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No!!! NOT THE BEARD! *is shaved* There's no point in living anymore...


Decides that as well as the shave, Skirax needs to wear a red and white checked gingham dress and big girly pigtails to go with it.


And no, you can't call you bolt pistol "Mr Flibble" B)

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and 3 hours of W.O.O....:)


Reminds all Sons of Russ, that leaving your helmet off whilst in explosive decompression is not good, and ultimately leaves you with out Oxygen.


It would teach you all not to be fruit baskets though! ^_^


(I think that'll be enough of the Red Dwarf references for now)


*Ahem* What do you think of your new look Skirax? :P


Turns to look at Skirax, but see him lying on the floor in a "manly" Swoon after the prospect of losing his beard.


*Tut* Damn Soup catcher (If anyone can work out which scifi series that reference is from I'll award 50 Internets ^_^ ) needs to come off anyway....


"Next!" Said the daemon barber of Prosper.... I mean old London town :devil:

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Takes pity on Skirax, hands him a stein, and has a rest

*wakes up to find Long Fangs sweet talking him* Gerroff you old buggas!


Long Fang?! I'll have you know I'm a Grey Hunter! (literally grey :D )


Cheeky young pup! *Gives Skirax a warning shot around the lug hole.....* ;)

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*staggers in drunkenly*


'did sumbuddy say bolter babes?"


*crashes to the floor backwards after throwing up an arm to point at multiple blurs in his vision*


'OOPS!...I knew I shoulda left off that forteenth keg'


*rises to his feet and staggers back to Great Brother Skiros, patting the armor plate as he slides down it's side*


'ok you drive this time, I picked the wrong week to stop drinkin'

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[With a noise like the world ending, Firenze wrecks his way through the doors and the middle of the fight, ending up at the bar next to Grey Mage.]


Nice to see you kept it going guys. [Lifts hammer and sends Aquilanus into the wall]


Ahhh... Its good to be back.... :)

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I really should have had russ's geneseed instead. But i know of something more befitting a shaven astartes like Skirax...*puts him in a cream coloured robe with a iwnged sword on the shoulder* Much better.



*glares at Cambrius disapprovingly*


Do you enjoy kicking a man in the balls when he's down? For shame, brother.


*points at Skirax*




*rolls on the floor laughing*

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Takes pity on Skirax, hands him a stein, and has a rest

*wakes up to find Long Fangs sweet talking him* Gerroff you old buggas!


Long Fang?! I'll have you know I'm a Grey Hunter! (literally grey :huh: )


Cheeky young pup! *Gives Skirax a warning shot around the lug hole.....* :)

I'll think you'll find I'm longer in the tooth here, pup ;)


And I was talking to... them!


[With a noise like the world ending, Firenze wrecks his way through the doors and the middle of the fight, ending up at the bar next to Grey Mage.]


Nice to see you kept it going guys. [Lifts hammer and sends Aquilanus into the wall]


Ahhh... Its good to be back.... :)

[With a noise like the world ending, Skirax lets rip, causing the surrounding Wolves to bury their noses]


I win ;)


Such an entry(!) Everyone knows that Wolf Scouts know how to make the best entry ;)

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*wanders in from the halls... Looks at Skirax and shrugs* "I just got out of the drainage system, do YOU have any idea what it smells like down there?"


*Rolls a couple of kegs over to where Chaplain Belisarius is working. Taps one keg and puts a full tankard in the Chaplain's reach, sitting on the other, praying that Jerry doesn't think he needs a bath again and watching the Chaplain at work.*


"I heard that there were bolter babes around, but I doubt that I have a squig's chance so I thought I would just come over here and see what I can get into." :)

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*Marches over to Grey Mage, Crozius rest easily against his shoulder and what looks like a veterinary impliment in the other...*


So of pups like to visit the Eternal Crusader, rules are rules, all dogs must be neutered. Pass this on to any others that care to visit. Oh, they must be purified by soap and water, wormed and flea free as well.


*Leaves the snips on the bar and teleports out.*

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I see my Brothers Wolf are all busy preparing for their Arena of Blood *gives a derisive snort*


I suppose I could just whomp all of you and that would count as me beating your AoB Champion. Why put off til tomorrow what you will do today?


*slaps Grey Mage on the shoulder* Isn't that right Witchy-poos?


*sits down and orders*


I'll have a mar....Mug of Ale thanks.... do you have any olives?


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