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Kythnos' Iron Warriors


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm making some process. The main colours are already applied to the Defiler and it's starting to come along. Maybe I'll be able to finish it this week, if I can manage my schedule well enough.


At the same time, I've started to assemble the Berserkers, which I received in the Call of Chaos. In fact, 8 of them are finished, while the remaining 4 will become icon bearers for my CSM squads, as I don't have any of those right now. So I might stop having to use proxies or telling everyone that this specific spike is an icon. I'm still a bit undecided on the paint scheme for the Berserkers though - they still should be Iron Warriors, just a little bit dedicated to bloodshed because of storming too many breaches. So I though of the following image, to paint them.



So what do you think?

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Thanks for the kind words :smile:

In the meantime, I've finished my work on te Defiler, which is now ready to reap its toll on the battlefield. Go-Go crazy spider-monster!


After that, I've basecoated my Berzerkers, so they can be painted over the next weeks. I hope they're going to turn out great and will fit with the rest of my army as far as the scheme is concerned. I should be able to finish them before the 2nd of October and put them to the test on a tournament on that day. We'll see if their reputation is well-earned :biggrin:


And last but not least, I've assembled 4 icon bearers for my regular squads of Chaos Marines and already basecoated them too. I'll toss them in the painting-line, whenever I want a break from my Berserkers ^^





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Nice looking models and good job on the defiler. What i wanted to ask is is a defiler hard to assemble and is it very fragile because when i see them they dont look that stable.


Posing the legs and arms can be a bit of a hassle until you have them positioned to your liking, but when you've glued them, they're really stable. I've never had problems with breaking parts on the model, apart from the Icon/Banner it carriers on the back.

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Hello Kythnos,


I enjoy you'r take on the Defiler, love those cc-arms. Somehow he looks a lot more imposing and ready to inpale anyone who is unfortunate enough to get in claws reach.


Nice colourscheme and poses for the Bezerkers. Personally I like (and use) the Iron Warriors colours mixed with their parton's colours.

And no one is going to ask if they are "regular" chaos marines; "Oh, those running, chainaxewielding, blooddrenched psycho's are you'r Bezerkers. I couldn't tell because of the Iron Warriors colourscheme."


Good luck on your Call.



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The first model of the Berzerkers is finished and I'm pretty happy, how the new paint scheme worked out. It'll definitely keep it for the unit and maybe even for a Khorne lord, who might at some point in time be added to lead the breach takers, well... into the breach :smile:



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  • 4 months later...
I'm thinking about participating in the Librarium Painting Challenge 2011 to finish my last remaining models before I got to Japan in April. It might be a good way to get the neccessary motivation and commitment that I'll definitely need. My 40k army only has 4 Icon Bearers left to paint (a few posts above), but I also want to paint my BFG Chaos fleet. I'll figure out how many ships I still have to paint tomorrow... ^^"
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I, Kythnos of the Chaos Ascendant, vow on the honour of my Primarch the great Perturabo to paint and present at least 4 Icon Bearer Chaos Space Marines and a Chaos warfleet of no less than 9 escorts, 4 cruisers, 1 grand cruiser and 1 battleship on or before the 31st of March, 2011. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.


Omg, I'm in xD

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  • 5 weeks later...

I finally managed to get my call rolling and finished the first two of my four Icon Bearers, which also marks my first WIP update for the LPC, yay! :biggrin: The other two guys which you can see in the background should be finished until next weekend, so I can start to paint my BFG ships then. And as my university courses are finished for now, I should be able to manage everything in time.

Anyway, here are the first two guys (the banners come from GW's Fantasy range):



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  • 2 weeks later...

LPC Update 5:

I've finished my Idolators today, which leaves me with only 4 vessels left to paint to finish my LPC. It's looking good so far :smile:


Those are the last remaining ships. I'll do the two cruisers next and then start working on the grand cruiser and the battleship. The last two should be pretty challenging, I guess.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Vow finished! \o/
It's been an intense morning with finishing all the remaining ships, as I had some trouble to do any painting over the last weeks, because of the events in Japan and their effect on my year abroad.


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  • 1 year later...
Gods of Chaos hear my call!


I Kythnos hereby pledge my soul, my allegiance and that of my troops', to Chaos Eternal.


I swear to you that I will paint and present 1 Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour, 1 Chaos Lord in Power Armour, 1 Hellbrute, 20 Cultists and 6 Chosen of the Stonebreakers, Descendants of the Iron Warriors before January 18th, 2013.

I also promise to provide a project update, at least twice per month.


You can follow my progress here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...99456&st=25



So it's time to defend my Warmaster title from the last CoC!

My warband was quite busy since the last CoC - even using it while I was in Japan for one year - but I didn't add any new units, so I decided to use this chance to work on some of my unassembled units (mostly those stunning DV models) and expand my army again. As I don't like the look of duplicates in my army, I'm also planning to convert some of the Chosen and Cultists, as well as maybe adding a few own ideas to the Hellbrute and the Lord in Power Armour. My center piece will be the Terminator Lord, who is going to be my new warband leader and will feature heavily in a campaign I started with a few friends of mine last week. He will strike terror into their hearts and is supposed to look the part. I'm planning to go wild here, and will be very open to your ideas and feedback, when I start with him next month.


I hope you're going to enjoy this project as much as I will <_<


- Kythnos

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I already did some preparation work on the Chosen yesterday. Fitting them together, removing mold lines and so on. They're going to be my first unit for this CoC and I hope to have some pre-painting pictures online on Sunday. The lack of pictures in here is... disturbing to say the least, as my earlier image hosting site went offline :/

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