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Kythnos' Iron Warriors


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With IA13 in my hands, I wanted to be able to finally field a R&H army, so last night I spent some hours hacking apart my second batch of DV cultists and glueing them together with other bits in new combinations, to create more human servants for my CSM warband that don't all look the same. I'm reasonably pleased with how they turned out. What's left to do is some GS work and then I can move the units to the painting stage :)



In IA13 I also found a use for the fellow below, who's going to be a renegade psyker:


And finally, I got the following guys on ebay for cheap. Now I need a good paint scheme to make them fit into my IW warband. Do any of my fellow IW players have pictures of their Noise Marines for inspiration? That'd be really helpful! :)


Iron Within! Iron Without!

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Really digging the meatsacks like the first pic of the color scheme.


Thanks for the input mate! That puts the first colour scheme in the lead. Any other opinions? :)

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  • 5 weeks later...

I'd also go for the first, nice work with the cultists!


Thanks for the nice words! I'm kinda embarassed to say, that I haven't made any progress these past weeks. But I'm having this week off, so I should be able to work on my IW again.

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First scheme it is then! I'll see if I can paint one of the Noise Marines this week to see whether the scheme looks as well on the model as it does in the army painter :)

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You may remember my Warsmith Argos Tvarr, whom I built and painted during the Call of Chaos V event. He's been leading many of my warbands battles and slew many loyalists and Xenos since then. He's currently commanding my Stonebreakers in an ongoing campaign in my gaming group and I felt that he needed a cool and terrifying image to terrify my opponents even further. So I asked KrautScientist (whose Heldrake was also the main inspiration for my own conversion) with his magical picture editing skills, whether he could help me out. And he did - tremendously so: tremble before Argos Tvarr, First Warsmith of the Stonebreakers warband, the Iron Prophet :devil:


This is just pure awesome - thank you so very very much, KrautScientist! :)

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Hey guys, I've been using the evening to see whether the first of the colour schemes (which most of you voted for - thanks for your input! :) ) works on the real models too. So I've been blocking in the main colours that differ from my usual painting scheme and so far I'm quite liking it. I chose a purple that's a bit darker than the one in the B&C painter-image above, because I think it fits the darker colours on my models better. What does everyone think? Let me hear your thoughts!



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys,

I had some spare time over the last few days and was able to paint a few miniatures that have been unfinished for some time now. The first one is my Moise Marine, which I posted WIP shots of two weeks ago. It's finally done and I'm liking the way the colour scheme ties him into my army, yet marks him as standing apart as a worshipper of Slaanesh. I think that turned out well.



Next up is my posessed Dark Apostle. The idea started when I was looking for a use for the rider of the WHFB chaos chariot. I was trying to fit different bits to the model and when I got to the fist and sword combination it struck me as looking really cool. I added the head with horn and tentacles to improve upon the posessed look and a few 40k parts and really liked his look. He 'll usually get used when I feel like playing with the Crimson Slaughter rules.



Finally, there are a few more Chosen. I painted the whole DV models when they were released, but I got another batch of Chosen from a friend later. Two of them were used for other models, but four of them remained. I wanted these to look different than the stock models and went to convert them with new weapons, heads and so on. I think they turned out ok overall, some better than others. Or what do you think?



This one is my favourite model of the bunch:



And lastly a group shot:


Thank you for looking! Let me hear what you think! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

=][= ETL =][=

It's ETL-time! I'm currently working abroad for a few weeks, but I decided to put in a small vow before the deadline, so I'd be able to add a small contribution for Team Chaos once I'm back home! :)

I Kythnos rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete 1 Rogue Psyker, 1 Renegade Enforcer and 10 Infantry Veterans with 2 Flamers and 1 Champion from IA 13: Renegades and Heretics of total value 160 points on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to the Stonebreakers warband and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.



Edited by Kythnos
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  • 2 months later...

=][= ETL-Update =][=

With the forum back online, I just wanted to let everyone know that the ETL vow is progressing well and that I will finish in time. In fact, while I'm typing this, the Renegade Enforcer has already been finished yesterday evening - I just didn't have enough light to make a good picture. That will come soon enough, though. For now I have to leave you with a blurry picture, taken by some possessed pic-device:


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=][= ETL-Update =][=

The forge is continually working at high efficiency: the Rogue Psyker, Rengade Enforcer and 5 of the Infantry Veterans have already been finished (apart from their bases). That leaves me with 5 more Veterans - shouldn't be a problem with one week remaining :devil:




Any opinions on whether these guys could use some blood effects? I'm thinking that they'd probably die before they actually get to kill someone (or won't survive long enough to look bloodied) - deluded fools that they are.

Iron Within! Iron Withou!

Edited by Kythnos
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Great models and conversions, the guy riding the gore beast is awesome. It has inspired me to start up my Iron Warriors again, they have been put on hold for the last 6 months. When painting your tank tracks, what colour do you paint yours to distinguish between the tank and the tracks?
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Liking the Enforcer, good work with these renegades.


Thanks! I'm quite fond of the Enforcer too, especially considering what a simple kitbash this was.


Nice Renegades the enforcer is cool !!!


Thanks a lot!


Great models and conversions, the guy riding the gore beast is awesome. It has inspired me to start up my Iron Warriors again, they have been put on hold for the last 6 months. When painting your tank tracks, what colour do you paint yours to distinguish between the tank and the tracks?


Thank you! I'm glod  I could be of inspiration to you!

My tank tracks are usually just painted black (like the official IW vehicles during 4th (?) edition). I make sure to add some dirt effects to them, however, to make them look better.

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=][= ETL-Update =][=

It's done! After painting for two more hours this evening and doing the basing on all miniatures my small ETL-vow is finally done. It might not be much point-wise, but maybe I can help to squeeze our completition rate a but further upwards. The pictures are a bit shoddy due to no natural light at this hour (I should invest in a light box...), but they show that I finished, which is enough for now :)




Iron Within! Iron Without!

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