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Am I the only one who can't see the pictures? I feel like this is an Emperor's New Clothes kinda deal.

Yes, no pics.


Going off on a tangent, I haven't seen you around in donkey's years, Nephilim. Busy real life?



Am I the only one who can't see the pictures? I feel like this is an Emperor's New Clothes kinda deal.


Nope, you're not. Like I said, all the old pictures were hosted on a hosting site that doesn't exist anymore, so the first two pages look kinda... empty. All the new pictures for this year's CoC will be hosted on the BnC though (if I can figure out how it works).

All the new pictures for this year's CoC will be hosted on the BnC though (if I can figure out how it works).

Here you go :tu: I hope that helps!



Edited by Battle-Brother Ludovic
Am I the only one who can't see the pictures? I feel like this is an Emperor's New Clothes kinda deal.

Yes, no pics.


Going off on a tangent, I haven't seen you around in donkey's years, Nephilim. Busy real life?



Real life and no codex blues. I tried getting into Dark Eldar, but they're still no Noise Marines. Now with the new codex, I've been around more often, but have been lurking more than posting.


All the new pictures for this year's CoC will be hosted on the BnC though (if I can figure out how it works).

Here you go :lol: I hope that helps!




  • 3 weeks later...

November Update #1

I finally got started with my vow, after noticing that writing a bachelor thesis does indeed cut back on your hobby time and not beeing able to organize my schedule better. I'm still not finished with my thesis, but I hope I can sort out the last part at least from now on to keep this going and finish in time. After all the other pictures have disappeared, I can finally present you the first, though shoddy, images of my units that are under construction or on their way to the painting staton right now.

The first picture is my WIP Warsmith (without the p), who's leading my warband in a campaign I'm having with a few friends right now and got sick of always beeing proxied with an old metal terminator model (might explain his mediocre performance as well). His pose is mostly fixed, but he's gonna get a whole lot of mechanical tendrils and stuff to look like a true Iron Warrior - noone else could lead the Stonebreakers!


Next is the Chaos Lord in servo armour, who's probably going to be usually played as a Murder Blade lord to kill some high priority targets - my opponents warlords mostly, I guess :) Nothing fancy has been done with his model as well as with the Chosen, except for a head swap on the bolter Chosen, as I dislike having two identical models (which will also make the 20 cultists into a big pile of work).


Last for today is the Hellbrute, who got re-equipped and now features a twin-linked autocannon (what's the English name for the 36" version?) and a Heavy Flamer on his Powerfist. Nothing fancy, but I like this kit far better than his normal setup.


That's it for today! I hope to have a few colours on these models for the next update and if some of you have cool conversion ideas for the Warsmith or the soon to come Cultists, feel free to share them with me :)

  • 2 weeks later...

November Update #2

The Helbrute is slowly coming close to the finishing stages. I'm still behind my painting schedule, but at least stuff gets done. Maybe I'll be able to finish it on Saturday. Anyway, it's a gorgeous model and a lot of fun to paint, although all the details can drive you mad at the same time. But it's worth it for me. And it did already perform splendid in a match against Dark Eldar :D


December Update #1

The Helbrute is finally done! \o/

The base still needs to be designed and I'm envisioning trampled wire and rubble for that, but that's gonna happen in some spare 30 minutes. The next project are going to be the 6 Chosen from the DV set and after that the 2 Chaos Lords, of which one is still a WIP construction to make him look like a proper Iron Warrior - mecha tendrils and that stuff :P

With that said, the Helbrute still needs a proper name, so I thought maybe you guys do have some great ideas that make my armies' enemies flee in terror. Please feel free to share them! :lol:




December Update #2

I've been doing some more work on the conversion of my Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour, who's going t lead my army in an ongoing campaign with my friends. He's more or less finished now and only needs some more detail work before I can start to paint him. The left arm will be exchangeable to fit different close combat weapons, but the first one is going to be the Black Mace. A proper weapon for a Warsmith.




Edited by Kythnos
  • 2 weeks later...

@Ammonius: Thanks mate! Glad you like them :)

On another note, I had some time to paint again, so the Chosen and the PA Lord got their first lick of paint and the Helbrute finally has a finished base. I guess that means...

December Update #3

The picture quality on the Chosen and the Lord isn't that great, but I promise you better pictures as soon as there's more paint on them! And now that I finally have 2 weeks of holidays (Christmas, yay!), I should be able to get along well with my pledge. The Chosen and the 2 Lords should be finished by the beginning of January, which leaves the 20 Cultists for 2 weeks of speedpainting. Sounds possible to me ^^



So Merry Christmas to everyone and a Happy New Year!

  • 4 weeks later...

January Update #1


I have been struggling to get any painting done these past weeks, so I won't be able to hold my expected date to finish my pledge. I finished my Chosen and am working on my 2 Chaos Lords now, but I'm not sure I'll be able to manage 20 Cultists afterwards, even with the extended timeframe. Still, it's too early to give up and admit defeat, so I'll keep on painting and hope for a small miracle (or a very good speedpainting-guide for my cultists). Anyway, here are the 6 Chosen for my first update this month :)



daym! your iron warriors look really nice!


i like everything you've posted, so how about seeing some pictures of the stuff that was on page 1 and 2.


your warsmith looks really mean...


Thanks lokkorex! I'll have a look on my hard drive to see, if I still have those pictures somewhere ;-)

January Update #3


The second Chaos Lord, Warsmith Kythnos, is finished as well. That leaves me with 20 Cultists to paint until Friday... anyone's got a nice and quick speedpainting tutorial for Cultists? I'm thinking on grey clothes with a bit of brown in between - they're scum after all and don't deserve better. Would a grey drybrushing and an ink after that work, to establish the basic colour?



  • 2 weeks later...

Gods of Chaos, I failed you! I was not able to finish my 20 Cultists, so only 4/5 of my vow have been completed. I will repent by wipping the worthless scum even harder (signing them up for the LPC) and maybe annihilating a planet or two. Should another Call arise, I will also paint an additional miniature according to your wish to be allowed back into the rows of your most leal servants :verymad:

Edited by Kythnos

So damn close too.


Nevertheless, good job on everything you have done up to this point.



Technically you have not failed completely (as in Fallen), since you kept up with the updates and came so close.



Aspiring Champion Kythnos! :)

As promised:

I, Kythnos of the Chaos Ascendant, vow on the honour of my Chapter to paint and present at least 20 Cultists and 1 Chaos Sorcerer on or before the 31st of March, 2013. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.


The first 5 cultists are finished and 5 more are already drybrushed with the main colours and will be ready for detail work soon :) One cultist takes about an hour from start to completition, so I'm really pleased with my quick-painting plan and its outcome. I still have to do the bases on the completed cultists, but I'll wait until the whole unit is completed.



  • 4 weeks later...


The first unit of Cultists is completed and I have to say thatI'm really pleased with how they turned out. They have a dark and gritty look to them in my opinion and visually tie in well with my Iron Warriors warband, the Stonebreakers. The second unit of Cultists is currently awaiting the removal of their mold lines, before they can be primed and painted. When they're finished as well, I'll try out some weathering powders for the first time.


I also completed the Chaos Sorcerer, who is also the first sorcerer in this warband (apart from an Aspiring Sorcerer in a unit of Thousand Sons that I once owned). But with all those cool new psychic powers flying around I felt like trying them out for myself and therefore needed a new guy to wield the powers of the warp. He consists mostly of bits from te Possessed-box, but also sports some parts from different kits, like the huge scythe from the WHF Chaos Warriors manticore rider. A unit of Raptors for him to go with is also under construction, so he should hit the battlefield really soon, I think :)



  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I joined the E Tenebrae Lux II!

I, Kythnos answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete 5 Plague Marines (including 1 Plasma Gun and a Power Fist on the champion) as well as 5 Chaos Terminators (including 4 Combi Plasmaguns [1 of those on the champion], 1 Chainfist and 1 Heavy Flamer) from C:CSM for a total value of 361 points on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to the Stonebreakers warband of the Iron Warriors and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end!

Therefore it's time to start with my first vow. The Plague Marines are a kitbashed counts-as unit, consisting of parts of the Berzerkers, Possessed and additional bionics and shoulder pads from 3rd party companies. The Bionics and mutations should represent the additional resistance, fnp and lower initiative really well, I think. And they fit with the IW theme :)

Below are the 5 Plague Marines which I vowed. And even further down are two Plague Marines that I painted before the E Tenebrae Lux started, so I couldn't vow them. But they'll give you an idea for the colour scheme for the unit :)




daym! your iron warriors look really nice!


i like everything you've posted, so how about seeing some pictures of the stuff that was on page 1 and 2.


your warsmith looks really mean...

Thanks lokkorex! I'll have a look on my hard drive to see, if I still have those pictures somewhere ;-)


Well it took me some time, but I found all the old pictures (apart from one on the first page) again and reuploaded them into their relevant postings on te first and second page of this topic. Now it looks like a real WIP-thread again. I hope you guys enjoy checking it out! :)

+++ ETL Update No 2 +++

I'm coming along with my ETL vow and was able to finish my bionic IW Plague Marines this week. The bases still need some work, but I'll finish them as soon as I've completed my Terminators as well. Speaking of which, they are completely assembled as of today and are ready for some paint. I guess I might be able to finish them until mid-August, so that I have time for another small vow for Team Chaos. Anyways, here are the pictures:


These are the five Plague Marines, which I painted for the ETL plus two additional members of the squad that were already done before the competition started. I think the binonics, mutations and the use of green parts clearly differentiates this unit from my regular IWs and marks them as Plague Marines in my warband. Additionally all of the squad members have their basic gear on the models - something that I stopped doing in 5th edition, when all CSM had Bolt Pistols, Boltguns and CCWs and were assumed to always carry these weapons. Now I have tons of CSM that only carry Boltguns or CCWs... add least Nurgle's fanboys are properly equipped.


The Chaos Terminators - two of the arms were a little bit repositioned with the help of some green stuff, one axe head was swapped with the axe head from the Chosen kit and I constructed my own kombi plasmaguns.


The plasmaguns - finally a use for all those plasma pistols (thanks to Big Jim for his tutorial: http://galaxyinflames.blogspot.de/2010/03/chaos-combi-plasma-tutorial.html)!

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