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Interested in a conversion challenge?

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i do tend to greenstuff OVER torso's and what-not, so it may be difficult to prove it...

Which would defeat the object i guess. I could start with a metal space marine model, plaster it in a pound of clay and sculpt a greater deamon around it. "yes sir, the model is in there somewhere" ;) I think conversions should be used to show off the model in new and exciting lights. Re-pose, re-arm, re-head, add a jump pack or not, <snip>, muzzle efect, big guns, icons etc.




oh, the <snip> was because i had an great idea, wrote it down and decided to keep it to myself for a possible conversion:D



well i do show bits



but i do see your point, but you try greenstuffing a full marine torso

oh and look at tru scale models


If you want to build a gigantic Army A clashing with Army B diorama where the leaders of the two armies are conversions utilizing the required bit; Fantastic idea!


Really? I think limiting the challenge to a single mini will yield better results.


I also don't think it's such a good idea that you are the one and only judge. Depending on the number of people involved, I'd suggest having at least three people on the jury to avoid that the decision is only based on personal preference.


Maybe contact some of the Moderating team? I know they are terribly busy people, but taking some time off to look at some cool minis shouldn't be too bad ^^

I'm very excited about this now, roll on Saturday!


btw, on the green stuff issue, I think you need to ensure that the majority of the part is still clearly visible under any GS work to prevent any GS burials! ^_^


Really? I think limiting the challenge to a single mini will yield better results.

Also this, 100% B)

If you want to build a gigantic Army A clashing with Army B diorama where the leaders of the two armies are conversions utilizing the required bit; Fantastic idea!


Really? I think limiting the challenge to a single mini will yield better results.


I disagree. It would yield more control, but not affect results in the slightest. Besides, I'm not expecting anyone to do a massive diorama. At most, I'd be genuinely surprised to find someone submitting a 2 v 2 diorama. So why impose a limit that doesn't realistically apply?


I also don't think it's such a good idea that you are the one and only judge. Depending on the number of people involved, I'd suggest having at least three people on the jury to avoid that the decision is only based on personal preference.


Maybe contact some of the Moderating team? I know they are terribly busy people, but taking some time off to look at some cool minis shouldn't be too bad ^^


I'm not exactly known for my personal skills when it comes to asking someone else to do something for one of my ideas, nor am I on the mod teams good-list right now. Besides, I'm not expecting a particularly huge turn out. 15-20 entries top is my bet. If by some whim of the dark Gods there are like 50 entries, I'll figure something out. Of course I'm also not opposed to having someone else ask the Mods to judge for me.

Hello there!


I have started a topic in the Work in Progress area of the PC&A forum about a conversion challenge and quite a few people are interested in it.


I already came up with the rough guidelines of how it should work and we will start on Saturday, May 15th.


However, so far I am the only one who will judge. As I don't want my own personal preference to conflict with the judging process, I was wondering if you, or someone else of the PC&A moderating team would like to help me out with it. Having someone "official" on the team would also promote the event and more people will likely join.


I know you and everyone else on the moderating and administration team are busy people. But it would take a few minutes at the most to look through the pictures of the entries and decide on a winner together with me or whoever else will be judge.


I believe this challenge has much potential and could attract lots of interest from those board members that like to convert more than they like to paint.


Thank you for your time and all the great work you do to keep this forum running,

- Insert Name here -


Not so hard, was it? Something along the lines of this, forwarded to Brother Nihm / The Angelus Sanctus / Owlandmoonguy (all three very active on the PC&A boards) will surely get a response. I'm not going to send it to them for you though, because kindergarten was some time ago. :tu:


Moderators are people. They're not the internet police and they don't have a "good-list". I really don't want to offend you, but as I wrote above, I think this has much potential and I would really like to join in the fun.


Even if there are only five entries, the decision of who wins (even if there are no real prizes or anything) shouldn't be made by a single person.


If all else fails, I too, would be willing to forego my entry and also join the judging team.




i'll join the "if i don't enter, i'll be a judge if needed", but to be honest


1. i'd rather enter, provided real life doesn't get in the way


2. maybe i have too much faith in people, but i tend to think i'm mature enough to say "i like the model i made, but this one is better (and this one, and this one, and this one" - inevitably. surely other people could also (surely, we are all grown ups; after all?)


even if as a group we rounded it down to the top x amount and then a mod picked (or a member if the mods are busy)

Guys, don't worry about the judging. I have it covered. If you must know, I've got 5 extra people on-call to judge if needed. Now granted I didn't have a confirmation on 4 of them until 6am this morning, so I didn't know I had them last night. Just because I've have had a few knock-downs with the B&C mods doesn't mean I'm out of options. All of you who want to enter the challenge, enter it. I will handle the admin stuff of the challenge.


Ya know, there's got to be some genetic quirk in my DNA that prevents me from doing anything small and simple. There has to be.

Out of interest, who's picking the part? Is it you or you and the panel of 5? <_<


ya know, at this point I'm tempted to use an ancient method that has never never once failed me when selecting something important:


Each person suggests one part, I put pictures of the parts up on a dart board and toss a dart at 'em. Which ever part the dart hits, that's the one we'll use.


yep, still looking for that genetic code that enables me to do small projects....

You should've mentioned this a while ago as I would've entered my dreadnought :D


Considering I was thinking of making the challenge with the Lysander Body that would have been a really interesting dread.


My vote goes for Lysander's Body, I have been meaning to convert my Lysander for my Iron Hands army, so put that idea on your dart board ;). I occaisionally go on a wood elves forum which does regular conversion contests, they don't ask for a specific piece, but give a unit to represent, but I always find these sort of things great for motivation, so count me in.

I do agree with the people who are saying it should be a plastic bit, or one available to everyone. We should chose something from the plastic space marine commander box, and I'm sure if we said something like a special weapon (flamer, melta, plasma) out of the tactical box, we would get plenty of entries, pretty cool ones to.
Both Gabriel Seth and Cassius would be good models for this ^^

agree with seth, but not so much cassius, there's only so much you can do with and old screaming dude (although that sums most space marines)

Off with his head! :P

Both Gabriel Seth and Cassius would be good models for this ^^

agree with seth, but not so much cassius, there's only so much you can do with and old screaming dude (although that sums most space marines)

Off with his head! :Elite:



pah, you just want his gun


oh, and i've got one ;)

Okay, presently the following parts are on the dart board for possible selection as the required bit:


1) Lysander's body


2) Casius' body


3) Chronus' Torso




Any others you all want me to put on the board for consideration?


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