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Are we going to do another Ultra Meet?


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What size games are we looking at and will games be decided by each of us? ;)


The norm has been 1750, but people tend to bring lists which can be scaled up or down as needed. The games are always casual affairs. Some are arranged between peeps in advance but most just happen on the day dependant on who has finished their previous game and is free. These things tend to be my only real 40k gaming sessions these days, so I use it as a chance to play around with lists and test things out.

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Nope far side of Somerset but its only 1 1/4 hr drive.


Hey what part of Somerset you hail from? I originally came from Somerset.


You interested in attending then? I will put you down as tenative.


As for the size of games we play anything between 1500 and 1750 as the norm. I believe we pushed up the value to get more variety in, though there are still some die hards who prefer the 1500 game (Idaho Im looking at you).


As Cadarn suggests its not a serious weekend, though after last one I attended I am now banned from playing combat patrol missions because I took it too seriously. We try and get a bunch of games in against a variety of people, though there are usually grudge matches and prearranged battles due to one reason or another. For example everyone always wants to play GC08 and his "dirty dirty scouts!" because he bangs on about them so much ;)


Last time they arranged a big battle to close the event, though it all depends on numbers and availability whether we do this again. Still I will have at least one game of Fantasy against Cadarn so will have them on at least one of the days if people want to get a game in against my Vampire Counts.


Overall its just an excuse to meet people we dont see very often (or have not met before), push some soldiers around and roll some dice and pray that they dont come up with 1's all the time.

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Well from reading about previous ones they seem like great events and I am set on coming. I don't mind what size games people want to play, just curious so I'd know what case/bag I'd need to bring ;) I'm quite a nervous gamer against people I don't know as I always think I will do something wrong or forget a rule etc but I look forwards to playing some of you for a new challenge. What is your view on non painted miniatures? Currently most of my army is unpainted or base coated and that is going to change any time soon due to my current 40k goal. Thanks.
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Calgar - Well I dont think it has changed but we have always been accepting of unpainted minis, otherwise I would likely have been banned from the first event. I am a rubbish painted and demotivated to boot! Hell I organised a painting challenge between friends and was the first to pull out after painting double what I needed to the first month then losing interest in the second.


As for rules dont worry about it, a bunch of us are fairly knowledgable with the rules (I used to know about 95% of scenarios, even the weird ones) however its really relaxed. I have been out of 40K for about 6 months and I know that others dont play regularly so there will be a few numpty moments where we forget, hell even at my prime I still had mindlock moments and I used to be a tournament player.


I understand the worry when playing new people, some general advice is to talk over things at the start of the game and just keep an open and honest dialogue going. Most people will ask you to confirm a rule or two during the course of the game (should be less of a problem as we will mostly be playing Marines) but thats just normal run of the mill stuff. Just because someone asks to confirm something, doesnt mean they are accusing you of cheating. Hell I am known for challenging rules because I think people are playing them too weak sometimes, its not for my advantage.


Best example of why I do this comes from my clubs recent Fantasy tournament, one of the guys challenged his opponent over a rule telling the guy that he had a better save than he thought. The owner of the model said "Well if I am doing this wrong I have been doing so for 4 years". Turns out he had been doing it wrong for 4 years, he also said "Ive played this against so many people and across so many tournaments, I cant believe no-one ever told me". You would be surprised at the mistakes that get bedded in over the years and even more shocked that people who should know better often let you keep getting it wrong to their advantage.

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Before the first UM meet I had never played against anyone I didn't know. I was the same, and really nervous about it. I can tell you that a meet like this is the very best way to play against a bunch of different people who you have never met and see some very varied lists on the table. Although the focus is on power armour, you'd be surprised at the variety of the armies who show - from GC08's fifty billion Scouts to Thantoes who brought his Ultrawing list last time I saw him. I'll have the boys in blue and Eldar with me.


If you want to dip your toes into a wider gaming pool then I can assure you that this is the very best way, with a lovely group of people. There is no competitive atmosphere beyond wanting to crush the person who crushed you last (I'm looking at you, Waaanial!).

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I have the same problem Wan, my painting skills are rubbish at best! :P It never interested me and so I've largely ignored that side(bar the occasional under coating) and now my collection is pretty big, it is a daunting task I now have to paint all what I have. I buy more without painting what I already have, although from now(well a week or so ago) on I've told myself I must begin to paint. I am quite knowledgeable when it comes to the rules(especially marines, have the BA, Sm and SW codex's practically memorised.. I hope) but some of the more obscure rules(and other codex's) I'm unsure of or some times I forget ect. I am glad you guys are understanding and I do hope to gain a lot more experience. I look forwards to what you guys will have and facing your armies :P


Personally I was thinking about bringing my Death Company list due to it being quite hard and is only 35 models... However with Mephiston and 3 Land Raiders it can be considered quite cheesy but suffers from limited numbers at 2k points and lack of scoring units. I'll probably bring a selection of things so I can have lists from either SM, BA or SW. I wont be tailoring my lists so to speak for specific opponents but would people mind if one game I used SW and the next BA? It would be just for variety and having funs sake, no power gaming intended B)

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Fortunately I have most of my troupes painted and all of my tanks painted how ever I am working on a thunderhawk drop ship (half the size of a THGS) so points shouldn't be a problem.

As to nerves well......... I run the only (known) club in Bridgwater so nerves are not an issue for me.


Crimson Ultrawings? is this the same ones that were in the warseer logs?


as to 22/23jan I'll block out my diary for the 23 but busy on the 22nd

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Ah so you are from Bridgwater way then? I originally hail from Street.


You sir are more than welcome and I will put you on my confirmed list.


@Cadarn - Made me laugh quite a bit then, it was a bit of a one way battle. Still I think I caught you unprepared and a little flustered from your previous "encounter" so I think a rematch will sort out the balance (back in your favour that is).


Right I am going to leave this topic alone for a bit, unless of course my obsessive nature wont let me.

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Tomorrow when I can I will look for accommodation in Warminster, book a seat on National Express coach and work out bus times to Westbury from Warminster :)


If you find that its problematic getting busses between Warminster and Westbury just PM me and I will likely be able to pick you up. I know Warminster fairly well and as I am driving I should be able to organise myself to swing by the bus station and act as middle man.

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is there a decent place to stay near westbury?


I have genuinely no idea, the only thing I know about Westbury is that they have army training there. Your best bet is to contact Triple Helix direct, the people are very helpful and nice.


I have the day off tomorrow and I can do this for you if you would like?

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That would be great Wan as I had some trouble finding a bus service to Westbury from Warminster; gave me loads of other routes but not the one I wanted :P


I did a google search for accommodation and found a lot of expensive hotels but not many B&B's, if any one finds one and would like some one to share with to share the costs I wouldn't mind sharing ^_^

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Ok so Christmas shopping and visiting relatives kind of scuppered most of my attempts to contact Triple Helix (2 calls went unanswered so its not like I didnt try at all)


However I have had some information from the owner, there is apparently a Travelodge in Warminster, which if memory serves has a Little Chief attached that should actually be well placed to get to Westbury. Google says its about 3 miles away (practically spitting range) more details here


There is also a Cedar Hotel, which looks a bit swanky.


A look on Yell.com has turned up a guest house Here, which looks ok. Alternative options here


Not a massive amount of variety I am afraid.


Still there are some which is better than none.

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ive had some experience with travelodge, and although not great its a damn sight better than the 'railway' hotel we stayed at in notingham..


if anyone wants to double up on a single room, let me know.. it cuts down alot on expenses.. and 2.7 miles is taxi distance, so we can have a drink (im lookin at you idaho)

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just to make you aware, Wans search was for todays date.. if you put in januray 22nd it comes out cheaper (dunno why) a family room for 2 is £44 ish..

ill book in about 3 weeks once i get paid.. if anyone wants to team up they can pay me on the day (£22.. not bad for a room)

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