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Are we going to do another Ultra Meet?


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Why do we do it ? :lol: ;) <_<


my wife asks me that same question, especially once the money starts leaving the account..

hotel, fuel, food.. it all adds up..

just means i have to keep her sweet, but its also the reason im limited to 4 or 5 events a year

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I know that I do it for the love of playing and meeting new people.


Thankfully it is only about an hours drive from mine, so it isnt so bad this time.


We will be able to get in from 10am as expected. If anyone cant find me, ask around for the Muppet Tables or for Dan Cave. Or alternatively just take a look around for the Ultramarine models and you will likely find us ;)

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so I just ask for the mad muppet in the Ultramarine t-shirt? :) :) :devil:


yup, that sounds about right


I am indeed the oddity organising an ultrameet and taking crimson fists.

Ah your an ultra player at heart, just like GAZ and his white ultramarines

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Ah your an ultra player at heart, just like GAZ and his white ultramarines


Army of Apothecaries...


Is anyone else a little concerned about taking on Thantoes in the last Ultras meet before he leaves now that he has the benefits of the Deathwing on the FAQ?

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Ah your an ultra player at heart, just like GAZ and his white ultramarines


Army of Apothecaries...


Is anyone else a little concerned about taking on Thantoes in the last Ultras meet before he leaves now that he has the benefits of the Deathwing on the FAQ?




Not sure anyone should be. The new rules dont change much with my army. In fact I am sad to see my old Smoke and POTMS go away. Undecided about the new Apothocary rule.


Also, people should know me well enough to know that I am not going to throw in 15 TH/SS termies to powergame. I may chuck in 1 or 2 for taste though. Heck, I dont even have any with a CML though also may throw in one or two.


In fact the one thing I reaaaaallllllyyyyy wish they had changed would have been to give Belial a 4++ invuln. Oh well, spent too much time converting my Agemman (aka Belial) model to now give him a TH/SS.

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Hey guys. Sorry I've been awol for a while. Real life and square bases have been getting in the way of the shooty shooty goodness.


You know what else gets in the way? Friends. Especially when they decide to get married ON THE WEEKEND WHEN YOU WERE PLANNING TO GO GAMING! Granted, they had booked their day long before this, but what do they expect? That I check a calendar? Like.... more than once? I have a wife for that.


Well, said wife was kind enough to point out that I'm a moron and that I've double booked. Again. So it looks like I'll be a no show this weekend, sorry chaps, and sorry Wan as I was looking forward to some fantasy action.

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Thats ok Cadarn, I have done stuff like that far too many times for me to get annoyed when others do it.


It will be a shame not to play you, however it does mean that I wont have to build another regiment of Ghouls for Saturday just so I have enough core.


Oh well at least that means one less case to take for the weekend.

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I have finally got around to building some lists for the weekend. All the usual suspects are in:


- No power fists in any of the tacticals

- No transport for my assault terminators

- Extra armour on my TL Lascannon Dreadnought


Thats right, going fluffy(ish) in an attempt to play fun games. Oh and I am taking my thunderfire and a dakka pred, I will be keeping score and seeing how both do. I have a feeling that I will still prefer my Thunderfire.

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Oh and I am taking my thunderfire and a dakka pred, I will be keeping score and seeing how both do. I have a feeling that I will still prefer my Thunderfire.


t-fires are wonderful, mine havent died on the last three games ive played with them

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See I used to say that and nobody believed me. Mind you I havent actually fielded it in about a year ;)


Seems like quite a low turnout this time around. I dont even think I can rustle any of the Muppet regulars. Oh well, there will be games played and thats the main thing.

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yeah fun isnt limited by the number of bods.. just means we all get to play each other.

i alway look forward to these things, gives me a chance to play against new people or against peoplem i havent seen in a while but trust to be good opponents.


in the age where pick up games carries a riskof playing a douche, its nice to go and spend a weekend with lads you have alot in common with.

im gunn a stop here before people start playing thier tiny violins.

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yeah fun isnt limited by the number of bods.. just means we all get to play each other.

i alway look forward to these things, gives me a chance to play against new people or against peoplem i havent seen in a while but trust to be good opponents.


in the age where pick up games carries a riskof playing a douche, its nice to go and spend a weekend with lads you have alot in common with.

im gunn a stop here before people start playing thier tiny violins.


What times are you gaming on the Sat and Sunday? Are you meeting Basingstoke or something?

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Next meet will be 22/23rd January at Triple Helix in Westbury


its about an hour(ish) from basingstoke IIRC..

if your in the area come down for a game :D


we are looking at june for the nottingham meet and august for the next kthulu


if anyone wants my contact number for this weekend, send me a pm, ive got a new mobile number.

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Its approx 1 hour West of Basingstoke in a place called Westbury. Place is apparently quite decent. Meeting will probably be between 10 and 6 on both days.


I will be there with my 1750 Marine army and 1250 of Daemons (well mostly Daemons with some stand ins) willing to play anyone.


I have invited a couple of my club members but I havent heard back from them yet.

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I have returned my pretties, ready to rend and destroy. In fact I am so keen that even though my wife said I could come this weekend if I wanted to, after not seeing her for a month I am still not coming.


I mean I love the game but I love my gibblets more ;)

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To whomever said they would play me first.


I'll be a bit late (around 10:30). Just thought It be polite to let you know.


Just checked and apparently thats me :lol: Dont worry I will probably be introducing everyone to everyone for the first 30 minutes as I have 2 of my Club mates coming (one of which is a big Ultra fan) and I probably know most of the people who will be attending.


Generally the first 40 - 50 minutes is people yapping and sorting out games anyway :D

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Ive decided that 1250 is a horrible size for a Daemon force so I have worked out a 1500 one, bunch of stand ins but should be sufficient (if a little crazy)


stand ins are fine by me mate, your amongst friends so i doubt anyone will give you any heat becuase of it.

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