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Are we going to do another Ultra Meet?


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Down to just 6 as Idaho has had to unfortunatly pull out.


bugger, im missing my first opponent.. i wonder if me and idaho will ever get our game? its been on the cards for 2 years :D


I will do my best to try and get there Sunday, but the wife and kids have been a little under the weather so I wont push my luck at home. Anyway, will let you know if I can finally make it.

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Down to just 6 as Idaho has had to unfortunatly pull out.


bugger, im missing my first opponent.. i wonder if me and idaho will ever get our game? its been on the cards for 2 years :(


I will do my best to try and get there Sunday, but the wife and kids have been a little under the weather so I wont push my luck at home. Anyway, will let you know if I can finally make it.


Similar concerns to myself are also keeping me from attending. That's twice in a row now, I feel so unreliable to you guys. Oh no, I've become Uriel Ventris!


Don't worry I will endevour to make amends in the not to distant future (after my death oath) and I will take on those Scouts of greatcrusade08's.

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I will take on those Scouts of greatcrusade08's.


i look forward to it, seriously it will be good to play someone of your calibre.


anyhoo everyone ready for tomorrow, ive got a long journey so fuel, oil and water checked.. AA card in my car, credit on my mobile, food for the journey...

i think im ready

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Good to know waaanial00, Hopefully I'll be quicker but there are far too many OAP's and tractors on my route and I do hope for ultramars sake my **** satnav will work before I get to frome



What happened? We didnt see you all day.


Did you ditch on the idea or were you only coming on Sunday.


Sorry to GC and Alloyslayer for having to dash home early.

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Just got home, was the best part of a 4 hour drive back, ruddy london traffic on the M25 grrr!


Anyway thanks guys, despite losing to all 3 of you I did enjoy my self.


we do like to give the new guys a proper welcome to the group... :)


a great time was had by all, it was a little unfortunate that only a few of us turned up, but these things happen.. we made a day of it regardless..

Wans daemons are a very good army, and Alloyslayer finally got his win against me on day one... got my own back today though :P

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Yeah apologies all round, well apart from Storm Bringer, as I barely opened my Marine case instead forcing people to play against my barely started Daemon army.


I believe I am now up to nemsis status against Alloyslayer, dont know why but I generally cancel all his luck and replace it with bad whenever we play. In none of the 3 games we have had to date have I won by anything other than luck.


Should have really played marines against AJB2K3, its confusing enough if you dont play 40K regularly. To throw daemons down at him as well must have been very confusing.


Still was nice to see those that turned up. I wont be able to make it to Nottingham for the next meet, which is a big shame. However I have to say that the gaming centre in Westbury, whilst not exactly close for everyone, is a decent haunt. I will definitely be trying to get a few tournaments and special events run there in the future.

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Still was nice to see those that turned up. I wont be able to make it to Nottingham for the next meet, which is a big shame. However I have to say that the gaming centre in Westbury, whilst not exactly close for everyone, is a decent haunt. I will definitely be trying to get a few tournaments and special events run there in the future.


definately, Steve the guy who runs the place is a really nice guy.. if it was closer id arrange more games there.

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yeah, next time gadget... next time!


we had some good match ups, whenever i get first turn against someone who hasnt faced me before i generally wipe them out in <3 turns.. most of the 'fun' games have been where i started 2nd.. or Wans daemons which were difficult to face.


i did manage to drop one of my thunderfire cannons, although thankfully it broke into its consituant parts which meant it was an easy repair, gave people a good view on how i built it :o


and my scouts are still scraping bits of lyasnder off thier boots

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i did manage to drop one of my thunderfire cannons, although thankfully it broke into its consituant parts which meant it was an easy repair, gave people a good view on how i built it :)


I did say you should have taken photos and posted it up as a step by step. Ironically earlier we were discussing the fact that neither of us wanted another Thunderfire because of how much blood it takes in order to build the model, fast forward an hour or two and GC had to rebuild his.

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Yeah apologies all round, well apart from Storm Bringer, as I barely opened my Marine case instead forcing people to play against my barely started Daemon army.


I believe I am now up to nemsis status against Alloyslayer, dont know why but I generally cancel all his luck and replace it with bad whenever we play. In none of the 3 games we have had to date have I won by anything other than luck.


Should have really played marines against AJB2K3, its confusing enough if you dont play 40K regularly. To throw daemons down at him as well must have been very confusing.


Still was nice to see those that turned up. I wont be able to make it to Nottingham for the next meet, which is a big shame. However I have to say that the gaming centre in Westbury, whilst not exactly close for everyone, is a decent haunt. I will definitely be trying to get a few tournaments and special events run there in the future.


Nice to see you guys again, even if it was only briefly. A tidy venue and not too far for me (about an hour or so), so will definietly visit again if other events are happening there.


Will keep a look out for your June UM event and hope to dig out my nids by then, so we can have some fluffy tyrannic wars games!

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sounds good, i sent an email off this morning to Lise from the events office.. im hoping rumours arent true and they wont ask for huge amounts of money to play there..

ive only asked for 8 tables this time as previous history has shown despite plenty of sign ups, numbers are always smaller than we would like


edit: id like to play your SW at some point

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im hoping rumours arent true and they wont ask for huge amounts of money to play there..


See the following thread - Click me


I dont know if our event would constitute the sorts of admin costs but you never know. Either way its probably good enough to investigate the alternative gaming halls.


Hell my eventual plans for my Daemon army is that most of the big beasties will be non GW stock. Something I wouldnt be able to take to WHW. Not that I will be attending the next one that is but still.


You never know it might even be better going somewhere else. Been to WHW 3 times now and still havent seen the model museum, cant say it ruined my gaming weekend though

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as it turns out you probably dont have to pay for hall rental unless your booking the whole hall.. this is my reply from Lise.


Hallo Matt,


Nice to know that you guys want to join us again this year.


At the moment the 4th and 5th of June is just one of our open gaming weekends, so there shouldn’t be any issue booking a small group such as yourselves in.


I’ll let the guys know about your email and one of them should be in touch soon to fill out a booking form.





so if everyone is happy with the 4th and 5th i can get the ball rolling with the events guys.

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Oh dear I feel so guilty :)

I owe both great, wan and matt a cup of tea as I was the only one of us who errr forgot to buy a round!

As to step buy step photo's - as you gave me official authorisation to steal you design I may have a go at that ! :P


just got the camera to the laptop so pics still forthcoming.

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sounds good, i sent an email off this morning to Lise from the events office.. im hoping rumours arent true and they wont ask for huge amounts of money to play there..

ive only asked for 8 tables this time as previous history has shown despite plenty of sign ups, numbers are always smaller than we would like


edit: id like to play your SW at some point


Yeah, shame I ran out of time this last weekend as I think it would be a really interesting match up. Not sure whether I can bring both SW and Nids to June event but will see what I can sort nearer the time!

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