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Glory and Hate! A Marines Malevolent Project


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loving your new sternguard sarge brother :)


the termies right leg strikes me as odd though, i think his right foot/shin is positioned too far inwards (hope i'm making sense here)


nonetheless i'm curious what your up to next...

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For my Black Dragons force Im toying with the idea to add a Marines Malevolent helmet to a pole on either a character or Rhino APC :) As a suggestion you could maybe add various helmets to one of your characters/vehicles too, similar to the MM's in the novel Salamander. (Though I wouldnt take to kindly if you did actually have a Black Dragons helmet lol :D)


- EgoDraconumNigrorum

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Actually, if you go back through my army, quite a few guys have SM helms hanging from them.

Just had a quick little look through the earlier pages of your models, yup your right theres helmet trophies lol, very cool.



Still, I got something for your band of Misfits.... right after I get my revenge on Biohazard... :)

Bring it on....!! :D


- EgoDraconumNigrorum

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