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Glory and Hate! A Marines Malevolent Project


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@Syth: The mag comes from a CSM bolt pistol. ^_^

@Overdrive: Wow, thanks man! I'm a huge fan of yor Uber-Giant Termie you've been building, great job on that! lol.

@Olis: Please do man! Thanks for the compliments!

@Kol_Saresk: Thanks man, glad you like 'em!


Edit: The squad ain't done yet, and they'll be led by a Vet. Sgt. Haas conversion of epic proportions (as soon as my damn FW order comes in, lol.), and something else nobody who's been following my thread for a while would ever expect from me... :lol:

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Latest additions are looking great brother. I love the way you take the Chaos parts and blend them seamlessly with the Imperial to create great looking marines and then kick 7 shades out of them with the paint :lol: Great stuff and a unique characterful army. I always look forward to your updates..........mainly to see what ideas I can 'borrow' ^_^
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Pfft, I have my old lever action .45, bu I need something to put the Fear of Me into my daughter's boyfriends...I'm thinking a Barrett... :lol:


BTW, every damn time I play Super Metroid now, all I can think about is your damn avatar...

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Sadly, no. One of the joys of living in an American state full of wild animals that want to kill you, is that everybody is packing some serious heat. Shotties are a dime a dozen 'round here. I saw a 65 year old lady at the gas station yesterday who had a short nose .357 chilling in her holster, and a Mossberg hanging from the gunrack in her truck. In Alaska, you gotta go big to impress... plus, .50 cal rifles aren't too hard to buy around here, with bear hunting and all that. :lol:
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I really do like the Scholar-Brother .. liked him before paint but now he looks awesome.. Having his arms up higher makes him really have the feeling he's walking up and spraying some lead..


Cool .. the clean BT will really stand out for sure.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Amongst most Chapters, service to the Deathwatch is considered a great honour; a willing sacrifice for the Imperium. Amongst the Marines Malevolent though, such service is considered a neccessary risk. There is much to lose while working so closely to the Inquisition, considering the multitude of secrets the Malevolent's keep, but the rewards are great as well. Service will blur the secrets, and create the illusion to the Imperium's highest echleons that the Chapter is no different than any other, even though the opposite is true. In this way, the Demi-Legio is able to show one face to the greater Imperium, while staying true to their own beliefs. Failure to keep such beliefs from becoming knowledge to the Inquisition would inevitably lead to the Excommunication and Annihilation of the Chapter.

Brothers selected for service must be much more than excellent warriors. They must be canny and clever as well, two traits which are rare within a Demi-Legio solely devoted to total warfare. Marines who are selected by the Lord Commander and High Chaplain are usually being watched closely already for command potential. On a personal level, Astartes chosen know such august eyes are upon them, and survival and return to the chapter may very well lead them to a leadership role. Also, any brother of the Demi-Legio would give much to be able to return with the best equipment the Deathwatch can offer, given their current supply issues. Of course, death would quickly put an end to these aspiritions....



Brother Reese recently returned from the Deathwatch, with a total service of 25 years, Terran standard. Already a rogue amongst a Legion of rebels, Reese's quick wit and sarcastic remarks have left him few friends, but his intelligence and fast thought reaction time could not be ignored by his superiors. It was assumed that being sent to the Deathwatch would help mould him into a more balanced warrior, and level his humours, but instead Reese returned with a worse attitude than before, though it was grudginly admitted that his tactical capabilities and lethal potential had increased tenfold. Reese returned to a non-existant Centuria, the VI having been wiped out nearly ten years past. Hero-Captain Anicetius of the IV agreed to accept Reese into his ranks, and amazingly he has adapted well to the black humour and fast-paced combat missions of the Poisoned. Reese's greatest prize, besides his new Mk. VIII warplate (a rarity within the Malevolents), is his heavily modified and stripped down Mercury-Pattern Heavy Bolter. Designed to be fired from the shoulder while at a steady run with 90% accuracy, Reese's Heavy Bolter is a miracle of design, a weapon that could only be supplied by the Inquisition. Due to this, Reese spends every spare second caring for his weapon, knowing that no replacement will ever be forthcoming.

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@Grotsmasha: I...hadn't even noticed that, lol. That's awesome!


@Paladin: Yes sir. I can't claim it as an original idea, it was first thought up by a guy named Apologist, over on Warseer ( Link to his badass pre-heresy thread on Warseer ). I think he has an account here too. It was too cool an idea to pass up, and it works well with this squad having 'Relentless'.


@Lokkorex: Yep. He'll still be a bit filthy, but only slight chipping.

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It is a brilliant idea for an HB, that's for a fact - though I think on reflection I like the neat touch of a goatee the best - or is he sticking his tongue out? ;)


'Nyah-nyah, nyah-nyah. I got a big gun, you haven't - you gonna die.'


Question - does every squad in the MM have a scholar brother?

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