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Its good Ace didn't write me in as a member of the Ordo Xenos kill team, as my hope for temporary employment/ assignment into the Ordo Malleus kill team would have been denied. I'm more inclined to rip apart the greater daemon typo varients.

Part 2-


As the power-amplified bowling bowl bounced off the error’s crusted head, knocking it down upon the other typos, and texters. The Typo’s fall crushed the squabbling texters with its bulk. That signaled the attack, as the Astarte’s charged in. The RAW known as Deathknight2K leaped forward igniting his jump pack and flying forward into the masses of typos, and DP’s. His claw cutting swaths of Typo’s and sending their warp spawn bodies back to the abyss. Deathknight2K un- holstered his firearm spinning the lever and engaging the firing primer pin. The double barreled mini Melta’s thermal chamber glowed ready to fire. He snapped off two shot vaporizing two near-by errors; shooting ashen grease upon the others not affected by the intense heat.

RAW ripped, stabbed, and blasted his way into the horde of daemon things.


Spinning full turn he stepped and slipped on a slimy text called a BRB, Raw yelled out, “oh +Deleted+”. He flew up into the air falling onto the ground. As his senses regained he looked up to see a front barrel of an ornate Meltagun. One of the Moderati at the end of the weapon gleamed down with a stern look. The Moderator casted out from his vox, “You know the rules, one more warning”. RAW nodded in agreement. The moderator strode away firing his Meltagun at the Typos foolish enough to come into his path. RAW thought to himself even in this melee a Moderators job is never done.


His servo motors groaned out load as he began pulling himself up. RAW scanned the room fights in every corner broke out Astarte’s everywhere were battling these errors. Scans picked up a huge mass moving his way, and fast. He ignited his jump pack shooting straight up. He looked downward to see a huge Greater Typo wreaking havoc in his same last location. As he remembered this is that part in his Liber article that must have angered people when he tried to mash the Vampire Counts with 40K. Angered by this atrocity he flew downward straight at the lumbering beast, and Ground Pounded right into it with his claw extended out. He became a mighty missile of vengeance the red armored streak slammed into the error drilling into the beast, and smashing into the ground a great dust engulfed the area. The beast laid down low, the RAW now dripping full of grim, dust, and guts stood up. The errors began to thin out, everyone looked around and the Flamer teams entered to sweep the area. They all knew this wouldn’t be the last. As more, and more Libers are being written every day.

Jump Pack? In the hands of a Liberite? Especially me? This can't end well haha, those things are so hard to steer! I hope those Blood Angels don't mind anything smashed.


A+ for writing Ace, as always you never fail to impress! That said, it is the Liber and I am required to provide C&C (Sorry, I don't want to, but it's part of the Liber Charter, if I don't then I get the beating). The actual command model for Brother-Sergeant Shinzaren wields a long power glaive :lol: Unfortunately, the Liber Board of Combative Action Rules clearly state no power weapons may be used, so I have never had cause to describe it before :) When hunting daemons though, I will certainly be bringing it along :) Combine my polearm with my jump pack and I can only imagine the chaos to follow! I fully approve of this!


Well done Ace :lol:

  Shinzaren said:
Combine my polearm with my jump pack...


See, I read that and my brain went in to a mode of thinking to literally combine the glaive and jump pack.


But this may be because I was waiting for pizza.

  Captain Juan Juarez said:
  Shinzaren said:
Combine my polearm with my jump pack...


See, I read that and my brain went in to a mode of thinking to literally combine the glaive and jump pack.










It would turn me into some sort of BLADED MISSILE!

  Jonas Stromclaw said:
Ace, you've captured the essence of Arez and Forte perfectly. Brilliant work.


Warhorse, awesome job as always. And postal better bring York back in one piece, unless he wants to volunteer for mine-clearing duty :P

Ha ha I think he's held back with us. At least three fights would have broken out between us so far :blink: loving it Ace.


Warhorse...what can I say. Quality as always and I'll be reading up on the back story as somehow I managed to miss it.

  Jonas Stromclaw said:
Ace, you've captured the essence of Arez and Forte perfectly. Brilliant work.


Warhorse, awesome job as always. And postal better bring York back in one piece, unless he wants to volunteer for mine-clearing duty :P


oh don't worry i will bring your puppy home in one peace or die trying

  • 2 weeks later...
  DeathKnight2000 said:
I miss this thread my days are dull now because the hunt in the hall of the Liber has died down... :cry:


I'm up to my neck in reality. :sweat:

We'll see what the next few days bring with regards to free time, but I can't make any promises.

  Ace Debonair said:
  DeathKnight2000 said:
I miss this thread my days are dull now because the hunt in the hall of the Liber has died down... :cry:


I'm up to my neck in reality. :sweat:

We'll see what the next few days bring with regards to free time, but I can't make any promises.


Same here :(


I had planned on doing a "serious" entry, but I'm not sure how well that would go down to be honest! :lol:

  Aquilanus said:
  Ace Debonair said:
  DeathKnight2000 said:
I miss this thread my days are dull now because the hunt in the hall of the Liber has died down... :(


I'm up to my neck in reality. :lol:

We'll see what the next few days bring with regards to free time, but I can't make any promises.


Same here :(


I had planned on doing a "serious" entry, but I'm not sure how well that would go down to be honest! :cry:

you could always make one seriously... funny, and that would be ok. :P

I'm not much of a writer as seen in my IA, and my miniscule amount of add in material on this thread. But its good times, and slight humor makes me re-read it over from start to finish just to smile from my harsh day at work. :sweat:

  Aquilanus said:
  Ace Debonair said:
  DeathKnight2000 said:
I miss this thread my days are dull now because the hunt in the hall of the Liber has died down... :cry:


I'm up to my neck in reality. :tu:

We'll see what the next few days bring with regards to free time, but I can't make any promises.


Same here :(


I had planned on doing a "serious" entry, but I'm not sure how well that would go down to be honest! :lol:

Hey, I did it and no-one died :P

Both my entries were somewhat serious and they did just fine :HQ: Heck, one did so well that the thread is still going 17 pages later :P The fun and silly entries are a great way to burn stress and have a good time, but the serious minded ones are equally enjoyable. Both will treated with open minds and good attitudes, so don't be discouraged from writing anything in that vein. Just write whatever springs to your mind and inspires you. This is supposed to be a free thread anyone, so be free!

As the sound of the Chimera that was chasing them grew closer, Heru and Postal continued to try to catch up with York. The crashing sounds of expensive decorations punctuated the screams of the Sisters and the Crier as the transport roared after them. Coming into a larger room, Postal let out a cheer at the sight of a highly polished Razorback waiting for them with it's hatch open. The driver put his fingers in his moth and cut loose with an ear splitting whistle that had caused him to be threatened many times in the Fang. As Heru and Postal jumped into the Razor, the driver got strapped in and an old warrior on top yelled, "Here York, TREATS!" The pup came racing back and as he neared the Gray hunter tossed the treat into the open hatch! York never slowed down, just altered course and slammed into the open hatch, which then slammed shut as Schertenlieb hit the accelerator of the supercharged Razorback.


"Heru, you still under there?"

"Just a minute lad, ah that's better." muttered Heru as he wriggled out from under York. Tilting his helm back, he now grinned at Postal, "Got me flail back while he was having his treat." As Postal reattached the chain, Heru scratched the big wolf under the chin.


Meanwhile outside the Chimera was not giving up in it's pursuit. "Horse, you and Jester ready?" Decoy called over the vox. "Yup, just give us the word."

Okay we will be there in about 5 seconds, be ready."

Ripping around a tight turn, Schert gave Decoy a signal, who then called out "Okay, NOW!" The rumble of a powerful engine announced a Land raider with a keg of ale on top pulling across the hallway behind the racing Razorback, cutting them off from the Chimera. Traveling too quickly to stop in time the Chimera angled off the Raider, sliding through a three story tall stained glass window. A shattering crash was heard, then silence except for the rumble of Daniel's engine. "Lucky it was only a one story drop." observed Warhorse.


Later, in the Wolf's Lair, Heru leaned back and observed, "Aye, you lads do have good ale here, it does taste a little better after a chase like that than caf would have." Postal and Jonas could be heard arguing with one of the Liber's representative over who was responsible for the broken chain and damage caused by York, who was gnawing on a giant bone. Suddenly Ragnarok's voice was heard in a basso roar "WHAT DID YOU IDIOTS DO TO MY LAND RAIDER?"

  Warhorse47 said:
.... just altered course and slammed into the open hatch, which then slammed shut as Schertenlieb hit the accelerator of the supercharged Razorback....

All I can picture is a fully blown Razorback with a air intake in the front, with racing stripes, mag wheels, and a custom flame job on the sides. With a licence plate saying HOG-ROD.

  DeathKnight2000 said:
  Warhorse47 said:
.... just altered course and slammed into the open hatch, which then slammed shut as Schertenlieb hit the accelerator of the supercharged Razorback....

All I can picture is a fully blown Razorback with a air intake in the front, with racing stripes, mag wheels, and a custom flame job on the sides. With a licence plate saying HOG-ROD.

ROTFL! Thanks for the mental picture, but don't give Schertenlieb any more ideas!

  Warhorse47 said:
  DeathKnight2000 said:
  Warhorse47 said:
.... just altered course and slammed into the open hatch, which then slammed shut as Schertenlieb hit the accelerator of the supercharged Razorback....

All I can picture is a fully blown Razorback with a air intake in the front, with racing stripes, mag wheels, and a custom flame job on the sides. With a licence plate saying HOG-ROD.

ROTFL! Thanks for the mental picture, but don't give Schertenlieb any more ideas!

Like he needs them

  DeathKnight2000 said:
  Warhorse47 said:
.... just altered course and slammed into the open hatch, which then slammed shut as Schertenlieb hit the accelerator of the supercharged Razorback....

All I can picture is a fully blown Razorback with a air intake in the front, with racing stripes, mag wheels, and a custom flame job on the sides. With a licence plate saying HOG-ROD.

Its name is actually "Schert's Scooter" but aside from that you got it about right.


Nice story Warhorse, does this mean that the Tales may make a return?

Just so everyone knows, I'm not dead yet.


Though moving house has taken place a few times since I last posted, though that's old news now, though I digress.


This thread has gone bloody crackers.



And I love it.


Too bad I've disappeared, but I'm not surprised given my lack activity for, well, forever.


This is pure insanity. Got to love everyone who's posted story so far. Ace you never fail to make me split my sides with laughter.


What a mad board this is, and what a wonderful place to be in, even if it is one post every six months.

  Grey Hunter Ydalir said:
Just so everyone knows, I'm not dead yet.


Though moving house has taken place a few times since I last posted, though that's old news now, though I digress.


This thread has gone bloody crackers.



And I love it.


Too bad I've disappeared, but I'm not surprised given my lack activity for, well, forever.


This is pure insanity. Got to love everyone who's posted story so far. Ace you never fail to make me split my sides with laughter.


What a mad board this is, and what a wonderful place to be in, even if it is one post every six months.

Ydalir! Welcome back! :P

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