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You know you're a Black Templar when....


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Any particular reason why bingo, may I ask?


Brother, you are unfamiliar with the heretical cult of BINGO?


These are not just the idle tales and gossip of old women. Have you not witnessed the unholy passion evoked in the name of BINGO? The swaying and waving of arms, futile attempts to win favor with the cult Magus, he who continuously calls out the blasphemous numerology of Tzeench, the Lord of Chance? Have you not experienced the horrific transformation of what would normally be considered a loyal citizen, into a raving beast released to the stage to claim its unholy reward? <revulsion>


Burn. Them. All!

Thankfully I live in a country purged of bingo. For me bingo is something you see on the holonet, IGNORANCE IS LOYALTY!

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And then properly expiate that shame by putting it right back where it belongs on the first page.


Simultaneously, you launch a witch hunting crusade to purge the vile influences obviously behind such a laxity.


Additionally all the extra battle brothers that our crusades have enable us to also continue conquering new and glorious worlds for his divine imperial holiness. Cause more angry Templars marines are much better than any silly author could have envisioned by limiting such a glorious thing as a space marine host to a mear thousand battle brothers.

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when you turn 1 charge 10 inches out of a LRC the enemy 10 man terminator tactical squad lead by a terminator librarian with your 6 th/ss terminators lightening claw Sargent and terminator chaplain. Kill the librarian in the challenge with 3 rending attacks from the chaplain and take no casualties in the process because you make all your invo saves. All the while his entire tactical squad dies a terrible horrible death.


that will teach that imp fist player who the true sons of Dorn are.

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When you still assault with space marines, and it's 6th edition.

When it's not a question of IF you have close combat Marines, but how many.


When playing any game system or army the first thing you add is assault forces, even if none exist in the game you find a way to make assault forces. Bonus points if you can paint them black and give them crosses.

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When you still assault with space marines, and it's 6th edition.


I do that with my Space Marines of Chaos.


And my army has the RAI version of Accept any Challenge, no matter the odds.  Even if it's a Wraith Lord or Hive Tyrant and the rest of my terminators MIGHT have been able to kill it-I have to challenge.


My Red Corsairs are more Black Templars than they are Red Corsairs :/

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...When an Astartes Player show you his painted models, ask you how you feel it and you answer: "There is lake of Black." "And Lake of White." "And also where is the Cross?" Edited by Zyth23
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...when you think of a 2'000pts list, and your first choice is: Two full sized crusader+neophyts squad for CC with LRC assigned.


...when you need a third HQ to be your warlord, as your two Chaplains are already assigned to two full sized crusader+neophyts squad.


...when you miss the day where the Emperor's Champion was a slot-free HQ.


...when you think about the new cod...HERESY ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! *take the flamer and burn everything arround*

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