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You know you are Black Templar when you read this thread all the way through in one sitting (including a "sitting" in the throne room) and seriously consider where you went wrong in your army choice.


This is the most epic thread ever on these forums. I feel like I am home. :D



  Th!rdeye said:
  Sword Brethren Jagner said:
@Solid Havoc - You know your a Templar when you still buy the nerf pistol and sword your kids despite them wanting to be part of a gunline :P




Cause I haven't inspired it until now, brother! ;)

  Sword Brethren Jagner said:
  Th!rdeye said:
  Sword Brethren Jagner said:
@Solid Havoc - You know your a Templar when you still buy the nerf pistol and sword your kids despite them wanting to be part of a gunline :tu:




Cause I haven't inspired it until now, brother! ;)


Jagner...I Salute you

Indeed. You propably chose an army with an updated codex. Not realising the codex itself is a test.


Nah, I'm not one of those codex of the month fan boys, I've only ever played C:SM, primarily because I play an all drop pod/tac/term/dread army based on some of the earlier WD Black Templar battle reports (remember the Sprange BT fail at getting the Ghazkhull wannabe?), so I've been playing BT-lite all my marine life.


I even have the BT codex.


Just never played BTs before.


I am not worthy...yet.

You know you're a Black Templar when you walk into a "Which 'wich" sandwich shop (US), and exclaim "Suffer not the witch to live" and then wolf down your tuna on wheat with avocado sandwich...only to hear from another customer, it's "Abhor the witch, Destroy the witch".


So really, it was a BT fail. I should read the codex a few more times, methinks.

You know you're a Black Templar (or perhaps just a bad 40K player) when you come up against a Genestealer/Slugga/Khorne Beserker army, and you just can't can't wait to assault them right in their filthy faces.


Rapid Fire:


You know you're a Black Templar when despite fielding several very shaman/mage-heavy armies in WFB, you are still yet to even consider fielding a psyker in any of your Marine/40K armies.


Oh and I got more.


You've decided certain dice are under the influence of chaos and banished them from your battle, and into the corner of the shop floor with one, really hard throw


You have two whole sets of dice, but still have to roll the entire set three times each just for your 'to hit' rolls for a single troop squad, in a single turn of assault.


You're genuinely surprised when (as an inexperienced neophyte) you're told that Space Marines are a generally more firepower orientated army


You get genuinely mad seeing other chapters fielding LRCs (I really did, it's kinda hard to get mad at myself for fielding them in my DA company though xD)


When you were in school, and still a true BT, the renaming of the Library to the 'Learning Resource Center' didn't mean much, until you realised that it was going to constantly be referred to as the 'LRC' and from then on, you no longer 'walked in' or 'walked out' of the Learning Resource Center, you embarked and disembarked the Learning Resource Centre


You almost miss the days when, black primer and 10 minutes (for the Shoulder pads and any metallics) was all it took for an entire squad to count as 'painted'


You've taught countless people exactly why the Maltese cross isn't a Nazi icon.

You then thought 'bugger it' and when on to explain that the Iron cross far, far outdates the Nazis and shouldn't be used as/mistaken for a racist symbol.

Edited by Tengo
  Tengo said:
You get genuinely mad seeing other chapters fielding LRCs (I really did, it's kinda hard to get mad at myself for fielding them in my DA company though xD)


You've taught countless people exactly why the Maltese cross isn't a Nazi icon.

You then thought 'bugger it' and when on to explain that the Iron cross far, far outdates the Nazis and shouldn't be used as/mistaken for a racist symbol.


I keep getting mad at my friends for the first and explained the second to my mom three times... :lol:


You know you're a Black Templar when you don't wash dishes... You purify them. And broken plates are just beyond redemption.

Edited by Sushichef
  Mr.Havoc said:
  Sword Brethren Jagner said:
  Solid Havoc said:
Awwww dad, please, please, please! I will be good! I can throw SOO much more firepower on enemies with HB! I promise I will hit with 75% efficiency!


Fine you win

My god where were these toys when I was a kid!!

I had the Star Trek disc shooting "phaser" that is now disallowed because it might hurt someone. Oh, about the same age you could handle that Nerf, I had a BB gun, having outgrown the disc shooter.

Of course, I can speak about one of those because I currently have one that is waiting for me to get some plasticard and turn it into a heavy bolter. I'm going to wait until I get some armor first though.

You know you're a Black Templar when.....


....While reading Helsreach on your Auspex (Iphone), you keep it on 'night reading' mode so the text is white on a black background, not black on a white background, even during the day.

You know your a Black Templar when...


- You recite your chose Vow when setting up.


- When someone tries to tell you how awesome other armies are and all you can hear in your head is "Burn the Witch, Kill the Heretic, Hunt the Xeno"


- Even though there are several ways to play a BT in Deathwatch you always end up playing an Assault Marine charging into combat, power sword raised screaming praise to the Emperor.

You know your a Black Templar when...


- You recite your chose Vow when setting up.


- When someone tries to tell you how awesome other armies are and all you can hear in your head is "Burn the Witch, Kill the Heretic, Hunt the Xeno"


- Even though there are several ways to play a BT in Deathwatch you always end up playing an Assault Marine charging into combat, power sword raised screaming praise to the Emperor.

You know you’re a Black Templar when...


… you laugh hysterically when you launch your 90 marines against a horde of Tyranids in open field, dropping your bolters and turning on your chainswords.


... you dismiss people you dislike with the word “Exterminatus” murmuring in your lips.


... you seriously consider summoning the Inquisition ipso facto when a brother BT suggests that you could take advantage of the latest FAQs to create a missile-spam BT army.

  • 2 weeks later...

You know you're a Templar when.....

.....after opening your xmas presents of your wife you have to summon all your restaint not to punch her in the chops when you see the ultramarine honour guard icon rather then the templars cross across the chest of a t-shirt (thank you relic/thq and your arse choice of chapter lol)

Oh lolz.


You know you're a Templar when your new 'Templar' film becomes Season of the Witch, just because the priest uses a holy book as an offensive weapon on a demon. To wit: Hitting it over the head. Shortly followed by his Templar friend headbutting another.


Look out; here comes the Bookmace.

  Jonny the Space Marine said:


You know you're a Black Templar when....


....the phrase Bookmace gives you a great idea for a conversion and sends you bounding down to your painting desk!


+1. OH! god Emperor yes!!! this I must do as well.

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