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You know you're a Black Templar when....


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Brother Roesor, you don't live in America? Damn, well you can just get one off of the Gamestop website or go for another type of deal. One of the deals involved owning a Powersword, another deal with heretic models, cannot remember the last one though. Never the less, no one will play as the Space Wolves haha! I agree with that Brother.
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You know you are a Templar when...


Even you get tired of this thread and think it needs to be left to die...


Only to be resurrected by a Neophyte a year later? ;)


It cannot be left to die. It must be shot, stabbed, slashed, skinned, drawn and quartered, burnt at the stake, reconstituted from its ashes to go through the whole process again, and then blasted out of an airlock into a black hole, which itself should subsequently be sealed off by some fancy 40k gizmo and cordoned with warning beacons from the =I=.


Extreme, maybe, but I already tried simply shooting it like 7 pages back ^_^

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You know you are a Templar when...


Even you get tired of this thread and think it needs to be left to die...

It cannot be left to die. It must be shot, stabbed, slashed, skinned, drawn and quartered, burnt at the stake, reconstituted from its ashes to go through the whole process again...

Kinda like those people I had in my basement.





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*Gasps in a over-dramatic tone* Brother Taio, have you committed heresy in this forum ;) I think you need to head to Chaplain Jasper for some attonment, unless those people were Heretics than we can all forget about it :3


...Until a Aspirant happens to find the dead bodies in your basement, > .>

Edited by Brother Uriel Sanguis
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*Cough* Well back upon the topic...

You know your a Black Templar if...

+You are the most badass chalupa in the world.

+Your friend says that he wants to kill himself, and you say "WHAT!? What about all the to be glorious battles filled with heretic blood being spilt!?" (Guilty)

+You start to believe that people on the forum really want you to be paddled by Chaplin Jasper X .X Of course, as a prank on a new Aspirant.

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The only sword you can imagine yourself holding is a longsword with the cross of Malta on its hilt.

You do something very awesome and yell "For Dorn and the Emperor!".

You talk to a girl who talked about her cat and the first thing you think and say is kill the psyker kitten!

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You know you're a Black Templar when:


On RTO Duty you End Radio traffic for units leaving base with May the Emperor Guide your path. (YEP still doing extra Duty)


When passing by your base Chaplin you ask where is his helm and mace. (he always says it's in the Chapel)


You try to find ways to turn your base QRF vehicles into Land Raider Crusaders (They won't let me near the trucks anymore.)


You try to trade your weapons in for a Sword claiming that you would rather fight the enemy like a man then like a child. ( They are still thinking of how to punish me for this one.)

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