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You know you're a Black Templar when....


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You know you're a Black Templar when....


...just like the Great Crusade, this thread will never end!


...when your favored tactic is to charge forward no matter the odds!


...unlike first founding chapters, you have the balls to say "Frag this Codex, we are going to fight like the bad asses we are!"

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Here is a recent one


My car's transmission somehow sustained internal damage that has produced some interesting effects.

1. It will no longer shift into reverse, ever.

2. It shifts strangely causes sudden "surges" when changing gears




"You might be a Templar if your vehicle never retreats and surges forward at random intervals"


They call it damage, I call it power of the machine spirit.

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Here is a recent one


My car's transmission somehow sustained internal damage that has produced some interesting effects.

1. It will no longer shift into reverse, ever.

2. It shifts strangely causes sudden "surges" when changing gears




"You might be a Templar if your vehicle never retreats and surges forward at random intervals"


They call it damage, I call it power of the machine spirit.



........Ok, that one was actually good. Just when I was ready to stop opening this thread, too.

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haven't read this in a while so apologies if its been said


you know your a templar when:

people calling your army "dark templars" invariably sets you off on a rant about how Blizzard stole from GW


Gotta keep the thread going!

Edited by Initiate of the Templar
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playing Space Marine, despite popping off baddies at extreme range with a Las cannon, being a Devastator just doesn't get you as pumped up as playing an Assault Marine. :devil:


When you playing Space Marine and all your conversation with your smurf teammate(s) consist of is how much his founding chapter sucks compared to our second founding. :)

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Just got back to B&C and ive laughed so hard, when i saw this!!!




You know your a Black Templar when....


....You keep buying more and more Marines just to be able to say you have over 6000 Black templars(guility,but still along way off :(

....When everyone at your lucky gaming store questions you about being able to field 14 land raiders in a FOC

....When you think fire bombing sections of your town for having latent pysker and/or mutant traits

....When your heart sings with Rightous fury everytime you see something relating to BT

....When you wish you could gather everyone who plays BT togather and party like its 999.M30(sorry i had to steal it >.<)

....When your greatest hope is that you can walk into school and start a purge of suspected mutants,heretics,and Pyskers

....You wish there was a Highschool where everyone play W40k and Black Templars were the Top dogs ;)

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When your friend brings Space Marine over, you play multiplayer for ten minutes and get two kills. And both of them make you cringe to the point of madness o.o


First was a Black Templar (Whom I at least swiched to melee to brutally stab repeatedly) and the second was a Fist >_<

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...To...rescue the kittens right? O.o After all they are our Lords and Masters, second only to the emperor.


Do not question the threat that xenos psyker kittens pose to the Emperor's dream for the galaxy. They are a combination of foul xenos, abominable witch, and deceptively cute kitten.
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You know you're a Templar when...


...The only words you say during battle are "5 billion wounds from my Crusader squad on your ______" and "DIE, KITTY, DIE!"


...When you start to see your cute little house cat with different eyes after reading this thread. (guilty)


...When your Emperor's Champion glances a Defiler to death after surviving approximately eight power weapon wounds that cause Instant Death. (guilty, and proud of it :lol: )



Just my five cents :D



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When during a battle with the foul xenos witches that call themselves Eldar, your emperors champion is the last survivor of his squad, in the middle of the enemy lines, unsupported. He gets shot by 2 dire avenger squads, both bladestorming, with Eldrad giving them all possible buffs and your EC debuffs. And not only does he live with 1 wound, he proceeds to kill Eldrad in a single phase. all of his wounds. even with his 2++ rerollable.


When the same EC slays a CSM daemon prince, a Necron lord + 2x10 man warrior squads, an entire squad of deathwing in a single phase, Logan and a wolfguard squad in a single phase, Sicarius, 3 sentinels in 1 phase, a keeper of secrets, and more. All in consecutive games.


When you yourself are trained in 6 different forms of sword fighting, 4 dagger forms, and have basic understanding and training of almost all medieval weapons. Which you also collect. As if that wouldn't be enough to apply for templarhood, you also have 11 years of marksmanship behind you, specializing in carbines, sniper rifles, and action / quick shoot. You have also had training in over 5 different styles of hand to hand combat. And everyone at your FLGS actually refers to you as "The scary templar guy, the guy who always wears black". And you don't mind.


Guilty of all of the above :D

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