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You know you're a Black Templar when....


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You know you were destined to be a BT player when you somehow came across a number of Knights Templar based cane heads and a belt buckle, old and worn. Seriously can't remember where I got them from, but was very young, a good 10 years before my first BT marine, the limitted edition EC. Can't find the cane heads(I have moved a lot) and the buckle has gone walk about but in the house somewhere.


Will have to find them.

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You know you're a Black Templar when you have the idea of getting a tattoo in your head for quite a long time already, and the only cool designs you keep coming up with are related to the BT's.


"Grandpa, what does that tattoo on your arm actually mean?" ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

You know you are Black Templar when;

1. You register just to participate in BT thread (guilty).

2. You bought BT codex even when you do not play TT (guilty).

3. You bought that hefty, expensive Deathwatch core rulebook even when you do not play rpg just because there is BT info there (guilty).

4. You bought that hefty, expensive Deathwatch core rulebook for second time just to repent for that little scratch on your BT relic cover (guilty).

5. Your signature is always the same no matter the forum (guilty).

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you know you're a templar when:


-even though the initiate w/a rocket launcher destroys 2 leman russ battle tanks in one game (2 consecutive shooting phases) you still think he should have a bp/cs


-the backdrop to your iphone is a maltesse cross with a skull in the middle (<-- guilty)

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...late at night you're assailed by guilt.


Because you love Star Wars.


The bad guys are fighting for a False Emperor and even the good guys are chock full o witches and malcontents and sassy robots and xenos!


Is there no end!?

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when you read all 17 pages IN ONE SITTING

when you sign up to this site based purley on this thread

when you post here knowing full well it will annoy a few people

when you have researched the knights templar every night for a week to help with building your army.

you can recite

A Templar Knight is truly a fearless knight, and secure on every side, for his soul is protected by the armour of faith, just as his body is protected by the armour of steel. He is thus doubly armed, and need fear neither demons nor men."

— Bernard de Clairvaux, c. 1135, De Laude Novae Militae—In Praise of the New Knighthood

from memory :D

when you pay £8.20 just for a set of forgeworld storm shields

Edited by Reeeen0690
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...late at night you're assailed by guilt.


Because you love Star Wars.


The bad guys are fighting for a False Emperor and even the good guys are chock full o witches and malcontents and sassy robots and xenos!


Is there no end!?



You are part of the rebel alliance and a traitor, take him away.

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You know you are a Black Templar when you are outnumbered by Lamenters in a tournament.


When your codex only has two heros when your chapter's number's exceed that of even the Space Wolves and Ultramarines,


When you are dissapointed in the High Marshall Helbrecht model.

Edited by Brother Rathul
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  • 2 weeks later...

When you see an Ork player field nothing but models and you do the same.....


"On this battlefield today a Black Tide came about and washed over all that was not clean in the Emperor's eyes. Nothing was left but the Rightous, the Brave, and the Chosen."

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  • 4 weeks later...

...when you realize that this thread has the special rule 'Only in Death Does Duty End' because it will take more than some lack of attention to kill it.


...when you think of how cool it would be to have a Daemon Prince, and then realize that it could never be more awesome without Black Templar Shoulder pads and a full Tabard rather than all of that Heretical nonsense.

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I am not a player, but I know this guy who:


...broke his arm during a game and continued playing until the last turn. Then he passed out.




Prog got a bit overly vigirous throwing the dice for assault.

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When you always roll up a Black Templars Character while playing Deathwatch RPG.


Despite knowing you have a Black Templar army, when your Dark Heresy/Deathwatch GM decides you will not be running the Black Templar Deathwatch group member, you walk away from your RPG group.

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You know you're a Black Templar when....


You field the EC, a Marshal, and a MOS every game because... because why not.

You have a Champion for every vow and two more for AAC.

You model an assault marine squad with two swords each, who needs guns.

you have enough chaplains to field any war gear combination.

You model a squad of chaplain neophytes and call them sword brethren, because any templar is more of a chaplain than a smurf chaplain.


You have bought other marine bits because you are sure they would look better black.

You bought a Dark Angels codex, cannot find it and actually start to think your Templars may have hidden it.

You have fielded an army where nothing has a range over 24"

You have fielded an army that technically has six heavy support choices

You have fielded an army that is all drop podded in (that thankfully do not show up on turn one)


Your ten items into this list and realize you should stop


The only person you're willing to play with in team tournaments is your friend that plays Sisters (planning on using him as cannon fodder the whole time)

The guard army your working on has nothing but flamers and melts.

You own two copies of Helsreach and two copies of the one true codex.

You bring a Holy Orb of Antioch to all your games

You laugh at your friends who plays Word Bearers and World Eaters because you do it better without all the chaos stuff.


You have purged failing dice with cleansing flame (propane torch + dice + cold water = dead dice)

you take time to model your neophytes and initiates in matched pairs

your torn over buying Space Marine because you would have to play a smurf in the campaign

you read this thread in one tab and write a reply in another

You keep one copy of Helsreach next to the "golden throne" and the other with your codex


venerable brother stumpy and his two friends just mulched a unit of bloodcrushers and all you can think to say is "I thought you Khorn fellers were good in close combat".

your forum avatar picture and phones background picture are both Templars.

Your stalking Graham McNiell both to get him to sign your codex and to kneel in worship of his glory for writing said codex


your twenty three items into this list and realize cannot seem to stop.



All true, a decade of playing Templars results in a lot of stuff

Post script joking about the stalking but not about wanting my codex signed

Edited by Acunnon
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You know you´re a BT when:



- you think that 'tactics' is something that only happens to the other, lesser chapters


- you fully understand and appreciate the 'protect humankind' part of your job. The way you see it, it just

doesn´t apply to the humans who happen to be on the same planet as you and the enemy, for pragmatic reasons.


- consequently, you know 573 different words/paraphrases for 'collateral damage'


- you refer to a salamander as a 'human-hugger'


- your fellow assault termies bitch an moan about their thunder hammers and want thunder axes/swords instead.

Until they get said weapons, they attach chain swords to their thunder hammers


- for unknown reasons, you don´t want to count over 1000


- you're getting a bit short-tempered (well, more than usual) whenever a Dark Angel is around


- you think that Sisters of Battle and Inquisitiors are borderline atheists



- you think the only way to prime an EC is with a nice IF yellow


- you think that 'Get out of my city' is the most epic one-liner ever

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When you bump into a friend you haven't seen for months and have to explain that you did in fact change over to Space Marines for a good while and in fact painted a whole company, and he's now actually seeing your RETURN to Templardom, rather than it's continuation. And that they are shiny new ones among them.
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You know your a Black Templar

- When you laugh at your ally who's entire Death Company was eliminated by heretics and you only removed 2 Neophytes.

- When you call your buddies heretics for allowed a warp tainted Librarian among their ranks


Also, When you call everyone who plays an Assassin's Creed game a Heretic for slandering the name of Templar

Edited by Sword Brethren Jagner
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